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Posts posted by swankie

  1. I would think Amy would welcome Michael having joint custody of the kids since her whole problem according to her is being overwhelmed with taking care of both babies.  She wants total control of the kids but falls apart when she has it.  I hope for the sake of those kids that the judge does give 50/50 custody to both parents.  Michael's mom has to be better than Amy's situation. Right?

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  2. Damn, has there ever been an episode on this show that they haven't mentioned farts?  They are the most fart obsessed family I've ever seen.  I shudder to think of how their houses smell.  

    How can Amy say they were left with nothing but their clothes when she pretty much cleared out their bank account?  It looks like Michael left them everything.  He just removed himself.  And she's still crying at the drop of a hat.  You know what they say, "Watch what you wish for, or you will surely get it."

    It really breaks my heart seeing Caleb.  He seemed like a really nice guy.   

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  3. What some people won't do to be on reality TV.  I've never seen such idiocy. That one girl needs to kick her mom and her mom's future fkboy to the curb.  It's just a matter of time before mom is going to try to take it there.  It's really pathetic how bad she treats her daughter while showering her daughter's husband with boundless affection. And he's just as bad as she is. They're both way out of line.

    That pageant girl and her mom are the reason I stopped watching pageants.  

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  4. This show has become very boring to me.  I guess since Sweet Tea didn't throw a tantrum and take the gloves off to square against Heavenly and is making baby conception woes her storyline, they're going to bring in Heavenly's sister for her next storyline.  I'm kind of looking forward to it.  I almost fell asleep watching this last episode.  

  5. 1 hour ago, ZettaK said:

    Austin thought that Olivia should apologize to him! He is delusional!

    I don't know.  Olivia is sending mixed signals.  She's all kee keeing and "let's hang out" and "I'm getting out of my bra" when they are alone and then swats him with bear claws whenever they're in the group.  Olivia is getting on my nerves. And why does Leva act like a licensed shrink?  She's always annoyed me too.  Don't get me wrong, I agree Austen is a major shit heel but he isn't the one who dumped Taylor...Shep did.  So why is Austen being blamed for everything?  And why is it ok for JT to go after Taylor but if Austen shows her some attention he's breaking bro code?  Are JT and Shep not friends?  I'm so confused. 

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  6. On 12/28/2023 at 3:57 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

    the more I think about it the more it kinda pisses me off Lisa was using her housekeepers car as a "prop"... there are hundreds of thousands of people who have worked their asses off to afford that car and shes using it as a joke... owning that brand of car isnt something to look down on just because it didnt cost 175 thousand dollars ... its kind of a backhand to everyone who would Love to have ANY car 

    It's making me like Lisa less and less.  Like I said, Lenny probably made the right decision to get rid of her vacuous ass!  

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  7. On 1/2/2024 at 9:20 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

    Don't we think Heather should have used the "Name 'em," line at the mystery dinner table when Monica was saying Reality Von Tease was actually a few people?

    She did name one....her "friend" Tenesha.  She threw her under the bus immediately.

    I hate how Monica is constantly age shaming Lisa.  I just don't understand people who do that.   She'd better pray she lives long enough to reach that age.  I shudder to think how she will look then.  And she's so childish.  Admitting on nationwide TV that she screwed her brother-in-law like she was proud of the fact shows how immature she is.  I hope she was a one and done.  

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

    I hear ya, but in my case, I've never missed an episode since it started, so I guess I'm here until the last episode.  Lol.  But yeah, some of it is quite tiresome, like the millionth scene of Tammy telling a lame joke and Amy laughing uproariously and then responding with her own version of the same lame joke.  And then we have 60 seconds of them going back and forth about one of them mispronouncing a word.  

    Amy isn't as funny as she thinks she is.  I wonder if she thought she could threaten divorce to Michael to try and get him to change.  Little did she know he would beat her to the punch.  I think had Amanda stayed out of it there wouldn't be any divorce.  I dont think Amy really wanted to take it that far at first.  I believe a weekend of rest and relaxation would have helped immensely.  She just needs counseling and meds for her postpartum depression and a daycare for Gage a couple of days a week.  She really bit off more than she could chew having babies back to back that way.  

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  9. I'm getting so tired of hearing Amy cry and complain about how tired she is!!!!!!!!  And she can't handle Gage even with Michael not around so how was moving in with Tammy making it any better?  She just doesn't know how to parent...PERIOD!   And where were the boys while Amy and Tammy were eating the quail eggs?

    I can't believe Amy's reaction to Michael filing for divorce first.  YOU JUST WENT TO DO THE SAME THING! Make up your mind ffs!   I guess it sucks to find out he was just as unhappy as you were.    

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  10. On 12/27/2023 at 8:27 PM, BAForever said:

    I'm liking Amy, Amanda, Misty and Chris a lot less these days.

    Ditto!  I'm especially disliking Amy a lot.  She and Michael were married when the show started so their money from the show should be split equally, right?  They were married in March of 2019.  The show first aired on January 1, 2020.  Taking that money out without Michael knowing was just wrong!  He's just as much part of the show as any of them. 

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  11. On 12/11/2023 at 11:01 PM, goofygirl said:

    WHY is Phaedra Parks on this show????  She needs to just make her coins OFF the teeveee.  PLEASE GO AWAY.

    I agree.  I liked her on RHOA but hate her on this show.  Maybe if we got to see her boys more I would feel differently.  Plus she said her and the doctor boyfriend have already broken up and she's on doctor #2.  Will we not be able to see this one either?  I'm beginning to think she has no boyfriend.  

    I'm so glad they socked it to Quad.  She's just way too full of herself.  The less I see of her the better.  

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  12. On 12/13/2023 at 8:06 PM, Snarkastikate said:

    So big mouth shit-stirrer Amanda takes Gage from Amy & comments to the camera about how Michael is just sitting there like a crappy father.

    Amanda is a big mouthed bully!  Her big hulking body going up in Michael's face in the previews dwarfed him big time.  I admire him for standing his ground with her regardless of her size.  I hope he is able to get at least shared custody of the boys.  Amy sucks in my book.  

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  13. On 12/8/2023 at 7:35 PM, albarino said:

    Olivia, your schtick is tiresome.  You weren't WRONGED!!!  Give it up--we don't care.  JT, quit making me agree with Austin.  The non-issue has nothing to do with you. It  has nothing to do with anything but a tired story line because it is a non-issue.

    All of this!!!  Olivia!  You were never Austen's girlfriend just like Ciara was never his girlfriend.  Hell, he hooked up with Ciara while he was hooking up with you.  Stop acting like you were in a long term relationship.  You dated on and off!  Period!  And JT!  Why is Austen hooking up with Taylor against bro code but you trying so hard to get in her pants isn't?  You need to STFU!  You're just jealous that the girls go for Austen (why I don't know) and not you. You have no swag dude.  Stop inserting yourself in things that don't involve you. It makes me embarrassed for you. 

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  14. I feel that Sam should be confronting Kory and not Malia if she has a problem with their interactions.  He's the one who initiates them.  Kory is being flirty and he is the one who is supposed to be true to you.  Malia never promised you anything.  Hold his feet to the fire.  

    In a nutshell, Danielle is upset that Alex didn't fall madly in love with her.  She needs to learn that sex doesn't always lead to that.  She's nothing but a fuck buddy to him at this point.  Stop expecting more than that.  

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  15. On 12/7/2023 at 1:51 AM, dancingdreamer said:

    Is Dorit trying  to be Kyle 2.0. Her hair is the same now, she appears  to have problems  with her marriage  and or PK, it would seem she is. One Kyle  is enough , honestly Dorito. . 

    Don't forget being robbed RIGHT AFTER Kyle's house was burglarized. It's almost like she's regurgitating Kyle's story lines.  

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  16. On 12/6/2023 at 8:06 PM, RoseAllDay said:

    I don’t think even Denise knows what Erika did. God, this is embarrassing to watch. Not only drunk, but sloppy drunk, and I even felt uncomfortable for Erika.

    I think Denise is talking about how Erika was talking about sexual things in front of Denise's daughters at that event she hosted.  They showed a little snippet of it.  I can remember when it happened everyone was saying how her girls probably heard worse from their dad Charlie Sheen.  

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  17. Damn Danielle!  So because he's sleeping with you he's not allowed to talk to Jordan?!  Girl get a clue!  You're making a fool of yourself.  The fact that he's screwing you is only because you give it up so freely...not because you're a badass bitch.  Let's call it what it is.  You're an easy lay.  He doesn't want to be your man!!!

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  18. Larva needs someone to deposit a boot up that sloppy ill shapen ass of hers!  How dare she question Guerdy's cancer diagnosis!  I'm praying that Mucus wakes up from his obvious blow job stupor and drops that hag for the heartless narcissistic harpy she is!  I feel bad for her children having a mother like her.

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  19. On 11/20/2023 at 7:51 PM, albarino said:

    The strippers looked like circus freaks to me.

    I know right?  Since when did flabby butts and droopy boobs become desirable stripper bodies?  I thought that one girl's ass was going to detach and go bouncing down the aisle of the party bus.  And is it appropriate for the customers to disrobe?  Why was Dr. G talking about removing his pants?  How will his patients feel after seeing this episode?  I would definitely question his integrity after seeing this. 

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  20. 21 hours ago, QQQQ said:

    "Everything is all about you!" cries Whitney when Lisa doesn't make Sheri's death all about Whitney.

    I was going to post the same thing!  I mean damn Whitney, Lisa sent you flowers and expressed her condolences but I guess it doesn't count if it's done off camera.  Then you can't do your "I'm so sad but I'm going to make the sacrifice and party with you all because Sheri would have wanted me to" shtick in full makeup and party dress.  Puh-leeze!  

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  21. 1 hour ago, SabineElisabeth said:

    And let's be real, other than filiming a few videos with Jessica every now and then, it's not like Whit is stuck in NC.  No reason she can't (and wouldn't) invite herself to Glenn's Alabammer condo as often as she wants anyway.

    I agree!  Especially now that Boo Bear is getting married and her relationship with Todd seems to be dwindling.  And Heather seems to already have vamoosed!  No signs of her since she sang at Babs' funeral.  I wonder what that's about. 

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