Lisin June 2, 2014 Share June 2, 2014 Your 1 Girl 5 Gays topic! Link to comment
marsha June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 As I watch random episodes from every season, including the ones with the new cast to try and give it a chance, I guess I'd have to say: original. The funny thing is that over time and I've changed my feelings and opinions about who I really liked and who, well I won't say 'hate' (even though I want to with some of them), but not not like at all. I liked Santos early on and my like/love for him just grew. He always made me smile and I really loved he particular point of view and "I'm addicted to glamor" is my fave 1G5G quote of all time. It was shocking to hear of his death earlier this year and I hope they address this in the new season that will have a combination of original and 'not so crispy' cast members. So, of the originals I really like: Santos, J.P., Thomas Trafford, Ian, Phillip (although at times he can 'bug'), Jake, Simon and I think that's it, really. Who I can't stand are: Andrew, Yerxa, Dean, Alex, Jerry, David Robert and Jonathan Nathaniel (I never got past his wanting to slap Santos in the face). The other Jonathan and Matt Barker I'm sort of neither here nor there about. The 'not so crispys'?: I like Gabriel, Rafay and J.P. and ... that's about it. I don't really out and out 'hate' any of the others ... oh wait: James; really don't care for him at all. The main thing about the new cast is that for the most part: eh, who cares? Is this show available in US at all anymore (I'm Canadian and live in Toronto)? I know it was on LOGO but I'm surprised MTV (USA) doesn't carry it. Link to comment
Turkish June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 (edited) LOGO isn't airing the new cast for some reason so no it's not airing in America anymore........but their's an app for that. Ha! Anyway. I'm surprised MTV US isn't airing this as well. I always used to ask that. It would be perfect for their channel if they were really trying to be as progressive as they claim. A show about girls pretending to be lesbians for attention is not doing it IMO. I prefer the original cast. I am not attached to any of the newbies at all. Now that they are longer on the show I find that I have softened on some people that drove me crazy the first time around. Like Andrew. Boy did I hate Andrew. His social media personality is the exact opposite and I think more of what he is really like in person. Many a cast member has claimed that he isn't nearly as abrasive in real life as the personality he created on the show. I had my issues with Yerxa but if I am completely honest we would be friends because we like all of the same things. And I miss the hell out of Dean, Juan and JP. If I had to pick favorites I would pick those three. Especially JP. Edited June 5, 2014 by Turkish 1 Link to comment
marsha June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 Oh, I totally forgot about Juan! Yeah, I like him and Ish too. That's what's kind of strange about my dislike for Yerxa as, like you, I feel we would have lots of things in common. What I couldn't stand, though and eventually it's what turned me off him, was what some used to call 'The Coven' which was Yerxa, Dean, Alex and J.P. (although I always like J.P. a lot). I know they were all really good friends but they had a tendency (especially Dean and Yerxa) to 'gang up' on people who dared to question or disagree with them. Someone would give their opinion and Dean or Yerxa would roll their eyes into the backs of their heads and say in a loud and condescending voice "No! Wrong answer!". Oh, I can't tell you how that would irritate me and it really turned me off them. Also, when a question would be "ask 'x' a question", Yerxa's would always be a form of 'what do you think about me or what are feelings about me or our friendship' as, of course, the world (and 1G5Gs) revolves around Yerxa. Yes, Andrew is supposed to be quite different away from the show. I think he said, something like, 'I'm a good person who plays a bad person on tv'. Bitch, please. If he really made a choice to 'cast himself' as the 'person you love to hate' who says rude and hateful things to get attention then I guess he succeeded. The thing is, you can't then turn around and bitch and moan and cry about how people are talking about you online (which he has) when it was your choice to do this. You wanted attention? You got it. 1 Link to comment
Turkish June 5, 2014 Share June 5, 2014 I wonder which ones from the old cast are coming back. It's doubtful Dean will return. And I think JP is moving out of the country, which sucks for me. I bet Yerxa will return but I just don't see him blending well with this group. This is cast full of Ian's. The whole reason they are probably even doing this is because fans want the old cast back and haven't taken to the new guys any more than I have. 2 Link to comment
Amethyst June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I stopped watching after most of the original cast left. Thomas was my favorite. What a sweetheart! I liked most of the guys except for Andrew and Yerxa. Andrew was clearly obnoxious, but Yerxa was just a narrow minded ass. I remember him getting angry at Matt Barker (I think) because he said he didn't like Tina Fey. Yerxa was all "How can you not like her? I don't understand that," and etc. Dude, unless Tina Fey is paying you, she doesn't give a shit who does or doesn't like her. You could tell the show was losing steam when they started emphasizing all those "Draw this" or "the guy to your left" questions. Although she show isn't in the US anymore, I probably wouldn't watch it anyway. The original cast is gone, and so is Aliyah Jasmine. I wasn't a fan of Lauren on Degrassi, so I have no desire to see her on 1g5g. 1 Link to comment
goodogcarl June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 I remember him getting angry at Matt Barker (I think) because he said he didn't like Tina Fey. Yerxa was all "How can you not like her? I don't understand that," and etc. Dude, unless Tina Fey is paying you, she doesn't give a shit who does or doesn't like her. It was Santos that Yerxa went all nuts on over Tina Fey. I know no one liked Matt Barker -- he was a favorite of mine. A little simple-minded but a cutie. I remember once AJ asked the guys what they read the most: fiction or non-fiction. She started with Matt Barker and he said, "Start with someone else. I can never remember what that means." 2 Link to comment
Amethyst June 10, 2014 Share June 10, 2014 She started with Matt Barker and he said, "Start with someone else. I can never remember what that means." LOL! That sounds like Matt. I never minded him, either. Matt could be annoying, and I can imagine him being a hellraiser in public, but he was basically harmless. Plus, he's so young, and I wouldn't hold him to the same mature standards like everyone else on the panel because he's still learning and growing. The fact that Yerxa went off on him about something so innocuous as a celebrity crush just makes Yerxa look even more douchey, IMO. 1 Link to comment
sugarbaker design June 17, 2014 Share June 17, 2014 Nothing made Yerxa look more douchey than when the host asked him, in order to get to know Kyle better, could Yerxa ask him a question. Yerxa's question: What do you think of me? What a colossal fucking asshole! 3 Link to comment
marsha June 18, 2014 Share June 18, 2014 This past year I've been watching this show a lot. As I mentioned, it's in heavy syndication here on three channels (FashionTV, MTV Canada and OUT Tv) so I can watch it multiple times every day (and sometimes do I'm embarrassed to admit). The funny thing is that multiple watching hasn't really made me change my mind about any of the guys (well, mostly) but just reaffirm my feelings. It's almost as if you can really focus on the smaller details of the show like facial expressions (bitch face, eye rolls, constipated superior dead face (Dean)) and hypocrisies. There is an event at Toronto's World Pride at the end of this month that is going to feature Lauren with Yerxa, Philip, Jonathan Schuster, Andrew and, from the new cast, Rafay and Gabriel. I know they've begun filming new episodes featuring a combo on old and new cast so I'm guessing that the guys at this event are the new panel for Season 6. I'm glad that from the new cast that Rafay and Gabriel are there as they are the only ones (along with a different JP) that I really like. Here's a link if you're in Toronto: 1G5G World Pride Event. I sometimes wonder what these guys are going to think of these shows in years to come. Seriously, if I had been filmed for several years sprouting my oh-so-profound opinions about life when I was in my twenties (that would have been in the '80s) I would be mortified to have them on television now (and probably at the time, too). 2 Link to comment
Chalby July 21, 2017 Share July 21, 2017 On June 4, 2014 at 10:20 PM, marsha said: As I watch random episodes from every season, including the ones with the new cast to try and give it a chance, I guess I'd have to say: original. The funny thing is that over time and I've changed my feelings and opinions about who I really liked and who, well I won't say 'hate' (even though I want to with some of them), but not not like at all. Even though I am 3 years late to the post, heh, I have to address it as I record every 1g5g show and watch at least 2 episodes every night (repeat or not). First of all, I prefer the original cast and episodes. Santos death was so sad and I was surprised that I haven’t heard any of the cast address his death (or maybe that’s a show I just haven’t seen?) People I don’t really like on the program: Yerxa, Dean and Jerry, sometimes Andrew. JP and Jake are far too serious and I find can take the fun out of a question with their lecturing. I have always had a visual ‘crush’ on Dean who I find very attractive, but his and Yerxa’s arrogance and judgmental interjections make me turn off the show. All the cast members are told their opinions are wanted, but Dean and Yerxa bully anyone whose opinion differs from theirs. And they go as far as to declare someone’s opinion ‘stupid’ or ‘a lie’ and it tires me. Yerxa calling bullshit on every Matt Barker statement gets me down. Half of the comments are totally believable and I think Yerxa calls BS because he was never young and beautiful as a gay man. And he came out later than Matt did. For Matt’s age, and his acceptance early into the gay culture makes most of his experiences ‘honest’. Yerxa is responding with very jealous and petty aggression. Andrew says stuff to get a rise, and he is successful. Although I believe he is fairly shallow, he is harmless. Yes, he speaks before thinking, but when he is saying tattoos are ‘not art’, or ‘having a cupcake tattooed is stupid’ is not the end of the world. Even when it’s addressed to a cast member (David). I remember my family calling my tattoo disgusting years ago (and 20 years prior to them all getting tattoos, ha). Not once did I flair up and rage. It’s an opinion and these men have all dissed Andrew for doing exactly what was expected. I have to say Jerry annoys me (after Yerxa and Dean) because I find him exhausting. His ADHD is so in your face, and he paws people and speaks without thinking. Sometimes I worry that he reinforces the whole gays as promiscuous and risky stereotype. As for the rest of the guys, they all have interesting sides to their personality. I do love Aliyah Jasmine and find I can’t really be critical of anything about her. 1 Link to comment
Chalby July 21, 2017 Share July 21, 2017 On June 10, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Amethyst said: The fact that Yerxa went off on him about something so innocuous as a celebrity crush just makes Yerxa look even more douchey, IMO. Good point about Yerba's douchey response. Once again, I am very late to this forum, but I wanted to add something. There was a question about having ever gone bareback and Matt immediately said yes, while the others all declared 'never' or 'once...'. When Matt Barker said that he and his committed boyfriend of 6 months were now engaging in sex without condoms, he was made an example of. The others gave him hell saying you can NEVER not wear a condom, etc. They chastised him and said "what signal are you sending young gay viewers", etc.? I don't believe that the other cast members have never gone without a condom. I have asked every gay I know and not one of them has never experienced bareback sex. If Matt and his boyfriend each were tested and declared clean/ clear, this panel of gays are saying "NOT to trust their partner and to keep protecting himself". Who wants to be in a relationship if there's never trust? What's the point of an intimate, sexual relationship, if it never progresses? You have Jake talking about condoms during oral sex as well, which makes sense for sexcapades, but real relationships? If we follow 1g5g's logic, all married people should be wearing condoms for every sexual act, for their entire marriage. I call bullshit on the whole cast EXCEPT Matt Barker. 1 Link to comment
marsha July 25, 2017 Share July 25, 2017 About two years ago Matt Barker walked by me on Church St. I noticed him from about a block or so away and like whenever I see someone famous (a handful of times) I fist think it's a person I know from my past and then, quickly, it clicks and I realize it's someone well known. He was very sharply dressed and was much taller than I thought he was for some reason. 1 Link to comment
Chalby November 2, 2017 Share November 2, 2017 (edited) That is interesting as I always assumed he's very small. How tall would you say he is? And yes, he is definitely a sharp dresser. I still remember Matt answering questions (with very reasonable answers) and the others immediately dismissing him with "I don't believe you" or "That never happened". I am impressed that he held it together without going loco on their butts. I can't say he ever gave an answer where I immediately called B.S. (But I did pause at his twins declaration.) Living well is the best revenge, Matt. Edited November 2, 2017 by Chalby I hate auto edit 1 Link to comment
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