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OLTL Fic: Other Lives to Live

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Does anybody still care about fic? I feel weird being the only one here pimping my own stuff, so if I'm annoying anyone I'll stop, but since I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow and may not be around these parts much for the next few weeks, I leave y'all with a link to my newest...well, it's not even a story, really, just a super-short little fic.




I also posted another new chapter of 'Family last week that I didn't mention here, so check that out too if you're so inclined!

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Teddy Sears, who played Chad way back when, is now joining the cast of Flash next season as Jay Garrick.


I daresay he will have a longer, more important run than Roger Howarth did. (I'm still ticked about that because Mason Bridge could have been used to strengthen Iris' place at the paper and as a person outside of 'female everyone is lying to.' I'm not happy about the writing Iris gets on the show.) Jay Garrick was the Golden Age Flash so I'm curious as to how they're going to fit him in.

Because OLTL fic should still be shamelessly pimped, as long as it's going to get stuck in my head anyway:

Todd and Blair, summer of 2016: The Fifth Anniversary

And that fic's little spinoff for Brody and Jessica, also summer 2016: Drown Proofing

(I just noticed that my longer fic got discussed earlier in this thread way back when. Thanks! I haven't visited the soap parts of PTV much, which is why I didn't bother using the Cimz name as my sign-on.)

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So, here's a question: how would you envision an older Zane Buchanan finding out he's the product of sonfucking? Does he overhear someone talking about it? Does stupid Kelly or stupid Jessica let it slip in front of him? Does someone tell him, and who and why?

I'm not just trolling for ideas - here's a tiny bit of the sequel to Family (it needs to be polished before being posted anywhere else):



The only illumination in the foul-smelling alley was the flashing blue and red from the police vehicles parked at each end, and the thin beams from waving flashlights. Still, it was enough to see the body laying slumped against the brick wall, heedless of the freezing December cold. Oliver Fish, newly minted Detective, huddled into his own thick coat as he ducked under the crime scene tape, and had an entirely inappropriate moment of envy. It wasn’t even dawn, and he’d left a warm bed and a warmer man to come out here, so hopefully it would be worth it.

“Yo, Fish,” Officer Flynn greeted laconically, his vulpine face wearing a sardonic look. “Looks like an OD to me. But you’ve got the gold shield.” His teeth flashed in a grin.

“Yeah, don’t forget it, either,” Fish volleyed back, smiling automatically. He crouched down to examine the body, careful to breathe through his mouth.

It did look like an overdose. Not six inches from the corpse’s right hand lay a tiny plastic baggie, with white powder residue any cop would recognize. He was dressed in filthy, stained clothing that spoke of a long acquaintance with the rougher side of life. His face, slack in death, was pitted. A meth-head who OD’d in an alley. Fish bit back his impatience, as he pulled on the latex crime scene gloves and carefully put the drug bag into a larger evidence bag. He’d wanted an actual murder case.

“Any ID?” he asked, rising.

“Not on him. No wallet or money, either. And no drugs either, except that.” He nodded at the bag in Fish's hand.

“Oh, well. Techs can check his prints and DNA.”

Flynn nodded. “Can you call for the bus, then, Detective? I’m freezing my balls off out here.”

Fish snorted and did just that.


“Hey, Fish?”

“Yeah?” he said distractedly, phone held between his ear and shoulder, as he typed away on his report. Natalie Banks, the forensic tech, had interrupted him as he was just two lines away from finishing.

“Got a fingerprint hit on your body from this morning.”

“Hit me.”

“Name’s Dylan Maddox, age 23. Pulled up his sheet for you, ‘cause I’m just that nice. Got some priors, mostly drug-related, a few B&E’s, all small-time shit. You should be getting his full jacket in a second."

“Yeah? Got a cause of death yet?”

“Is that gratitude?”

“I mean, thank you so much, Natalie, goddess among forensics, got a cause of death yet?

“That’s better. Won’t be official till the ME’s done the autopsy, but so far, it’s looking like an OD. Tox screen hit for meth.”

“Yeah, I figured. Thanks, Natalie, I mean it.”

“Wait, there’s something else.”

His attention sharpened at the uncharacteristic tone. “What?”

A pause, then: “You better come down here.”

He found Natalie alone in her lab, staring at her computer monitor. Her large eyes were serious, her thick red hair pulled back in a low ponytail.

“You didn’t recognize Maddox?” she asked him.

He stared at her, surprised and a little insulted. “Of course not, I would have said so.”

She pursed her lips thoughtfully.

“Why would I?” Fish demanded sharply.

She drew in a breath. “You know how anyone who does any work for the department, even from Uncle Bo down to the part-time janitors, has to have a DNA sample on file, in case of some accidental contamination of evidence.”

“Yeah, of course.” Fish felt his brows draw together. “Are you saying Maddox worked for the department at some point?” He couldn’t keep the skepticism out of his voice.

“No. But his DNA is a partial match to someone who has.”

“A partial match? Like, a relative?”

“Yes.” She pointed at her computer monitor, which displayed what he recognized as a side-by-side DNA comparison, though he had no way of knowing how to decipher the meaning. “Once I had the partial match, I did a closer analysis to figure out exactly how they were related. I could walk you through the science and explain Y-chromosome and everything, but bottom line, Dylan Maddox is a paternal half-brother to someone who used to do some work for us.”

“A paternal half-brother,” Fish repeated slowly. “Okay.” He gave her a sharp look. “And why are you being so vague? A paternal half-brother to who?”

She took a deep breath, and pointed to the top of her screen, where the names of the two DNA sample were displayed. The left said “Dylan Maddox.” The right…he drew in a shocked breath.

The right said “Kyle Lewis.”


14 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

So, here's a question: how would you envision an older Zane Buchanan finding out he's the product of sonfucking? Does he overhear someone talking about it? Does stupid Kelly or stupid Jessica let it slip in front of him? Does someone tell him, and who and why?

I think he absolutely has to overhear it.  Maybe Kevin and/or Kelly are talking aloud at Duke's gravestone? 

I guess it also depends if Kevin and/or Kelly are with each other or other people.

You know how sometimes you go back and re-read a fic you wrote years later and realize that you actually wrote a boyfriend for Jack without meaning to and when you re-read you also realize they totally hooked up in college and fell in love? (This happened after the fic ended I would say...)

Yep. I apparently did that.

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