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  1. Not sure about the show changes. Two person teams with one celebrity, celebrities doing clues in the round where you pick your own board and returning champions. That last bit might be the most trouble, since this seems like a game where getting some live experience is a big advantage, so an already good team with a few games under their belt might be unstoppable. Don’t know if they’ve said if there’s a limit on wins, like Jeopardy used to have.
  2. I did love that they made the Brooklyn Bridge scene from the opening credits canon. But when Gina came back, I was hoping she'd make a comment about how she was there too, and they'd run the original opening scene. And then maybe Hitchcock and Scully could ask why they were never invited for falafels, and we'd get a typical Hitchcock and Scully reason for why they were away that day.
  3. Yeah, every now and then I've noticed an overly strict one (I thought not allowing "crime" as a clue for "CSI" was borderline) but on balance I think they've allowed more that wouldn't have flown on classic Pyramid or Password.
  4. I'm kind of surprised by how much I like this show. I hadn't heard about it until a few weeks ago when Jen Kirkman mentioned taping some episodes on her podcast, so I looked it up, recorded a few and thought it was pretty good. Then I found out they had full episodes on Youtube, and the other day I wasn't feeling well spent the whole day in bed and wound up watching over a dozen episodes and have watched three or four a day since. They're great on Youtube, I can speed up the playback to 150% during slow parts (especially the bidding), I usually completely skip the part where the contestants pick their words for the final round (and sometimes cover the bottom of the screen so I can play along), so in all an episode takes about 13-15 minutes to watch. I think I prefer the remotely shot second season a bit more than the first. You do lose some energy, but it also seems to help the actors stay focused and not be as obsessed with chewing the scenery. Have to say, it bugs me a little when so many people give clues like "opposite night" or "not night". It's just a waste of a word in most cases. If you give a clue of "night", 90% chance they'll say "day" (especially if you say it with a question in your voice, or with a slight head shake), and you'll have an extra word for the harder ones. If they don't say "day" right away, then say "opposite". The judges are pretty generous on some of the things they let go. If I was running a password game, no way would I allow "nothing on feet" for "barefoot".
  5. Thanks. Some interesting cut bits. Janet eating for the first time. Eleanor and Michael discussing Brent. Bits of a longer discussion about the other guys that Eleanor and Janet have at the end. I kind of wish they had presented the straight table read instead of inserting in the produced scenes.
  6. Pretty decent game, with a lots of ups and downs for both teams, ending up surprisingly close. I expected D'Arcy to be teamed up with Yvette for the last round (despite one big early blunder). She's definitely first pick for the basketball team. Can't help but think that might have let to a better result, but it's hard to tell who was to blame. Is the the first time Yvette played a final round and didn't get to ten points?
  7. Man, if you come on the show and find all your team is reality stars and the opposing team has Yvette Nicole Brown , you might as well shake Jane's hand and head to the bar in the introductions. I wonder if this was the most lopsided score in the show history.
  8. I think Jane needs to check her home for a gas leak. It seemed to start around where Adam Pally was sitting, spread to that entire team for the final round and then was everywhere by the bonus round. I half expected the last shot to be everyone sprawled on the floor and paramedics rushing in...
  9. When they struggled with Kate Upton I thought we were going to see a collapse on the round, but they managed to recover. I'm not sure about their clues for Liam Neeson, but they managed to get there.
  10. Wonder what forgotten corner of the NBC commissary this was found in? The comedy special that Sasheer Zamata plugs is over three years old... I'll be curious to see how many more they have. The game went pretty good for the most part, until the utter disaster in the final round. Which was all on the celebrities. Awful clues for the ones they missed. The Jessica Chastain clues might be show record on bad clue giving, until it was surpassed by them trying to describe Bernie Sanders. The civilian did great when he got reasonable clues. Did I misunderstand Zak's story, or does Zach Braff really get offered free hotel rooms?
  11. Seven episodes, so two more to go. Looks like they're going to call that the season finale and have been picked up for Season 5 which will continue the story https://www.playbill.com/article/the-good-fight-to-end-4th-season-early-but-will-return-for-a-5th
  12. Pleasant surprise to find on the DVR. They did a surprisingly good job of finding a way to do the regular games remotely (although unfortunately including “Song Sung Wrong” and the requisite Jane mugging). is the regular show ever coming back? I know last time it was obviously recorded long before it aired, so they might have some in the can ready to fill a schedule hole, of which I’m sure we’ll soon see a lot of.
  13. Didn''t notice the first season episode title theme. Thanks. Wonder what they'll do for Season 5? Sondheim lyrics? College courses? "My ____" (with a rare "His/Her/Their Story" to mix it up, and then "Our ____" for a disappointing final episode)? Any other shows have themed episode titles? I think DAMAGES always used snippets of actual dialogue, but a few other shows might have done that. (for those curious, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, COMMUNITY and SCRUBS)
  14. It's a pretty big swing for a season opener, but I think I mostly liked it, but maybe as an impressive failure. Maybe when we see if/how it fits in with the rest of the season. It was surprisingly short compared to most of the episodes, about 10 minutes lower than average for the series. I think the only shorter one was a season two one where Lucca was completely absent so they probably cut out a subplot. The Weinstein stuff in this one seemed to be missing a resolution, can't help but wonder if something was cut there.
  15. "This is Tuesdays... and also July. And sometimes it's never. Occasionally, that moment on the Bearimy timeline is the time-moment when nothing never occurs. So... you get it." "This broke me. The dot over the i. That broke me. I'm... I'm done." Man, dot just seems to come earlier every Bearimy...
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