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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. It is sounding more like it was a mutual decision.  NBC head guys were angry with Adam's recent actions in front of advertisers who pay his $26 mil salary.  Adam had become difficult.    Paul Telegdy  (co- chairman of NBC) wanted Adam fired.  He had to be talked out of it.  

    • Love 4
  2. I finished this season last night.  I am not sure what I thought of it.  It would have helped if I liked the characters.  But I didn't really care when they were killed off.  I certainly wouldn't live in that apartment building.  I kept wondering why nobody was leaving.  Then I had to remind myself that it was all happening in one day.  No time to get scared enough to make plans to leave.  

    Early on they seemed to be hitting us over the head with who the killer was.  Then we would realize it wasn't that person.  I was over halfway thru the season when I started to suspect who was doing it.  But even that was a bit different than I thought.

    I was getting sick of the back in time.  At least 5 or 6 times every episode we would get the 1 year earlier or 20 years or 10.  They spent so much time jumping back and forth when it really didn't need to be shown any longer.   

    At least when they do this show Dean McDermott gets work.   I believe he has been in every season.  

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  3. I really wish they would give us at least 2 episodes a week.  

    I felt like I was watching Temptation Island during the Shailee/Tyler/Rosanna parts.  

    I hope Carlos is playing Tyler and Rosanna.  I want him to keep Kaitlyn and boot Rosanna.  But with Carlos you never know what you will get.  

    Rosanna is completely out of control.  Get Out, Come Here, Go Away, Where are You?  Tyler is controlled by her crazy actions.  

    • Love 4
  4. I always expected Paul to win.  But I would have liked Phil as a winner too.  He really pushed Paul in the final.  I didn't think the other 2 had a chance of making the final 2.  

    I would also like a different location for the next season.  I want some variety.

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  5. This show didn't schedule with any hope of high ratings.  Last week they went up against the premiere of The Bachelorette.  Then the finale of both Survivor and The Big Bang Theory.  

    They could have at least waited till June to put this show on the air.  It was like they wanted it to fail.  

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  6. I wanted Jair to break up one of the main couples.  Instead we got the predictable elimination.  I would have preferred Hans stick around to cause trouble.  At least he ruffled some feathers which is more fun for me.  

    I hope the ex girlfriend showing up causes some trouble.  I am all for the shake ups.  

    • Love 14
  7. I really don't care for new Crystal at all.  I find myself wondering why she is even on the show.  I had some interest in the first Crystal and Blake relationship.  But this one does nothing for me.  I hope they dump her and find another Crystal.  

    • Love 4
  8. Tatum really thinks highly of herself.  I was turned off by how sure of herself she was that she could make any guy want her.  

    I laughed at drunk girl falling over on her chair and blaming others.  I don't know how that could be anyone's fault but her own.  Then she goes rushing back to her room to look for sympathy that she didn't get.  

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