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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. I noticed Meghan doesn't get the last word anymore.  Whoopi goes to her before Joy now.  That way Meghan doesn't get to spend her rant calling out what Joy just said.  I suspect Meghan is not happy about that.

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  2. I caught Ashley I in a clip where she was asked if they brought in the new girls because Matt was not connecting with any of the original girls.  Ashley said she didn't believe that.  She said when she did her visit to the show that she thought Matt had a close connection with Rachel.  She also said he seemed to like Bri.  She figured they just brought the new girls in for drama.  

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  3. Lakeguy was watching with me and asked what happened to the pretty one named Madison.  I pointed her out and he was quite surprised.  He said he thought she had become quite ugly since he last saw her.  Madison is not helping herself with that nasty attitude.  It really does sour her looks.

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  4. Lisa was lying about already being in Vegas for work.  She was at home when she got the text about the trip.  But then Lisa lied about her great love of race car driving and how she loved it.  I was expecting her to drive circles around the other women.  But nope she drove like Grandma.  It did make me laugh when they all passed her.

    Brooks is still a whiny brat.  At least he didn't go along to Vegas.  He was probably too afraid of all the hookers.  

    Jen is still scary mean.  

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  5. Dani really seems miserable.  I think she misses being friends with Kathryn.  Leva and the new women used Dani to get at Kathryn.  But they hurt Dani in the process.  They convinced her that she should not hang with Kathryn.  If they had left her alone I think her and Kathryn would have figured it out and went on with their odd friendship.  I do not think Leva is treating Dani any better than Kathryn did.  

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  6. This show does not really have anyone to cheer for.  I don't like any of them.  OK I worry about the dog.  

    Adam really is annoying.  I am waiting for the result when the two dads find out their children are hanging out together.  

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  7. I did not think they looked anything alike.  They had completely different body types.  It said the victim was 59 inches tall.  She was also kind of curvy.  The ex was tall and super skinny.  They were both females.  I guess that was all they needed.  

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  8. Page doesn't seem to have a neck.  At least that is what I think is missing in her looks.  But maybe if she didn't have so much hair I wouldn't notice that. 

    Chris wants to be the best looking guy in the room.  Yet he wasn't even the best looking guy in the room when there were only 2 of them in the room.  Pastor was better looking than Chris.  LOL! 

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  9. No Brooks.  I was happy about that.  We didn't have to see Whitney's dad either.

    Why does Jen call her husband Coach Shah?  It just came off as odd to refer to your husband that way.

    Meredith and Lisa are as boring as their homes.  No pictures on the walls.  Just really blah rooms.

    Lisa kept petting her hair in the yurt.  It was distracting.

    It made me laugh when we saw all the camera people standing around the bathtubs at the spa.   Jen was also rather insulting to the woman running the spa. 

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  10. I really disliked the idea of the masks.  He wanted to do it.  She didn't really get a say in it.  He took over before they even met.  He got to walk down the aisle and see the people and look around.  She was robbed of that.  She had to stumble down in the dark and she will never get that moment back.  If he wanted masks so badly he should have walked down the aisle wearing his too.  I think it would have been funny if Clara just refused to do it.  He was standing there in his mask.  I would have loved her to walk down the aisle without it and let him be the one surprised.

    • Love 24
  11. Kary is not a nice person.  I would hate to be around her.  She seems to have moved right from LeeAnn to D'Andra.  Although it looks like Kary and Tiffany don't get along either.

    I laughed at the look on Court's face when he was watching Kam dressing the dog.  It was the oddest look of disbelief.  

    I remember having chicken feet at dim sum years ago.  My husband wouldn't eat it.  So I ate one just to prove I could do it.  I wasn't crazy about it.  But it wasn't that bad.

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  12. My interest in Matt is dropping.  I was excited at first and thought he was a great choice.  He is still OK.  But I don't think he is the great catch anymore.  I enjoy riding ATVs.  I just don't understand why a guy would drive so reckless with an inexperienced rider on the back.  This is suppose to be a woman he cares about.  Yet he really put her in danger.  Not cool Matt.  Then there is the kissing.  Yuck.  I just hate to watch him kiss.  He looks so sloppy when he is kissing.  I am another one that would not enjoy sitting around talking about family and faith with him.  Those really seem to be his subjects of interest.  His looks just are not enough to keep me interested.  He definitely has a great body.  I just don't think his face is anything special.  

    I have had enough of Queen Victoria.  It is so obvious that Matt does not enjoy kissing her.  He needs to stand up to TPTB and refuse to give her a rose.  She is hogging all the time.  She simply is not a good enough villain to build a show around.  

    • Love 14
  13. I really do not know if it was suicide or an accident while fighting over the gun.  But I do think the girlfriend and buddy lied about time of death.  I think the buddy wanted to get to the bank and take the money out first.  That means there was a cover up of the crime scene.  

    Parents always want to think their child could not be suicidal.  Sadly parents do not always know what is going on with their child. I think it could have been suicide.  Or there was a fight over the gun when he was threatening to use it.  It could have been accidental.    

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  14. I suspected the ex within the first few minutes of this episode.  I found it odd that he got off in Naples.  Why wouldn't he stay on the ship where she disappeared?  Instead he gets off and goes to a hotel room alone in a place where he does not speak the language.  That all seemed suspicious to me.  They really dragged this one out.  I also thought the cruise ship looked old and not very fancy when they first showed it.  Later they said it was an old ferry and that made sense.  I had been wondering why they were not checking the key cards and cameras in the hallways to see if his story checked out.  He said she left the room for tea.  Did she leave?  Did she return?  But I suppose the old cruise ship did not even have that ability.  Another reason why the killer picked that ship.   

    He lied to his friend about going home to California to sleep in his own bed.  He really went there to see his girlfriend who was another ex.  I don't know why his friends were so devoted to him.  He seemed like a lying jerk to me.  

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