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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. There was an autopsy done on an English Setter that I had.  But it was the vet that wanted to do it.  I had to give permission because they wanted to find out what the dog had died from.  I gave permission and they sent me the results afterwards.  

    I really have a strong dislike for Kary.  I wish she had never come back.

    I still don't like Brandi.  I think she is trying so hard to get sympathy for something she did.  I agree she was only sorry after she got backlash for it.

    • Love 16
  2. I just saw the Carrolton Plot again.  That case never stops being interesting.  It had the Hee Haw gang.  Plus the 2 daughters that were almost acting delighted by being on TV and chatting about their wonderful dad. I always felt sorry for their mother.  She was shot by the Hee Haw hitmen that her husband hired.  Yet the daughters were all gleeful about Daddy.  I guess he had the money so they wanted to stay on his good side.  Too bad about mom.

    • Love 11
  3. BrownWind  is the worst.  She calls Sean and then yells at him for not answering immediately.  How dare he take care of their children when she needs him.  It was really important too.  She wanted to complain again about how hard her life is.

    Last season I never would have thought Emily and Shannon would be the ones calling each other for support.  Meanwhile everyone else is off partying.  

    • Love 13
  4. I saw Blake on E!Daily Pop.  They asked him if he thought Clare and Dale were communicating before the season started.  He said he did not believe they did.  He said he thought Clare had looked them all up on social media and studied them.  She decided she wanted Dale and fixated on him.  He said he understood because he had done the same thing.  He knew it was Clare and he looked her up and thought he knew her.  He looked up her interests.  At least he now seems to know that he was not in love with her.  He was hung up on who he thought she was from her social media.

    • Love 6
  5. I was also expecting the bad guy that was coming to pick up the girls.  I figured he/they would show up and knock Cassie down the stairs.  I was glad she did shoot the trooper.  Now what next?  Will the girls be rescued before the bad men show up?  

    I am still enjoying this show. 

    • Love 6
  6. I had trouble telling the girlfriends of Craig and Shep apart too.  They obviously have the same taste.

    I saw Craig on Daily Pop today.  He was talking about the show and his pillows.  He was showing some Christmas themed ones.  He also was talking about other products.  He wants to design stuff for every room in the house.  

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