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Everything posted by dumbdownus

  1. Haven't watched the show yet, do NOT feel I can endure Sherri's reincarnation aka Keke. Exactly WHY is Keke on, surely the show is not that hard up!! Did anyone ask Beverly Johnson about the charges she dropped against Chris Noth?
  2. Humble Sherri, would love to read an honest review of her stand up routine, to me she is the most unfunny comic ever!!
  3. Hi, thanks for letting us know! Was Sherri's role bigger than what has been seen in the trailer, her opening the apartment door etc was she in other scenes??
  4. Sherri's "starring role" in Top Five was filmed in July 2013 at the time Bitsy got the axe. Many comments / interviews say that it was filmed since Sherri got fired from the view. One person interviewing Sherri asked what it was like to "reunite with Whoopie" Sherri changed the subject. If lil ole lady me can find that information online in 2 minutes why can't paid professionals???
  5. So Sherri tweeted last night for over an hour about Cosby & signed off to read to Jeffrey saying she was ending "Hot Topics".........she is so delusional, she feels her "opinion" is just so important. Too bad she wouldn't spend at least part of the time she dedicates to tweeting to reading a book/newspaper & learning about the world that is NOT show biz. She has demonstrated that although she claims to be a very devout Christian she understands nothing about religion ie "Jesus preceded everything"
  6. Did she feel that Bitsy's extremely short skirts && Sherri's hooker clothes were "glamorous" ???
  7. This video is too funny, Sherri cooking & she starts off by saying she is a "Co-Star" of Chris Rock in the movie Top Five. The blurb below the video says she is part of the cast!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePBCNV1hOCE&feature=youtu.be&a I refuse to pay good money to see the movie but hope someone who posts here does so we can find out just how big a part Sherri truly has!
  8. Sadly Sherri thinks she looks better in the "I have to pee" pose when she looks as normal as she ever will in the other picture!!!
  9. My son once was grossly overweight and what finally got him to lose weight was his inability to breathe properly because the fat was cutting off his air passage in his throat. Another individual, of normal weight may very well have survived the chokehold...........ducking all the negative comments this will stir up...............
  10. Tooooooooooo funny, almost choked on my coffee, laughing so hard :) :) Nicolle brought this up yesterday.............
  11. Sherri posted this picture saying she looks so old with the make up for her new "starring role" in "Woodlawn".... to me she looks much better covered up & looks her age totally! http://instagram.com/p/wKpYymoLsu/
  12. Exactly, you & I are thinking alike!!!
  13. So, are we to believe Sherri didn't steal everything from her dressing room the way she stated she did from The View on several interviews!!!
  14. Interesting article! Great line from the article:
  15. Sherri has all the attributes of mental illness & she is getting worse. She needs help & treatment but she is in complete denial. Too bad her first husband had not been listened to and given total custody of Jeffrey. This whole scenario is going to be hardest on him....if he survives intact.......
  16. I'm voting stupidity!!!! And sadly she feels everyone else is just as stupid not to notice the discrepancies. Like she showed 2 pictures of "her Carla" turkey, the first was terribly burned & later it was perfectly cooked, Sherri surely your fans gullibility is not that bad............
  17. What was the point of this farce, it is everything that is wrong with Sherri, her over sexed, over acted pathetic demonstration of her total lack of reality. THIS should be sent as part of her "resume" Then her fans lap up this immature behavior, so hard to understand............
  18. Last night Sherri was bitching about getting a turkey dinner from Carla Hall through Groupon. Of course diva sherri thought the meal would be delivered to her & served to her & any mess cleaned up. But.....she received all the ingredients to cook herself. She was doing her crap stand up about how bloody the turkey was etc. She continually seems to think that showing her utter stupidity is funny......... Her clown act is old & dead
  19. Laverne Cox belongs right at the bottom of the pile of guests with Keke Palmer, what a disgusting individual.........
  20. Hopefully we will NEVER be subjected to Keke again. Funny, I was feeling sorry for Keke, this young actress, having to put up with Sherri during the performances & all the picture taking/autograph signing, now I feel they deserve each other!!!
  21. Keke OBVIOUSLY was coached by Sherri to talk over everyone & spew BS, how she got the job playing Cinderella is very questionable, of course the show hired Sherri so enough said......
  22. Unfortunately, I was able to watch the whole show on the west feed and Sherri must have coached Keke on how to shriek & monopolize the conversation & spout nonsense...........ie "Pitbulls "were bred to fight" but Rosie P beautifully shut her down!!
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