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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. The whole story makes her look like an idiot. Fine, everything was done to have Jason carrying Sam in his arms and sitting by her hospital bed. It's the genre. But they couldn't have thought up something better to put her in danger than Liz's basement steps, which a small child had just managed without incident? How do they expect us to get off this? Every time she's raring to go in some dangerous situation, I'm going to think, "I hope there aren't any stairs!" Every time she derides some other woman as helpless, I'm going to think, "Says the woman who can't walk down stairs." 

    • Love 8
  2. If Becky goes, I would prefer that Liz go as well. I have been an on-and-off DOOL viewer for years (presently "off"). I'd check her out on that show and stick around if I decided the show was in one of its upswings. Last time such was the case for me was early in the Will/Sonny storyline, with the first of the adult Wills.


    BH wouldn't necessarily have to be a new character on DOOL. There is such an enormous network of defunct characters with significant ties that she could come back as someone who hasn't been on in a while. 

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  3. And I find it ridiculous that for the kind of house that Liz has, that the steps of her basement look like steps that would be found in some old warehouse or barn.


    My building has that kind of steps to the basement. So they're still out there. Whether it matches up with the rest of the sets for Liz's house, I don't know.


    But Sam's fall was foreshadowed recently by her stumble into Jason's arms on steps at the place where she has lived, so I'm sticking to my reading of "user error," personally.

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  4. It's sad how far daytime has fallen. I remember when even the Soap Opera Digest Awards were televised, and had decent production values. Stupid Austin from Days yelling "Whoo!" at the top of his lungs while Ingo and Shemar tried not to look embarrassed...good times. Then just a few years later I was reading about an unheated ballroom, and one of the Olsen twins having a roach in her food. 

  5. I would never want to find the episode on YouTube and watch it in whole, but early during the Laura Wright Carly period, wasn't there an episode in which the men and women separately were having a night out at the bars and talking about how wonderful Carly was...and this was literally the whole hour? The men fantasized about her, the women wanted to be her? Among the women who wanted to be her were her archenemies Robin and Liz. Among the men fantasizing about her, her cousin Lucky.


    This is a distant, bad memory, so please tell me I am overstating it. 

  6. Yeah, well. Let's see if, when Jason eventually finds her, there's any turning of a key in a lock, or macho breaking down of the door. (It would be funny if his momentum from ramming into the door with his shoulder carried him down the steps too, in a visual echo of Nikolas on the balcony.) Or let's see if he just turns the knob and it opens, which would cast doubt on the cutting-room-floor chatter. 


    Anyway, Sam crawling up stairs and finding the door locked wouldn't have made up for her being a woman who's pushing 40 (at least, the actress is) and can't walk down steps. 

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  7. It never really hit me until that scene with Carly telling Kiki, "You [and Morgan] bring out the best and the worst in each other" that Kiki/Morgan as Sonny and Carly: The Next Generation is what they're going for. I was not even half-kidding when I wrote in the episode thread "headstrong blond woman who does whatever she wants, bipolar asshole with bad hair..."


    So I'm expecting, now that Morgan has thrown his pills in the garbage and is drinking, we're going to get a lot of scenes of Kiki turning to Carly for guidance, and Carly telling her to be brave and strong, if you love a man like this you have to love him with your whole heart and not just a piece of it, blah blah blah. 

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  8. They did if they read things like TV Guide and watched the infotainment shows like ETbecause Rashad and the show were very open about her being pregnant and the decision to shoot around it. But that was pre-internet, so maybe people out of the media loop didn't congregate as much and say, "Hey, Claire is always behind the kitchen counter or with a big bedspread over her."


    Kate on Kate & Allie likewise. Counters, bedspreads, one time a bathtub filled with bubbles... 


    Women are different, though. They didn't write Liz's 2001 pregnancy in, and it was so obvious. Becky's face changed a lot. The Stavros/Ice Princess thing was going on, and she was right in the middle of it. 

  9. That's basically what happened to Denise Alexander in 1984. She asked GM to put her on a shorter schedule, and GM responded by killing Lesley off instead.


    Also Genie Francis in 2002. She wanted a contract more like Tony Geary's, and Jill Farren Phelps wasn't going for that. Not only did they write her out with the Rick Webber plot and make her a wig on a stick for years, but JFP said in an interview that Genie needed to take some time and decide whether she really wanted to be on General Hospital.

  10. I hate the contrivance of a character talking about something in a very veiled way for no good reason other than that if s/he just spat it out, the story would resolve itself more quickly. "I didn't mean to, Mommy!" "I didn't mean to hurt her."  "Are you mad at me?" Instead of, you know, "Hey, Sam stopped by and fell down the stairs. Did you find her?"


    It's typical soap writing, though. Remember the Jacob Young Lucky's stupid ass yelling at the top of his lungs about seeing "the monster" and Laura asking him what "monster" he was talking about, when at that point in the story, there was no good reason for him not to say "Stavros"? (The Jacob Young Lucky was, by the way, supposed to be an adult. The scenes played like a woman and her four-year-old.)

    • Love 3
  11. I'm not sure if they've ever gotten around to Carly/Luke


    Geez, I hope not. He's her mom's brother. 


    Someone mentioned above that Carly had been aged to suit Laura Wright. Has she, though? LW is a little younger than the actress she immediately placed (Jennifer Bransford), and only a year older than Tamara Braun. At least by the given ages, Sarah Brown is the youngest Carly. 

  12. I loved early Zander. I hated him by the end, even though I knew it was Guza/Pratt's fault. They just set about annihilating him from the moment Steve Burton/Jason returned. Zander was one of the very few characters to flourish in the McTavish/JFP period (his collusion with Sonny in the meathook plot aside). 


    One of the things I remember most about past GH is when he was dancing with Maxie in her bedroom (I think).


    I hope it wasn't the horrible Maxie. I know he was saddled with her (between Robyn Richards Part One and Robyn Richards Part Two) for part of the time.

  13. I always thought Vultaggio was at least a half-decent actress


    There have been worse (like that incredibly bad Maxie recast -- the busty one who always said "exspecially"), but in my opinion, half-decent is too generous. LV was pretty, but very dead-eyed and wooden in her expressions and line readings. She did improve a little over time, and she and Hannah did not bother me so much when she was interacting with Taggert and AJ toward the end of her run. 


    I think one of the other problems with Hannah was the Poochie Syndrome. It was so obvious that she was earmarked to be a new audience favorite. She was on constantly from the start; she was interacting with all of the central characters; Bobbie seemed to like her more than her own daughter (okay, admittedly...); Lisa's face was plastered on billboard advertisements. Too much too soon. You need a great performer if you're going to make that work. But various EPs have made the same mistake again and again. It didn't even work with Melissa Bedford a couple years later, and in that case, Jensen Buchanan was a great performer and acted the hell out of it to no avail.  


    The audience likes it more when they feel they make someone successful. Chad Brannon was wonderful with Amber Tamblyn at the beginning of his run, and I think the response to him had something to do with Zander becoming as important as he was for a while. But I never had the sense that the show had a sweaty determination to "make Chad Brannon happen." 

    • Love 1
  14. And yeah, MB tanked Angel and IMO he was right to


    He definitely seemed asleep in the Angel story, but that was more like a story aborted. Sonny and Angel never even did anything, to the best of my knowledge. They certainly never made it to bed.


    Sonny and Hannah went on for a pretty long damn time, almost all of 1999, and there was a lot of stuff out there about him and Burton ridiculing the actress as "Two-Take Lisa." So I still think Lisa Vultaggio was the nameless actress he meant when he said he had a memory of one time when he was paired with an actress and he tried to make it work and she wasn't giving him enough, and it went on for nine months (or whatever length of time he gave -- again, Boris aired for four, and probably was on the set shooting for considerably less than that), and he started resisting it. 


    But the moral of the story, really, is that Maurice Benard is the biggest high-maintenance divo on GH besides Tony Geary. Not really news. 


    Re: Sonny strapping a bomb to himself and blowing up the penthouse. That aired the summer before 9/11. Then when the show acknowledged 9/11 with a candlelight memorial in Port Charles, of course they had Sonny front and center.

    • Love 3
  15. I just don't get the appeal of off-the-grid girl. That "Ring of Fire" was an embalming. 


    Thomas Stringfellow won me over a little when he was happy about getting picked and he asked J-Lo if it was okay to hug her, instead of just doing it. He's a gentleman. It made up for the girlfriend drama. When they gave it such a heavy intro, I thought they were going to say she died in a car accident. 

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