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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. 12 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Anybody complaining about the Targaryen family tree needs to take a hard look at what's going on in PC with Sonny and everyone related to him. 

    When Kristina and Dante were arguing about whose mother is more opinionated and controlling, MB did this strange little snickering sound. I couldn't help thinking what was going through Sonny's mind was "Yeah, I remember how opinionated they are. I slept with both of them!"

    Sonny's insane fertility somehow plays weirder now that some of his kids are adults running around Port Charles and sharing scenes.

    • LOL 4
  2. "ForMIDable" must have been on someone's word-of-the-day toilet paper. It keeps turning up in dialogue. 

    When Elizabeth told Ava that she had only seen Nikolas in love one other time before he met Ava, at first I was thinking she meant Gia. We have had a few Gia mentions recently. But then I thought, oh that's right: Emily. There's no one else she could have meant.

    I definitely think they led us to believe the Tyler version of Nikolas was in love a few other times, including with Liz herself.

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  3. Honestly, while it's become the narrative that Chavez was bad for the first day or first two days and then drastically improved, I thought he was fine out of the gate, and I expressed it then. Viewers sometimes take time to warm up to someone new too. And as we've seen from clues (like coming-and-going temporary recasts who did all the scenes on a particular set, with the footage then spread out), we don't always get perfect sequence. The material of NAC's first air day may not have been his first day's work. 

    I am another who remembers seeing the weeping over the replacement of Bechtel. Some people were saying Spencer had always been a lovable, manic little scamp, and the new actor was nothing like that. But adult versions of soap characters rarely line up with the child versions when there is SORAS. BryDawg's douchebro bipolar gambler version of Morgan was a million miles from Aaron Refvem's preteen Morgan, for example. Kirsten Storms has never seemed to me plausibly the same person as the child Maxie.

    Even adult soap characters, when one adult actor takes over for another, can go in a different direction. Within reason, it's a good idea to write to the strengths of the person you have.

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  4. Today in "Wardrobe Fails." I know this is small potatoes for GH, but Michael's shirt isn't a good fit. Either it's shrunk in the laundry or it's something they had in Michael's rotation when the actor was a little smaller (no shame). Anyway, now it's tight, and not in a sexy way.

    Michael Sam.png

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  5. The actress with cerebral palsy was Maysoon Zayid, who was on in 2019-20. She played Zahra, who represented Shiloh in his attempt to get custody of "Wiley" (Willow's baby, who in reality was dead). She came back later and got Nelle acquitted of one of her crimes.

    On the picture of Liz and Sarah: It wasn't on screen for long, but I could tell it wasn't Jennifer Sky, the original Sarah. And I didn't think it was the recast, Sarah Laine (who now apparently bills herself as "Sarah D'Laine"), either. Neither Laine nor Rebecca Herbst looked like that in 2002 when they were playing sisters. So I assumed it was Herbst at about the right age with some real-life relative or friend. Maybe using an image (even a still) of one of the Sarah actresses would have been more complicated.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I find it really hard to believe that soccer mom Carly is the kind of person who stores all her phone data on the cloud.

    Well, we know she's hip to The Cloud, because it was a plot point when she had that blackmail video of Ava and Paul sexing it up. (I'm still not sure why that was blackmail material, but that was the story.) Ava, I think, managed to wrest the phone out of Carly's hands and delete it, and Carly sneered, "It's in The Cloud, Ava!" I think she said it a few more times in subsequent episodes.  

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  7. 43 minutes ago, tessaray said:

    Curtis and Jordan were already separated when I started watching again. I can't really remember if they had any chemistry but he has none with this Jordan.

    Donnell Turner had some chemistry with Jordan #1 (Vinessa Antoine), and they made an attractive couple to look at.

    When Jordan #2 (Briana Nicole Henry) took over, most of the interest went out of them as a couple, for me. Of the three Jordans, BNH was probably the most believable as a tough authority figure, but I don't think she had chemistry with anyone. At least in this role, she was very "hard." She did her best work when she was fighting with someone.  

    I agree with you about Curtis and Jordan #3 (Tanisha Harper). 

    Jordan seems like a role that someone could do something with. Even allowing that any law enforcement character on this show will be ineffectual, she's an interesting character on paper. But I don't think any of the three women cast in the role so far has ticked every box. The first was my favorite overall...and I wouldn't have said I loved her when she was in the role. She just looks better in retrospect.  

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  8. 10 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    The police commissioner walking around wearing black leather gloves while carrying around a hook? What in the hell is wrong with these writers??!!

    It reminded me of this.  

    I often think of something from the great period of The Simpsons when I'm watching bad TV/movies. The Simpsons skewered so many conventions that bad TV/movies are still playing straight. Thirty years later.

    • LOL 3
  9. Finn blabbing about the hook was in key with those two nurses loudly talking about Brando's case...using names. They were like a poorly acted video that hospital employees would have to watch on the first day to learn about HIPAA rules. I half expected a red X to appear over them.

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  10. 2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I guess I always equated infectious with unusual/unexplained infections, not something as well-known as sepsis.

    If there is ID on a hospital's staff, they'll usually be asked to evaluate and give their thoughts on septic patients. There has to be an antibiotic regimen tailored to the underlying infection, and it's such a potentially grave situation.

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  11. Hannah Scott, Angel Ellis, and Reese Marshall (three failed Sonny love interests from 1999-2005) would make a good "death is not an option." They all had some fans, but they were few and far between. I guess Reese was the least bad of them. Kari Wuhrer was no great thespian, and her "porn faces" in love scenes got a lot of mockery on boards, but she was less amateurish than Lisa Vultaggio and Angel Boris. And at least Reese had a soapy backstory. 

    I did like Reese the day she beat Carly's ass, and Carly was whining for sympathy from men...and not getting it. ("Look what Reese did to me!") 

    On 9/16/2022 at 12:19 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

    Can someone give me the thumbnail of how Charlotte Roberts was alive when she was supposedly killed in a car accident when she and Carly were teenagers?  Thanks!

    Someone may have answered this already in the episode thread, but Reese was said to have survived the car accident and required extensive facial reconstruction (similar to how they explained Billy Miller not looking like Steve Burton). Reese's mother, who never appeared until just recently, told everyone she had died in the crash, when she was just away recovering. 

    Reese was in GH for some minor thing, and Monica noticed on x-rays that she had had a lot of facial surgeries. That's how they foreshadowed her identity reveal.

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  12. @KayVeeTeeVee: Reese came and went in 2005, but was around a while. She was an FBI agent who had a relationship with Sonny. (A story that already had been done once with Hannah Scott.) She initially came to town to help find Kristina, but then she started building a case against Sonny, then found herself attracted to him, etc.

    Reese turned out to be Charlotte Roberts, Carly's childhood friend from Florida, whom Carly had thought dead. But now they hated each other, and they had catfights. Carly at that time was played by Jennifer Bransford.

    Reese died from injuries sustained in a patented Guza sweeps event, a train crash. The actress, Kari Wuhrer, later sued ABC for wrongful termination, claiming she was let go because she was pregnant.

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  13. 15 hours ago, driver18 said:

    What do Ava and Joss have in common? They're close to Trina, but not family.

    When I was reading along, the first thing that came to my mind is, "Blondes." Now that would be a left turn, wouldn't it? It's no one we know, just some random psycho targeting blond women, like in Hitchcock's The Lodger. That would mean Nina, Maxie, Felicia, and Nurse Amy should watch out. Laura is safely off the map.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

    Not a reference to the TV station (WJM) from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, then.  Darn.

    I think these three started their band when they were in sixth grade. I have a terrible suspicion that if you asked any of them who Mary Tyler Moore was, they'd guess she was an important female historical figure from the Civil War or something. 

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  15. 8 hours ago, Blackie said:

    Is WJM the name of William LIpton's band or is that the acronym?

    It's the band's name. They were originally a trio: William, Jeremy, and Max, and the name was, obviously, their initials. But I think Max is not involved anymore. Their website only lists William and Jeremy as active members.

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  16. Nelle went over the cliff in an episode that aired on September 1, 2020. So, an anniversary of that works well enough. I think there were some news preemptions that pushed current episodes forward a bit. 

    The Sasha/Lucy confrontation was UCG. Always-manic Lucy, raging-manic Sasha, and that hammy day player so proud that he scored video of the latest outburst from "the basket case of Deception." There have been so many parallels in this story that I'm waiting for Sasha to start posting word salad over videos of herself twirling around on "Immediagram." 

    • LOL 1
  17. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    One thing that kind of bugged me was when Elizabeth was worried she might have hooked Ava because she'd hurt Chase, but the situations were completely different. I wish Finn had pointed that out. Elizabeth has no reason to hurt Ava. Ava standing in front of the Q boathouse wasn't any sort of threat, no matter what fugue state Elizabeth was in. 

    True, but Emily was just standing in the park and wasn't any threat to Carly when Carly gutted her with that gardening tool, or whatever it was. Very similar attacks. In that case, there wasn't an intended mystery angle, so they allowed us to see it through Carly's eyes: she was perceiving Emily as Faith. 

    I'm not saying Elizabeth was Ava's attacker, but they could do that, and have the explanation be that she was not seeing Ava but this woman she was telling to stay away from her father in the headless flashbacks. 

    On another topic: Crying/vulnerability is the chink in JPS's acting armor. I really don't like listening to him in scenes like those, and it isn't because I feel such tenderness toward the character Valentin that I'm upset for him. It's just...not good.

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  18. 31 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

    I don't know about you, but I'm concerned about Nina's car. She never did take out the desserts. There must be melted chocolate , spoiled whipped cream etc sitting in there for hours.

    They'll be talking for years about how she ruined the party. The stabbing will be an afterthought. Nina said she was going to bring the desserts over, but of course, she really just wanted to parade her relationship with Sonny in front of everyone. Hasn't that woman done enough damage? If she had any shame, she would leave town and start over somewhere else.

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  19. 13 hours ago, jsbt said:

    Did he cheat on Gia or (shudder) Britt?

    No real cheating on Gia, but he dumped her and pretended to be in love with Elizabeth to make Helena think he was toeing the line (Helena and Stefan both found Gia "unsuitable" for him, and it definitely looked race-related). Then, in the Nem period with Natalia and Tyler, they had Nikolas saying when he was with Gia, he was secretly thinking about absent Emily, even when they were looking at a wedding dress.

    So he's always been a shitty partner.  

    Today's show: When Willow was hemming and hawing so much before spitting out the leukemia news, I just knew there was going to be some dumb thing to prevent it coming out. What it turned out to be was even dumber than I anticipated. This is a Sonny I can put up with. Especially when he's opposite Michael, who is regressing to the Dylan Cash version. I liked the Sonny/Olivia scene. 

    I still find Ava and Nikolas cute together; I can't help it. But the current hairstyle on Nikolas just makes their not-very-significant age difference seem wider. So does direction like having her lead him out of a room.  

    It's a low bar, but Jordan III's scenes with Marshall re: schizophrenia, forgiveness, and dead Tommy were her best showing since she got the role. 

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  20. 57 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    I forgot to add this yesterday and it’s probably an UO but Eddie Maine always made me cringe so this is the last story I want them revisiting. I think WK can sing and is great when Ned was singing the occasional ballad to his LOs but Ned as this badass rock star who had all of the college aged girls swooning? No, not all. 

    Not just you. Eddie Maine was always a weird sell, I never believed that what he did would have mass appeal to young adults of that era. Also, if he really were as big a musical celebrity as they were making it seem, then the rest of his life as Ned Ashton was implausibly disconnected from it. It always seemed a vanity sop to an actor, so Wally Kurth could sing and wear leather pants. 

    Then there was the nonsense with Alexis being surprised by the photographers while wearing lingerie and waiting for Ned, and becoming an unwilling nationwide pinup as "Eddie's Angel." She was hyperventilating all the time from anxiety about it. The only thing less convincing than Ned as a rock star of the '90s was Alexis as fantasy material for that era's college boys. (Nothing against Nancy Lee Grahn's looks. She was is and attractive.)

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  21. 12 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Nikolas has always been one of the dimmer characters, even when Tyler Christopher was in the role. MC has a duh face that doesn't help things, though.

    Yeah, the character has been getting demeaning writing for years. He hasn't seemed to be someone any writing/production regime cared about making look good since...maybe a couple years into Nem? Pre-Connor? (I'm not saying they succeeded in making him look good in the triangle with Emily and Zander, or the falling out with Stefan, but that was clearly the objective.) 

    Since the mid-aughts, he's spent most of his time doing sleazy things, being an ineffectual quasi-villain who's easily exposed, being duped/manipulated, or getting beaten up. 

    I thought when they went to the trouble of recasting and bringing him back, it might be a new chapter, but no. Coloma had most of his best moments in his first six months. It was all downhill after the Nikolas/Valentin war ended. I do think it's the writing more than the actor. He's the least interesting character in the present Wyndemere set. 

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  22. 17 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Then Cody gets all wooby pissed and exclaims that Dante's not the same guy as he was.  Yeah, a twelve year old boy at summer camp without a care in the world will not be the same as the forty year old cop, who's father is a mob boss, who's raising a kid on his own, because his ex wife is in a coma, while being forced to date Miss Boring McWhisperer (!!). 

    It's possible he really isn't the same guy, though. Dante had enormous scars on his back from torture overseas when they were telling his "brainwashed" story. Now he's hanging out at the pool, sitting in the steam room, having love scenes with Sam, and any other soap-opera shirtlessness justification, and his back looks perfect. Poor continuity, or...an impostor?!?  😁

    Probably an unpopular opinion, but I prefer Duell to Tiny Temp Michael. I know it isn't easy to just get thrown into ongoing stories when you don't know all the leadup, but this guy is off in strange ways. He distances me from the scenes more than some other recent temps have, like the ones for Alexis and Taggert.

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