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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. Yes he was a former cop.  I think what convinced me of his guilt was the trip to the hospital.   At first he said she just needed stitches.  Then instead of going to the closest hospital he decided to go to one further away.  He then did not take the direct highway but a dark back road.  He needed to stage the accident where nobody would see him.  The entire trip to the hospital made no sense if he was innocent.  

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  2. I don't like the idea of the first 4 out of the HOH comp being have-nots.  It saved Chris from being a have-not since he couldn't participate.  I really wanted him to be a have-not.  Plus I don't like that type of challenge.  Too easy to gang up on someone.  It does not give the people that need the HOH the most a chance to win it.

    Kyle really irritates me.  

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  3. The show is on Netflix in Canada.

    I finished season 5.  I enjoyed it.  But it is obvious there is going to be another season.  We did not really get a final conclusion to anything.  This has to be the most corrupt police force in the world.  

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  4. I have been watching this show.  I do sometimes wish that everyone wasn't so broken.  It does seem like everyone on the show has deep emotional problems.  Maybe they need someone to be the rock for everyone.  

  5. I don't really like the camera angles they are using.  Everything is always so far away.  I don't like having to guess who is talking when they are in a room at the end of the hall and around a corner.  Why did we see an entire conversation shot looking into a window with bars on it?  It wasn't till they finally moved a bit closer that I even realized that there were 4 men in the conversation.  Everything is dark and confusing enough without doing artsy camera angles to make it impossible to know who is in the conversation.

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  6. I was happy to hear that the DA was the former DA.  I blame him for a lot of the delay.  Even the state trooper's boss wanted to get a search warrant.  But the DA turned it down.  Then he said he wasn't familiar with the guy but there were photos of them together.  The DA was the reason this dragged out.   

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