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  1. 1000%. Excellent observation. Heather has always, in the very few alone time she has had with her kids (I"m thinking 2 instances with Nick when he was little), she was dismissive and annoyed he was there. This season is all about her kids, although they are nowhere around or included in any of the events. She's the yin to Tamra's yang. They both use their kids as storylines, the kids are noticeably absent, but in Heather's case she is the saint and in Tamra's she's the Jesus. Unfairly persecuted.
  2. There are two things going on here, and I see Emily's side on one, and on the fence with the other. First, it was 100% wrong of Heather to ask Emily to wear jeans for the last runway when all the other ladies had on the designer's bottoms and they all were black. It made her stand out, it did give, "she's the big girl" feels, and I think any of those ladies would have felt a certain way if they were singled out and asked to wear their own jeans and no one else was. Maybe it was because they didn't have pants that were in a size that would work with Emily's measurements-- she's got and ass and hips (and the bottoms all did look very slim fitting). Who knows. In that case, Heather should have worked with Emily to tailor them, IMO. And she is smart enough to know that. So yeah, it was not an oversight-- she took the opportunity to put in a bit of a dig. The dress thing though-- Heather was truly shocked at that complaint. And to me, it made sense that Heather had them both in the same dress since they have similar figure types or body shapes and the dress was for curvier ladies. I'm sure it was a shock to Emily when she saw the dresses side by side, how much bigger hers was, and felt like it was a joke on her, because she is NOT a size 12- is a little nutty. HOWEVER, it was VERY cold and unnecessary for Heather to stress that the dress not only fit but was tight. Heather could have just said that the dress was sized based on the numbers Emily provided. But she didn't. However, that jab was not part of the party, THANK GOD, or Emily would have blown something up. She was PISSED. I remember a long time ago; my friend lost a ton of weight for her wedding. The girls at the dress shop told her she could never fit into the dress she wanted, and she was bound and determined to prove them wrong, and she did. She felt like the thinnest most beautiful person ever on her wedding day in her perfectly fitting dress that no one thought she would ever be able to fit into. This is her reality, not the real reality though. So I’m over with my husband at the time, and she’s feeling a little insecure because she gained all her weight back, and I’m this skinny rail thin person, and I think she wanted to show everyone that she was once really skinny too. So she dragged out this heavy elaborate wedding dress and made me put it on in front of all our friends (clearly, we were a really close friend group). It was huge on me. I didn’t even need to unzip it, I just stepped in through the top and pulled it up. Friend was DEVASTATED. Her husband is trying to console her, and she is like beyond upset. In her mind, she was the thinnest most slender creature on her wedding day, and to see how big the dress was on someone thin, really shattered her reality, made her think about what her size was on that day in a different perspective, and also, messed with how she felt about her current body weight. To this day she insists I am anorexic and that is the ONLY reason the dress was big. I let her, as I know it’s just a psychological strategy she is doing to self soothe. I think something similar happened when Emily saw the difference between her and Alexis dress sizes. It made her so uncomfortably aroused she needed to find something to blame it on because looking at the reality of it was too emotionally challenging and traumatizing. Heather, given it was her party and she orchestrated both situation Emily was in, could have done a lot more to not be a prick.
  3. Ingrid is really on point to be suspicious of Brian. He is so manipulative; I wouldn't be at all surprised if he is trying to act like he had no idea she thought he was 45, knowing very well he lied about it, thinking 5 years wasn't that much of a fudge. Trying to trick her into touching his penis on their first night was predatory to me-- saying he needed her help with the catheter and that his penis had to be hard to put it in, was GROSS, especially since he gave his true intention away by bragging about talking Viagra. Yuck. But Ingrid saying that he might still sell drugs if could walk--- that was COLD. And saying she was raised to not hang out with drug addicts (but earlier claimed her father was very ignorant) was all levels of meta ignorance to me. But I'm torn, because she dead on that Brian is being very strategic about what he says, when, and why, and what it is going to do for him. He's too old for her, has way too many problems, and needs to spend less time online dating and more time in therapy. I'm likely going to little to no appetite tomorrow after hearing Loren talk about his penis discharge.
  4. Strange that John doesn't want to live with Alexis, even after marriage. Wasn't that the same complaint that Shannon had? That he never spent the night?
  5. I got the GLAAD event and the gender equality event confused. When Alexis entered the get together in her giraffe outfit, Heather told her that she had really wished John was at the event. That sent Alexis into a trail of tears and despair. Maybe John didn't have anything to wear except the shoes and clothes Shannon bought for him, and he knew it would be a media event. Alexis could have bought him a nice outfit so he'd go. LOL.
  6. I really like Katie's 1:1 conversations with her daughter. They seem truly very close and have a great chemistry and connection. I wonder if Tamra is ramping up the raunch this season as FU to Simon and/or Sidney, both who are critical of her being "embarrassing" on realty TV. Simon was always scolding her and rolling her eyes when she made raunchy comments/jokes when they were married, and at one time I heard a rumor he lost his job because of how Tamra presented herself on TV. She tried a lot of times to please him at first-- having the "naked wasted party" (which was supposed to be 1st class etiquette training for Tamra), kicking out Ryan, befriending Alexis and Jim who were fundamental Christian, then getting baptized and there was a season, maybe 2, where she was nice and sort of kind to people.
  7. Sorry to not credit the poster that said this, but whoever said that Heather looks severe was right on. Everything about her is so perfected and intentional she seems like a character in a kids book or movie. Wicked comes to mind. I can't recall ever seeing Heather on camera having a 1:1 with any of her kids. They are usually in a larger group and Terry is there. I wonder if Heather if just hangs out Terry and gets updates from nannies.
  8. When Heather told Alexis that she wished John had been at the GLADD, Alexis deflected big time. If Heather is going to hate on Emily because she should have put aside her discomfort and just be happy she was part of the show since it was for "family equality" you would think that John should have also put aside his discomfort and maybe showed up. Alexis didn't want to say why John wasn't there, but if this was so important to her and her family, John should have been there. It is the same show she did when Jim didn't go to Peggy's party with her-- Peggy asked where Jim was, and Alexis lost her mind and cried all night. She didn't want to answer why John wasn't at the gender equality event. She was embarrassed. She goes on about how they are so in love and ride and die for each other, and he wouldn't go to a charity event that was important to her. This relationship is NOT going to last.
  9. I think she does it for attention. She's a toddler.
  10. Heather is a b---ch who is so obsessed with diet culture she doesn't realize she is in a bubble. She's a total "you can never be too rich or too thin" person. It's so ingrained in her I don't think she can see it.
  11. I feel for Emily. The spirit of inclusion apparently is only for smaller sizes, since Emily mentioned that she didn't have any of her sizes from the designer. Which is extremely ironic and very sad that Heather, who is so "smart" missed this obvious flag to invest in a designer that serves all women, not just the smaller ones. IMO.
  12. Agree about the boomer behavior. My parents, born in the 40s, would occasionally do things like that, but not to punish, and not to teach independence. They just didn't know any better and it was a different time back then. I would lose my mom at the grocery store ALL the time, and it was ME that had to ask customer service to page her over the speaker to come find me. That would never be considered safe today to alert the wild public that a child was lost.
  13. Yes! She is a very authoritarian parent. She gives me Ruby Franke vibes. As the kids get older, they are going to be more difficult to control, and she is big on punishment. There was also a time where she posted about sending her 7-year old Aspen down to a hotel lobby alone to get something for her. https://realityblurb.com/2022/01/31/rhoc-alum-meghan-king-says-she-was-in-denial-during-marriage-to-jim-edmonds-in-her-new-youtube-channel-plus-defends-herself-against-online-trolls-accusing-her-of-child-abuse/
  14. She definitely looked like she had just rolled out of bed. I think she was a lot of things (hungover being one), but she also was sick-- coughing and what not. She might have taken some NyQuil or similar too which didn't help. Who knows. She definitely was having a rough "morning." In quotes because it was like 1PM. LOL.
  15. Given how petty BOTH Shannon and Johnny J are being, I'm surprised they aren't having receipt war. It seems like they both had their own homes and cars, took care of their own kids. I think they should both just let it go. No one has said anything that terrible about the other. Saying you paid for everything-- that's easy to prove or not prove if it goes that far. I can see it's frustrating and annoying, emasculating, but not IMO, something to see for. He could do a cyst and detest maybe? DUI laws very vastly from state to state. Like in Maryland, a DUI is automatically expunged from your record after 5 years. In Minnesota, it's nearly impossible to ever expunge a DUI. Some are mandatory jailtime, others you go home that night with your clothes still on. (First time offenses). Vastly different DUI laws state to state. No federal guidelines. https://dui.drivinglaws.org/resources/state-dui-laws.htm
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