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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I have watched the first half of the series.  I just finished episode 5.  I am not quite sure where they are going.  I do not like Zoe and her brother also seems like a jerk.  I am enjoying Boxer a lot more.  Not sure what it says when I don't really care who killed Axel.  

  2. Kristy was on Brad Womack's first season of the Bachelor back in 2007.  She was sent home around week 5 or 6.  

    I knew I recognized Dr. Marcus.  Then it dawned on me that he was on Survivor.

    I hope that Kristy makes the smart choice and doesn't waste this opportunity on the wrong guy.  I am surprised they didn't announce to us who had the lowest sperm count.   

    • Love 3
  3. Imrun skates by again.  How many times can he be in the bottom and not go home?  Jo always kind of annoyed me.  I am not even sure why.  So I won't really miss her.  It seemed obvious once she got all the attention that she was probably going home.  

    • Love 3
  4. I made the comment about if they were going to chop their legs off so they could not walk at grad.

    Then Tripp said the same thing. OMG.  I am now thinking like Tripp. I was joking. But it scared me that I am obviously thinking like him.

    • LOL 5
  5. I remember way back when my roommate got a promise ring from her boyfriend.  It was a small diamond in a heart-shaped setting.  Later when they got engaged they took the promise ring back to the store and they traded it in on the engagement ring.  The stores did this to make sure they got the business.  The couple got the money back that was originally spent on the promise ring and it counted towards the price of the engagement ring.  

    • Useful 1
  6. I would be quite happy if both Nate and Oliver ended up dead. I just find them both so annoying. Surprisingly I hope Bonnie and Frank get away free. Yes, they have done murderous stuff. But I don't have to hear them saying "pops" every episode. 

    I am still curious about Wes showing up. I hope he is not alive.

    • Love 8
  7. Carol has been wanting to quit ever since Nico left.  They might as well just nominate her and vote her out to make her happy.  Crazy season with 2 ejections and HGs wanting to quit.  Then we add the fact they know about the Coronavirus.

    Does anyone know if they sequestered Michael or let him go home?

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