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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I find myself expecting the person that is cleared to get shot on the court house steps at the end.  I can't help it.  Two weeks in a row I had this bad feeling that it was ending too happy.  I guess I watch too many shows that do not end well.

  2. LakeGuy just informed me about some more info on Josh's mother.  Susan's life insurance was at over $2 million.  Susan's parents were in charge of the trust for her.  The insurance company did not want to release the money since Susan had not been declared officially dead.  Josh's mother and younger sister (not the one on the show) went to court to get Susan declared dead so they could go after the insurance money.  The insurance company finally released the money.  It is said that Susan's family and Josh's came to an agreement on the distribution of the money but the details were not disclosed.  Obviously Josh's mom wanted that money.

    In the divorce between Steve and his wife the wife said that Steve shared pornography with the children.  Steve claimed his wife was a witch.  What a looney family.

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  3. This case completely creeped me out.  I remember it.  But the added details only made it worse.  Steve keeping his daughter-in-law's used tampons and pubic hair.  Ewww!  When I was 16 my boyfriend's father gave me a sloppy French kiss on New Year's Eve.   He was really drunk.  I was creeped out by that.  But it was nothing compared to this guy.

    I kept wondering about Josh's mother and where she was in this story.  We ended up looking it up after to see where she fit in. Sounds like she tried helping Josh get custody of the boys.  But she had divorced Steve so at least she had enough sense to do that.   

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  4. I had followed this case and knew the verdict. The jury did not think the prosecution proved the case. They didn't know if the baby was alive or not.  I was surprised they didn't mention the reaction of the boy and his parents. They were very angry and blamed Skylar. The show also did not mention about her researching ways to lose the baby.

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  5. I did see Siegfreid & Roy one time I was in Vegas.  It was a very over the top performance.  We were quite close and all the animals on stage was quite the experience.  I have always loved magic so that was the reason we went.  I found there was always so much going on at once that at times you did not know where to look.   Of course that is part of the trick.  Keep everyone distracted and you do not see the magic tricks.  I remember Roy saying it was the white tiger's first show.  Of course he said that at all the shows.  Before the show started they had people running around the audience in costume interacting with everyone.  One of them put a small white tiger sticker on my face.    

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  6. I finished the new episodes. I agree it would be nice if the Bennett family could have some happy times. Maybe they are saving it for a happy ending for the series.

    I expected for Nick and/or Mary to die this season. The ending left us with the idea that one of the Bennett men was waiting for Nick and killed him. They showed us Beau leaving with a gun. I suspect it will be a woman that kills Nick. Mary's daughter was my first thought. Nick sounded surprised. I doubt seeing Mary would be a surprise to him.

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  7. I have been waiting for this update on Pam Hupp.  Keith was the perfect one to do it.

    It was funny we were watching and commenting on how more than one guy had a dimpled chin in this case.  Then the second DA showed up with his dimpled chin and we laughed.  We kept referring to him as Superman since he reminded us of an actor who would play that part.

    I really wanted an update on Betsy's family too.  How could the mother not realize that Russ is now innocent and Pam killed her daughter. 

    Pam is just pure evil. 

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  8. Finally finished season 3.  I hated the character of Ani.  Sorry that she was bullied on social media.  Fans should be more angry with the writers than the actress.  She was just doing her job.  The fact the writers thought we would want this character dominating the season was the real problem.

    I was expecting a type of conclusion where several characters were involved in Bryce's killing.  They even made it vague at first how he was killed.  They said he was shot then it turned out he was hit on the head twice and finally he drowned.

    Clay really has to rethink his friends.  At least both Tyler and Zach wanted to come forward when they realized Clay was being blamed for the murder and they wanted to help.  But Alex and Jessica both sat back and let Clay be arrested while they knew he was innocent.  I do wonder if Alex's father would have let Clay go to jail if he was sure his son did it.   

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  9. I was surprised Dateline didn't mention about the water skiing.  Every time I hear about this case they seem to mention how Fotis made the children water ski for hours.  He was determined to make them into world class water skiers and the kids cried from having to practise for hours.  It was one of the reasons the mother wanted to get the kids away from their father.  

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