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Everything posted by katisha

  1. Hmm, I must be an Australian outlier because I definitely say "pah-sta" and "Slo-vah-kia", not to mention "cah-stle" rather than "cass-tle"!
  2. Giving some love to the discus gold medal winner, Roje Stona from Jamaica 😍
  3. She certainly is. And apparently when she's not pole vaulting, she can be found on Only Fans!
  4. The Greek pole vaulter who got the bronze medal, Emmanouil Karalis, is quite a cutie!
  5. Not just tainted beef, but AUSTRALIAN tainted beef. It was all part of our dastardly plan... I kind of do too. The swimmers mostly seem pretty friendly. For instance, he media have been trying to make out like Ledecky and Ariane Titmus hate each other but I don't get that vibe at all.
  6. Our Aussie girl Nicola Olyslagers who got the silver is eccentric but lovable. She is a very devout pentecostal Christian and her pre-jump warm-ups look like she's in the middle of a church service at times. And when she's done with the jump she always, but always, goes and writes in a journal old school style. But very proud of her effort! 🥈
  7. I took an instant dislike to Lyles and wanted the gorgeous Thompson to win. How agonisingly close!
  8. The ink isn't to my personal taste and she seems very extra, but Sha'Carri Richardson is a beautiful lady.
  9. I was just coming to post about her. Stunning!
  10. So many things can go wrong in the Olympics! 😂
  11. If Bobby Finke doesn't win the 1500m, it will be the first time a US man will not win an individual gold medal in swimming since the 1900 games in...Paris Until Cam McEvoy won the 50m free yesterday, Australia was in the same situation- you had to have a uterus to get gold! 🤣
  12. I was trying to work out why the design on Germany's swimsuits looked kind of familiar...and then I caught a train to work the other day, one of a few in Brisbane Australia that have been painted up with designs by a local Indigenous artist!
  13. Kishane Thompson, Jamaica, 100 metres. Phwoarr! 😍🤩
  14. I am sad for him because it sucks to feel like you have let people down. 😔 The story behind Cam McEvoy's win is pretty amazing, though. He was expected to win a gold in Tokyo and instead finished 7th. He all but walked away from swimming but instead decided to get into fitness in a different way, lifting weights, gaining about 10kg etc. For fun one day He decided to jump in the pool and trial his 50m time and was amazed to see it was really good even though he hadn't been doing any swim training. So he has tried a completely different prep for these Olympics. When he used to swim at least 30km a week, now he does 3 but lifts weights, does a lot of resistance work, plyometric jumps etc. And the result is being the fastest freestyler over 50 metres at the ancient age of 30! Quite a comeback! 👏
  15. I'm old enough to remember Nadia Comăneci's second Olympics in 1980 when at 18 (!!!) amongst all those little tiny girls (who in reality were probably older than they looked) she actually looked like a young woman. That was her last Olympics but if she were around now she would be just getting started!
  16. Jules Bouyer from the French diving team. 😍 As for the second pic, #sorrynotsorry and you kind of can't unsee it once you see it!
  17. Not only is he incredibly hot, but he seems really sweet too. When the Italian national anthem was playing after the medals were presented, he was trying to sing along but had tears in his eyes... awwwwww! And I don't care if I am old enough to be his nonna!
  18. Kaylee's kind of awesome. She is very sweary, known for dropping an F bomb during a post-race interview a couple of years ago. Her "nerdy" glasses remind me of myself at her age when I was as blind as a bat and had to squint to read anything far away like she does after a race! (I'd still be blind as a bat if I wasn't now old enough to have had cataract surgery!) And she's got a huge will to win, even if she no longer owns the WR. I'm Australian so, US folk, please forgive this comment but (small voice) I actually love that the swimming medals are being shared around many different countries at this Olympics. It's nowhere near as interesting watching a total cakewalk where one country wins everything. For me, part of the excitement of sport comes from uncertainty of outcome. I'd even prefer the medals to be shared around than for Australia to win everything (not that I'm displeased that our women in particular are doing so well, mind you!) And it's also great to see a new guard of great swimmers emerging like Leon Marchand. I never thought I'd see the equal of Michael Phelps in terms of dominance across multiple strokes, but in Leon Marchand that's exactly what we're seeing.
  19. Well, blow me down - Nat won! 🤯🤯🤯 I did NOT see that coming at all. Not for a second did I ever believe she would be the one they chose. Not even when the first thing we saw in the first episode of the season was a long, loving montage of Nat doing skate-y things, Nat and her tatts, Nat talking about her alternative lifestyle and cultural confusion. Not even when she won the only immunity pin on offer for the season. Not even when she made mistakes and the judges turned themselves inside out trying to find ways to excuse them. No, this evening's episode was a massive shock from which it'll take me a while to recover. In all seriousness, the egregious favouritism from day dot actually got me to a point where I WANTED Pezza to win and was actually quite sad for him that he didn't. And I cannot believe I just typed that! Well, folks, whilst feeling nearly as disappointed with this season as I did with the last one and the pre-destined win of Brent Draper, I will miss chatting about the show with you lovely people and no doubt, being the masochist that I am, will line up again to go through it all next year when I hope they find a winner I LIKE. Man, it's been a while since that's happened!
  20. Yes, it was hard not to notice the 🍈🍈 were out there again. 😂
  21. I reckon as soon as she saw the second place in the finale was between her and Nat, Sav realised she was screwed. But fair enough, too. She started off seeming really organised and then the wheels fell off big time. I think the result was a little bit of karma, too, because when the judges were trying to tell her she needed to hurry up a bit she was quite rude to them. Coles Shill was trying to be warm and cuddly tonight as opposed to his last appearance on the show, but I'm not convinced. I hate to say it but Pezza's first two dishes actually did look good, especially the main. And even if he didn't exactly push the boat out with his dessert, at least it didn't have any errors in execution. I'm pretty sure that if anyone else but Nat had served up that dessert with the hard as a rock pie crust, the judges would have roundly condemned it as a terrible error but since they can't bear to criticise their pet, they were again trying so hard to be positive about it. It almost makes me want Pezza to win (I said almost!) but he won't - I'm still convinced of this.
  22. Well, I'm not sure the recapper was a fan of tonight's episode but I didn't mind it. It's always quite fun if the contestants really get into it and these three did, although I think Darssh gets the prize for throwing the best shade at the judges! Jean-Christophe actually comes across as very eccentric a lot of the time but I love him for it. He's entertaining if nothing else. Poh has long been a master of seeming to be very disorganised whilst actually cooking really well. And Andy really has come a long way since his days as a contestant. I don't know how they ended up with any kind of decent dish in the relay challenge except to say that their experienced counted for a lot. I think Poh could have told Jean-Cristophe absolutely nothing about what was left on the bench for him to finish off and he still would have been able to produce a good dish out of it. As for what's going to happen tomorrow night, the judges do love a finale where they have a male and a female contestant so my prediction would be that Nat and Pezza end up final two but who knows.
  23. I decided to watch episode 2 of Dancing With the Stars tonight instead of MCAU live (it features both Hayden Quinn and Julie Goodwin as contestants, by the way) so I'm about to watch tonight's ep on catch-up. Back soon!
  24. 😭 😭 😭 😭 Oh, Harry, my heart just broke for you tonight. Not only did you bow out of the competition, but you did it on a challenge set by your food hero. How absolutely sucky. I didn't actually realise how much I liked Harry until tonight but I'm so bummed now that there are three contestants left and he's not one of them. And watching everyone genuinely tearing up to see him go made me realise how much he's liked and appreciated. But in a way, we probably could have foreseen this happening back in the early days of team challenges when Harry was acting so laid back that he didn't seem conscious of how quickly the time was going to go before service time. That's partly what brought him undone today. Now I have to try and find a favourite amongst Sav, who I used to like, and then didn't like so much (but like a bit more after reading her very on point post above); Pezza, who's turned me off with his ocker sexism and who the judges have turned me off through constantly pumping up his tyres when he cooks basic, average food; and Nat, who is sooooo obviously the favourite that I think she knows it herself and it makes her come across as cocky and arrogant, two characteristics I can't stand in a person. But I'm going to say it right now, and this isn't based on spoilers - they want a female contestant to win, and it's going to be Nat. I can feel it in my bones! You could almost see the judges, after seeing the mess she made of that fish belly, PRAYING that Harry had stuffed up worse so they didn't have to get rid of their chosen one. And by the way, I thought it was incredibly nice how Josh Niland tried to encourage Harry by mentioning that he himself has been so intimidated by having mentors around watching him cook that it's led him to make bad decisions and not cook his best. I'm sure that would have helped Harry more than most feedback he got.
  25. Well, as it turns out, Ben did a recap of last night too but it was posted late. More on that later but my mind's kind of blown after tonight's episode. I'm wondering if the outcomes I was so sure were going to take place aren't going to actually happen this week after all. I'm wondering now if there's a real possibility that either Pezza or Nat might not make it to the final three after all? Or are the powers that be mean enough to have this season's fish guy, Harry, go home in a challenge set by the ultimate fish guy, Josh Niland? First surprise of the night - Sav ending up in the final three. I didn't see that coming but if the final three consisted of her, Pezza and Nat, I probably WOULD be forced to be Team Sav, @Snazzy Daisy, if only because I couldn't possibly be Team Pezza or Team Nat! 😆 Second surprise of the night - Nat's oh-so-arrogant plan to cook not one, but two dishes coming badly unstuck (and I'm not gonna lie - I found it rather schadenfreudelicious!), and for once she actually got real criticism from the judges. Unfortunately, I can't say that Pezza getting good feedback from the judges for yet another hunk of meat with a puree, a croquette (really? in top 4?) and a jus was a surprise at all. Again, he's a bloody butcher! If he can't cook meat properly, then who can? He came up with such a charming comment tonight, too: "This croquette would put a horn on a jellyfish." 🤮 Harking back to last night's recap...
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