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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I can't believe how bad the cops are in this town.  The PIs have to do all the work.  They finally got a sketch of Ronald.  But it was the PIs that had to think to show it to the killer trooper's wife.  I hope they show that sketch to the truck stops in the area.  I thought the sketch was pretty good although I think it made his face look a bit fatter.  A black & white sketch doesn't affect the fact he dyed his hair darker.  I laughed that he thought that was going to keep him from being identified.  It just looked like his hair was wet.  

    We know Ronald will be gone when they get upstairs.  I am waiting for him to try and get in the hospital to get to the trooper.  

    This show has it's laughable moments but I am still enjoying it.  

    • Love 6
  2. At least we don't have to worry about Carly being the Bachelorette.

    From PEOPLE:

    "Lots of people are asking me if I would do another Bachelor show," said Waddell, 35, who was originally a contestant on Chris Soules' season of The Bachelor, and appeared on two seasons of BiP, where she met Bass. 

    "When I think about that I just start laughing," the mom of two added. "I can't even imagine walking up to Chris Harrison and being like, here I am again. I'd be so embarrassed." 

    • LOL 3
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  3. Lois must of had charm that I didn't see.  I suppose females let their guard down more with other females.  They know to be suspicious of new men they meet in a bar.  But another female makes them feel safer.  Lois probably sensed which women were lonely and easy to approach and befriend.  That woman in Texas was very lucky she mentioned all her security cameras around her place.  It probably saved her life.

    • Love 14
  4. We binged the series yesterday.  I loved Anna.  But I found most of the cast interesting.  I watched the After Show too.

    I really wondered why they never asked if Kim had any half-siblings.  Maybe they did and I missed it.  But she could look into that and maybe meet some cousins on her dad's side.  

    • Love 3
  5. I hope Brooksie doesn't find a way to show up on the reunion.

    Jen is one of those people that likes to cause all her friends to fight with each other.  She doesn't want them to be friends without her. That way they only confide in her.  I knew a girl in high school like that.  We all compared notes and figured out what she was doing. But of course that was back in High School.  Adult women normally don't act this way.  

    • Love 5
  6. I never liked the way Cam was able to stay above everyone else on the show.  She could get catty about them but she never really showed her life.  I always felt she was getting special treatment.  My guess is that she was told the gloves were off this season and she would have to face the music the same as the others.  She knew the stories about Jason cheating were circulating.  Cam probably did not like the idea that she could not stay safe while pointing at the problems of the rest of the cast.  I think it is a simple as that.  The easy way to do that was to cut ties with all of them.  

    There was too much shouting that half the time we could not tell what anyone was saying.  I think Madison just wanted a chance to get up and walk around showing off her dress.  She really does want it all to be about HER.

    I do suspect that Shep's parents might have threatened to cut him off financially.  His actions were getting really bad and embarrassing his family.  He decided to try and show that he has settled down.  His girlfriend is happy to hang with him and let him be himself.  

    Pringle made me laugh.  He always seemed to be completely confused.  His reactions just made me laugh.  

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  7. I had seen this case before.  But I got just as upset this time about the non-reaction from the police.  How could they act like this was no big deal and not even look the guy up?  She did everything she could to get help.  I always get upset when the real police say it is up to the campus cops.  They know that the campus cops don't have the staff and training to go after the really bad cases.  They are more about breaking up drinking parties.  Sad that her parents thought this was going to be a safe college for her to go to.  

    • Love 12
  8. I enjoyed this episode.  It was the trapped on an island without cell service or power type mystery.  Of course as soon as the minister was introduced I looked at LakeGuy and said I didn't trust her. They were assuming it was a male so it was going to be a female accomplice.

    I liked the spooky quality to the episode.  We also got a happy ending with the wedding.     

    • Love 4
  9. I am not sure I am going to keep watching this show.  Katie is just mean and I don't like watching her.  They didn't even have Tripp and Cooper on last night to entertain me.  I think the only laughing moment we had was remarking that Greg was wearing Steve Kornacki pants.  

    • Love 6
  10. I was surprised the NCIS car didn't have GPS on it.  They could check where the car had been. I guess I was overthinking it.

    • Love 6
  11. I was happy to have this show back on.  But I did have a few problems with the episode.

    They seemed to rush the beginning.  I wanted to see the girls actually rescued and talked to.  But they jumped to the cops all being there and the girls outside when Jenny drove up.  They did not have the trooper handcuffed.  There was no guard on the girls in the hospital or following Jerrie around.  The cops know the other kidnapper is still out there.  The girls can identify him.  Yet they do not think to protect the girls?  

    I also didn't understand why they did not already have a sketch of Ronald to show around the truck stop where Jerrie was picked up.  There just seemed to be a lot of times I was shaking my head.  

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