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Posts posted by swankie

  1. 4 hours ago, Emmeline said:

    If Sweet Tea is overwhelmed with the wedding planning perhaps they should elope.

    Why the hell is she stressed if he's paying for everything?  So she wants him to pay for everthing PLUS do the planning?  She needs to chill.  And why isn't her twin helping her plan the wedding?  This girl might end up being more high maintenance than Quad.  If he doesn't get a prenup he's an idiot. 

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  2. On 11/9/2023 at 8:27 PM, ww92 said:

    And they didn't try  to spread her legs or anything,  they did a different act with the whipped cream and when  she said no to them  spraying  it in her mouth the guy did it on her leg and chest instead.

    It's probably because Kyle was wearing a very short dress.  I'm starting to think Erica's advice to wear pants meant, "If you want sexually simulated spread eagle crotch eating then you need to be wearing pants."  I dont think any of those men would want a bare naked vajayjay in their face.  🤣

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  3. 5 hours ago, suev3333 said:

    And Whitney couldn't pass up a reason to get naked in front of the girls at the massage spa. 

    Whitney couldn't pass up a reason to get naked in front of the cameras.  Why she thinks everyone wants to see her naked girth all of the time escapes me.  She is the supreme narcissist of all narcissists!  

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  4. 3 hours ago, Ss55 said:

    alexia and Todd’s marriage is circling the drain. 

    What a coward he is.  He felt embarrassed about his online apology and couldn't face the people he aimed it at.  It didn't phase him that his wife needed him to be by her side that night.  He seems like the type that puts his needs above hers.  That's a recipe for disaster down the road. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, princelina said:

    Here's what pissed her off:  before the gals were taken onstage the dancers came into their row of seats, danced sexy around a bunch of them and completely ignored Sutton.  You can see her face change as the one danced on Garcelle and ignored her.  It was all downhill from there.

    Ding ding ding ding ding!!!  This is it in a nutshell!  Sutton knew what kind of place she was going to and even brought dollar bills and wore pants as Erica said but the dancers totally ignored her and you could tell by her face how disappointed she was.  Her ego was bruised.  Plain and simple.  When that happened she tried to save face by putting on the fake pearl clutching scene and pretending that she is above it all. 

    Frankly, the thought of a strange man gyrating his sweaty junk in my face grosses me out.  I have to know you better to go near that thing, but to each his own.  🤣

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  6. I'm really disappointed in Jordan.  Crying over Kory?!  He isn't even your man!  And he has a girl and is in a relationship or situationship as it's been called, so leave him be!!!  He's already avoided your advances so have some form of dignity and just let it be!  I'm going to hope the crying was just because you all mixed all of those drinks. Get it together girl!  

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  7. 11 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

    It's amazing how much Sweet Tea looks like Toya.

    I came here to post the same thing.  But it also looks like with each scene her face changes.  She's got a face that changes as you blink. 🤣  It looks like she and Heavenly will be butting heads all season.  We'll see how that plays out.  I'm glad she shut down the Quad talk.  I would also be pissed if people were talking about my fiancé's ex at my engagement party.  It was tacky for them to bring her up. 

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  8. I think JT is just jealous of Austin's height.  The way he gets all worked up over him is weird IMO.  None of Austin's shenanigans were geared toward him so why is he more upset than Shep or Rod who were directly affected.  He seems to be a little too invested in other people's relationships if you ask me.  

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  9. 4 hours ago, primadonna said:

    I fail to see what these women see in the very unattractive Kory. 

    You and me both!  And with the crazy editing on this program I can't tell who is speaking at any given time.  Am I wrong or did I hear Jordan say she's interested in Kory also?  His appeal baffles me just as much as Austin's from Southern Charm.  I'm like WTF?!!!

    • Like 7
  10. 3 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

    And she needs to leave Glenn alone and let him grieve in his own way.  Grief has no timetable - she can't just decide he has to cheer up now.

    Whitless is so damned controlling and sometimes I feel like she bullies Glenn.  My mom passed away at age 62 and my parents had been married for 40 years.  My dad grieved just as hard as Glenn and I never tried to boss him around and speak to him the way she does to Glenn.  We waited for my dad to decide when to clean out our mom's things and let him keep the things he wanted to keep of hers.  Gradually he was able to let go and got back to his old self.  Whitless won't let poor Glenn be.  I'm soooooo glad Hunter doesn't put up with her crap.

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  11. I'm so glad Jordan shut down Alex and Brian when they each tried to kiss her.  I wonder if they thought she was easy because she's a former playmate.  Then Alex starts flirting with Danielle and she blows him off because she knows he tried to make out with Jordan.  He'll find out real soon that If Danielle is anything it's extremely loyal to her friends!  Anyway that guy is coming off as a major douche so far. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    Seriously, if you’re old enough to have a receding hairline, you’re too old to be crying about your birthday party. “I can’t even eat the food! I’m taking my ball and going to McDonald’s!”

    Both Todd and Whitney would be torture to be friends with IMO!  And did anyone else but me notice that she managed to throw in that she paid for everything at the party when she was commenting on Todd's behavior?  Pretty sad when your "friends" can't be bothered to throw you a party that they themselves pay for because they love you so much!  That pretty much shows how they really feel about her.  It's a shame she doesn't see what we see in her behavior when she watches this show. (And you know she watches!) 

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  13. 2 hours ago, princelina said:

    Did you hear that the guy who didn't want to be on tv bad enough to pretend to like Whitney called her Sexy Aunt?  Did you know that Whitney's been called sexy many times but never an aunt.  Those were two interesting things I learned.

    Believe me if anyone has called her sexy it's because they were being paid to do so.  And you could tell she was pissed that fake boyfriend # whatever didn't want to sell his soul and dignity to pretend to be attracted to her.  Which reminds me...whatever happened to fake French boyfriend?  Was there ever an explanation? 

    In other news, Glenn was a nice looking fellow in his youth.  

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  14. On 10/16/2023 at 3:08 PM, suev3333 said:

    Why is she so competitive?  I'd be embarrassed to look like she does with all those thin people.  She stuck out so much,    and not in a good way. If I was that neice, I'd say, let's have a looking in the mirror competition.....Ughh

    Oh, that doesn't bother Twitney because she has blah blah blipidy blip condition so that's why she's fat; not bad eating habits. 🙄

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  15. 2 hours ago, Marley said:

    Monica is so gross. No thanks to her anymore. Can’t believe I didn’t mind her at first. She’s just a nasty bitch. Monica needed to calm it down. No need to get all bitchy and worked up. Glad her mom told her to chill. Monica is embarrassing she acts like a child. I don’t know what point she thinks she’s making. Her poor kids. 

    I agree 100%!  I don't understand why everyone blames Merideth for the rumors about Angie's husband when she only alluded to there being a rumor but Monica actually brought the rumors to life on camera.  I think what Monica did was way worse but Merideth is banned and Monica isn't.  I don't like Monica at all.  Who brags about having an affair with your sister-in-law's husband?  She says it like she's proud of it and has the nerve to criticize her mother's behavior.  Plus she was cussing in front of children and wouldn't stop even when her mother asked her to.  It shows me that this wasn't an isolated incident.  I bet those kids have heard plenty of bad words out of her mouth, yet she thinks she's a better mother than her own.  Girl bye! 

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  16. 7 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

    Gawd! Whitney is her usually obnoxious, loud, bossy self! 

    I can't believe she's already referring to  Jamie as "bitch".  It's really embarrassing seeing her try to compete with a twenty something young lady she's just met.  She can't just check her over inflated ego at the door and let Glenn get to know his new family on his own.  Leave it to that spoiled attention whore to make the whole thing about her.  I can't dislike her more after the way she behaved after that "dance off"!  The mean spirited way she acted made me so angry.  Everyone else was doing it for lighthearted fun but she had to make it all serious like she was winning a prize or something.  Way to bond with your niece butthole!  I hope she saw this episode and heard her dad say how disappointed he was in her.  

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  17. I could have sworn before the commercial that scale stopped at 303.  A scale doesn't stop at a number and then all of a sudden go down 5 or 6 lbs.  I think that whole thing was manipulated to get her in there.  

    On 10/1/2023 at 12:12 PM, Meow Mix said:

    I don't believe that Whitney is as chipper about this long lost half sister as she is trying to portray.  There have been several little things I have seen that indicate she is pissed, but doesn't want to show it on camera because she knows that cussing out her grieving father would not go over well.  

    Oh I believe she's seething inside.  She won't be the center of attention in Glenn's life anymore.  Her comments about not giving her parents grandchildren and this woman comes in with an instant slew of grands shows that it is eating her up inside.  Her new sister comes into the picture already beating her on that score.  I think that's why we see her being so competitive in the previews.  And Glenn doesn't realize the monster he and Babs created letting Whitney run everything. I can see her and her big sister bumping heads real soon. 

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  18. I can't stand any of the women at the mean girl's table.  And the thing that irritates the crap out of me is how someone can just say a person's child's name and automatically they start screaming, "Don't talk about my kid!!!  You insulted my kid!!!  You need to keep my kid's name out of your mouth!!!  You spoke bad about my kid!!!  Waaa waaaa waaaa!!!!!!!"  First off Alexia, she didn't say anything bad about Frankie!  Using him in her accident comparison was a little unthinking, but she didn't say anything remotely bad about him.  So stop with your tearless sobs like she ran up and slapped him or something.  Good Lord I can't stand Alexia.  And Marysol needs to find a life outside of Alexia's ass...and the bottle. 

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