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Everything posted by dumbdownus

  1. Maybe I'm all wet, but I'd hate to be starting a job that my replacement had already been named to take my place. Sure Sherri knew it was a limited time but the announcing of the Housewife of Atlanta "star" taking her place had to be weird. .......
  2. WOW, it never ceases to amaze me what can be found on the Internet. Just did a search for "frigid Sherri Shepherd" after what Sal released yesterday. I found this video from 2011 where Sherri shares a cooking tip, putting cold butter under her boobs to melt............YUCK http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/28/sherri-shepherd-melting-butter-boobs_n_1117040.html
  3. And Sherri is always tweeting about dancing all night on 6 inch heels, caught in yet another "mistake"
  4. I often wondered if Sherri's over the top sexual attitude was a cover for frigidity :) Being a beard for Johnny Gill will be just what she needs!!
  5. Just found this among the interviews done last week promoting Cinderella...........could be interesting and what does this producer consider to be "unsavory"
  6. http://www.broadwayw...ERELLA-20140906 at the very start of Sherri's part of this interview she goes on about "just" finding out that she would be in 8 shows a week. Whoopie asked her the day she announced getting this gig, did she think she could handle 8 shows a week. Anyone who knows anything about Broadway knows there are 8 shows a week Sherri loves putting on this dumb act, God knows she is dumb enough but this exaggerating/ changing her story gets old really fast
  7. I agree, Sherri does smother Jeffrey but on the other hand she does not seem to realize that the other kids at his school must be teasing him about her actions. All the divorce, surrogate stuff was bad enough but now Sherri is "worried" that Sal will release nude pics of of her. Does she think smothering him & keeping him in a bubble will protect him from the nasty comments of other kids?? And he is old enough, his developmental problems aside, to get online & see all the Sherri publicity stuff himself. She truly does not think / act in a normal manner.
  8. I'm just thinking that Sherri's publicist must be working overtime, has she heard of overkill??
  9. I was looking at "biggest" as in largest!!
  10. Sherri's latest tweet has a link http://www.playbill.com/news/article/photo-call-its-possible-new-cinderella-stars-keke-palmer-sherri-shepherd-an#.VAc8VaKRSRk.twitter to an article that refers to Keke as an actress, but Sherri as a co-host. I know I'm being picky but loved that phrase & the one on the weekend calling Sherri the "biggest" celeb to arrive early to Maccarthy/Wahlberg wedding.And you know how my nasty but honest mind is interpreting "biggest"
  11. The movie Sherri was filming last summer, when her BFF Elisabeth got the boot from the View, is being previewed at the Toronto Film Fest this weekend. Do you think she will take time away from a. Jeffrey b. her social life c. studying her Cinderella lines to go???
  12. This was on her Instagram page around the time Sal left, I'd leave!!!
  13. I truly think this is the most honest video we have ever seen of Sherri :) True colors!!
  14. These two paragraphs had me really laughing out loud, from an article located here: http://couriernews.suntimes.com/2014/08/31/fans-gather-glimpse-stars-mccarthy-wahlberg-wedding/
  15. http://instagram.com/p/lgoHTqILsA/?modal=true Sherri must have used this for her audition for evil step mother!!
  16. NEWSFLASH, earth shattering event, Sherri is getting her teeth whitened, who else would have a picture taken at this time, will we (gag) get to "see" her at her gyno appointment?? http://instagram.com/p/sUsElJoLol/
  17. Now this begs the question, is Sherri in NYC strolling the streets at 2 AM & Jeffrey is home in NJ with the nanny or is Sherri star gazing / people watching in suburban NJ
  18. According to Sherri's tweets, she's walking the streets again unable to sleep, perhaps she should take less whatever uppers she uses......
  19. Hopefully those poor dogs are in a home where they receive the love & direction they need. To my thinking they were just another of Sherri's "props" To be there when she wanted to show off but to go hide when she didn't want to deal with the responsibilities of a true, loving dog owner...
  20. Just heard today that ABC has a new show this Fall that Sherri must be dying to be on it's called "Selfies" LOL Who knows more about selfies than Sherri, too funny
  21. Oh her Christian attitude is mind blowing :)
  22. WOW, DreamboatAnnie, you could certainly give lessons to Sherri on how to write an article, thank you! You are so articulate and if Sherri would follow your advice, she might have a life after the View!
  23. I was just reading Sherri's twitter & had that thought, is that why she was getting, in her words:"glammed up"? So maybe her pic last night of the goodies at the W Hotel was in LA not NYC. She will place herself in front of every camera she sees so we should know soon!!
  24. Thank you for the link to that article about Sherri, my BS meter is very sensitive & it was chiming like crazy. :) There have been many other articles written about Sherri that were full of crap but the lies & exaggerations in this one should earn a prize for most BS & lies in one article!!
  25. Sherri tweeted about her junk food "addiction" and showed pictures of a mini bar from the W Hotel that is conveniently located just down Broadway from her Cinderella Theater. Is she staying there,as part of her contract for rehearsals or God forbid the run of the show??? $600+ a night...she managed to get to the view each morning from New Jersey, this is crazy!!!
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