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Posts posted by neece26

  1. Quote

    I wonder why she had to call Randy to ask if Adam was paying, maybe he keeps track of her finances, but even then, you'd think she can check her account deposits online. Really though, if that's her biggest flaw she's doing ok. 

    I'm pretty sure that the scene of Chelsea learning of Adam's delinquent child support was a set up for the camera to add a little drama to her cute, but otherwise boring storyline.    No way she was unaware that he was that far behind especially since she goes to the gym with his other baby mama and have surely commiserated about it together.

    If Adam is concerned about how he is portrayed negatively on camera, running away and hiding like a little child doesn't help his cause.

    Wow, Kailyn is a repulsive human being.    I feel so sorry for her two little boys having to live with that beast.  

    • Love 3
  2. Quote

    They can afford a 400 000 home.

    Around the time they moved, they blogged that the builder had been touched by their story and helped them to afford this bigger house.  

    I think Blayke, Ava, Olivia and Parker all look very much alike and are a combo of both parents.   IMO Riley looks exactly like Danielle.   Hazel has her own look all together - not really sure who she looks like! 

  3. Quote

    Jace with his singing is breaking my heart. Jenelle and Barb need to learn major impulse control and David needs to stay the hell out, he's not part of this situation. 

    To Barbara's credit,  she simply mentioned arrangements to get Jace back from vacation,and Jennelle launched into full on bitch mode blindsiding her about keping him for an extra week...a ridiculous plan she and asshole BF had cooked up on the trip.    Jenelle could have taken Barb off speaker to talk privately because it's none of David's business and the two kids don't need to hear any of this but she loves the drama no matter how it affects Jace.  So sad!!

    Leah is a manipulative bitch.   First she complains that Jermy is away for months and doesn't see Addy, then when he has her and is spending time with her she complains that he takes her away to Ohio.  True, he should have called her first BUT at least he did text her to let her know.   Then she texts him complaining that she just wants to hear from Addy and when he keeps calling, presumably to let her talk to Addy, she refuses to answer.  WTF?!?!  She is exhausting.

    Chelsea and Cole are nauseatingly cute.  He seems like a good guy that will stick with her.  Aubree is a nice little girl.  Can't get over how much she looks like Chelsea's mom!!!

    Kail - don't even know where to begin.  She is such a negative individual - usually has that same puss on her face.   Her and Javi should have sat down like two adults and worked out the logistics of how things would work with the boys and how they were going to tell them.   Felt so bad for Isaac as he was processing the conversation around him. :(

    • Love 13
  4. Quote

    Mimi is a mess, is she a drinker?

    At her garage sale,  she had an entire table of full bottles of liquor for sale.    I remember thinking  that was odd.   

    I really like this family.  I think Danielle is very patient and calm for a mom of 6.  Adam is a bit high maintenance but overall seems like a nice guy and loving father.  I agree that they both obsess a bit over Hazel  - could be editing for a storyline or could be that deep down there are concerns that her issues go beyond mobility and eye problems.   

    • Love 2
  5. Terrible advice for Dr. Drew to tell Christina to run interference between Gary and Amber regarding decisions about Leah.    Christina is on the exact same page with Gary when it comes to how he feels about Amber and with good reason.   If Drew actually watched the show, he would understand that Amber is a deadbeat and her waterworks was all for show.  Christina looked lovely.   Felt so bad for her when Drew as trying to play up their Mom to Mom connection when she knows Amber is no Mom.   What he should have done is give Amber a reality check about her priorities and taking responsibility for her choices.

    • Love 19
  6. So pathetic that even in an emergency, Gary can't rely on Amber to get Leah to school on time or to get her there at all for that matter.  Kudos to Christina for picking her up after spending the entire day at the hospital her own sick child.   Those two seem to really think every scenario through and put Leah first.    Matt is such a creeper.

    Normally I can't stand Tyler or Deborah, but because Catelynn and Farrah are so draining, somehow they have now become sympathetic characters on the show. Farrah is a monster in need of serious tough love.  Everyone she treats like crap needs to seriously tell her to go F herself. A lot of people have baggage from their childhood but that doesn't mean you get to treat your parent like your personal punching bag for the rest of your life.   Deborah may be a loon but we've seen the same pattern of behavior from Farrah no matter who she is interacting with.   Sophia being constantly subjected to this insanity is very hard to watch.

    Macy has a cute little family.  Ryan's new GF seems very nice and dare I say, normal.   Not sure it will last because Ryan's a handful, but last night's dinner scene with all of them was adorable.

    • Love 9
  7. Quote

    Honestly, though, I'd have left. Why didn't they leave? Get back to ASZ. Fill the vehicles. Get the fuck out of dodge. Head north and west. Go by night. Don't stop for anything. Just get out of there. I would not stay around to put up with this verbose asshole. 


    Being behind the walls of Alexandria with all that gunpower...they could have blown Negan's group to bits when they rolled up to the gates. Rained bullets and rpgs down on their asses. They had a fighting chance even while being outnumbered but now they are outnumber and outgunned...they are in an impossible situation now. I hope Rick knows wtf he is doing.

    I would guess that in his fragile state, Rick is concerned that Negan would would take it out on Daryl if they tried anything.

    90 minutes of Negan is really bad TV.  He would be better in small doses.

    • Love 4
  8. Quote

    They are also assuming that if B&T have cut off contact that magically at 18 Carly will come running back to them... and Dawn is not doing anything to manage that expectation.  When they signed that contract they probably assumed that meant they could ask to see Carly annually at their own convenience. 

    They have always acted like Carly was on loan to B & T until the magic age of 18, at which time they would reclaim her.    If Cate and Tyler continue to stay in the public eye as D-list reality "stars", Carly will have more than enough information to satisfy whatever curiosity she has about her birth parents and may want nothing to do with them.  

    Even if you ignore the dysfunction of the Cate/Tyler relationship, I'm sure B&T never dreamed that these two would still be on television talking about Carly 8 years later.  

    • Love 4
  9. Matt and Amber try to convince everyone how happy they are together while looking completely miserable.    Yes Amber, Matt's past actually does matter and someday you will wake up and realize that this loser is a huge waste of time and money.  What was up with Matt's son being surrounded  by empty chairs in the Dr. Drew studio audience LOL

    Farrah - True, she does differentiate herself from the couch sitter teen moms and at least try to get some semblance of a career going, but she is dabbling in way too many random business ventures (yogurt, furniture store, porn, children's boutique) so it's all a big WTF and since none of it  brings anything new and innovative to the world, I see it all going to crap at some point.  She is the true "jack of all trades, master of none".   I would expect high turnover of employees in all of her businesses!

    Cate- Nova asks to go to bed because she has no schedule, no structure, no bedtime routine.  Tyler thinks she's a genius because she's overtired.

    Maci - I would have a lot of respect for Maci if she walked away from this show now.  She really has no storyline other than the uninvolvement of Ryan in Bentley's life.  She has the most "normal" family situation with Taylor and her young kids and it would be great if she let them grow up away from the spectacle of this freak show, especially as Bentley gets older.  

    • Love 18
  10. Tyler has totally checked out of this relationship.  At this point, even if Cate got her shit together, I still think he's done.   I even detected a bit of annoyance from April when Cate said she was leaving and handed her the baby.  Cate's situation has to be draining for all around her.   Probably not a wise idea for Cate to be checking her phone every 30 seconds while driving either.

    Amber and Matt's ridiculous school shopping spree confirms what we already know,  these girls will be broke once the Teen Mom gravy train ends.  It also shows that neither of them know anything about actual hands on parenting of a child, because no sensible parent would have bought such overpriced, impractical dresses for back to school.  The horrified look on Christina's face said it all.

    • Love 15
  11. Quote

    Worse, I think Amber keeps all her dogs in the basement? In the last episode she was yelling at them to shut up. Well, what do you expect when you keep them locked downstairs?


    But no, she let them run and pee all over everyone at the old house. So, she's likely keeping them down there so they can have accidents in the basement, instead of actually training them and being responsible. 

    Every now and then you see one of the dogs out of the basement, but it seems like ever since they moved into their uppah class house with all of their fancy new furniture, the dogs have been exiled down there.  I felt bad when I heard them all yelping to come out.    Has the new cat been seen lately?

    • Love 9
  12. Who discovers a puddle of dog piss on hardwood floors and thinks it's ok to leave until later?  That would be Matt.   He is so vile.

    I can't with Farrah's body on the beach .  The huge ass and out of proportion boobs are cartoonish at this point.     Not to mention the face, lashes, lips.  Doesn't look like any 25 year old I know.  And how dare Debra comment on how nice the Miami beaches are?!?!  

    Poor Cate.  Tyler is such a douche.   I don't see her siutation improving as long as he is around.   

    • Love 16
  13. Quote

    To top it off, when little Leah attempts to bring up her disappointment in a passive-aggressive sing-song Mae West voice, her mother invalidates her experience.  If the series didn't require for Amber to be a mother on camera one a month for 6 months of the year, she wouldn't exercise her parenting time at all. She needs the kid for a paycheck.  Why the hell do you live 45 - 60 minutes (dependent on traffic) in a rental house away from your child?  There is no reason for her to be where she resides. Her big brown couch can go anywhere.

    She doesn't want to be a parent and it's frankly offensive for MTV to keep showing those crocodile tears in scenes where she's falsely crying for her BooBoo.  She's as phony as the sociopath she sleeps next to each night. 

    Leah is so much better off with minimal time spent with Amber and creepy Matt.   I'm sure Gary is no prize but the little bit we see of his wife tells me that she seems ok and they appear to have a normal, stable home environment for the girls to grow up in.  Amber's life consists of going out to eat, hoarding animals and sitting on the couch,  

    Farrah calling Sophia stupid when she was sick in bed and forcing her to get dressed for an egg hunt was a new low for even Farrah.  Absolutely horrifying "parenting" if you can even call it that.   

    Catelynn is beyond a mess.   Hope she gets some real help.  I don't see this marriage working out in the long run.  Tyler is clearly not into her anymore and doesnt seem equipped to deal with her mental health baggage.  Poor Nova is lost in the mix getting farmed out to relatives while these two get high.  Such a sad situation all around.


    • Love 8

    The end result is hilarious/pathetic  -- a 2-3 foot Christmas "tree" (more like a small bush) that is bigger at the top than the bottom and could fit in a large vase. It is slightly crooked and will probably fall over about the same time the taped-up lights start falling down outside (probably the same day).


    You have to fluff out the branches of an artificial tree to make it look like, duh, the shape of a Xmas tree,   Until Matt, I have never seen anyone take it all smashed up right out of the box and put it right into the stand and start decorating it.  Idiot.


    After being away from Nova for a week, Caitlyn's first thought is to put her right down for a nap.  




    • Love 7
  15. Matt is a repulsive loser.  Hopefully Amber will figure this out before she goes through with marrying this leech and having a child with him someday.  He is bad news.


    So pathetic watching Cait ask Tyler who is sitting on his ass doing nothing , schedule wide open, if she could leave the baby with him while she runs out to the doctor.  Feel so bad for baby Nova getting farmed out  to April & BF all the time.  Cait and Tyler seem like two old farts in Hawaii rather than honeymooners young and in love.


    No words for Farrah and devil spawn Sophia.  That kid has zero shot at turning out normal.

    • Love 5

    Abe's hate of Johnny is top notch.  Oddly enough I was a fan of Johnny's during his initial Real World season but I loathe him now and I very much agree and approve of Abe's hatred of him.


    Love Abe and his truth telling on "Bananas".   Contrast that to the pathetic Aneesa saying that she was looking to Banana's like a child looks to their Dad for approval when she was casting her vote.  Nany's "know your role" was also ridiculous.   It would be great if any of these three decided to finally grow up and retire from these shows.

    • Love 4

    Well, Jeremy won. I can't say he doesn't at all deserve it. But I was really rooting for Spencer or Wentworth.


    Excellent season!  I don't exactly get the Jeremy sweep, I thought he was in a pretty secure position for most of the game where Spencer and Kelley had to fight more to stay alive in the game.  Also, don't understand the whole "I'm playing for my family" bit and people lapping it up.  


    This will be a tough season to follow.

    • Love 7

    I think this was a missed opportunity to get rid of a bigger threat that was dumb to vote out Wigglesworth this episode


    Yea, Ciera made the comment that Jeremy would win at final tribal.  It would have been great to see him blindsided here with the two idols.  I don't see how he doesn't win this game now.  



    • Love 7

    I consider Alison a person who does not know how to express affection or to ask for care without it being sexual.  She may only want someone to listen to her or spend time with her, but her only sense of self-worth seems to be as a sexual being.  So, she is hurting badly and she goes home.  She cannot simply ask Cole to talk to her as a friend or to hold her because she is


    Exactly!  After her speech about not being valued as anything beyond a sexual object, she goes right into sex again.  That was really screwed up.  


    Also, just because they are physically separated, Noah can't pick up a phone every day to chat for 5 minutes or just to say hello?  Or at least return her desperate calls to him?   Six weeks is a long time to not call someone you are supposedly madly in love with.

    • Love 1

    Savage made that sound like the most epic love story ever told, and weirdly tragic even though apparently nothing is wrong with his wife.  The worst part is, you just know Probst and the producers loved that clip and thought it really humanized Andrew when, if anything, it make him look like an even bigger douche.


    Another stone cold heart here because that story and everyone's reaction to it was a big WTF moment for me.  I kept thinking some big plot twist was coming but nothing.  Really surprised at how much these people get homesick at the mere mention of anyone's family.  They've been gone less than six days.


    Abi is nuts.  

    • Love 6
  21. I am another one who hasn't watched this show in forever and got sucked in yesterday by the teaser of Meri's "divorce".   Here I foolishly thought Meri had finally wised up and was going to kick Kodouche to the curb but NO, instead she has become a bigger doormat than I even imagined possible.   Can't tell you  how much I despise the manipulative Sobyn/Douche pair.  So nauseating to watch the other three acquiesce to them.  Would so love to see one of these women dump his ass.  

    • Love 7
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