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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. From what I've seen on social media, however, Bry-dawg and and Duelly are tight, yo. So while Chad may want a better story for Michael, I don't think he resents the attention BC is presently getting.  


    I could be wrong, of course. Many actors are cutthroat, competitive types, even with their friends. But these two obviously hang out and do a lot of things together that aren't necessarily part of the job, judging by photos that get posted. There seems to be a lot of affection among that part of the cast, the various portrayers of Sonny's male and female children and MB himself.  

  2. The Crew: Daytime legend Tony Geary presides over a McLaughlin-style panel show, with soap royalty Roger Howarth, Maurice Benard, the guy who plays Max, and Bryan Craig taking part in a freewheeling, no-holds-barred discussion of social issues and trends from the masculine perspective. Get The View...savor The Chew...kick back with The Crew

    • Love 17
  3. Daughtry's happy dance over Dalton's advancing was very cute. Overall, he seemed sincerely into this experience and I think more highly of him now.  


    I put my finger on who Olivia Rox reminds me of, physically: Shannon, the bitchy pretty girl on the early seasons of Lost.

    • Love 2
  4. You know what I was getting out of Monaco's performance? Sam really badly wanted a case and wanted something to do, but felt like she had to be all "I haven't forgotten what you've done" and go through the motions of telling him off (very halfheartedly). Then she was relieved when he played the Spencer card and she had a face-saving justification for taking the case.


    Nikolas was in control of the scene, though. He correctly read the situation: the fact that she summoned her limited reserves of physical energy to get off the couch and take the meeting showed what she wanted to do. So he threw her the bone of praising her work, but he sure wasn't wasting any displays of remorse on her. 


    I'm sure she will do a good job of investigating Rebecca Budig as long as any locations she has to visit are single-level or have elevators.  


    I actually liked today's show pretty well. Paul and Anna made all that explanation dramatically compelling, somehow, and the Morgan scenes were almost good camp. Honestly, though, sometimes it seems that what Morgan really inherited genetically is boorishness, from both sides.  

    • Love 3
  5. It would be funny if this new Roy guy turned out to be a recast of A Martinez's character. I mean, there's obviously the involvement with organized crime. They could have him run into Bobbie and she'd be all, "You!" even though he looks decades younger.  

  6. What depth did he find in a groupie coming to his door with a license to love, and it was so great she was screaming more, more, more?


    I will make an effort to interpret the Dalton version.  


    Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door

    Last night a little angel Came pumpin' cross my floor

    She said "Come on baby I got a license for love

    And if it expires pray help from above'


    In the midnight hour she cried more, more, more

    With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more

    In the midnight hour babe more, more, more

    With a rebel yell more, more, more

    More, more, more


    Perhaps his angsty reinterpretation is from the point of view of a theater kid whose female best friend, who's studying dance, is hung up on another guy in their circle. She comes over to his place late at night, wearing pumps, to complain about her problems with her boyfriend. The part about her license to love expiring means she's afraid the other guy is tiring of her, and she hopes not, because she's still really into him. Dalton's character is trying to let her know that he doesn't want to talk about this subject anymore, without giving away that he's into her himself, which he only writes about in his journal. But she's like, "No! You're my best friend, and what you have to say is valuable to me! More!" 


    Poignant youth drama worthy of Everwood!

    • Love 4
  7. I guess I am in a party of one, because I found Dalton's performance revolting, perhaps due to my age.


    I don't have anything against Dalton himself, but I didn't like that "Rebel Yell." Back on TWoP, when the site founders were still there, some of the recappers used to describe those indulgent, whiny female singers as "ovaries," and the subsequent male equivalent was "testicles." It would read "Dawson kisses Joey as a testicle sings about 'finding my way back to you'." Well, Dalton was a very sensitive testicle in that "Rebel Yell." I didn't see what it had to do with that song, other than a very mechanical and theatrical version of "making it your own."


    But the whole hour leading up was so painfully "undercard" that of course he and Olivia Rox seemed great by comparison. It's a shame they can only cut four of these chokers.  

    • Love 6
  8. They could bring back Kristina (UGH) and not Sarah?


    I am a Liz fan, and I think I'd be more into the idea of Liz's siblings being back on the canvas if the casting hadn't failed for them four out of four times in the Liz era. Both of the Sarahs were awful actresses (I mean...every single under-40 woman presently on GH is better than those two, except for the Darby actress), and the second Sarah had terrible writing as well. The Stevens were better, in that I could see them working in some role, but they were all wrong for that one. So in all four cases, my reaction to the characters leaving town ranged from "not sorry" to "thank God."  

  9. I know for a fact he had a fit during the meat hook SL, and was basically told to just do his job. I'm sure there have been other things he's hated, but that sticks in my mind particularly, because I think both him and Billy talked about it and I think in one interview both mentioned that he apologized to Billy beforehand about what his character had to do.


    Well...I also know that he was at a fan event in 2001 when that story was actually unfolding, over a weekend when AJ was Sonny's prisoner but was still holding out while Sonny brought alcohol in to tempt him et cetera, and the Mo/Sonny faithful asked "Does AJ sign those papers?" It was reported he answered, "You're ___damn right he signs them!" and seemed quite upbeat.


    Maybe he had conflicted feelings about the story, and maybe he was just playing to the home crowd with that, but...I've just always remembered it. I wasn't there, but the source was trustworthy.  

    • Love 2
  10. Shouldn't sweeps be a time when stories are climaxing?


    So, that definitely rules out sex between Morgan and Kiki! 




    In the list of past Sonny vileness: What about the time he threw money on the floor and forced whatshername to crawl for it? Courtney's croupier mother...Janine? That and a scene with Faith in which he twisted her arms behind her back and forced a very rapey kiss on her to humiliate her in front of the other mob bosses, were (at that time) the two most disturbing Sonny scenes I had ever seen. We were all younger then, and more innocent.  


    I thought Mo was referring to something he did as an actor.


    Paid an even shorter person to crouch down and act as a human prompter? Guess we'll know if there's a scene with a long speech and he keeps glancing down.  

    • Love 5
  11. My DVR guide synopsis for this episode said, "Anna is drawn into Dillon's world." So many jokes. "Dillon's world...where the earth really is flat!"  "Dillon's world...put the key in the front door and you break the back window!"  "So, Finola Hughes is going to be the sexy girl in the next cover video?"


    I hope Jake is all better after his stay at Shriners Hospital for Children® in Philadelphia. Of course, I have great faith that that will be the case. Shriners Hospitals for Children® have been doing outstanding work since 1922. In fact, the first Shriners Hospital for Children®, in Shreveport, Louisiana, specialized in pediatric orthopedic care. I hope there will not be any awkwardness between Liz and Jason during their trip with Jake to Shriners Hospital for Children®. I did feel they made too big of a deal over Sam's beneficence. I hardly expected her to say, "No, it will upset me if you go with your other son to Shriners Hospital for Children®."  

    • Love 7
  12. Is the rumor I heard that both Lucas AND Brad managed to stumble onscreen Friday true?


    At first I thought the question was literally, did they stumble when they were on screen? I was flashing back in my mind, not remembering them doing anything except sit and stand. I was about to answer, "No, that's Sam's beat."  

    • Love 4
  13. And even if Hayden should be thankfull to Liz for keeping her alive, Hayden has no way of knowing that.


    Well...she definitely should know that Liz kept Nikolas alive so they could have their beautiful ceremony in Vegas. She was right there in the ER when it was announced to all that if not for Liz's mad nursing skillz, Nikolas would have bled out from that artery he cut in his fall from the balcony. It might have taken a year or more for him to be improbably resurrected if that had happened.  

    • Love 3
  14. I didn't help that KeMo's character was supposed to be shot up with painkillers. Nothing like telling an already low-energy actress to be even more low-energy!


    Well, one never knows. Maybe she got the scripts that said "SAM [sleepily]:" and "Sam lies on the couch, exhausted" and "Sam, with the last of her energy, drags herself across the basement floor," and she said, "Finally! They're writing to my strengths!" 

    • Love 3
  15. Oracle42, I agree with your read of Curtis/Jordan, but about this:  


    There is just nothing between Curtis/Valerie. No spark, no chem, nada.


    What I'm getting from Curtis, who is played by a very interesting actor, is a purely physical interest. Which I can see. But when he's acting as though he's interested in her as a person, I'm not buying it. It doesn't have anything to do with my not finding her interesting as a person; I don't have that much of a problem with Valerie. I just think he's coming off as somebody who has found a hot piece of ass and probably already has an escape route mapped out. For what that's worth.  


    I think if I were writing a parody of a soap, I'd do something like the Curtis/Jordan story and just never fully explain it. Keep having them snipe at each other and add little details without ever connecting the dots. Like, now we've gotten a reference to cocaine, and the next time they're on together, have him say, "You weren't so innocent yourself in those days. I haven't forgotten what happened on that goat farm. A lot of other people haven't, either," and have Jordan look panicked. Then never bring up a goat farm again.  

    • Love 5
  16. The less said about the Jason/Sam scenes the better--though it's pretty dumb that they dragged the story for over a year and now are going at breakneck speed to reunite the stupor couple without much buildup.


    "Stupor couple" is great. And so apt in this case, with Billy's lack of affect and Kelly's neurasthenia.   


    As I cannot stand them together, the half-assedness of it is all that's making it amusing to me. "Hey, I remember something! And something else! Did I used to say that? Did we do this? I remember that! Let's make out!" 

    • Love 6
  17. I finally figured out who Nathan reminds me of, with his stiff, stoic, man-of-few-words quality and limited range of vocal tone: David Puddy on Seinfeld. They should get him the 8-ball jacket and have him start asking Dante for high-fives.   

    • Love 4
  18. DG's Michael was whiny.  Sort of like Morgan is now where everyone is wrong and he's just misunderstood.  I didn't like DG's version at all.  His Michael was always angry and always whining.  Jmo


    I liked Drew Garrett at the time, and was sorry when the announcement was made that he had been let go after less than a year, but I prefer Chad Duell. Someone could make a case that the DG version of Michael was easier to connect to Dylan Cash's "Red Menace" version, meaning, "A little asshole had grown up to be a bigger, if better-looking asshole." But DG was a bit one-note compared to Duell, and I don't think it was all the writing. 

    • Love 1
  19. Lauren Alaina was definitely not my bag on her season, either musically or in the personality she presented ("If I sing that song, they'll think I'm EEEEEEVUL!"), but I'll give her one thing: she's come off extremely well against Idols in her lane on either side age-wise. When she sang with Carrie Underwood in the finale of her season, the contrast was not flattering to Carrie. Here, it didn't work in reverse; she made Emily look not ready for prime time.  

    • Love 1
  20. I didn't like the SORAS'd Georgie, the Scott Clifton version of Dillon, or the combination. The way Georgie was written off was overkill (literally), but I never missed her. I didn't think the actress/character was strong enough to carry stories. And, oh God, that was also the dawn of Spinelli and his nicknames. Ugh. It was the beginning of a terrible time! 

    • Love 1
  21. There have been worse actors on GH than Saucedo, but he was one of the more puzzling obvious attempts to make someone "happen." If you were watching in 1999, it was pretty clear that Wendy Riche (or whoever) thought she had the next new daytime teen idol.


    Then, also, they were trying to cash in on Ricky Martin, so they exploited the Miguel connection. There was actually a scene in which Ned brought Juan into a room and put a tape of a Miguel performance on, and the whole scene was just Juan watching a (very dated for 1999) Ricky Martin video.  

    • Love 1
  22. Gianna looks a lot to me like the young Mariah Carey, except that she isn't self-conscious about one side of her face.  


    I'm not that surprised to hear, though, that she went on a lot of auditions and got turned down for things. I think she's getting advanced in this because of the Brenda K. Starr connection, and I don't think that that is going to mean as much to the viewers at home.   

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