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Posts posted by neece26

  1. Quote

    Ha, yeah, she was mad, which I don't really get because she had to know winning was a long shot but based on her face it seems like she thought she had it in the bag

    In her EW Dalton Ross interview, she says she was expecting more votes - specifically Amber and Danni's vote and a chance at Sophie's and Kim's.  That probably was the reason for the sour puss.

    35 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    WTF was with Ben quitting before the second TC?  It was more important to him to have friends than to continue competing for the $2mill?  Where did that come from?  

    He was asked about this and said when Natalie returned with her info from the jury, he realized he had no shot at winning so he wanted to bow out and give Sarah a better chance with a big move on her resume to go against Tony.  


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  2. I gave a huge eyeroll at Sarah's little speech about how women are perceived.  Please.  The only reason she thought of that was because Natalie told her that the consensus of the jury members who had played with both of them felt like Tony was running things, which he was.  

    I think the right person won this season.  Early in the game, Tony consciously worked to modify his gameplay from previous seasons and not become a target.  He worked hard finding advantages, made moves like knocking out Sophie, won a lot of immunities and his mind was always thinking about the game.  He was quite entertaining.  

    Natalie is an impressive athlete but I think being on EOE takes the Outwit part out of Survivor, so advantage there went to Tony.  Much harder to survive every TC to get to the end.

    Would have loved for some of the early EOE old schoolers to have made it further but overall it was a good season.


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  3. I was totally expecting a softball interview from Mika so color me surprised that she took that tone with Joe Biden.  It was pretty uncomfortable to watch and I don't think either one of them came off well.

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  4. Add me to the group that is completely over the whispering at tribal.  They have more than enough down time out there to strategize and come up with a Plan A, B and even C before they head to tribal.  The scrambling is supposed to take place before they go.  Watching them get up and run around once the tribal starts is not entertaining at all to the viewers.  

    Also, way too many clever advantages (steal a vote, leave tribal with no vote) really detracts  from original game.  


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  5. 1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

    Joe and Mike seem to be panicking.   Joe went completely off the rails with his full-throated shouty rant.   It was scary.   Mika looks shell-shocked this morning.   Then Joe was saying something about it being much much longer to return to anything resembling 'normal' again, and Mika muttered, "If ever..."    She is NOT helping us to calm our fears out here.   That comment was not what we want to hear.   I, for one, need a little bit of hope to keep going.

    We have 3 people in my home "furloughed" bc of this situation so obviously we are paying close attention to what local officials, Governors and Trump/Fauci and co. are saying about possible next steps.  Willie just flat out lied that Fauci said he couldn't see schools opening in the fall.   Fauci said. "I fully expect — though I'm humble enough to know that I can't accurately predict — that by the time we get to the fall, that we will have this under control enough that it certainly will not be the way it is now, where people are shutting schools. My optimistic side tells me that we'll be able to renew, to a certain extent — but it's going to be different, remember now, because this is not going to disappear...Bottom line is no absolute prediction, but I think we're going to be in good shape"

    Not sure why Joe/Mika/Willie have to push worst case scenarios, especially when experts aren't even going there.

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  6. 46 minutes ago, xaxat said:

    One thing that annoys me about the show recently is that Mika and Joe speak as though they are authoritative experts on a subject they had no exposure to three months ago. I guess Joe has to act like that in order to give the opening monologue. 

    How many times can Joe mention testing in a 3 hour period? Every single expert on every single press conference (local, state, national) that I have seen in the past weeks emphasizes that it is not useful to test everyone.  WTF is Joe talking about?

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  7. Barb is not wrong about Peter and Madison's incompatibility and she is also a crazy person.   Pete's Dad also made a good observation about the early stages of a new relationship being the fun, happy times not the angsty, mirthless, downright depressing energy that Peter and Madison's relationship is filled with.   I would say there is a zero chance those two work out.

    Nevertheless, Peter's family is very dysfunctional and Barb is waaaayyy too involved in her adult son's lives.  The sons share the blame for continuing to live at home and not cutting the cord.  Peter is emotionally stunted which explains why he goes into his goofy, pouty, brooding, puppy eyed behaviors instead of acting like a grownup and owning his actions.  

    • Love 24
  8. Madison left 2 days ago but I pouted all through our last date and told you my heart was being pulled in two directions even though she was already gone.  Yeah sure Pete!  He's just glad anyone showed up for a proposal!

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  9. I feel such doom and gloom with these two.  Madi trying to put her feelings out there and Peter true to form trying to kiss her and rub her leg wearing a creepy smile.  

    When he tried to kiss her lips, she turns away.  Can't blame her!


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  10. Mika and Joe are in full blown panic mode this morning in a completely over the top way!  If you weren't nervous about the coronavirus before watching, you sure as hell would be now!

    Also the bit discussing the health of the three 70+ year old men left in the race - they talk about Trump being overweight (true), Bernie's cardiac situation (true) and nothing about Joe's cognitive issues.  I can remember entire segments where they gave their expert opinions on Trump's mental state!   

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  11. This all sounds about right.  If so, Hannah Ann dodged a huge bullet with this one.  Ever since Pete and Maddie had their *talk*, it was obvious he was completely preoccupied with her at the last rose ceremony - all nervous looking around for her, will she show up/not show up, will she take the rose.  Hannah Ann had to pick up on it.  She seemed over it when Maddie made her little comment about finding out whether love will conquer all.  Hopefully Hannah Ann tells him off in grand style!!

    • Love 4
  12. Quote

    Nathalie is smart; sending her to EoE might have been a bad idea for everyone else but Jeremy!

    Was the advantage Natalie sent him good for any tribal or just the next one?  They never said whether he "bought" it and obviously he participated in tribal last night which would make me think he didn't.

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  13. Kelsey and Juliette have obviously had lip work done and it is not an improvement.  Cara's original nose was just fine.  Juliette's eyelashes could not look more ridiculous.   These girls were all naturally pretty S1, not sure what they are doing to their faces.

    Madisson's new (old) BF brings the serious yuck factor to the group.  Reminds me of Amber from Teen Mom's ex Matt.  So gross! 

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  14. I'm really over Hannah B and her constant blubbering because SHE picked the wrong guy.  I thought Tyler should run when she came after him and I was glad he did.  Peter should promptly do the same.  Why would anyone want to be someone's 3rd choice?  They both dodged a huge bullet with her IMO.

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