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Posts posted by swankie

  1. 13 hours ago, snarts said:

    Airs 6.23.2024

    Jen pushed Danielle out of her face & Danielle then smashed her glass on Jen's face/ear. Teresa was turned away & missed it. Were they both suspended? 

    It obviously wasn't a glass but a plastic cup or she would have been cut and bloody.  She seemed barely hurt afterward and playing the "I don't remember pushing her" card.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, hottesthw said:

    The Gorgas and the Fudas sure are proving that Teresa is just a “has been” and they’re the real stars of this show. She wasn’t even in this episode yet the entire thing was about her. Good thing Missy Gorga doesn’t wanna talk about Teresa this season. 

    Teresa talked just as much about the Fudas though.  

    This is what I think of when I see Teresa's mouth.  Any more surgeries and the corners of her mouth will touch her ears!


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  3. Ciara needs to find a man who doesn't want to be on the show.  The guys on these reality shows always turn out to be jerks.  I think she should quit the show and persue her modeling career.  

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  4. On 5/19/2024 at 10:12 PM, bosawks said:

    Natalie seems like the perfect BRAVO girlfriend in that she appears to amplify the worst characteristics of her partner.

    Im looking at you Amir…..

    It looks to me that she's using Amir to be on the show.  The way she jumped right into the drama that had nothing whatsoever to do with her was like she was auditioning to become a regular.  She's already proven she doesn't trust or respect Amir.  I certainly don't think she's in love with him.  She's very narcissistic.  She wants to be seen.  She's using him.

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  5. Carl seems literally afraid of Lindsay.  He says he's afraid of hurting her but I think he's afraid of getting his head bitten off every time he has a conversation with her.  She's a shrew!

    Kyle and Amanda are fighting about things they should have discussed with each other way before they decided to get married.  

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  6. 4 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Not liking Teresa's black hair and over done lips.  I thought  Jen Fessler lived in the Hamptons.

    Teresa looks a hot assed mess!  Her mouth is hitting on Joker status.  She should never wear her hair pulled back.  It just highlights how severe her face is.  And Jennifer is so far up Teresa's ass that if Teresa farts Jennifer's name comes out.  

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  7. On 4/26/2024 at 9:14 AM, politichick said:

    I find the women in this group frustrating because all they do is cry and argue and it's annoying.

    I 100% agree!  They are so immature and take every little thing someone says to them as a diss to run off and have a tantrum about.  

    Amir's girlfriend needs to get over herself.  

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  8. 2 hours ago, snarts said:

    Huge side eye at Danielle once again being uber competitive with a woman of color. Ciara, Jordan (Winter House) and now Gabby. Plus, of course Gabby's sensitive, her longterm boyfriend cheated on her with Danielle. 

    Finally, I'm with Paige, Founder & CEO of what exactly? 

    It's like she's trying to prove something to herself but the only thing she's proving is how easy she is.  Of course a guy is going to go with you if you put it out there that you want sex.  They'll go with the one who is the least work to bed down.  But when it comes to a lasting relationship...she's not it. Winter House guy proved that and the guy from Southern Hospitality.  They dropped her like hot garbage after they got what they wanted.  Danielle is trying so hard to make it seem she just wants sex and fun but she's not fooling me.  That girl is hurting inside and she's self medicating on sex with random guys.  That's my opinion anyway.

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  9. On 4/19/2024 at 5:10 PM, ZettaK said:

    He was unemployed for eight months at the time this episode filmed. And close to 40 years old. 

    Outside of the show you mean.  I know they get paid to do the show.  I wonder if they make as much as the real housewives.

  10. Danielle has turned into a little horndog, and no, I'm not slut shaming her.  She just seems super uninhibited since her breakup with her fiancé.  And I just want to say I don't blame balloon guy for showing more interest in her than Gabby.  Gabby acts so stuck up and doesn't know how to flirt and be more engaging.  It was cringeworthy seeing her interaction with him. 

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  11. On 4/7/2024 at 10:25 PM, drivethroo said:

    I'm glad we got to see how nasty Gizelle was when Candiace cried for Gizelle's father dying. Yet if Candiace had rolled her eyes or showed no emotion, Gizelle would've had a problem with that too.

    Candiace and her cryangle tear blotting is as fake as the wig on her head.  Gizelle knows Candiace hates her with the intense heat of a thousand suns. She couldn't give two shits about Gizelle's dad dying just like she doesn't give two shits about Gizelle's daughter's safety at school. I Dont blame Gizelle for not falling for Candiace's grab for attention.  That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. 

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  12. For Lindsay to share her and Carl's intimacy problems seems like such a betrayal to me.  Some things should be kept private to keep from embarrassing your partner.  And she totally blames Carl.  Maybe it's you Lindsay.  Maybe you're just a lousy lay.  

    Seeing Lindsay trying on her wedding dress was so cringeworthy knowing what we know.  I almost felt bad for her.  Almost...

    Amanda still acts like she hates Kyle...news at 11. 

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  13. On 3/29/2024 at 9:50 AM, snarts said:

    Further, were the gender reversed, this wouldn't even be a discussion point. It's crazy to me to me that because Paige (as the desperate over 30 woman) isn't the one begging Craig (the reluctant bachelor) to propose that it means she doesn't love him or isn't committed to their future.

    I never said she should be begging Craig to marry her.  Long stretch from what I said.  It's just that to me it shouldn't freak you out if your intended offers to help with your rent, especially if he's staying there part time.  You have to be in a sharing frame of mind if you plan on SHARING a life with someone.  If you're not there you shouldn't get married until you are there.

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  14. Paige couldn't be further from a marriage frame of mind.  She needs to come to grips with the fact that she doesn't want to get married....PERIOD!  Not just to Craig, but to anybody.  If you feel some kind of way because your supposed husband to be offers to help you pay your rent, you just don't want to share your life with him.  You need to stop stringing him along.  I feel for Craig.  

    Amanda and Kyle are acting like an old married couple that get on each other's nerves constantly instead of newlyweds.  Amanda acts like she can't stand Kyle.

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  15. 13 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

    --- Folks shading Shanice for not being fashionable. Aw, that was mean. Then she goes crying that she doesn't have money for good clothes.

    Is that why she's always wearing a bikini?  I was beginning to think that was all she packed. 

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  16. I watched with interest after she fell and the fire department had to be called to get her up.  After gaining weight on her first visit to see Dr. Now I almost lost interest thinking it was going to be another failure.   But after she actually managed to lose 73 lbs and made the move to Texas I decided to see it through.  Happily she got weightloss surgery and was finally able to walk without a walker.  I hope they do a follow-up to see if she sticks with it.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    Why is Apollo on the Married to Medicine reunion? More to the point, why was Phaedra cast on Married to Medicine?

    As for the former, maybe because Andy has the hots for Apollo? 

    I can answer the first question but only speculate on the second.  Phaedra asked for Apollo to be there with some nonsense about the ladies questioning her about him since he wasn't at his son's birthday party.  As for why Phaedra is on this show, my guess is that Andy really loves Phaedra because of her quirkiness and wanted her to be on a show.  He couldn't put her back on Real Housewives of Atlanta because Kandi Burruss threatened to quit if Phaedra came back so the next best thing was Married To Medicine which also films out of Atlanta, which is where Phaedra lives.  Maybe now that Kandi is no longer on RHOA, Phaedra will get back on that show because she really doesnt fit on Married to medicine since she's neither married nor in medicine.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit if she's put back on RHOA. 

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  18. 7 minutes ago, drivethroo said:
    3 hours ago, sATL said:


    If Robyn didn't tell it, we'd never know because whenever Gizelle is confronted about anything, "she'll talk about it later."

    Gizelle always wants to "talk about it later."  That's why she got bumped out of her first chair at the reunion.

    I give her a break because of the seriousness of the situation.  Her father has brain cancer ffs!  I can see her not wanting to speak on it since it's her dad's news to tell and maybe he didn't want it spread all over the internet and national TV.  Maybe she didn't want to speak on it until after his surgery for fear of jinxing it.  I've been in that situation and it's a very personal thing that you just don't want to talk about because it's so upsetting.  Period!

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  19. 6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Andy Cohen loves Paris, and Kathy Hilton. I don't know why.

    It's because he's nothing but a fan boy and seems to go for rich vapid woman with no morals.  I can't stand him sometimes.

    This reunion bored me to tears because I just couldn't care less about Kyle and her problems with her sister and husband.  Waa waa waa...get on to someone else.  I just might close the door to this franchise.  The only people I like are Garcelle and Sutton.  

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  20. Shame on Bravo for giving this heartless harpy her own show after she blatantly said for all the world to hear that she doesn't give a crap about the helpless victims of her doddering old thief of a husband's crime against them but only cares about nobody but herself!  I AM SO TIRED OF BAD BEHAVIOR BEING REWARDED!!!  I definitely won't be watching her one woman, brazen hussy, look at me trying to be sexy with no actual talent ho-show.  😡

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  21. On 3/5/2024 at 12:26 AM, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

    The abundance of fake tears from Dr Jackie.... and Quad 🙄

    I have zero sympathy for Jackie.  She deserved to be dragged for the offensive remarks she made as if black women aren't already up against an unsympathetic public opinion most of the time, she drives the nails in harder.  I hate people who generalize against a whole group anyway as if we don't have our own individual  identities.  She pigeonholed a whole race of women so cry me a river!  She needed to be knocked off of her high horse and I'm glad I was able to witness it.  I will never look at her the same again. 

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