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Posts posted by swankie

  1. 23 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Babe, in England, we don’t really make a big deal over Mother’s Day. 

    The next time Dorit brings up her PTSD, I want PK to say, Babe, in England, we don’t really indulge ourselves in PTSD.

    He is so over her.  As hard as it would be to believe that PK is playing around, he's giving off cheating vibes. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    This at least was the one episode where I didn't want to punch Alexia 

    I know right?!  I liked how when they were ribbing Julia for spelling Adriana's name wrong on the sign, Alexia in her talking head said, "At least she made a sign.  None of us did that."  It was the first time I felt she was human after all.  Of course, she'll do or say something later that will send her back to harpy status, but I liked her for those few seconds. 🤣

    Poor Guerty!  Nothing is worse than feeling nauseated and not being able to get to a cool quiet place to lie down and calm your stomach.  I also almost wretched when Marisol suggested a milkshake.  Ugh!!!  I was thinking they should give her a few saltines, but I guess they didn't have access to any.  I had a lot of sympathy nausea for you Guerty!

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  3. 6 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Jaysus, gondola ride from hell! What a shit show, poor Guerdy puking, half the women crying, the Mariachi band floats up and Lisa is only concerned with getting a selfie with them and finding her missing lip gloss. 

    At the beginning of the season I had all kinds of compassion for Lisa but now I can't stand her and apparently the show editors don't like her either by showing her only being concerned about a lip gloss as poor Guerty is being carried off sick.  Everything Kiki said about her was true!  And then she howled about being hit by a juice box that barely grazed her.  You would have thought Kiki threw a bowling ball at her the way she carried on.  I've said it before, Lenny knew what he was doing ditching her shallow ass!

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  4. 3 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

    I still don't  care for AM, just something  about her that spells trouble.

    For one thing, she's a liar.  For another thing, she's a troublemaker who doesn't think before she speaks.  She is not a good fit for this show.  I'm still upset that she hasn't been called out for lying on Crystal saying that she said Sutton had an eating disorder when in fact she was the one who inferred it.  I hope she's a one and done. 

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  5. I was really impressed with Missy's weight loss.  You could really see the difference.  I couldn't really see any difference in Amanda but she's tall and has a large chest.  I wonder if they've continued not smoking.  

    I hope Tammy continues to lose weight and eventually gets skin removal surgery.  When Chris mentioned her age it hit me how young she is.  Being that large really aged her.  I hope she stays grounded and determined to reach her weight loss goal.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, albarino said:

    I rolled my eyes at Jackie's recitation of her daily "being on the hot seat."  Guess she is just used to handling baby girls (or whatever she said).  Heavenly needs to stop being her little bitch.

    I lost all respect for Jackie when she made the remark about black pregnant women.  She's always been judgemental and holier than thou if you ask me.  Im not gonna lie, I was kind of on Sweet Tea's side when she cussed Jackie out.  

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  7. On 2/5/2024 at 4:01 PM, Rlb8031 said:

    I also just want to note, that as reckless as Heavenly's mouth is, she's never called Jackie out of her name, nor would she ever contemplate doing so...

    Heathenly calls them all out of their names...behind their backs on her podcasts and in her talking heads.  She's got the nastiest mouth of anybody in reality TV, including Brandy Glanville of RHBH.  That's why I was wondering why everybody was clutching their pearls when Sweet Tea said that to Jackie.  They've heard way worse from Heathenly every time she opens her mouth.

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  8. So now Wendy wants her own talk show.  To be as educated as she so vocally screams about she sure seems to be a Jack of all trades.  And you know what they say about Jack's of all trades.  So she fired her previous co-producer because basically she was going to have to pay her.  How dare the person who was going to be doing the majority of the work expect to be paid for their hard work!  These Housewives kill me.  They tack their names on other people's hard work and act like they themselves should make the most money for it.  It irritates the piss out of me.  

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  9. 2 hours ago, Emmeline said:

    I enjoyed this episode.  No big drama, just little snippets of their lives.  I have RHOP on but I’m barely watching.

    I could have done without hearing about Dr. Simone's sons' perceived sexual habits.  I cringed every time she said semen.  It's just more than I want to know about them.  However, her conversation with Toya had me screaming at the screen!  Toya really needs to be taken down a peg or two.  She's spoiled and doesn't realize how blessed she is to have a husband like Dr. Eugene.  I wonder how he feels watching this episode and hearing how unappreciative she is.  She doesn't deserve him.  

    I guess every episode from now on will have Dr. Jackie bringing up her FaceTime with the Vice President.  She's milking it for everything it's worth.

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  10. 15 hours ago, Maximona said:

    AnneMarie is just...off.  I wanted to like her—us RNs gotta stick together, and yes, if she's got a DNP degree (Doctor of Nursing Practice), then technically she is a "Doctor" (the same way a PhD is technically a "Doctor"—

    After watching this show there would be no way in hell I would trust this shrew to put me to sleep for any operation.  Hell, I wouldn't even trust her to put my dog under.  She's heinous!!!

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  11. 1 hour ago, kayak said:

    I didn't notice this during the season, but what is up with Rodrigo's hair (jet black)/sideburns (grey). His hair has to be a rug, right?

    I have to admit I cracked up when he said backstage, "I actually have a bone to pick with everybody.  Why didn't you mfers tell me my hair was messed up half the season!"  🤣

    • LOL 9
  12. It cracks me up how they all stood there with their mouths wide open clutching their pearls when Crystal called Annemarie a bitch.  Erika really surprised me.  Didn't she wear a See U Next Tuesday necklace in her first season?  I'm just going to assume the shock was that it was coming from Crystal.  

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  13. 2 hours ago, janiema said:

    Annemarie is shit. Go away. One and done. Useless.

    I can't believe she lied and said that Crystal said Sutton had an eating disorder.  I literally wanted to reach through my TV screen and stsooh!!!  That girl has a serious lying problem and she constantly talks over people which is a huge pet peeve of mine.  She needs to be fired on the spot!  

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  14. On 1/10/2024 at 8:27 PM, Straycat80 said:

    Oh here we go with Dorito and her PTSD again. Time to go make a drink snack. 

    When she said "PK doesn't understand my PTSD.", I Was yelling at the screen, "THAT'S BECAUSE HE KNOWS YOU'RE FAKING!!!"  She's going to use that excuse to get what she wants for the rest of their lives.  

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  15. Amy is so jealous of Tammy at this point.  Yes, Tammy took a while to hit bottom and turn herself around, but to mock her and keep bringing it up instead of supporting where she is now isn't cool.  The production team needs to realize AMY NEEDS PROFESSIONAL HELP!  She's beyond depressed and it's affecting her physically.  Stop following her with the camera, un-mic her and suggest she get some help.  Going through a divorce smack dab in the middle of what could be postpartum depression is nothing to ignore.  She's in a really bad place right now and those kids could suffer for it if something isn't done about it.   

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  16. On 1/12/2024 at 5:06 PM, RedInk said:

    I heard Taylor say something vaguely religious, as she does, with that “forgive as you would want to be forgiven,” and then Olivia comes in hot with her “why don’t you just say it…I hooked up with Thomas.” She didn’t have to cop to that! And then she stomped around like Taylor outed her when she did that herself.

    THANK YOU!  I was thinking the same thing when it happened.  Olivia gets on my nerves.  She outs her own indiscretion and blames it on Taylor.  If I was Taylor I would tell her to go fuk herself.  

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  17. 2 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Taylor had a self satisfied look on her face when she "revealed" Olivia's secret. And I see that Olivia tried to get on the show before by hooking up with Tom Ravenel.

    I have a different perspective on this and I'm probably the only one who feels this way about it.  Olivia is so ready to call Taylor out for lying, even saying she's not so upset at what Taylor did but the fact that she lied about it, yet she lied at last season's reunion when she said she never hooked up with Thomas.  Pot, meet the mfkin kettle!

    And am I the only one who thought Shep's big reveal was going to be that he's quitting the show?  Just me?  Mmkay.   

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  18. 6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    At least Misty said after the surgery that she's off of insulin, and other diabetes medicines.

    I was wondering how that was possible after only a week after WLS.  Surely she hasn't lost enough weight in a week to affect her blood sugar levels.  As a type 2 diabetic that confused me.  🤔

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  19. Good Lord!!!  How short is Andy Cohen?!  Walking next to Shep during the break made him look like a little person.  😲

    I agree, why is Leva at this reunion?  For that matter, why is Venita even on the show?  It must suck to only be a bit player, there to puff up and stroke the egos of the key actors.  She never has a storyline all her own.  

    I have so much secondhand embarrassment for JT.  Is he all puffed up because he was able to stand on a chair and headbutt Austen?  Dude!  Sthd and stfu!  You're making a fool of yourself.

    And I guess we all know why women are attracted to Shep...and it's not for his bedroom prowess.  It's definitely for his money and his standing on the show.  They pretty much labeled him a lousy lay. 🤣

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  20. 2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    even when told she had nothing to do with it really they still blame her?? WTF 

    I swear I can't stand big mouthed Alexia!  Nobody can get a word in edgewise with her.  She never let's anybody finish a sentence before she's chiming in with her bullshit!  And Adriana is a snake.  Throwing Nicole under the bus for her own shit was just wrong.  Why she wants to saddle up to those two barracudas Alexia and Marysol is beyond me.  THEY DON'T LIKE YOU ADRIANA!  THEY NEVER WILL!  THEY'RE JUST PUTTING UP WITH YOU BECAUSE THEY HATE NICOLE MORE!  I'm so glad Nicole doesn't really give a damn what those two jealous harpies think of her.  

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