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  1. Connie Britton wanted to leave...what could the showrunners have done to make it more tolerable to lose her, if not her dying? Just curious. I personally wouldn't have liked it if they'd had her leave Deacon and the girls, for whatever reasons...that would be inexplicable and wrong. I did think she might go into a coma, leave the possibility open that she could return later. Or just have her go on tour and come back now and then. But that would have seemed odd, after awhile. If she really truly wanted to leave, really, what choice did they have? I think, after all these seasons, a recast would have just been too weird. "what could the showrunners have done to make it more tolerable"? They could have done a lot of things, including retiring to the country, perhaps spending time with the Magical Negro she encountered during her cross country drive, letting Juliette (as some have suggested) run the company and having pretend phone calls with her. NCIS makes irregular reference to Tony DiNozzo since he's left the show. But that would have required using people who Know How To Write - not the oafs who have made us endure Maddie, and Deacon's never-ending moping for years now.
  2. Fuck you fuck you fuck you a thousand times, show. Really, country music channel, you think this move will increase viewers? Suspecting this, i pulled the show off my Hulu Watchlist last week. Oh, and p.s. - fuck you, show.
  3. It's my opinion that Suits was killed, denatured by The Suits from the network. A certain symmetry, there.
  4. Why not Mike being a really good Jailhouse Lawyer, helping the wrongly convicted, bringing justice into the prison? Too obvious? Run his own Innocence Project from inside.
  5. Yeah, too many notes/input from the suits at Suits. And I'd say the first 2 to 3 early years at Burn Notice and White Collar. These shows, and even Person of Interest for a while always drift away from the foundational premise that established them, a case of the week or person of the week, and instead get into a season-long, convoluted, but no real forward movement story arc that could be told in a few episodes.
  6. I start to make myself crazy expecting some form of logic, halfway decent writing, and a little bit of class acting with this show, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow. Recently, I've found I can calm down and quit yelling at the TV by reminding myself that it is/they are a visual, moving comic-book after all, and imagine graphic novel talk balloons floating above their heads as they spew some of the ridiculousness I've witnessed. Bam! Ka-Pow!
  7. I hope so. Came here to see if anyone remembers the speculation about Henry being him in earlier forums. His body build seems the same.
  8. Agreed! Also agree that "Carter was a creepy, controlling asshole." with a bit of evidence of Neanderthal genes floating around there - didn't find him handsome at all.
  9. Yup. This episode was completely dull. Deacon and Rayna were the best thing, but their scenes were edited to make room for the remaining snoozefest. More time was given to Luke arguing with his ex father in law than Rayna arguing with Deacon. WHY? No one cares. Why does Nashville self-destruct like this? Based on this drivel no one at ABC will be questioning the decision to cancel. this can't be said too often: "Stupid, STUPID, Nashville writers, next week is your fault."
  10. Yeah, me too. I stared at the screen on Hulu - which is the way I watch tv without commercials now since i've cut the cord and expense of a DVR - wanting to want to watch it. But I just couldn't care enough anymore - it was a feeling similar to knowing you've fallen out of love with someone. I think that friggin' Maddie killed this show, along with her whiney-ass natural father Deacon. I was such an advocate of Rayna and Deek's romance but jeez, as someone observed up-thread all the guy does is wallow in self-pity going way back to when Rayna got pregnant and was going to marry him. Typical alchoholic behavior incidentally - my personal opinion is this is what fuels their need to and excuse for drinking. If ever a show needed to be cancelled and put out of its misery it was this one. Hope you're satisfied, showkillers, you know who you are. That poor kid that plays Maddie is saddled with knowing this and knowing that she's joined the ranks of one of the most disliked characters on TV.
  11. Their shenanigans are pure comic book fodder. I guess the disappointment comes from getting involved in the drama and then getting doused with the comic-book-iness of it all. Excuse me, giving away my age: the graphic-novel-iness of it all. But yeah, Kirinan, sick to death, too. Stupid. stupid. stupid. And hokey. And corny.
  12. Ah gee, I read the posts here and a recap on another forum and I'm just sad, not even mad anymore. Working towards indifference, I guess. And guess won't go check out the drivel after all. Nashville used to be must-see TV for me along with several others that lately I just don't care enough about. I recently cut the cord, got a rooftop antenna, Hauppauge PVR stick and between that and Hulu, Amazon and PlayOn am getting my TV fix differently. Quit Netflix - bored with that too after so many years with them. I have to think a little bit more about what I'm gonna watch rather than mindlessly bringing up the dvr programming grid and click, click - record, then dump half the shows later. I find when I have to think about them there just aren't that many shows worth the bother anymore.
  13. Just got around to watching recording episode and Jeebus, this show makes my ass ache. What incentive is there for me to continue to watch these poor schlubs (except May) repeatedly get beat by The Big Bad? Where's the hope? And more importantly, where's the FUN??? for fuck's sake. This and too many other shows on episodic TV seem to think we the audience are attracted by negativistic "dystopic" plots. No wonder ratings are down almost across the board. And I never did give a good god***n about Skye/Daisy, who apparently the suits at ABC believe will attract the all-important 18-49 demographic that will spend money on shit they advertise.
  14. Agreed. Except for the bangs. stupid haircut. Maybe he's getting a divorce or cheating on his mate. Shonda seems to do that. Speaking of which, now that Patrick Dempsey's getting back together with his wife, maybe she'll resurrect him - no problem for a God complex I would think.
  15. The Kings have a new show coming up this summer: BrainDead. Just saw a commercial for it, I think during GW. Very meta. Perhaps they've been unconsciously preparing us for it during these last few sad and mediocre episodes.
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