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Posts posted by swankie

  1. The look on Joyce's face when Todd's mother called her a bitch looked pretty real to me.  She was livid!  It was almost like her talking head about her head spinning was almost true.  I don't think any of them are acting.  I think Joyce really hates Todd and doesn't care what kind of ass she makes of herself to proclaim it.  She's been pretty much controlling Kandi all of her life and doesn't want to give that up to Todd.  She also seems to me to be one of those people that will go to their grave holding a grudge and that's probably what she would do if Kandi was to cut her off for any period of time.  It's sad to say, but I think Kandi is just shit out of luck if she thinks she will ever get her mother to like or even tolerate Todd.

  2. Yes, Sonja has been definitely going after LuAnn this season. She's called her LuMan twice now. She said if Lu was with a jockey, she would roll over and kill him. And the rumor the manicurist was spreading sounded exactly like it came from Sonja......that Lu likes short French men so can dominate them during sex. That one has Sonja's name written all over it, especially considering that the French men that have been in Lu's life have been tall. Sonja is determined to try to make LuAnn out to be some gross Amazon woman.



    Maybe Sonja tried to get with Johnny Depp Wannabe a second time and he turned her down for another tumble with Luann.  Sonja doesn't give me the impression that she's logical when it comes to being in a rivalry with other women for a man's affection.  I could see Fake Johnny Depp being more attracted to Luann than Sonja.  Luann comes off as having more money. lol

    Does any woman have a body like Kelly?  I recognized her right away & made the same just-smelled-poop face as Moaner.





    Did anyone else get this vibe from seeing Kelly in her bikini?  https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCrGboh-g-wHy8jJuexes4UFkjVlZav__FmXlZXE7ij9V6vO2DmQ

    • Love 2
  3. Sheree is better than me. I would have been more like Drea...I don't have time to educate folks who bask in their own ignorance. Jessica says she doesn't care and she means it. If she is a cast member next season, much as I love Shamicka, Drea, and Sheree, I will not watch.


    I feel some kind of way that Mayte is trying to force Humberto to be a dad to Gia. He is not her dad and most mothers with a child Gia's age would wait for quite some time before introducing a new boyfriend. It's possible he could become a father figure in the future, but he's not in that mindset yet and that's okay. Mayte is trying to force something to fit that just doesn't fit. Plus, I believe that women and men need to be very careful about who they introduce to their kids. Not everyone is fit to be a step-parent.


    Mayte seems to want to rush into doing everything.  She rushed into the adoption and now she's trying to rush Humberto into not only being a dad to Gia, but she's trying to get pregnant.  I wonder if she's even discussed having another baby with him.  I can't see that happening when he seems to be cooling off from her and having doubts.  He might sense Mayte's bad temper and unwillingness to compromise or apologize for anything she does or says.  Even though I loathe Jessica, I was uncomfortable with the way Mayte was manhandling her.  Mayte seems to not know boundaries.  She really needs to work on that.

    • Love 2
  4. I know people like this as well, and I've never understood why they bothered to get into a long-term relationship or get married.  It's the epitome of relationship destruction (I don't think you'll always be around, but my family will, so I'll sabotage the relationship to validate my logic), but it just ties into the twisted issues of Kandi and her family.


    The reason I can't get with Kandi's "blood is thicker..." reasoning is because some of the most awful people I know happen to be in my family.  lol  I wouldn't trust those bitches with a plug nickel of mine let alone any millions I might be blessed to earn. I wish Kandi could see from the outside looking in like we do how her family members (I get the feeling her old aunts get their piece of the pie also), are the one's she needs to be wary of when it comes to her money, moreso than Todd.  They've been leeching off her for years and she puts up with it because they're family.  She is so friggin stupid!

    • Love 8
  5. It seemed to me that Todd never disputed that his father was a pimp, so I'm thinking there might be a little truth to that story.



    When Todd said to Joyce, "So my father WAS a pimp?", shows to me that he knows no such thing and it isn't any more true than any of the other rumors Joyce has spread.  I highly doubt that in all of New York, Joyce just happens to get in touch with someone who knows Todd's mom and dad.  It's just another example of Joyce being a vile, evil piece of shit.  She comes off as one of those people who if she can't find any real dirt on you she will make it up.  The woman has no heart.


    Although one of the witches apologized to Kandi, the other aunt was still hollering about how she thought Todd's mom talked too much.



    I think you mean, "Todd's mom talked too merch". lol

    • Love 3
  6. For the life of me I can't understand why Nicole still wants to be friends with Jessica.  Even if she doesn't really mean the shit that spews from her mouth, why does she keep saying it every time she feels cornered?  I don't think she is sorry at all and meant every vile thing she said.  And why all of a sudden is she only mad at Drea and Tomeka?  As Tomeka said, she's done absolutely nothing to Jessica.  And I thought she and Drea had become friends.  I think they should kick her off the show because at this point, Nicole is the only one who will film with her. 


    Okay, so Mayte is trying to have a baby and has stopped taking birth control with a man who doesn't even live in the same state as she does?!  And now, he seems to be trying to distance himself emotionally as well as physically from her?  Great environment to bring a new baby into Mayte.  smdh

    • Love 2
  7. The scene with the facialist reminded me of a scene from the 1939 film The Women. I wouldn't be surprised if the gossip about Sonja is true.



    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking this same thing and watches old movies!  I love that old movie with Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer.  The gossipy manicurist in that movie talked nonstop just like the facialist in this segment. LOL


    I can't even deal with the George situation right now. Unbelievable that Aviva doesn't seem to understand that it isn't cute. I hope he's never been inappropriate with her.


    In Aviva's and George's first season on the show George made a very inappropriate joke, "Incest is best", or something like that.  It was beyond gross to being almost vomit inducing to me.  That man needs to be investigated as a sexual predator for real!


    Kenya- different story.  But this woman...I think her motives may well have been noble and she just got caught up in some random bullshit.



    I hope this is true.  But if it was me, I wouldn't sign any release unless they assured me they weren't going to do anything to slander my name.  She did seem to know Aviva and George also.  It just seems like a storyline she agreed to participate in to me though.

    • Love 5
  8. Regarding Miss USA, it tends to attract more blonde, model, less smart types as there is no talent portion, unlike Miss America, which is a scholarship pageant. So, I'm not surprised if Miss USA really was with George nor am shocked by Kenya.



    Well, this Miss USA wasn't actually chosen as a winner, but runner up.  She became Miss USA when the real winner went on to win Miss Universe in 2012.  Why that means a hill of beans to me is a mystery. LOL

  9. I am beyond annoyed and disappointed that former Miss USA agreed to appear on this show.  Even more, I'm disappointed that she agreed to appear as part of the demented storyline for sexual predator George and his humorless batshit crazy daughter Aviva.  It's almost like the way I felt when I was excited to hear that former Miss USA Kenya Moore would be part of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and it turned out that she was crazy as a loon.  To me, winning Miss USA was an honorable feat for a young black woman to be proud of.  Boy was my bubble burst!  It turns out it's just a way to perpetuate the famewhorish narcissism of the contestants.  Nothing honorable about it at all.  Thanks Kenya and now Miss USA 2012, whatever your name is.  Thanks for ruining a lifetime of pride that I felt every time a young black girl won that contest. :-(


    ETA - Finding out that Donald Trump owns the Miss USA organization takes it down a peg or 2 trillion also. :-(

    • Love 3
  10. Iyanla had no luck with Sheree; MJ would be another fail.


    A narcissist is never going to admit they have a problem.  It would be against their belief that they are the end all be all of existence.  They really and truly believe they are perfect and therefore don't need fixing.


    Kandi said that Joyce is one of 14 children.  I can just imagine the force Kandi's dad had to fight against while married to Joyce.  It's probably why he went AWOL from Kandi's life. 

    • Love 3
  11. Well, it was more of a jab at his wife & his shitty, hellish marriage than any kind of dig at his daughters.  The girl has to have some sorta clue as to how awful their marriage is.  I doubt it's news to her.  She knows all too well.  Guess I'm a terrible person cuz it actually gave me a giggle.



    Shannon is a walking billboard for the saying "Money can't buy you happiness!".  To have so much she is the most miserable person I have seen on a reality show about rich people.  Someone needs to teach her how to count her blessings and stop jabbing her husband with the hot fire poker all the time.  Also, someone needs to tell her that there are professionals that they can talk to that might help with their situation.  The way she's always bitching at him she's just asking for him to make an exit, stage left.

    • Love 4
  12. I despise Heather Dubrow, but I am on her side in the Good Day LA situation.  What an ungrateful shrew Tamra is.  If I was Heather, I would take back my gift and not let Tamra be on the show to boost her gym.  Tamra sucks!!!


    That being said, now Heather has gotten a little taste of what they put Alexis through last season.  It's not so fun being ganged up on is it Heather?!  Tell me, did you feel bullied? 


    And Terry is such a braggadocious blowhard!  Shut up dude.  Must everything you all have be better than everyone else's?  Ugh!

    • Love 12
  13. To me, Kandi is just as stank as her mama if she expects Todd to just sit there and take the crap Joyce throws at him without saying anything.  I can't believe she had the nerve to tell Todd not to say anything about her mama!  Kandi, if you don't want Todd to react to what your asshole mama says about him and his family, then stop telling him.  How do you expect him to react?  Stop being stupid!!!

    • Love 15
  14. I have to give Todd props for dealing with the crazy that is Mama Joyce. He is pretty articulate and even toned with her, even when he is irritated with her.


    If I was Todd, at this point, I would see that it is futile to even try to engage that bitch anymore.  I would treat her like she's invisible.  If she's anywhere near me and my house, I would make sure to be in any other room but the one she's in.  I wouldn't acknowledge her existence EVER AGAIN!!!  She would be as dead to me as the wig on that humongous H.R. PufnStuf looking head of hers.  Boo bitch bye!  https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_JznKtSB1VTkKcBD-axEfwPqxbGutsgW8TAJ3XGfp8sJslWHU


    Compare this:  https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKyOLTzvcmy6DE_WC5xB3Q96m0v--2pddbqGiKKBETFsYEw6JM   To this:  https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXYnTynKKv8_JPz13lM3gScPkgYf61W3XKkXF2vbQYMkNOTwDBHw

    • Love 4
  15. I rewound just to make sure I heard it right, but when Kandi was walking down the stairs out of Mama Joyce's (AKA Kandi's) house, Mama Joyce told her she should at least get down to a size 6. Kandi replied she was already a 6, she wanted to get down to a 4. She's a size 6 and her mama is bitching about her weight? WTF?


    Joyce is about the most superficial old hag I've seen on tv in a long time.  How are you going to criticize the person who is supporting your decrepit ass!  She needs to take some of the money Kandi keeps doling out to her and get some diction lessons.  She and her sisters are so hard to listen to when they speak.  I find myself mouthing what I think they're trying to say as a way to pull it out of their mouths.  It's very tiring and gives me a massive headache after watching their scenes.  I would give anything to see Todd's mama drag Joyce's ass up and down the street!  It would make my millennium!  

    • Love 2
  16. And it looked like he went over what to tell his mother if Drea asked him about the whole kid thing!



    I really don't understand why Drea felt she needed to pull her future mother-in-law into their baby decision.  It's not like she should have a say in that matter.  I really felt bad for her when she realized that the woman was singing the same tune as her son if not more vehemently.  I really, really felt bad for her when she tried to make Sheree and her husband believe that she changed her mind about wanting a baby because she saw a woman with two bad kids struggling on an airplane.  I agree that knowing how her situation plays out makes her scenes really hard to watch.  I can't help but feel sorry for her though.  It's just that she keeps setting herself up to be hurt it seems.  And the more I see Brian, the uglier he gets to me.  What's with that slicked down hair of his?  It looks all gelled down to be damned to holy hell. Blech!

    • Love 1
  17. Okay, as far as Jessica goes, she's dead to me!!!  She reminds me so much of a former friend of mine, (notice I said former friend) who said basically the same thing Jessica is saying.  She thought all of the little black girls were jealous of her because the black guys wanted her and she can't be racist because she dates black guys, and so on and so forth.  The straw that broke this camel's back was when she told me that even though she sleeps with black men, if she were to get pregnant by one she would abort it because God didn't mean for the races to mix.  YES!  This bitch really said this to me.  So when I hear Jessica with her bullshit about the black girls hating on her and her black stud, it gives me flashbacks.  That ho needs to go.  I don't see how Nicole can still want to be friends with her.  I would have left after she said that she didn't see me as a black girl.  What needs to happen in my opinion is, let Shemika go all out hood on Jessica, and then kick her ass to the curb with her broken nose.  Buh-bye bitch!

    • Love 2
  18. Now ya'll have me thinking there may be some truth to Todd's mom being a prostitute because Kandi really didn't correct or get upset with Joyce at all.



    Joyce basically referring to Todd's mom as a prostitution whore seems to be a way for her to set up a situation for that proposed spinoff for Reality Mothers, or whatever it was going to be called.  At first I didn't think I would be interested in such a show, but if they were to put her in the company of Jim Jone's mom, Keisha Cole's mom Frankie and Mama Dee from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, I might give it a peep just to see someone beat the crap out of her.  Normally I would feel bad for wishing that to happen to someone's mom, but when Joyce said that foul stuff about Todd's deceased father and his mother, all bet's are off.  She needs her ass whooped!

    • Love 1
  19. How many times can Brianna mention her mom doesn't help her in CA? Jesus. It's your kid. You do it.



    Brianna can lose me with that bullshit!  They were living with Vicki for at least a year so she needs to shut up with that "mom doesn't help" lie.  Just wait til the new  baby comes and Ryan is deployed and she has to practically raise the two by herself like a single mom.  Oh wait!  Millions of women do it, so still no sympathy from me Brianna.  Shut it! 


    What is it with these women placing themselves in the middle of other people's arguments and then complaining about being in the middle of other people's arguments?  First Tamra did it between Shannon and Heather, and now Lizzy does the same thing.  There is a solution you idiots.  It's called minding your own business and letting people handle their own affairs.  Again, shut it!

    • Love 3
  20. The aunts somewhat redeemed themselves but it was still sad because they never should have had to.  They should have never shown their asses to begin with.



    I have a suspicion that the aunts straightened up and joined Team Todd so they can remain on the show.  I don't think Kandi's loyalty is so strong for them as it is for Joyce, so I think they probably wanted to insure that they get an invite to the wedding and air time on the wedding show. 

  21. If I was Carmon, when Kandi said she wanted all of those animals at her wedding, I would have suggested that they have the wedding at the zoo.  Problem solved! 


    As far as Carmon having attitude, I think that with all she's gone through with Joyce and with Kandi's minimal support, she has a right to feel some kind of way when dealing with Kandi's kin folk and soon to be husband.  Nobody should have to take that kind of abuse on any job.  If you ask me, Kandi and Todd are the one's who need to keep it about business and make their family members leave their employees alone.

    • Love 5
  22. Is Drea's fiancé a singer? I kept missing parts of the show and was trying to figure out his REAL interest in her? Very strange.



    He's a singer if you call caterwauling singing.  R Kelly has nothing to worry about as far as which of Drea's husbands sings the best.  This guy as much as told Drea that his focus was his career and not any personal needs Drea might have like kids, life together, home life, etc.  More than once he mentioned "our" careers, which really means "his" career.  I guess the blame is on her for trying to see something there that wasn't. 

  23. Okay, I could have gone 100 friggin years without seeing Tami Roman's behind again.  Boo!!!


    Drea has got to feel like the biggest fool that ever fooled in Foolville.  All of her "He's been there for me...blah, blah, blah..." is such bullcrap.  You've only known the guy for 6 months.  How much can he have been there for you?  And the way her fiancé went off and wanted to trash the whole party fighting was some scary stuff.  In my opinion it's just another red flag that Drea chose to ignore.  She needs to thank God that she found out his true colors and got out of it before he went to that place again.  Dude seemed out of control.  I would hate to see all of that vitriol aimed at Drea.  Also, wtf was that crap about buying her a present, therefore I won't wear a costume to her costume theme party?  The logic of it doesn't make since to me.  Does it mean he's so poor, he can't buy a present and still afford a few seventies props to wear as a costume?  I didn't get that.


    Nicole tickles me with all of the gushing she does over Prince.  I know she's only kidding, but she's lucky Mayte doesn't feel some kind of way about it.  Especially with Shanna's comments about women friends (in this case Carmen Electra; who also hooked up with Prince pre-Mayte) hooking up with her ex.

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