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Posts posted by swankie


    On 9/20/2024 at 10:20 PM, Yeah No said:

    I think there are a lot of reasons she didn't put up enough of a fight on the weight gain. According to her it came on suddenly out of nowhere so I personally don't believe she did it to herself, at least not that part. The way she describes it reminds me of what happened to me at menopause. I was actually dieting and exercising the way I always did and the weight came on anyway. Diet counselors told me to my face that either I was lying or mistaken about how much I was eating. I knew better. Everybody's body and metabolic issues are different and I believe her that her original weight gain was not a result of her suddenly eating that much more to justify gaining THAT much.

    According to Whitney she suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome.  It caused her to gain 200 lbs.  


  2. On 9/20/2024 at 4:37 PM, ZettaK said:

    Tamra is overexaggerating for the show (=acting). It doesn’t have anything to do with the kind of mother she is off the show.

    If my mother stuck her finger up someone's butt, pee'd on the poolside concrete and bashed my dad on nationwide television I would be mortified. It says a lot about the kind of mother she is on camera or not.   

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  3. 2 hours ago, Slider said:

    Heather is extremely insincere when listening and/or apologizing.  Someone needs to knock her off her high horse.

    I have never liked Heather.  I don't know why they all cowtow to her.  Is it her money?  And so what?  She's not the only housewife with money.  I don't get it.  And Terry is really reaching the Waylan Flower's Madame dummy's face.  He has a very unfortunate face.  I watch him on Botched from time to time and he's starting to look like his Botched patients.  But Heather truly seems to love him.  The only thing I like about the Dubrows is their loyalty to each other in their relationship.  That's the ONLY thing.

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  4. 22 hours ago, Palimelon said:

    OC's Jeana was involved in real estate when RHOC started. Phaedra from Atlanta was a lawyer (and the main breadwinner even after she married Apollo). Ramona from RHONY had her beauty care line and some type of clothes resale thing (not sure if just her husband or both had the jewelry company as well). Those are the only ones I can think of, but can't say if any of them are still working in those jobs.

    Kandi Burress of RHOA has always had multiple businesses in addition to being an original member of the group Xscape before she joined the show.

    (Just now realized you were referring to boring day to day jobs.  My bad!) 😊

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  5. On 8/30/2024 at 12:55 PM, RoseAllDay said:
    On 8/30/2024 at 11:27 AM, Natalie68 said:

    Seems to me they want the Vicki-Teddi feud to continue, especially if Tamra and Teddi are buds. If either has to come back, I pick Vicki. Teddi is vile.

    And you don't think Vicki is vile?!  That woman is the most vile housewife of any franchise as far as I'm concerned.  At least Teddi didn't fake a cancer diagnosis (for her even more vile boyfriend) for a storyline. To me that's the lowest of the low and I will never buy her explanation that she didn't know Brooke's was faking. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    If you want a list of them check out this thread, we talk about them ALL the time! Put all of that together, age, weight AND personality and forget it, she's got a problem!

    I don't think Whitney is ugly, she's attractive when she fixes herself up.  And I know many obese women who met their mate when they were large and have maintained longterm relationships.  Whitney's problem is she discloses too damned much about herself when she first meets them.  She's so bragadocious (is that a word? 🤣) that she overwhelms them with her whole life's story whether they want to hear it or not.  And she tries to be coquettish and it comes across as fake and off-putting.  She's not cute enough to pull that off.  She overtakes every damned conversation and barely let's anyone else get a word in.  She's an over discloser.  Stop pushing that damned Frenchman story!  Nobody cares!  Especially a guy who might show interest in you.  Shut up about almost switching teams at one time.  Nobody cares!  You're not impressing anyone with that crap.  Save some information for later in the relationship when they might then be more interested. And just shut up and let them talk for a change!  

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  7. She's so desperate to have people believe she was popular and that guys actually wanted sex with her that she may as well have stood with a megaphone on a tabletop and shouted it.  Who says those things to their father?  Whitney, all of the guys that we actually believe you had sex with didn't come back for more and actually found other women to settle down with.  That should tell you something.  And I don't think it had anything to do with your size, but everything to do with your pushy, obnoxious personality and the fact that you NEVER SHUT UP!!!  I had so much second hand embarrassment for her talking about hoeing.  SHUT UP FFS!!!

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  8. 20 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

    I think it was a mistake on Gypsy's part to tell Ryan her every thought and conversation, i.e. her stepmom giving her info about Ken, her feelings about Ken, etc.  Keep that to yourself.  He became more and more jealous and suspicious with each passing day and she became more and more defensive and smothered. 

    Amen!  How did she expect him to react to that?  Nobody wants to hear that you still have feelings for your ex.  She should have expected him to be defensive and hurt.  I think she already made up her mind once she found out Ken was reaching out to her that she was going to leave Ryan.  And I can't stand that stepmother of hers.  What a busybody.  

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  9. 3 hours ago, Realitystarr said:

    The egging was clearly fake. I highly doubt with the cost of food that anyone is wasting money on throwing eggs and sending flowers and showing up while the house is full of  people filming plus wearing white.

    I agree.  The fact that Glenn and Hunter didn't jump up from the table right away proves it was staged to me.  This whole episode was nothing but a Whitney pity party.  It's like they're trying to make people feel sympathy for her in order to make her a more pleasant person.  It's so not working. She thinks people don't like her because she's fat but the real reason is her crappy personality.  

    Has Todd always been so toothy? 😁

    So does Lennie's girlfriend not have any friends or family?  You would think if she did they would be at the baby reveal party also and not just Whitney's friends who she's never met.   

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  10. Quote

    On the cusp of turning 40, a newly-single Whitney finds herself stuck on the sidelines, watching as her friends celebrate life's milestones; Whitney must decide what she wants her next chapter to look like.


    Original air date 2024.07.09

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  11. On 6/24/2024 at 12:26 PM, JenE4 said:

    I didn’t even understand what Jen was saying about the hairdresser. I got Danielle’s explanation in the voiceover of why she was calling Jen about this hair extension ad. But what in the world was Jen supposedly implying that turned Danielle into an absolute animal? Because Jen finally had an “endorsement” (which was a big point of contention last season), and she was implying that Danielle was trying to meddle in it when Danielle was as trying to be helpful to spare the feelings of Jen’s hairdresser?

    Jenn implied that Danielle was disloyal to her hair dresser by telling Jenn not to do the photo shoot so that her own hair dresser wouldn't feel betrayed.  She was basically calling Danielle a turncoat who was sabotaging her hair dresser's project.  

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  12. 13 hours ago, snarts said:

    Airs 6.23.2024

    Jen pushed Danielle out of her face & Danielle then smashed her glass on Jen's face/ear. Teresa was turned away & missed it. Were they both suspended? 

    It obviously wasn't a glass but a plastic cup or she would have been cut and bloody.  She seemed barely hurt afterward and playing the "I don't remember pushing her" card.  

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  13. 2 hours ago, hottesthw said:

    The Gorgas and the Fudas sure are proving that Teresa is just a “has been” and they’re the real stars of this show. She wasn’t even in this episode yet the entire thing was about her. Good thing Missy Gorga doesn’t wanna talk about Teresa this season. 

    Teresa talked just as much about the Fudas though.  

    This is what I think of when I see Teresa's mouth.  Any more surgeries and the corners of her mouth will touch her ears!


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  14. Ciara needs to find a man who doesn't want to be on the show.  The guys on these reality shows always turn out to be jerks.  I think she should quit the show and persue her modeling career.  

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  15. On 5/19/2024 at 10:12 PM, bosawks said:

    Natalie seems like the perfect BRAVO girlfriend in that she appears to amplify the worst characteristics of her partner.

    Im looking at you Amir…..

    It looks to me that she's using Amir to be on the show.  The way she jumped right into the drama that had nothing whatsoever to do with her was like she was auditioning to become a regular.  She's already proven she doesn't trust or respect Amir.  I certainly don't think she's in love with him.  She's very narcissistic.  She wants to be seen.  She's using him.

    • Like 9
  16. Carl seems literally afraid of Lindsay.  He says he's afraid of hurting her but I think he's afraid of getting his head bitten off every time he has a conversation with her.  She's a shrew!

    Kyle and Amanda are fighting about things they should have discussed with each other way before they decided to get married.  

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  17. 4 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Not liking Teresa's black hair and over done lips.  I thought  Jen Fessler lived in the Hamptons.

    Teresa looks a hot assed mess!  Her mouth is hitting on Joker status.  She should never wear her hair pulled back.  It just highlights how severe her face is.  And Jennifer is so far up Teresa's ass that if Teresa farts Jennifer's name comes out.  

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  18. On 4/26/2024 at 9:14 AM, politichick said:

    I find the women in this group frustrating because all they do is cry and argue and it's annoying.

    I 100% agree!  They are so immature and take every little thing someone says to them as a diss to run off and have a tantrum about.  

    Amir's girlfriend needs to get over herself.  

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  19. 2 hours ago, snarts said:

    Huge side eye at Danielle once again being uber competitive with a woman of color. Ciara, Jordan (Winter House) and now Gabby. Plus, of course Gabby's sensitive, her longterm boyfriend cheated on her with Danielle. 

    Finally, I'm with Paige, Founder & CEO of what exactly? 

    It's like she's trying to prove something to herself but the only thing she's proving is how easy she is.  Of course a guy is going to go with you if you put it out there that you want sex.  They'll go with the one who is the least work to bed down.  But when it comes to a lasting relationship...she's not it. Winter House guy proved that and the guy from Southern Hospitality.  They dropped her like hot garbage after they got what they wanted.  Danielle is trying so hard to make it seem she just wants sex and fun but she's not fooling me.  That girl is hurting inside and she's self medicating on sex with random guys.  That's my opinion anyway.

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  20. On 4/19/2024 at 5:10 PM, ZettaK said:

    He was unemployed for eight months at the time this episode filmed. And close to 40 years old. 

    Outside of the show you mean.  I know they get paid to do the show.  I wonder if they make as much as the real housewives.

  21. Danielle has turned into a little horndog, and no, I'm not slut shaming her.  She just seems super uninhibited since her breakup with her fiancé.  And I just want to say I don't blame balloon guy for showing more interest in her than Gabby.  Gabby acts so stuck up and doesn't know how to flirt and be more engaging.  It was cringeworthy seeing her interaction with him. 

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