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Everything posted by Bijou

  1. "Being Butch" -Shouldn't mean, being unable to clean a toilet. Happy for him and his lovely lady friend.
  2. Chelsea looked different on the after show, as in better. I also noticed she wasn't using her baby voice. Kali drew her on some hot red lippes for the after show.
  3. I 'thought' Jared was really handsome, until tonight. It looks like he has a dead tooth. Maybe his tooth sits slightly back and there is a shadow. How old is Jaclyn? She looks older, not to mention, I can't find anything attractive about her.
  4. Diana needs to invest in some water proof mascara.
  5. Did anyone see Shannon on WWHL? Looks like she did something to her face, especially her top lip.
  6. From Jordan's FB page: Here is the answers to all of your questions. 1)Did we go to Texas? Yes we did, we lived there for about a month and a half but had to come back to Maryland so Derek could take summer classes, so he could finish school in the fall. 2)Did Derek and/or myself get a job? Derek has gotten a job and i have been looking. I have a difficult time leaving Genevieve. 3)Are Derek and i still together/How is mine and Derek's relationship? Yes we are still together, it has been about a year and half now. We have a wonderful relationship, we were just going through a very tough time as you guys saw and it put stress on our relationship. 4)How did we become homeless? I moved out of my parents house before i knew i was pregnant and moved in with my grandmother and aunt, who you saw on the show. Shortly after moving in with them, i moved in with Derek and his dad...we ended up getting evicted. My parents allowed Derek and I to move in with them. When an argument happened over Derek's job being seasonal and him not having another, My parents decided that him living with us wasn't working, when asked what i was going to do, I said i was probably going to go with him, they were furious and told me to get out. They told me numerous times i could live with them but i chose not to, since we never got along. From that point on him and i were technically homeless. 5)Do I talk to my parents now? I visit my dad and mom about once a week, and talk to them almost every other day. We are both at an understanding and agree that we have a much better relationship now that i do not live with them. I have talked to my biological mother off and on, but am choosing not to talk to her right now due to a private matter. 6)Do i still talk to sugar? I talk to her off and on, but we are no longer as close as we were before because our lives have gone in different directions. Also there has been a lot of drama among friends of hers and i choose to not get involved. 7)Does Sugar and Derek really not get along? They got along before recording happened, we all would hang out together; her, myself, Derek, and her boyfriend. Once we started recording things changed. Derek got angry with things she said during filming and now they do not get along. 8)Why was i letting Genevieve cry? I was not letting her cry, that is why Derek got angry with me. Every time she would make a fuss i would want to hold her. If she would start crying, i would cry and pick her up. 9)Why was I getting frustrated with Genevieve wanting to eat? I was not frustrated with her, I was frustrated because i had to put a blanket over my chest to cover her eating and it made it difficult. Each time you saw her crying was not to eat, some times were just because she didn't want to be out down. 10)Do i breastfeed? Yes i did for some time, but we found out that i was not producing enough milk for her and that's why she would constantly be hungry. We then started supplementing. I tried taking vitamins to increase my milk supply but it didn't work, so we ended up just giving her formula. 11)Where do we live now? We are living in Maryland in with Derek's grandparents in their beautiful home. 12)Do Derek and i plan on getting married? We want to get married but no time soon. Him and i are both on the same page, we made one mistake at a young age and do not want to make another by rushing into marriage at a young age. We love each other and are happy with the way things are in our relationship and feel no reason to change that with marriage. Maybe in seven to ten years we will be married. 13)If we were homeless how did we buy things, get my nails done, or pay our phone bill? We didn't buy things. We would eat whatever we could, when we could. Derek's xbox was his dads. He had sold his games numerous times so we could buy food when i was pregnant. He actually sold his iphone so we could buy a car seat and stroller for the baby. I did not ever get my nails done, i had long nails from prenatal vitamins and painted them myself and His dad paid our phone bill. 14)Will there be a teen mom 4? I do not know, no one has said anything to me about it. 15)How are we doing now? Derek, Genevieve, and I are doing great. Derek is enrolled in school, I should be starting school this summer, and Genevieve is happy and chubby as can be.
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