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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. Brandon had met the parents before.  He also told them he would be willing to move to Minnesota for Michelle.  The parents made their decision and they liked Brandon.  I actually felt sorry for Nayte.  He was behind before he ever met them.  

    • Love 14
  2. I watched the entire season.  My biggest problem was remembering their names and who was who.  I was half thru the season before I realized there was a Tenielle in the cast.  I wish they would have showed their names more often when they did their THs.  Anne annoyed me the most.   I did laugh when they had their conversations about proper clothing to wear for work and their cocktail parties.  

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  3. I don't think Shannon said anything wrong.  She was trying to figure out who the "Nicole" was that Heather asked her about.  Shannon mentioned to Emily & Gina that she must be thinking of the wrong Nicole because the one she knew had sued Terry.  Shannon didn't believe Heather would be friends with a women that sued her husband.  Then Heather told her it was the Nicole that dated Kid Rock.  Shannon was surprised and told Emily & Gina that they should keep it quiet what she had told them about Nicole.  That should have been the end of it.  But Gina could not wait to blab it to get attention from Heather and make Shannon look bad.  Heather should have been angry at either Nicole or Gina.  Shannon just made an innocent mistake by saying it in front of Emily & Gina.  If they were really Shannon's friends they would not have repeated it.  Gina was not close with Heather.  There was no reason to bring it up. 

    Emily is a bad drunk.  She gets very loud and nasty when she drinks.  

    • Love 20
  4. Mary has really done strange things to her face.  I also think her hair looks bad at times.  In fact several of the ladies have bad hair.  I wish they would stop petting their hair.  

    I finished the season.  I noticed they often made it look like Jason was jealous when watching Chrishelle.  They are getting ready for the next season and that relationship.

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  5. I was waiting for them to ask Jasmine about Kevin also.  They really didn't want to go there.  I did find it funny that Jasmine did not care for Mike and kept getting digs in at him.  I did not think Jasmine looked that great.  She looked much better on her season. 

    I wonder if they are planning to do another Bachelor Canada season in the next few months.  They were talking about who to cast.  They did seem to like the idea of Joey.    


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  6. I have heard several men I know say that Michelle has a boy's body.  She is tall and lean but no real curves.  The guys on the show often seem to treat her as one of the guys.  Maybe this is why she doesn't feel appreciated by the guys. She is heavy into sports and relates to the guys more on the basketball court than as a girly girl.   

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  7. We kept referring to Jamie as Crinkle Face.  His expressions were hilarious.  He had to pinch the top of his nose to try and think of something to say when the guys faced off against him.  He was not as good at talking his way out of things as he thought he was.  Did he really forget he was on camera for everyone to see?

    I wonder if Michelle ever found out about Peter throwing the jacket in the pool?  Did he really think that move would impress Michelle?  Why are these guys so stupid?

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  8. I am doing a rewatch of Columbo.  I have watched all the seasons.  I am now on the movies.  I just finished Sex and the Married Detective.  I love how Columbo was always touching the briefcase.  He just loves to make the suspect nervous.  The suspects get so frustrated with him.  He always pops up and never leaves.  He always has that one more question.  

    I also love Columbo's dog.  He showed up in season two.  I noticed that in the final episode of the seasons we got to see Columbo in just his underwear.  He had a pretty good body.  I also laughed at the episode where Columbo had his hair cut by Daryl.  Then someone complimented his hair and asked if it was by Daryl.  

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  9. I don't like when the hustler doesn't seem to care if they make money.  I don't think they are really hustling anyone.  Of course the easiest way to not get caught is to never contribute to the correct answers.  It makes it pretty hard to guess the hustler when they are just sitting there letting the game go on around them.  LakeGuy had him pegged from the beginning.  But I kept changing my mind,  I never thought it was the woman in pink.  She blabbed way too much and was loud.  But the others all seemed suspicious at times.  

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  10. This show is so high school.  I watch how everyone reacts and it reminds me of teenagers.  Girls grouping to talk about their crush.  The men sitting at another table holding court.  Dating several different people that your friends have dated.  It is quite hilarious and sad at the same time.  

    I wish this show would have something else for them to do.  Maybe have competitions or scavenger hunts.  Let the people win a date.  The date cards are so random.  I wish they had to work for the dates.  Plus when are they having another rose ceremony?  It is strange we have several episodes with no rose ceremony.  I really need to see some of these people dropped from the show.    

    • Love 13
  11. I admit I was bored this week.  The show is missing something.  They don't even show the plane bringing in the guests.  That is probably because we only get one guest a week.  I would enjoy more than one storyline per episode.  I have not warmed to Ruby.  Maybe this show is not working for me.  I keep hoping it will get better.    

    • Love 4
  12. The experts thought Gil and Myrla were going to be the perfect sexy couple. Those guests with Kevin that were suppose to guess the success of the couples also thought that.  I remember everyone kept talking about how hot and sexy Gil & Myrla were going to be. They all just knew that they were going to be too hot to keep their hands off each other.  Well they were all totally wrong.  Gil and Myrla are not even kissing.   

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