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Posts posted by neece26


    Something about the mother I just dont like.The chat with Jazzs grandparents was very staged also,"you dont say the word tranny" was the response to Grandads remark.So are you telling me he only just discovered that after 14 years,and with TLCs camera crew there?


    Funny, I thought the grandparents were adorable.  The one thing in that scene I could not get over was the enormous portions of food on each of their plates.  What a waste! 


    I liked the show overall.  Jazz is very sweet and charismatic.  


    The Duggars never should have done these interviews. The story was starting to die down. In Touch released the second police report, but it was essentially the same as the first. Internet articles, social media and message boards were quieting down. By giving these interviews they stirred everything up again.


    I'm pretty sure the show was done already but these interviews will put the final nail in it's coffin.   The reaction to the interviews in the media has been overwhelmingly negative.   You can't defend the indefensible and that is what they are trying to do.   

    • Love 17

    I think it's still obvious that JB&M concentrated on all the wrong things to prevent more incidents.


    The fact that it happened over and over again after the first incident tells you that they didn't do enough. Just listening to them minimize it now tells me that they probably minimized it then, especialy you know since the girls were sleeping and it was only a five second touch over their clothes. *eyeroll*  


    Getting Josh real help and protecting those girls should have been the priority but instead they got busy making more kids.  


    If they had told TLC the truth about Josh, they never would have got this show or been able to collect huge speaking fees for being such pure pillars of the community.  They should consider themselves very thankful that the gravy train went on for so long.

    • Love 9
  4. The interview was previewed on "The Five".  They showed two questions.  First, what was their reaction when the son came to them and told them what he had done?  They gave a spiel about how they raised them to know right from wrong and were of course  devastated.    Second question, do you think you are being judged harshly because of your Christianity?  Boob rambles on with some lame answer while Michelle gazes into his eyes like she is under his spell.  Oy.

    • Love 2
  5. Megyn just teased the Duggar interview on Bill O'Reilly..  She said she is flying in on Wednesday morning to interview the parents.  She said she was going to ask them about what they did and didn't do, etc. but what bothered me was that she said that she was also going to pursue the angle of the story about the a police chief who released the information that should never have been made public (paraphrasing).  She said that the victims never wanted any of this out there.  


    I don't know. I don't agree with Megyn Kelly's politics, but I think she's smarter, more ambitious and better at her job than a lot of people give her credit for, and she isn't a fundie leghumper.


    I will be very surprised if Megyn Kelly doesn't go after them full throttle on this.  Boob is in way over his head with her and she will eat him alive IMO.  I've seen her interviews and it is not her style to let people get away with trying to stick to talking points or spew BS.  If it goes a different way, I will be shocked.  

    • Love 6

    God only knows whether the behavior truly stopped or continued and escalated without being reported.


    Exactly.  And now he has daughters of his own in the mix that need to be considered.   It was not just a one off incident that could be labeled a "mistake", It was a pattern of behavior.


    I don't see a path forward for the show because there is no real redemption arc to this story for Jim Boob, Michele or Josh.  The public loves to see holier than thou hypocrites get taken down a notch or two.  Perhaps there would be some version of the show with just the girls in the future but the brand may be damaged beyond repair for the Duggar name.

    • Love 3

    Will goes on and on about what a victim he is by getting screwed at the auction.  I actually thought his prize was the big twist they've been talking about.  Food for WEEKS?


    Not sure how he would think he got screwed in any way, shape or form.  They got one meal.  He had enough food to carry him through multiple days.  If I had a choice, I would have opted for that. 

    • Love 8

    He never should've shared that food with the rest of them and I'm not gonna think that's so big of him in doing so when it's just a plain stupid move -- I guess he's never watched the show before, but even more so than flippers never win (which I don't entirely agree with), people who share their rewards never win or engender much in the way of brownie points, in fact several of them have been uncerimoniously voted off not far down the line after being the 'nice guy' and sharing.


    Will did the knee jerk move of believing that he would ingratiate himself with the tribe instead of thinking of how he could use his stash as an advantage for himself alone or to sure up an alliance with some others.  No one had any idea that he got anything.   They felt sorry for him bc he got screwed at the auction. Instead he just gave it all up with no strategy to people who had all just eaten.   Dumb.



    • Love 9

    So many despicable, disgusting, loathsome people.


    Mike was outed as a backstabbing douche when he pulled the  "my conscience wouldn't let me" routine when Carolyn was willing to sacrifice her letter.  I was glad that blew up in his face.


    It's hard to root for anyone.  Will, Rodney and Dan are just vile human beings.   

    • Love 6

    The Cagayan idol hunt is how I was hoping this year's would go down.  Everyone focuses on Joe, and he sends Jenn and Hali to the actual idol location to find it.


    Well since Joe shared the entire clue with Tyler who in turn shared it with Mike, there was no chance of him pulling anything like this off.  Joe seemed like a nice enough guy who was decent in challenges, but not a good Survivor player at all.


    This season started off promising for me but I'm only half watching at this point.  I hated last season with all of the nonsense like volunteering to give up rewards and having to ask Jeff for more food, etc. but this season isn't much better for me but for different reasons lol


    I think Joe knows the minute he loses an immunity challenge it's over for him, no matter what.


    Which makes it all the more asinine that he stopped looking for the idol.  


    • Love 7

    It's a good thing Joe looks so strong in challenges because that's the only prayer he has in this game because he is kind of an idiot - albeit a very, very pretty idiot. I am honestly baffled by Joe's play tonight.


    Agree.  I liked it when he took the opposing alliance members on his reward win rather than his buddies,  but didn't see any conversations with them about changing up the numbers.   Also, who the eff cares if Tyler saw Joe with the clue.  It was HIS reward to begin with so Joe had absolutely no obligation to share it with Tyler.  Especially with no plan or commitment from Tyler to work together going forward.   


    If the seven in the BC/WC allance continue to stick together, this season will be beyond awful.  





    • Love 12
  14. That was a somewhat boring but satisfying end to the season.  Hope Sarah and Jordan take the money and go out on a high note from this train wreck!


    I was sorry they ended up quitting with no money but even if Jay managed to gag down the fish drink, I can't see any way that they would have completed the race.  I doubt he had the stomach for multiple tubes of caviar and Jenna was already tired during the first leg jogging.  I don't think she had it in her to scale a mountain.  They still seem like nice, normal people compared to the rest of the usual dysfunctional famewhores in the house.


    Five minutes was definitely too short a head start to give Sarah and Jordan on day 2.   I guess they were trying to make it interesting and force a close finish but it was not fair and could have easily changed the outcome.

    • Love 2
  15. Sarah is in it to win it.   It gets old with the veterans always aligning against the rookies, the cool kids aligning against the outsiders.  Yawn!   It's refreshing to see someone actually make a real power move like that on this show.  


    It's not Sarah/Jordan's fault that Bananas lost two elimination rounds.  I hated the "exile" twist and hope they don't do it again.  Bananas acted like a petulant child.  So glad Jay didn't take his crap and Sarah and Jordan didn't give in to his whining.  He is pathetic!


    Loved the look on Nany's face when Teresa returned.  LMAO!!  Also I hope to never see Nia again on this show.  What a vile woman she is.

    • Love 3
  16. Gabriel, hypocrite though he is, pretty much told Deanna the truth.


    I would argue that what Gabriel did is worse than what the group has done in the time that he's been around them.  Yes, he was horrified when they killed the Termites but he did not live through what the Termites had done to them.  The group is reactive to threats to their survival.  FPP proactively locked out his congregation who did nothing to him, except try to seek shelter.  Big difference.  Plus the group has been through so much more than him out there so he really needs to STFU.  So glad Maggie overheard him.


    Huge episode for Abe and Eugene!  So glad to finally have a reason to root for their characters.  I liked the Noah character and I wish they would have kept him around at least for the rest of the season.



    • Love 10
  17. Whitney was so phony with Chris' family, saying all the things they wanted to hear.  I'm not saying that she didn't mean any of it, but It was so over the top that it was ridiculous.  But they fell for every bit of it.  I think Chris really wanted Becca but settled for Whitney because he knew she would say yes combined with the family pressure.   I'm not sure if it will work out but it may because they both seem a bit desperate.   

    • Love 4

    So far, it's a mish-mash of crap.  None of the people are likeable...not even my adored Hutton.  <big sigh>


    Usually I love Hutton and Huffman but I just thought this show was awful.  Maybe I'm missing something so I will give it another watch.  

    • Love 5
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