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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I was happy they cleared up some of the storylines.  I was worried they would make everything a cliffhanger and then not renew it.

    Making Mr P the killer seemed the obvious direction they were going.  He was dying anyway.  They want to keep Mrs P on the show.  Gigi was another character they did not want to get rid of.  The killer was going to be someone expendable to the show.

    I just assumed that Felix was the one that shot Santiago.  If the show is cancelled I will assume Felix killed Santiago.  If it gets renewed Santiago will live.

    I really want this show to come back.  

    • Love 4
  2. MrLake was watching with me.  He asked me who the older woman was.  I thought he was referring to Patricia in the WWHL clip.  But he meant Chelsea.  He has watched the show with me.  He did not even recognize her.  Even when I realized who he was talking about he did not believe me when I said she was same age as the others on the couch.  That really was not a good look for her.

    • LOL 1
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  3. I was irritated that they gave Kyra so much attention when she was being booted.  She got the call and visit from Cashel.  It was like a slap in the face to Jerod.  Cashel and Kyra were both booted because the public didn't give them enough votes to stay longer.  They were both fickle.  The show didn't give anyone else that attention when they left.  I think the only reason Kyra kept going on and on about Cashel was because it got her attention.  The real thing will be something she tosses aside when they get home.  Cashel will get his heart broken again and again if he stays around her.  

    • Love 13
  4. I really did laugh when I heard they were recasting Cristal.  We had all joked about a new Cristal every season. I didn't think they would really do it. This is hilarious. But I didn't like the #2 version. Hopefully this one will be entertaining.

    • Love 1
  5. I loved the twitter game.  I wish they had actually shown more negative comments.  It gets the house talking and worrying.  I think Zac and Elizabeth were really upset to hear the public thinks they are boring and not cute.  They know the public votes for the winner.  Now they will be trying hard to entertain so they can win.  I think they thought they had it wrapped up since they are the only original couple.  

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  6. CTV Canada has a Saturday night show on called Love Island After Sun which is a live audience show about the week.   They had a couple guys on from the UK version.  They asked them about the women in the house.  The one guy said he was first attracted to Caro.  Then she started with the baby talk and it was a complete turnoff to him.  The other guy liked Mallory.  Everyone was surprised by anyone liking her.  But he has a thing for blondes.  

    • LOL 3
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  7. I thought the ex hubby and boyfriend both looked alike.  Ex hubby was bald, but otherwise she had a type.  

    I had seen this case before.  I remember hearing the fact her name Crystal was short for Crystal Meth.  

    • Love 2
  8. I hated the way they dragged out the final minutes of the show.  They spent forever with her talking in circles about her decision.  Then they still didn't show us her choice.  Of course tonight we will get to watch the build-up all over again.  If you are going to make it a to be continued then maybe don't drag that part out.  It just irritated me.    

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  9. I believe the husband did it.  The fact Bonnie's mother (and father) thinks he is innocent is the interesting part.  They are obviously the type of people that don't like to admit they are wrong about someone. They invited their son-in-law into their family.  To admit he killed their daughter would mean they had not seen it and warned her.   

    • Love 8
  10. The show last night was about the elderly couple that were killed by the 15 year old boy.  That is one scary teenager.  I think he seemed more evil when he was cleaned up and acting normal in court.  I hope they never let him out.  He will kill again.  

    • Love 5
  11. Jason's wife was as greedy as Jason.  She was willing to overlook all the affairs.  She just wanted the land and her lifestyle to continue.  I am not even sure she was being truthful about how dad treated mom.  She did not want Jason convicted because she would then lose everything.  

    • Love 9
  12. Last night's show about Gypsy the Nanny was an old one.  I had seen it before about the so-called doctor who talked his wife into plastic surgery.  Then he drugged her and killed her in the bathtub.  I am not sure if I remembered hearing about him committing suicide in jail.  But otherwise I remembered this one.  He actually reminded me of a combination of Dirty John and Trump.  

    • Love 11
  13. Elizabeth and Mr Picky seem like they will be our troublesome couple this season.  I really can't see them being a match with anyone.  Hopefully they will be fun fireworks for us rather than just annoying.

    I believe the other 3 couples all have a chance.  They will find each other attractive and that is the first hurdle.  

    • Love 10
  14. Danni always has such a sour look on her face.  

    Whitney must be desperate for his show to survive.  I can't think of any other reason he would agree to go on an RV trip with these guys.  

    • LOL 2
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  15. I wish they would quit showing us Reece's backside.  I do not want to see that again.  He reminded me of someone on the Savannah show.  I think it was the voice.  

    The way Reagan talked it sounds like Jeff was her rebound guy when Reece would not commit.  She grabbed the NFL football star to show him.  Reece never left her mind.  (I have no idea why.  Ewww!) Then she re-connected with Reece and realized he was available and ready. So she dumped Jeff.  Jeff should realize he dodged a bullet never having kids with her.

    Jeff seems close with the guys.  He is in that clique.  If Reagan didn't have Tamica she would be out of that loop.  Tamica does not seem happy with Reagan at all.  So that cord could be cut too if the group had to pick between Jeff and Reagan.  

    Tamica is reality gold for this show.  But as a person I do not like her.    

    • Love 18
  16. I watched.  I wish they had shown more couples.  It seemed like the same couples were shown repeatedly.  I noticed they never showed the couples from season 2 at all.  I guess that is the black sheep season.  

    I did find it odd watching Dr Jessica with Jon and Molly during the decision episode.  

    • Love 6
  17. 21 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

    Why should a woman have to be afraid to tell a guy to get lost?

    In a perfect world she shouldn't.  But there are crazy guys out there.  Better to try and be polite when turning a guy down.  The friends made it sound like the victim was very blunt.  

    • Love 5
  18. We watched this and the victim's friends kind of annoyed us.  Not as much as Andrea Canning, but then that is a given.  I can't believe none of the friends ever considered the DJ when they were told the killer was part Latino.  Were there really that many Latino men in their area?  

    The friends chasing a guy that was hiding in the bushes was crazy.  Were they trying to get killed?  It was stated early that the women liked to go to the clubs and stand out and be noticed.  The victim was said to be the type that told guys she was not interested in to get lost.  That is not the smartest thing to do.  Did it never occur to them that maybe they would upset the wrong guy.  Then he would wait outside and want to get even.  Crazy guys don't like to be embarrassed in public by women that think they are better than them.

    We laughed every time they showed the photo of Dagger on his motorcycle.  The friends said the victim didn't like to talk about Dagger.  My guess was that she knew he was married and did not think her friends would approve.  So she never told them.  

    The killer's former wife must really spend a lot of time thinking back to who she was living with.  That would creep me out to find I was involved with a killer/rapist.   

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