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Everything posted by dumbdownus

  1. When Sherri starts screaming in interviews about how those who "know" her realize that she has integrity I want to say to her, do you know what the word means. Sherri does not have an iota of integrity,honesty, compassion, common sense or intelligence...........She is a buffoon, her only claim to "fame"
  2. Wonder if the deal was that ABC found an idiot (FOX) to hire Lebits so she didn't get a farewell, but Sherri DEMANDED a farewell show & they gave in!! Much as I could not tolerate Lebits, she was with the show almost 3 years longer WHY is Sherri "deserving" of the special show???
  3. It blows my mind that Sherri finds the word slut worse than whore or "ho" as she says.....of course this is Sherri of limited brain resources I'm talking about :) :)
  4. Sherri's "understanding" of anything including religion is very shallow IMNSHO :) :)
  5. Me bad (again) but perhaps the role is romantic, a lesbian relationship & the reason Sherri now loves gays :) :0
  6. Sherri played the hooker role to a "t" in One for the Money, she is older than all the others hopefully she is playing a matronly mother of one the characters, a very small role as she is not yet listed in the cast list. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2869728/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast)
  7. Wow Sal has such great ideas about religion "done in an hour. Good deal :)" What a "great" father he will be........... This article would be great for Jenny's son to find as he roams the internet: http://www.classicalite.com/articles/10076/20140725/view-2014-cast-news-sherri-shepherd-divorces-baby-topless-jenny-mccarthy.htm
  8. I just had this thought that is very facetious but that is me, lol. Jesus told Sherri to "love everyone" Sherri sees no difference between love & sex so she dry humps/mauls every man thinking that is "love"
  9. Can someone explain to me how Sherri fits in with the "Gospel " crowd?? Her over the top mauling of male guests, her hooker wardrobe,her obsession with her breasts/her whole body, her constant talk of wanting to "make love" to celebs, to me this is not the behavior that is associated with those people who spend their lives singing beautiful gospel music and practicing a life devoted to God & Jesus. Am I off base here??
  10. Yet another great example of Sherri's non brain..........
  11. WOW, What would Sherri have done had she been escorted off the plane after her NUMEROUS tweets re Jeffrey not being allowed to use the First Class washroom????
  12. Sure hope for Jeffery's sake that she did actually invest intelligently..........but this Sherri we are talking about, who feels she is so much more popular & in demand than is she actually is, denial is how she deals with life......
  13. LOL I, too, thought the applause got much louder after hearing Sherri was NOT there, "it's so funny" :) :)
  14. And that is why Sherri's pathetic tweet this morning:
  15. And..........no hair net for that greasy hair...............
  16. I am not disputing the "worth" figure that is usually given for Sherri...10 million, because I have no real evidence that it is wrong.But, she has had many people on her payroll including Sal the leech,money manager, lawyers, accountants, publicists,agents,nannies, housekeepers, weight loss gurus, personal trainers shoe stores on retainer!!! Her taxes would be high, Jeffrey's care would be expensive, she is selling her house for less than she paid.....she has said in different interviews (but this is Sherri of many conflicting stories here :)) that she used the Newlywed Game money to pay off lawyers & her first ex. She also said she "had" to perform that Essence gig, even after being served, because she had already given the money to her lawyer. My point I'm not making very well is she blows her money usually before she has it. She made 1 million (allegedly) for the View and her first priority should have been providing for Jeffrey & his current & future needs but.....her mental abilities are not great & she has always projected the idea that Sherri would always be making big money. As someone above said, these stand up, emcee gigs at $28 a ticket will not pay for her standard of living. She did an interview online with Brian Darling that was very interesting re her finances: My memory (which is not great!!) seems to tell me that it was after Sal that Sherri started doing so many extra gigs. He stated on twitter that it was great having a wife who was away almost every weekend, toilet seat could be left up & crumbs left in the bed!!
  17. Sherri takes herself too seriously, she wouldn't know HOW to be glib, she feels she is better than Ellen & all other talk show hosts & comedians
  18. That whole Sherri "thing" at Wendy's party was beyond cringe worthy. What I would love to be is a fly on the wall of the Walbergh home when Momma Walbergh heard Sherri talking about "gettin with" one of Donnie's brothers. Momma would chew Sherri up & spit her out :) :)
  19. Sherri, such a class act......... http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h164/ybfchic/july%202014%20Part%202/WendyWilliams50thBirthdayCelebrationBmbRMxrN62il.jpg
  20. Why does everything have to be about color with Sherri? Chocolate Ellen, for the love of God, Ellen has talent, Ellen is a lady, Ellen is a professional and there is no way in hell that Ellen & Sherri have anything in common at all except their gender. Sherri's delusions keep growing by leaps & bounds.
  21. I had a major nightmare last night that Donnie Walberg persuaded the producers of Blue Bloods to hire Sherri. So there she was, on each week as a whore aka cop working vice..................good typecasting but God help us if she ever got a major role like that....trouble is sicker things have really happened..........
  22. Or, as in this case, the "wanna be" elite.....
  23. And Sherri cannot:"use good grammar and use real words" EVER :)
  24. I was drinking an ice coffee & it spewed all over my keyboard, toooooooooooooo funny :) :)
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