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Posts posted by LakeGal

  1. 2 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

    Wells doesn't look as hot to me as he did in previous seasons, I don't know what it is. But I am curious as to how much he gets paid for being there since he is now married to an actress, thus making his worth higher. I also wonder if he actually is standing there all day bartending or if they just include some planned out shots of him doing it and talking to the cast. 

    I noticed last night in the background another man was mixing the drinks at the bar.  Wells is the face of the bar.  But I doubt he makes most of the drinks.  

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  2. We are halfway in the season.  There are 8 contestants left.  I wonder if we will have a double eviction or if they are planning to have 4 in the final.  I really don't like them putting off the eliminations till the next episode.  

    There are 4 males left.  Jacob is my top suspect of the men.  He plays the small town boy that everyone should be able to trust.  Yet he has done suspicious things.  Greg seems more like a drama queen that just wants attention.  I honestly don't think he is smart enough to be the mole.  He is more the villain of the game rather than the mole.  I am really sick of him and wish he would flunk the test and leave.  I wonder what he found out when he looked in the files.  I hope it wasn't enough to help him survive longer.

    William and Pranav.  I don't really think it is Pranav.  William could be the mole but isn't my top suspect.  He likes to be in charge and he did get to do the plane robbery of the crate.  I could see the producers making the mole do that to take suspicion away from him when he turns into the hero and wins them money.  He also was sitting on one of the detonators.  I wish we knew if they were told where to sit or if they just sat where they wanted.  For that matter were the detonators really under those 2 chairs or did the producers pick which chairs once they sat down? 

    I am more suspicious of the women.  Kesi is probably my top suspect of the females.  She does just enough to screw things up and make me wonder about her.  Casey is a sly one.  She doesn't really openly do anything but people close to her often seem to screw up.  Joi and Avori are both so obvious that it is hard to think that the show would want the mole to be that obvious.  I think Joi is just really bad at the game and doesn't make any money.  She is obviously scared to take the test.  Why would the mole be scared about failing the test?

    I am looking forward to the next few episodes to see if my suspicions change.  The first 4 that went home were never my suspects.  I didn't learn anything from them leaving.  I want some of my suspects to leave so I can narrow down my suspicions.  

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  3. The duck must have really been bad.  I would rather eat average duck than find hair in my food.  I was surprised with the decision.  The judges liked everything but the duck on the one team.  But they had several dishes that were not that great on the other team.  They really wanted Joachim gone.  I felt bad for Tre.  It was his team but the others took over and the duck was a bad idea.  

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  4. I hope Taylor comes back next season with a cute younger boyfriend.  I want Shep to have to socialize and watch Taylor with another man.  Maybe Taylor will become his "girl that got away" like Thomas had that beer caterer girl or whatever she was that he talked about getting away.

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  5. I kept forgetting Sandy.  She was so under the radar for me that I was surprised every time I saw or heard her.

    Jacob just got more suspicious.  He was happy to have Joi in the car with him.  He was also the one to say that they should just put 2 in the car.  Why didn't Avori go in the car?  It made no sense to have 3 people running and only 2 in the car.  Avori just slowed the guys down.  They would not have had to rent the bikes if Avori was not with them.  Avori would have been another set of eyes in the car.  I was also wondering why Joi sat in the back seat.  She could have seen a lot better in the passenger seat.  She sat in the back with the map wide open and could not see a thing at times.  Jacob just had to slowly drive around and everything went wrong for him.  Very Molish.

    Kesi should have had her hook out before she got to the mail bag.  She shoved it out when she got there and knocked it off so even Greg could not reach it.  Another molish action.  

    I have noticed that William is often the one that jumps in to pick out the groups.  That is something the mole would do.  

    Obviously Kesi and William were sitting on the bomb switches.  Jacob pointed out Kesi had watery eyes so they voted for her.  I did not see her eyes water.  But it hurt them that she was voted out.  Jacob struck again.  

    Well if Joi takes that exemption she will have made even more enemies.  I hope she rethinks her selfish act.  Does she really want to get to the end and have no money in the pot?

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  6. Joi is now getting too obvious to be the mole.  She is also acting very selfish.  She never makes any money for the pot.  Yet she calmly says they will earn it back.  How is she going to do that.  I would be tempted to make her do all the hard challenges in the future and hand her the shovel or whatever and tell her to dig.  I hope if she does win that there is very little left in the pot for her to win.

    Dom doesn't have to worry how much money is in the pot anymore.  He is gone.  He seemed to be picking Joi and Avori as the mole.  

    Kesi really looked suspicious this time.  She was not looking in the records even when they kept asking her to.  Meanwhile Jacob looked suspicious on the other team.  Although we only have Avori's word that he was counting wrong.  Jacob has that Aww Shucks attitude that makes him a good candidate for the mole.  He keeps saying he is a small town boy that has never left the country.  He doesn't know foreign currency or how to swim in the ocean.  He plays under the radar.

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  7. I really thought it was funny when they showed Osei covering his head with the big leaf.  Was he trying to look like he was the mole and afraid of the sun?  It did make me laugh.  

    The editors also left it in that Dom said he was afraid of owls.  A mole would be afraid of owls.  But that is the only thing Dom has ever said or done that looked mole like.  So I do not suspect him.  

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  8. Greg says he has to drive or he gets carsick.  Is this another one of his many lies?  I don't believe anything Greg says.  I also don't like him.  

    Avori lied about seeing the dinghy.  But what was Kesi doing?  She was looking out the window right behind Avori and never said a thing.  She must have seen it too.  Avori was annoying me in this episode.  

    Greg putting the life jacket on like a diaper was normal for him.  He brags about diving and then screws up by taking the mask so the others couldn't use it while dropping the tank.  Have I said I don't like Greg?

    Joi being a pilot and not going in the plane was just stupid.  She wanted in the boat.  Too bad.  She didn't do anything in the boat.  

    This group is more interested in getting to the end than actually winning money when they get to the end.  

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  9. Dom & Casey were in charge of the prison break out.  They did take 10 minutes off the clock and then took money to give a clue.  

    How did Joi not see the key in front of the cell.  She is very suspicious to me.  Samara did not see it either.  But I think she was too vain to wear her glasses on TV.  She was squinting at it.

    Avori was the first to run off and look for the password.  Greg seemed really obvious when he was on the phone. Almost like he wanted the other team to know they were looking.

    Also why was Joi doing pushups in her cell instead of looking for clues and helping?  I was also surprised that only William seemed to realize at first that the chess pieces were magnetic.  

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  10. Glad to have this show back.  I was surprised they never introduced the players.  We didn't get an opening with names by their faces.  

    Things I noticed:  Jacob asked the host for keys to the plane. Probably meant nothing,  but I noticed. 

    Joi thinks a lot of herself.  She kept bragging about being a pilot and good with maps and everything.  But she got her ground crew completely lost.  Plus none of the team thought to look in the bag.  How stupid.  Osei was holding on to that bag like it was his own personal property full of gold.  

    Greg was the curious one on the water crew.  He was so quick to grab the bag from Pranav and open it.  They knew about the clue immediately.  Greg then wandered around doing nothing till he wanted to open the clue and cost them money.  Once they opened the clue Greg immediately drags Casey to the chest in the water.  It was almost like he knew it was there and wanted Casey as his witness he found it.  

    Avori was suspicious up in the trees.  She played with the ropes/knots while the others yelled at her to check if there was a hole in the netting.  Not till Kesi went up to help her did they get the crate down.  

    I did not like having a "to be continued" at the end.  I like the eliminations to happen to end the episode.  I don't like waiting till the next one.

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  11. For the first time ever I guessed the singers before they even sang.  The clues were enough to know it was the Brady bros.  

    I just don't care for Harp.  Yes she is a good singer.  But I find her kind of boring.  We all knew she was moving on.  The show wanted her to move on.  

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  12. I watched.  It is the same type of show as BIP and Love Island and various other dating shows.  You pair up or go home. The setting is just on a cruise ship and they leave the people behind at the port of call.  Most of these shows depend on the casting to whether it is entertaining or not.  I don't remember any of the names.  That might point to the fact I didn't find them that interesting.  I also miss the original theme song.

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  13. I think Miguel didn't want to be on the retreat.  Maybe there was a big Dungeons and Dragons tournament he was missing.  But he acted like he wanted to be anywhere else.  He was taking it out on Lindy that he was stuck at this place.

    We thought it was a strange dynamic between Miguel and Lindy.  We talked that it felt like we were watching a father argue with his teenage daughter.  It really did appear that way.  Lindy is childlike at times.  Miguel wants to be in charge of "the room".  It was creepy to think they are having sex.  Everything is so uneven with their relationship.  Miguel is a bit scary when you feel there is something scary just under the surface with him.  

    I still can't stand Alexis.

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  14. I wish we didn't lose the one and only chef from the east coast so early.  But she was the right choice to leave.  She just did not have enough experience.  

    They sure are throwing out those Xs.  It is tough when they receive an X when they are on a losing team in the quick challenge.  Will they give the entire losing team in restaurant wars an X?

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