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Posts posted by neece26

  1. Quote

    I didn't like Joe's Bobby Kennedy moment.

    This seems like Joe's new thing.  The camera zooms in as Joe stares right into it and he begins his soliloquy.   Last week it was the John McCain lecture, today the Bobby Kennedy moment.   His ego is way off the charts these days.  

    • Love 4
  2. I'm no fan of Josh but damn, Paul's loss was so satisfying.   I did not watch his first season but something about him made me loathe him from day one - maybe it was the whole "your boy" schtick.  

    I think Paul still could have pulled out the win but he really choked on the jury questions and closing statement and ultimately could not close the deal.   Even if he babbled a bit, Josh said all the right things when it mattered.  All Paul did was blow his own horn without any nods to the people on the jury - bad idea.

    Glad to see Cody win AFP.  He may have his issues but I appreciated that he was authentic and not playing a character for TV.

    Xmas saying she killed people with kindness was the laugh of the day!

    • Love 10
  3. I cannot think of one pleasant thing to say about the coven.  Briana has two personalities - she is either moping around feeling sorry for herself or she is being a bitch.  Not sure why anyone would choose to spend time with these women.   The "shower" was a shitshow.

    So sad how Briana constantly talks about giving Stella up for adoption with little Nova sitting right there.   I'm sure that does wonders for her self-esteem.  

    Leah's life seems to be on a good trajectory this season but it is still upsetting to see how often Ali is not using her wheelchair.  I cringed when she was playing softball with Corey.

    Kail is rude, selfish, entitled, etc. and will never ever change.   Vee and Jo seem to have a nice stable home life and Vivi is a cutie!

    • Love 23
  4. Quote

    Asude from his parents money, I have no idea what the women see in Alex.  He's dumb as a box of rocks, purposely rude, and is not that attractive.  I'd like to knock those stupid sunglasses off the back of his head.

    Other than Chloe, Alex has slept with every girl in this group of friends.  The fact that he is such a whore should be a huge turnoff to these girls but they don't seem to care.   Juliette considers it a "win" that she got to have sex with a guy who sleeps with all of her friends lol

    • Love 3
  5. Quote

    Joe is a rude SOB. It's absolutely unacceptable for him to verbally slap Mika's hand on national TV.

    I would be humiliated if my husband did that to in front of one person let alone millions of people.

    Christ, Mika. I hope she ripped him a new one off air.

    I actually enjoyed Joe snapping at Mika.   She tried to finish his sentence with her own comments that weren't where he was going with his thought and he corrected her.   She definitely had an attitude after that moment.  It wasn't as bad as when he called her a snob but you could definitely feel the tension lol.

    • Love 2
  6. Quote


    I feel like it's been made clear that Jace has/had behavioral problems. I assume that it is a result of his overall experience with general instability; witnessing verbal and physical strife since he was born; being caught in (for him) a lifelong battle between Barb and Jenelle; being pressured by Barb and Jenelle to "be on their side" in their ongoing war; the genetic legacy of his fucked up parents; verbal, emotional, and possibly physical abuse since he was born; lifelong insecurity about who his parent(s) are and where his home is; etc; etc.

    I give Barb credit for doing the best she can and being the best of a bad set of alternatives, but Jace is/has been screwed any way you slice it.


    I feel so bad for Jace.  He always has a blank look on his face, devoid of any expression.  Years of being used as a pawn between two screaming shrews has taken it's toll on him.  Add into that mix, no normal male figure to look up to and it's no wonder he has issues.  Glad to hear he is in therapy but all of the adults in his life need therapy too. 



    Jesus God Leah, I should've known your 'friend' Liz was too sudden a random to be an actual friend and not somebody involved in your ridiculous internet lipstick. If Liz signed Leah up, doesn't she (Liz) get a cut of Leah's money? Or something like that? I'm not sure how pyramid schemes work but if that's right, I don't blame Liz at all.

    Oh yeah, if the "friend" Liz convinces Leah to sign up as a rep, Liz gets a a percentage every time Leah sells a lipstick.  It was so obvious she was interested in Leah because of her fan base.  Leah seemed so gullible listening to her. 

    • Love 11
  7. Quote

    The fication on polls is silly considering how wrong they were in 2016. Using a National Poll to forecast a 50 state Electoral College doesn't work. 

    Agree. Joe is obsessed with poll numbers.  Almost an hour and a half of today's show was spent dissecting meaningless poll numbers.   There is so much else going on in the news but polls are always the top story.    Balance would be nice.

    • Love 3
  8. Quote

    Let's start making guesses now. What singer/actor/sports star is she super into right now? 

    She tweeted last week a poll asking her "fans" to choose baby names.  The boy names were Griffin, Nixon, Silas and Ripken lol

    I also think she secretly wanted a girl.  I remember her buying hair bows just in case.  

    Feel bad for this new little boy, especially if the dad stays uninvolved.  Not only is Kail lazy, she is so angry and bitter all the time. I would hate to think that the child would grow up surrounded by her negative energy.  When Kail ships the older boys off to their respective Dads and she is stuck home with the baby, it will put a huge damper on her social life and I love it!!!

    • Love 6
  9. Quote

    Mika and Joe are tv personalities. This gives them the right to be idiots. 

    Well there are plenty of other cable news hosts who despise Trump  who give him 100% negative coverage but don't do it by making childish faces and name calling and personal attacks.  They keep their reporting professional and focus on his policies and actions.    Mika and Joe have lost all ability to do that because they got too close to Trump and his inner circle and now that they are out, they are in revenge mode.  They played a huge part in making this monster by giving him unlimited positive coverage for a year.   Like the article said, they owe America an apology.

    • Love 6
  10. Quote

    One thing that did bother me about Mika's response today was that she repeatedly said that Trump was easily "played". That didn't seem like the right terminology to me. According to definition, that's like pretending to be someone's friend, and then turning on them, making them look foolish, or being lied to and taking advantage of. That doesn't seem to fit the situation. I can see the word "goaded" being used, which she also said, but not "played". Does anyone else agree? Am I being too picky?

    No, not too picky.  She also made the comment that she knew the minute she made the comment about his small hands that he would be triggered.  Mika and Joe are not innocent in any of this as I think they seee it as a game.    I just heard a 3 minute montage of Mika's nasty comments toward Trump and when they string it all together, she's been pretty vicious.   None of it was constructive policy commentary, just a bunch of name calling.   Not condoning his tweeting back at her.  Just saw an article that calls all three of them out for acting like children and that about sums up how I feel.

    • Love 8
  11. Quote

    Which leads me to suspect that there are quite a few more stories, on both sides. 

    I agree!!  I think the truth lies somewhere in between Trumps tweet and their story.  Joe denies everything but why were they anywhere near Maralago to begin with?  Mika said she went there to possibly get an interview with him which she did not get.   She also admitted to having her chin done.  

    This situation is a result of their cozying up to Trump for ratings during the campaign and then trying to get the scoop from his inner circle so they could be "first to report".   Joe says Trump is obsessed with the show but it seems like he is obsessed with the fact that Trump may be watching.   He even looks into the camera and talks to Trump at times.   Their hostility has gotten so personal lately it's uncomfortable to watch.  Trump can't quit them but they can't quit him either.

    Joe is a famewhore and he will no doubt enjoy their temporary elevated "celebrity" status from all of this.   Mika doesn't mind it either because she thinks Joe is a rockstar and had to make the point that TMZ iss following her around.

    • Love 6
  12. I used to like this show but stopped watching  because of Joe and Mika's ridiculously annoying behavior.  Joe so full of himself - pontificating and talking over everyone, waxing on and on about the good old days when he was in congress and his silly repetitive childish jokes like "President Bannon".   Mika  with the eye rolling and sighing, adding snide comments while others are speaking and her general Joe worship.   I like some of the other regulars but these two make the show unwatchable.   Not sure what happened but they are lost all objectivity and it seems like they have a personal vendetta to stick it to Trump for 3 hours every day.  Even if you don't like Trump, it gets really old.

    Trump's tweet was inappropriate but a lot of his tweets are inappropriate lol.   I think he thought these two were his friends after they kissed his ass for a year.  

    • Love 2
  13. Quote

    I don't remember if it was this episode or the other one they showed this week - but when Farrah comes home after Deb arrives, she lets four dogs out of one tiny kennel that was obviously designed for one small dog. With all her money she can't afford bigger kennels? Those dogs could barely turn around in there. I want someone to complain to the local animal welfare people about this. And that poor little pony, I can't even. 

    Farrah's treatment of animals (and people) makes me sick.   I couldn't believe she had the four dogs in that one small crate.  Seeing the pony running around like crazy after being let out of it's "pen" was so sad.  Starburst needs to be on a farm, in a pasture not being spray painted and covered in glitter.  

    • Love 6
  14. Maci is looking rough.  Girl is not aging well.  I thought she was in the wrong on the Bentley situation.    It seemed like she was creating drama just for dramas sake.  Most of her content on the show is bitching about how Ryan never shows up for anything, then when he actually asks to spend time with him, she sticks it to him.    Jen and Larry have been very good to her and she stuck it to them too.

    Amber and Matt look so miserable all the time.   Wish Boo Boo would have made him disappear for real!   Most people would have laughed at a little girl pretending to do a magic trick, but Matt was really pissed off.  Scary dude!

    Tyler and Cait - please do not have any more children!  

    • Love 4
  15. I've been watching this show from the beginning and between the goats and now this tribal council, I am not enjoying this season at all.   I  just tune in to watch people actually play the game of Survivor.

    Zeke handled himself very well under the circumstances.  Hope Varner has a good support system around him.  Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone does it in front of millions of people.  Wish CBS would have kept this part of tribal private.  

    • Love 8
  16. Quote

    What happened on the previews for next week? My DVR cut short.

    Alex and Gina are shown destroying the money - ripping the bills in half and setting it on fire.  

    C/M should make a strategic decision to not assist Gina in the next leg of the trip even if it means they  give up $100k.   Leave her behind and she will have no choice but to flare out.   Girl is useless!


    But casting sure did their job when they booked Cody. 

    No kidding!  This show would be so boring if it was just a bunch of campers buying pizzas for 40 days!  

    • Love 5
  17. Quote

    Alonzo faked his illness, I would put money on that.  

    He's been whining and threatening to flare out the entire time, so who knows if he was that sick?  Getting medevaced doesn't carry the same stigma as just quitting outright.  He did seem to perk up as he was walking out of the game lol   

    When the four "campers" had numbers they played dirty,  so I assume C/M will now return the favor.    I imagine Gina won't last much longer.

    • Love 4
  18. Quote

    I just read that Javi is now dating Madison from The Real World. 

    Wow!  HUGE upgrade from Kail!  Madison is very pretty and seems to be a great mom to her daughter.

    • Love 1
  19. I hope that having sidebar conversations at TC isn't going to be the new thing going forward.   If JT didn't get to talk privately to Brad and he had to get his message to him verbally or non-verbally in front of everyone at TC, the drama most likely would have played out differently.  

    Tai may be a nice guy but truly a terrible Survivor player.   I knew he wouldn't be able to keep that idol secret.   His game is basically taking orders from Brad.

    Really wanted Sandra out last night but as always JT being the doofus that he is doesn't think things through.  So end result is he loses a strong teammate and friend Malcolm and the rest of his tribe thinks he's a snake.  Great move!

    • Love 5
  20. Quote

    Alonzo is a pussy. He whines and whines all the time.

     Hard to believe this guy is military.  

    So the four spend 45 grand on food combined with the 15 grand they just spent on the temptation making the maximum they can get after the next jungle trek 40 grand.  How is that smart?  Will be very interesting to see if it comes down to two campers against C/M because those two will NOT frivolously spend money and the campers will no longer have the power to call the shots.   

    • Love 3
  21. So pathetic to watch these producers grovel and beg Jenelle to film a 10 minute segment that she is paid big bucks to be a part of.  Jenelle and her loser BF should be thrown off the show permanently.  

    It is so hard to watch poor Jace's expressionless face as he is forced to grow up surrounded by this insanity.   Jenelle is an unfit parent and IMO he belongs with Barb because she is the more stable of the two.   The sad thing is that neither woman has the self-control to not argue in front of the child - it is clearly damaging him.

    Jenelle had no right to take Jace off of that property.  Period.  That whole scene including David threatening producers should be shown to a judge to demonstrate why these two should not be trusted with custody.

    Kail is an ass.  Vee is 1000% right that the custody should be made official.   Kail is all agreeable to anything as long as Jo is being useful watching Isaac while she takes classes but who knows what games she will play in the future.  Hated to see Vee kiss up to Kail in the behind the scenes because she hurt her poor little feelings.  Truth hurts Kail.   Not sure why everyone kisses up to her because she really sucks as a person.

    • Love 22
  22. Quote

    I would be so ashamed if any of those four were related to me.

    HATE these four characters ever since they arbitrarily decided that they could spend community money on things and not share with the group.  Loved that Makani refused to exit the tent as the four of them stood outside and demanded she get out.  Good times!  I fully expect Cody and Makani to outlast these four no matter how many food and comfort items they piss money away on.   

    • Love 9
  23. It's obvious to anyone that Jace wants to be with Barb.   He had such a huge, genuine smile when she showed up as opposed to the stressed out look he always has when he is around Jenelle and her shit show.  My heart breaks for this kid.  I hope no judge will ever turn him over to Jenelle as he would miss his Meme so much.

    Vee has no time for Kail's drama and I love it.   Jo sometimes still seems to fall in line with Kail but he's in a tough spot.  If he pisses off the beast, he may face her wrath so he has to play the game.   He's lucky Vee puts up with it.  She may not forever.  

    Addy seemed extra bratty the past two episodes.    

    • Love 23
  24. Quote

    About once a week I check into this shit show to see if Joe and Mika have climbed out of Trump's ass yet. Today I happened to stop by when Joe was YELLING about liberal hypocrisy.

    How is this show still on the air? I cringe at Mika looking so adoringly at her partner or trying to calm him during one of his rants, all while sipping her expensive morning drink from a straw. Joe is a bloviating swine and Mika is rolling around in the mud with him. She isn't bright enough to carry a show on her own.

    I also hate watch this trainwreck of a show on occasion.     Joe is so gross and so obviously in love with himself.   His ego is getting bigger and bigger, now that he thinks he is a big rock star and celebrity.  What a joke!    I have no idea how Mika can stand being around him.    

    Joe seemed deranged when he went on his rant today.    Willie looked mortified during the Donny/Joe incident!

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