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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I kept wondering what kind of school they went to that this guy was the Big Guy on Campus.  He seemed like a creep to me.  

    The husband tries to say he is having an affair with a woman but doesn't know her last name or where she lives.  Sure.

    I had seen this case before but this had more details.  

    • Love 7
  2. I found this episode the worst of the season.  I was bored.  We all knew that Clarice would be rescued so there was no worry.  She kept having all these dreams that I didn't care about.  I was mostly disappointed that she did exactly what they had told her not to do and went off on her own.  Everyone else had to drop everything and spend their time searching for her when she put herself in danger.  Will she ever learn? 

    • Love 14
  3. I did laugh when Bill's ex said she thought Bri didn't want kids.  Bill with a serious voice said that was when Bri was younger but she is 22 now.  

    Desiry throws Rodney's ring away and calls him a dog.  Then when he doesn't chase afterwards she calls him up complaining again.  If he didn't want to be on TV so badly he would have simply told her the engagement was off and hung up.  She ended it.  Now she has nobody to pay her bills. Why does she get to call him and tell him what he has to do?  I need the info that he is gay to come out next week.  This whole relationship has been a joke.

    Reese's mother keeps saying that Nonie wants to run his life.  But his mom is the one that really wants to run his life.  

    Next week we get to see Rick again.  It looks like he still misses whatsherface.

    • LOL 1
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  4. I was wrong most of the time last night.  I did get the scooter girl correct because she just looked the part.  And I guessed the last woman with Fabio.  But that was mostly because I thought Fabio was probably the only one that would do a charity auction for a date.  The first woman was so mixed up with her dates that she was easy to rule out.  I also figured Tom Jones would get more money for a date than that.  

    Mama Doris is telling the panel to shut up and stop wasting time.  She wastes more time than anyone.  

    • Love 3
  5. I think Erica now feels free.  She knows where she stands with Kendal.  He slapped her in the face with the fact he doesn't care about her.  She can now just enjoy herself with no guilt.  Kendal talks like he can do what he wants and then he will decide if Erica and him get back together after.  He acts like she has no say in it.  I want to see him watch a bonfire of Erica enjoying the boys.  

    Chelsea gets upset at the bonfire about seeing a kiss on the cheek with her boyfriend.  But she was getting a kiss on the cheek too.  In fact she was bent over grinding into that one guy's crotch at their party. 


    • Love 2
  6. This show might have been about Aniah's murder.  But I felt like they spent more time on the stepdad's UFC career than on the murder.  I was getting annoyed at how much time they spent on the stepdad.  

    • Love 5
  7. Last night Lakeguy was complaining about Chris.  I had no idea he was talking about MAFS and asked who he was talking about.  He seemed quite upset about this guy.  Then he explained who he was talking about and I laughed.  Days later and Chris is still annoying my husband.  

    • LOL 13
  8. Kevin actually seemed stunned when Kattie broke up with him.  It was probably the most expression I have seen from him.  I never thought he really cared for her.  

    I was surprisingly on Rick's side in the breakup.  I would have been upset too.  He did everything he could to please her.  But it still wasn't enough.  I hope they make a clean break of it.  It is time for them both to move on.

    The biggest thing with me in the Nonie and Reese relationship is why does Nonie want to marry him?  I still don't know what she sees in him.  Maybe she likes to control him.  But I am sure she could find someone else that would be happy to let her treat them to a better life. 

    I still find Bill & Bri disgusting.  I can't get past that she reminds me of a child hanging out with her Grandpa.  I have to agree with Bill's ex.  Bri wants a baby with him for security.  She can't get him to marry her.  Having his baby would be the next best thing to getting his money. 

    • Love 10
  9. I enjoyed the show being back on.  I would have appreciated it more if I had been able to tell which team was which during the challenge.  Everyone was in black and we don't know the HGs yet.  So it was hard to tell which team was winning or had which players on it.  

    The female with pink hair might have won the challenge for her team.  But she really annoyed me.  

    • Love 4
  10. It was obvious that Chris was looking down and reading off a script.  It was also not live so they could edit it.  I think a live sit down interview that was not with ABC might have been harder for him.  This was the easier way out.  

    • Love 2
  11. Erik should ask Virginia if it is OK if he spends the night on the couch of the female flight attendants when he is away for work.

    I wonder what both Erik and Virginia's families think when watching Virginia and her heavy drinking on the show.

    I think Jacob will be fine when this is over.  All the 80s loving females will be getting in touch with him after the show.  

    • Love 9
  12. Chris Harrison is set to make an appearance on Good Morning America.

    ET confirms that the Bachelor host will be interviewed by Michael Strahan on Thursday's GMA. This will mark Harrison's first interview since stepping aside from the Bachelor franchise following his recent controversy.

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