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  1. I like Christine’s dedication to the Convict Comedy with Christine routine with her sassy orange jumpsuit. This seems more like a cautionary tale than a comedy routine. Aw, this is really sad. I was prepared to mock bad jokes, but not this. She just sat straight down on that toilet. Flushing away her comedy dreams, I guess.
  2. True has other gigs? Power washing or hittin the streets?
  3. Wait, is Joey missing his own engagement party for this “dumb bitch”?
  4. This show has always been a series of red herrings with a deus ex machina ending that we never saw coming. Last season’s Mother-son producer duo was probably the only one that remotely made sense to me. I still don’t have the slightest clue what happened and why with that one season in which Charles’s dad has an affair with an artist and somehow the painting was the lynchpin—or maybe it was the bird?! I don’t know. The point is, this show has never been “solvable” just by watching the episodes before the finale. I think there’s a difference in modern mystery stories and classic mysteries. The popular mysteries of today drop clues along the way so when the killer is revealed, it makes sense in retrospect even if you didn’t put the clues together. But this show is more like an Agatha Christie, in which every chapter focuses on a new suspect until that person ends up dead at the end of the chapter, and the resolution is some convoluted series of actions and a grudge/motive we knew nothing about. In prior seasons of this show I think they tended to focus on one clue/suspect per episode, so even if that means we had 9 different suspects/clues throughout the season, at least the investigation was organized. Here we’re halfway through the season and it seems like all we got to show for it is a shoe print and what seems like a couple of dozen characters. They went overboard with the stunt casting this season. At least last year they brought in guest stars like Matthew Broderick but he wasn’t a suspect. Here we got an entire movie production, the residents of a building, along with unseen characters such as Helga and Dudenoff. So I can see why while this show has always gone off the rails with the story, this one seems particularly disorganized. However, I think that they’re really playing up the physical comedy this season, and I like the emphasized focus on the comedy rather than the mystery. It’s a lot of fun to watch.
  5. Okay, I forgot everyone’s names already, so bear with me… Um, except Chock (who can forget a name like Chorles?), so I’ll start with him. Chock and Joan had a really nice chemistry together. It reminded me of how Gerry had his first date with Theresa, and then I guess just imprinted on her as “the one.” I can see Joan doing the same thing with Chock. Though she also tried to make the prom king and ribbon dancer seem special and could be “the one” during their special time, it seemed genuine with Chock. Though, they did spend the whole day and night together, so that’s understandable that Chock would have a far lead over everyone else at this point. i’m kind of surprised that the loud Frank Sinatra guy was sent home. Granted, he was “too much” for Joan, but he seemed like this year’s Susan, as a loud-mouthed Italian who likes to cook for everyone and is the life of the party. Maybe two truly extra extroverts together is too much, but I can see him and Susan getting together if the Goldens co-mingle the way the younger contestants do. The guy who’s getting paid $100 per load of laundry by Pascal really knows what he’s doing there washing 2 t-shirts, 2 shorts, and underwear and socks at a time. He’s going to end up charging Pascal $500 for these mini washes over what could have actually fit in the washing machine for $100. He has no chance with Joan, but pick up odd jobs around the house for extra cash to supplement your retirement income, while you can. Meanwhile the captain is fixing the garbage disposal for free! Long-time viewers know that the Bachelor mansion has fallen into disrepair after over 20 years being rented out. I guess good for them for bringing in a bunch of bored dads ready and willing to do dad stuff just to keep busy. Please, fellas, paint over those gold and red walls from circa 2000 next.
  6. This episode had a lot of laugh-out-loud moments for me: i’ve been known to do steroids. … Prednisone for sinus infections. since it’s too soon to expose the killer, i have a feeling that we’ll find out the Brothers Sisters were, indeed, perched in M. Dudenoff’s apartment with a long scope peering into Charles’s apartment to get a shot—that is, a long camera lens to start planning out their film shots. The case that they spent far too long lingering on will be a long camera lens, not a rifle.
  7. I think this show is pretty good about us being able to take the explanation for red herring clues at face value, so the crossed out photo last week likely was Christmas Guy’s Finnish girlfriend, who was ex-communicated from the group. Though my elaborate theory of Helga being Sazz’s “Perfect Strangers” cousin that she would return playing was off, in a twist, we did get Paul Rudd back playing a different character, so the Perfect Strangers montage was probably a tip-off to that. Ben Glenroy’s old stunt double’s “audition” had me cracking up. When he rolled over that car, it was giving me flashbacks of playing Dukes of Hazard when I was 6—I had a similar technique over my mom’s car. Otherwise I really have no new theories at this point. Bev Melon with a gun is too obvious, so I think we can rule her out entirely.
  8. They really classed up the joint since they fired Harrison. No more baboons screeching or squirrels scurrying to hide their nuts. 🤣
  9. Im speculating the ex is the hairdresser cousin that Joey was dating in high school when what’s her name kissed him in the basement. It’s suspicious that we haven’t heard from the cousin since that fateful day in the hair salon when she found out about her cousin dating Joey now. If this were a scripted show, it would 100% be her…
  10. Pepper’s house “looks creepy” because it has 50 front steps, as opposed to Shonta’s, which has -5 steps.
  11. True “might as well go to prison for 2 years.” I think he might feel differently. Shona is all about Shonta.
  12. She has a concept of a plan.
  13. Oh, no. Another kid heartbroken over their “daddy” whom mom met on a prison pen pal site.
  14. Give it time… He just got back on the streets.
  15. Pick up shifts? What if a big producer at Comedy Central walks into the Elks Lodge open mic night and sees Convict Comedy with Christine? It might be her big break!
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