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19 December-“Exes Rent Ruckus “ 11/16/2018, Season 22 / Episode 50 Cases-Not Splitting Things - Taking His Sweet Time - Phoning It In With A Friend (Apparently cases are so boring that no one really watched them. )

p. 122, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court/page/122/#comment-4852153


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20 December-"Dating Money Madness” 11/19/2018, Season 22 / Episode 51. Cases-Taking But Not Giving - To Jail, Do Not Collect Money - Blowing Off An Ex (Apparently all three cases have dental issues, don't watch if you have a phobia about that.   All three are sad, greedy cases of people who should never have even sued). 

p. 122, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4858197


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14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

All three are sad, greedy cases of people who should never have even sued). 

While skimming over these revolting cases with revolting people, I find it depressing that for all the years that court shows have been on the air, they have not yet run out of marginal, scamming, ignorant, grifting, lying, mooching, shameless, nausea-inducing oxygen thieves.

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23 December--“Exes Bitter Battle” 11/20 /2018, Season 22 / Episode 52. Cases-Making A Mess Of Things - Being A Puppy Pilferer - De-Friending A Friend (case 1-instantly moved in as roommates, and it didn't workout-not a suprise.  A lovely (sarcastic) tale of love, cheating, assault, theft, and generally disgusting behavoir. Judge M calls defendant 'pretty but evil', and I agree. Case 2-P. sells puppy to d. and he gave puppy to someone else, she wants the money back.  D. says puppy was sick, and he rehomed the dog.  P. says d. reversed charges on Paypal, but d. says it was identity theft, and he didn't do the reversal. Judge M calls defendant a thief, at least four different ways.  Case 3-Unpaid parking tickets on another 'informal' rental car case.  Defendant was paying $900 a month for a 2010 Jetta. ). 

p.122,   https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4860849


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6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

A lovely (sarcastic) tale of love, cheating, assault, theft, and generally disgusting behavoir.

All I could think of was a 6-month-old baby, living in this disgusting environment with these vile and violent female thugs. I believe the bearded one wanted to "fight" the great, big, shoeless def. UGH! "Pretty"? I beg to differ, JM.

"My fiancee". I wonder if what was sure to be an elegant wedding ever took place.

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24 December-“Cleaners Catastrophe” 11/21/2018, Season 22 / Episode 53. Cases-Getting Taken To The Cleaners - A Family Fallout - Fowling Up A Party (Case 1 failed payment on a laundromat sale case 2-Uncle suing niece for spending his settlement she was holding.  case 3-Another Sweet 16 party that flopped because of a photo booth, DJ and emcee problem).

p. 122, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4863578

25 December--“Tussle Over a Tow” 11/22/2018, Season 22 / Episode 54. Cases-Acting Too Fast - Ignoring A Former Tenant - Shortchanging The House (Case 1-A Classic! Plaintiff parked at the convenience store in a handicapped spot, to get Arizona Ice Tea. He's suing the defendant/tow company for illegal tow and wants a bonanza. Plaintiff is despicable.  Judge M reams plaintiff out. The tow people have been here before, they have their act together.  Case 2-Plaintiff moves a lot, and gets new furniture every year, and gives the old furniture to charity.  Tenant painted every wall dark colors, a sloppy job too, lease called for return to white walls, lots of holes and cracks in wall, and other damages.  Case 3-big nothing.)

p. 122, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4865179



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26 December--“Cousin Loan Crisis” 11/23/2018, Season 22 / Episode 55. Cases-Copping Out On A Cousin - Fouling Up A Friendship - Being A Tool

Case 1-Cousin loaned defendant/cousin money, unpaid loan as usual. $2200, includes $50 interest and $50 loan fee, to prevent defendant's eviction. Plaintiff gets back interest and $2100 loan.  (10 minute case).

Case 2-  Failed car sale between former friends.  Plaintiff bought car from defendant, car was a lemon, but because it was a bad car, or because plaintiff was a bad owner?   Defendant isn't an auction dealer, but buys and sells 8 to 10 cars a year.  Car isn't registered yet, owner doesn't live in NH but his driver's license is (NH is one of the few states that doesn't require insurance, if you claim you can pay for damages, I'm guessing that's why.  Car did get registered in NH.  All titles are in another person's name and that's who has to sign for title/registration transfer. However, apparently plaintiff signed for the real owner, and title is still is the fake buyer's name (yes, forgery).  Fake seller can buy at auction, and defendant uses the account.  TItle is still in Mustafa (the real owner) name, and that's only a small problem.  Car needs a transmission, and engine, so it's still a lemon. Car is aparently parked on some street, scheduled for tow.  Judge M called NH DMV, since title is "or" between defendant and Mustafa, defendant can sign for a legal transfer, but he'd rather forge the other man's name.     Plaintiff drove the car for one day, and wants his money back. Judge M loses it with defendant.  Plaintiff gets the car price back. 

Case 3-Plaintiff wanted a heavy mechanics tool box moved by defendant.  He want's $3,000 to replace the tool box.  Defendant says tool box is 20 lbs, not the weight plaintiff says. Plaintiff says it's a huge, 4 wheel toolbox, not a little box. This is a huge mechanic's tool box on wheels.  ANother mechanic saw the tool box litterally be dumped off, box weighs 2,000 lbs, it's a Snap-On brand.  Defendant pays $3,000 to plaintiff, not enough, but statutory maximum.   

p. 122, (No discussions of this, on 23 November 2018,  so I watched it). 

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18 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

(No discussions of this, on 23 November 2018,  so I watched it).

I think we were too overcome by some outrageous previous case to discuss this. It seems I didn't see it originally but did catch the repeat (if anyone cares!).


"Family helps family" and "Forger gets Scammed"

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27 December-“My Sister’s Boyfriend is a Deadbeat” 12/3/2018, Season 22 / Episode 56. Cases-Dissing His Girl's Sister - Creating Tenant Problems - A Cat Fight

p. 123, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4890571

30 December--“Scuba Diving Disaster” 12/4/2018, Season 22 / Episode 57 Cases-Being Uncertified - Grand Theft Auto - Leading A Lover Along (Case 1-P. forges d. name on diving certification, but dive shop called d. and he told the truth.   P. is suing d. for not certifying him.  Case 2 & 3, can't match the gall of Case 1 plaintiff. Just the usual whining)

p. 123,  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4893603


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31 December--“Cracking Up Your Boyfriend’s Car” 12/5/2018, Season 22 / Episode 58. Cases-Bailing On A Boyfriend - Not Paying Up - Sinking A Guy's Dream (Case 1-P. loans unlicensed sainted single mother multiple cars.  Yes, just as stupid as you think it is.  Case 2-Attorney suing former client for less than $300.   Case 3-Another ridiculous boat buyer who thought he was buying his dream boat, and ended up with a bad engine).

p 123, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4895889

1 January--“Friendship Ruined Over a Loan” 12/6/2018, Season 22 / Episode 59 Cases-Stiffing A Girlfriend - A Bad Hoopty - Bugging A Tenant (Case 1-bad loan Case 2-Bad Car Case 3-Bed Bugs. )

p. 123, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4898194


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2 January-“Freaking Out on an Ex” 12/7/2018, Season 22 / Episode 60 Cases-Property Damage - Taking Advantage - Failing A Fiance (Case 1 Defendant ex went bonkers with a shovel on P.s stuff Case 2-Special Snowflake did stupid things, and gets no security, so Daddy has to come to court and sue for him too.  Case 3-Boring debt and cell phone case). 

p. 123, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4901030


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44 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Thank you. For once, I just couldn't rewatch any of this stupid, dumb, ridiculous BS.

I watched a little, but the first case was infuriating.   The only good part is that we will never have to put up with the renter son who is a total flake, or the girlfriend who takes and takes, and rips people off.   

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3 January-“Bed Bug Battle” 1/7/2019, Season 22 / Episode 61. Cases-Bugging Out - Letting Down A Lady Friend - Backing Out

p. 123, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4963737

3 January-This is not Season 22 / Episode 60 or 61, but somehow they showed this.  Originally shown 8 October 2018 on p. 118

Case 1-Trailer/hauler stolen from storage lot.  P. rented a storage space for his car hauler/carrier trailer since 2017.  He finally went to pick up the trailer, and another person's lock was on the garage space. Contract says not responsible for theft or damages.  Case 2-Car Rental Nonsense-P. rented car for d. to drive, no surprise car returned with damage Case 3-Private iPhone Sale.  This is so old they were fighting over an iPhone 7,  Aren't they up to iPhone 16 now? 



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8 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Case 2-Car Rental Nonsense

I had to rewatch that one - of course, I had forgotten most of it - since I got a kick out of the dumbbell P, who thought JM might want a glimpse of her massive mammaries, displayed like the prow of an ocean liner, and the bizarre def, the Stepford single mommy (wearing a most unflattering, skin-tight stretchy outfit) and her weird perma-smirk as she proudly announces she has to pay everything in cash since she can't have a bank account.

Stupid question: How can one buy a car without a bank account, unless it's paid in full in cash, or in payments with 99% interest? If the former, where does someone who can't pay anything she owes get that much cash? Oh, wait. I just answered my own stupid question. 🙄

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6 January--“Car Wash Catastrophe” 1/8/2019, Season 22 / Episode 62. Cases-Being Too Strong - Renting A Wreck - Not Paying Her Fair Share (Time share case is the best of the three cases). 

p.124, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4966762

7 January--“Refusing a Refund” 1/9/2019, Season 22 / Episode 63. Cases-Refusing A Refund - Weaseling Out Of A Loan - Stinking Up A Rental

p. 124, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4969014

8 January--“Friendship Ruined Over a Loan” 1/10/2019, Season 22 / Episode 64 Cases-Stiffing A Girlfriend - A Bad Hoopty - Bugging A Tenant

p. 124, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4972005


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9 January-“Shopping Cart Crisis” 1/11/2019, Season 22 / Episode 65. Cases-A Juicy Lawsuit - Being A No Show - Anything But Wonderfla…Er Wonderful (Case 1 the classic TPC about the woman at Trader Joe's who bashed the plaintiff's car with her shopping cart, and didn't care about the damages to the car, just to the watermelon defendant bought.   )

p. 124, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4973802


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10 January-"Tile Tantrum" 1/14/2019, Season 22 / Episode 66. Cases-Not Getting The Job Done - Making a Mistake - Not Following the Law

p. 124,  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4980760


For some reason this is the episode they're playing, but still showing the same episode and season number.


A Hair-Raising Situation

originally aired 21 January 2019, Season 22 / Episode 71

Cases-Too Many Knots, Too Little Hair - Rear-Ending A Guy - Being Tough On A Tenant (Case 1 p. claims tape in extensions caused alopecia, they didn't and she loses. Case 2-Uber driver rear ended.  Case 3-Another tenant case). 

p. 125,  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=4997649


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13 January--“Your Dog Ripped Off My Dog’s Ear!” 1/22/2019, Season 22 / Episode 68 Cases-Being A Bit Too Nippy - Leaving A Lover High And Dry - Not Treating A Customer Right (Case 1-skip it.  Cases 2 & 3, car sale cases)

p. 125, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5000803 

(This is actually the case that was scheduled, and aired, which is unusual lately for this channel). 


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I needed a laugh today so re-enjoyed the car case, where we had a middle-aged man with the dullest eyes and dumbest expression ever seen. If my husband stood there in front of a national audience and said to a judge -in essence- "Why are you asking me what I bought, if I had a warranty, or if the car I had was a loaner or I was buying it?  Uhhh... how would I know?" I would divorce him.

  • LOL 2

14 January--“Raising a Ruckus Over a Roof” 1/23/2019, Season 22 / Episode 69. Cases-Getting Rejected - Doing A Father In Law Wrong - Being A Cold Customer. (Case 1-Plaintiff hired defendant to do her remodel plans, planning committee kept saying no to what plaintiff wanted, so plaintiff stiffed defendant.  Case 2-P. loaned son-in-law money for house down payment, but it was spent to send p.'s daughter to rehab, she still drinks, loan not repaid.  Case 3-Fridge broke, and P. blames D. for breaking it.  

p. 125,  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5003985

15 January--“Bitter Bride Over a Tattoo” 1/24/2019, Season 22 / Episode 70 Cases-Behaving Badly Towards A Bride - Unloading Three Clunkers - You're Dirty, Dirty, Dirty (Case 1-Litigants fighting over a tattoo loan and a bridesmaid's dress Case 2-Bought three lemon hoopties from D. and suing Case 3-Room rent deposit case).

p. 125, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5007333


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16 January--“Brother-in-Law Battle” 1/25/2019, Season 22 / Episode 71. Cases-Being An Ingrate - A Cattle Battle (Case 1-D. borrows money from P. wife/d's sister for rehab and apartment, p. hubby wants it back.   Then d. starts vacations, etc. and pays nothing back, denies it was a loan.  P's hubby and sis are having to borrow to get by,  Loan was $10K, so P. gets $5K court maximum.  Case 2-P. suing D. dog owner and breeder for 2 cattle killed by her dogs.  She's counter suing for the puppies she would have sold from using the dogs like ATM for her backyard puppy mill operations. 

p. 126, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5009719

17 January--“Air Conditioner Crisis” 1/28/2019, Season 22 / Episode 72 Cases-Not Fixing Things - Not Getting Noticed - Ripping Off A Customer (Case 1 Bizarre air conditioner case Case 2-PR case where d. promised a full refund, so came on the show for publicity.  Case 3-Funny haircut on another car sale fiasco. )

p. 126, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5016693


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20 January--“Plane Ticket Tantrum” 1/29/2019, Season 22 / Episode 73. Cases-Being Just Plane Wrong - Getting Cold Feet - Taking Way Too Long

p. 126, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5019379

21 January--“Nightmare Neighbor” 1/30/2019, Season 22 / Episode 74  Cases-Being A Nasty Neighbor - Acting Blind Towards A Debt - Control Your Dang Dog

p. 126,https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5022126

22 January--“Parked Car Crashing Catastrophe” 1/31/2019, Season 22 / Episode 75 126 postedCases-A Late Night Crash - Getting Unfriended - Taking His Sweet Time

p. 126. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5025067


23 January- -“Ripping Off an Ex” 2/1/2019, Season 22 / Episode 76 Cases-Rubbing An Ex The Wrong Way - Bumping Into A Bike - A Gross Misrepresentation

(Case 1 is why you never put a significant other's name on anything you own.  If you split they have a claim) 

p. 126. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5027734


24 January-“Boat Battle ‘ 2/4/2019, Season 22 / Episode 76. Cases-Abandoning A Boat - Walking Away From A Tenant - Unloading A Clunker

p. 126.  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5033015


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27 January-“You Trashed My Car After You Towed It” 2/5/2019, Season 22 / Episode 77 Cases-Being Unconstitutional - Shortchanging An Employee - Not Giving It Back (Case 1-P. license suspended, car towed, he was in jail for two months and didn't get the notice that car was considered abandoned, and wants $5,000 for his hooptie. P. wasn't arrested for driving suspended but for another FTA warrant.  Tow guy knows the rules, and sneaks in that P. has a rap sheet longer than Al Capone.  P. has over 35 felonies, and 19 or more aliases.  As Angela Hunter says, watching Judge M fawning over career criminal P. is nauseating. Case 2-Ridiculous entertainment case, pointless Case 3-P. put down deposit on apartment, signed lease and then read the No Smoking clause, wants out and deposit back.)

p. 126.  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5035704


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4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Judge M fawning over plaintiff the many times convicted felon is sickening. 35 felonies, multiple misdemeanor convictions, and doesn't know why he can't find a job?   

I hope JM hired him, and maybe gave him a new car to replace the one so "brutally" crushed by the evil, diabolical tow guys. If you did, JM, Dr. Phil wants to know how that worked out fer ya!

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28 January--“Ranting Over a Roommate” 2/6/2019, Season 22 / Episode 78. Cases-A Roommate Run In - Not Going Along With It (Case 1-Two roommates who gave each other anxiety attacks, everyone got stabbed, and they all looked like hoarders in training were idiots. Case 2-defendant was selling a truck that was underwater, had a bank lien, so she wasn't the owner at all, then when it's paid off it disappeared.     Plaintiff claims the defendant wanted to burn the truck and report it stolen and destroyed, to get insurance money. )

p. 127. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5037896 

29 January-You Stole My Dog: 2/7/2019, Season 22 / Episode 79  Cases-You Can't Just Take My Lady - Not Coughing Up the Dough - Being A Dissatisfied Customer

(Case 1-You Can't Just Take My Lady-Plaintiff Alfonso Johnson was helping defendant Ms. Pritchard move, and defendant told the plaintiff he could keep the dog since the next place didn't allow dogs.  Then, defendant wanted the dog back. Defendant says it's a Shih Tzu that looks like a miniature German Shepherd.  City of Milwaukee said the dog was stolen from the original owners, someone named Medina.   Defendant didn't own the dog, vet found out who owned the dog when dog was scanned on a visit with plaintiff.   Defendant had the dog for a couple of years, plaintiff and mother had the dog for three years.  Lady the dog, travels with plaintiff in his truck.  Then plaintiff took Lady out in the yard, defendant grabbed the dog and told plaintiff he would never see Lady again.   Plaintiff's mother was 99 when she died a year ago, and defendant grabbed the dog about 2 months ago.   Plaintiff says he was at his aunt's funeral when defendant called and told him she wanted the dog right now. 

Defendant says the dog just jumped in her van.   She also claims she got the information about the chip from the dog pound (three years ago dog got out and caught by dog police, and they contacted the original owners, Medina who were on the chip, and they never picked the dog up.  Then plaintiff paid to get the dog out of the pound, put the chip in his name, so he's the legal owner.   Police said it's a civil matter, and they're not interfering. 

Defendant did 18 months in jail for retail theft, must have been a huge theft, or she has a history.   

Dog is plaintiff's, he's been paying the bills for years, he's the owner on the microchip, and the vet records.    Judge M issues an order stating dog is plaintiff's, and he should go to the local magistrate court, and get his dog back.  Judge M tells defendant not to do anything cute, but give the dog back.  Defendant says she'll sue Al the plaintiff again.   So, defendant's not only a convicted felon, but delusional about the paperwork she filed in TPC.    

(found a discussion, guess who wrote it? Yes, I did.


Case 2-Not Coughing Up the Dough. Another deadbeat defendant who didn't pay plaintiff back for a loan.  Defendant denies he borrowed the money, but plaintiff and their boss says it was a loan.  Defendant has to pay plaintiff back, or rather the show pays. 

Case 3-Dissatisfied Customer-Terrence Lee Forbes, issuing for $175 for a landscaping trimming job,  Defendant never paid, but as usual, says plaintiff did a bad job. 


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On 1/28/2025 at 9:39 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

(found a discussion, guess who wrote it? Yes, I did.

Odd. I did find my own bitchy comments on the sleazy telemarketers - Prissy and Creepy -  and that foolish little jerk who stiffed the landscaper, but from 2023.

Had a huge plumbing emergency today, and ended up frazzled so I was grateful for these cases, which made me laugh even harder this time. I love it when shameless bottom-feeders get spanked.


  • Hugs 3

30 January--“Car Loan Catastrophe” 2/8/2019, Season 22 / Episode 80 Cases-A Personal Loan Problem - Running Out Of Booze - Cutting Out A Middle Man (Case 1-boring car case Case 2-Suing a bartender because the booze ran out Case 3-Apartment broker didn't get paid case).

p. 230,  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=8120016


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So I never really comment here but watching the second case where the couple is suing the bartender and I could not for the life of me figure out what liquor the guy drank....Bulleit bourbon! Why are they saying it like it's French???? The founder of the company pronounces it like "bullet" (it's his name so I'm going to go with him). It's from Texas. WTF!

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31 January-“Tenant Trauma” 2/11/2019, Season 22 / Episode 81 Cases-Causing Tenant Troubles - Breeding A Bad Cat - A Wheelie Bad Job

p. 127, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5047199

3 February--“Livid at a Lawyer” 2/12/2019, Season 22 / Episode 82 Cases-Lawyering Up - Keeping The Cash - Kanye'ing A Customer

p. 127.   https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5050340


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On 1/30/2025 at 6:37 PM, callie lee 29 said:

..Bulleit bourbon! Why are they saying it like it's French????

They probably thought it sounded way more upscale that way. Everything sounds sounds classier in French. Or they just don't know the right way to say it. Chugging "3 or 4 glasses" of "Bull-yay" doesn't strike me as particularly classy, but that's just me.

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4 February--“ Accident Anger” 2/13/2019, Season 22 / Episode 83 Cases-Causing A Family Rift - Being Cold To A Hot Customer - Clipping A Landscaper (Case 1-Def. driving without a license for 20 years, driving p.'s car (Note-Yes, people get disability from all of us, and Officer Byrd for being addicts) Case 2-Judge M showing her ageism bias Case 3-Another customer trying to rip off someone they hired to do a service, and did the service).

p. 127. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5052149


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5 February--“Taking it Out on a Car” 2/14/2025, Season 22 / Episode 84 Cases-Not Handling Rejection Well - Giving & Taking A Puppy - 2013 Is Before 2014 .(Case 1-DUI woman suing the security guard who turned her in Case 2-Another breeder case Case 3-Car repo. )

p. 127, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5055651


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On 2/4/2025 at 7:01 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

(Note-Yes, people get disability from all of us, and Officer Byrd for being addicts)

I know🙄 In this case, I think the 20 years of shooting/huffing/snorting drugs (which coincided with her driving with no license) shrunk or turned her brain into mush, judging by her testimony here. Drive defensively, folks! Who knows how many drug-or-drink-addled drivers are out there, none of them with a license!

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9 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

2013 Is Before 2014 .

I thought my reruns were a bust. I certainly didn't want to rewatch "The bag of reefer he had gave me", (a fine thing to admit to in a court, even a TeeVee court)and "We was conversating", and for sure I again skipped those ancient cretins and puppies case.  I watched not one second of this originally or today but if you are 100 years old and cannot even stand for 5 minutes, puppies you do NOT need. 😡

I never saw the bike case. At least both litigants were civilized, even if P wasn't too bright buying such an expensive item without making sure it was what she needed, and the defendant was very coarse and rude with her "YUP!" and saying P's testimony was "BS". At least neither pulled her knife or dealt drugs, so I rather enjoyed this.



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6 February--“A Contractor Crisis” 2/15/2019, Season 22 / Episode 85. Cases-Letting Things Get Hot - Failing To Control Her Big Old Dog - Spoiling Milk (Woman who claimed her kids were traumatized by her getting detained and car towed from BJ Warehouse fire zone was hysterical)

p. 127, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5058042 


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6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

A Contractor Crisis

I wasn't as quick with the FF as the first time and was gratified to hear The Levin: "Who's blowing hot air?" It's right up there with his others, like "Who's the Italian meatball?", "It's the case of Glug, glug, glug - you're a crook, Bub", and the always inspiring, "Don't blow smoke up my you-know-what." It's difficult to pick just a few, but those spring to mind. 

Just think - all his razor-sharp witticisms,  insightful observations, and bon mots are being preserved for posterity to be enjoyed by future generations, much like those of Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, and Winston Churchill.

  • LOL 2

7 February--“Funeral Family Feud” 2/18/2019, Season 22 / Episode 86. Cases-Refusing to Fund A Funeral - Back-up Crack-up - Deducting A Mattress (Case 1-Family honoring their departed loved one with a fight over who pays.  Case 2-Another car accident case. Case 3-Woman sold bedroom set, defendant suing for ridiculous reasons. Claims mattress was included, but it wasn't, never picked up bedroom set, and expected plaintiff/seller to babysit their kids)

p. 128. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5063525


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10 February--“Livid Over Social Media Lies” 2/19/2019, Season 22 / Episode 87 Cases-Spreading Vicious Lies - Causing A Crater - Ripping Off A Tenant (Case 1-Two sisters fighting defendant prophetess over CPS reports, and social media stuff.  Defendant posted despicable things about plaintiff's deceased child, saying his murder was plaintiff's fault.  Case 2-Suing for pavement damage after someone parked illegally with a bus that left a crater. Case 3-Another deadbeat tenant who wants money back, even while new owners evicted him for non-payment)

p. 128, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5066236

11 February--“Dating Loan Lie” 2/20/2019, Season 22 / Episode 88. Cases-Stringing A Guy Along - Causing Heartache - Injuring A Shih Tzu (Case 1-Defendant claims she repaid loan to plaintiff with sex.  Case 2-sick puppy, good one to skip Case 3-Groomer nicked dog, refuses to pay the bills)

p. 128, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5069172


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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12 February-“Bitter Neighbor Battle” 2/21/2019, Season 22 / Episode 89. Cases-Brawling - Keeping Too Much - One Tough Cookie (Case 1-Brawling neighbors.  Case 2-Tenant landlord dispute Case 3-Booked an event venue as a backup reservation, wants non-refundable deposit back on first venue)

p. 128. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5072994



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9 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Case 2-Tenant landlord dispute Case

I didn't recall that one. I do believe P and her parents dumped cooking grease down the sink, which is a no-no with a septic system - no grease, food, washing out paint brushes or chemicals should be disposed of down sinks or toilets, but Def had no proof and he let strangers live in his home. We all know very well that they're not particular with someone else's property. Why would they be?

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13 February--“Livid Over a Loan “ 2/22/2019, Season 22 / Episode 90 Cases-Pay Me or Else - Promising One thing But Delivering Another - A Car Catastrophe (Case 1 Mom suing her son's ex. Case 2-Woman suing because her trip to D.C. didn't include a promised meeting with President Obama.  Case 3-Car swap of Nissan and Watch, car couldn't be registered)

p. 128. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5075597

14 February--“Accident Aggression” 2/25/2019, Season 22 / Episode 91. Cases-Sideswiping A Girl - Bailing On A Brother - Failing To Make A Repair (Case 1-Big kerfuffle over damage to a car mirror Case 2-Family fighting over cell phone bills Case 3-Judge M feels sorry for plaintiff and gives him $50 to replace his VCR with a DVD player).

p. 129, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5082488


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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17 February--“Sisters Square Off in Court” 2/26/ 2019, Season 22 / Episode 92. Cases-Dissing A Sis - Tanking A Job - Being A Rotten Landlord (Case 1-Two sisters suing each other over car vandalism.  Case 2-Leaky custom aquarium Case 3-Former tenant suing new owner/landlord for security deposit. However, new landlord didn't return anything until well after the statutory time limit).

p. 129.  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5084971

18 February--“Tenant Tussle” 2/27/2019, Season 22 / Episode 93. Cases-Getting Physical With A Tenant - Chauvinistic Pig (Case 1-Landlady claiming to be nice, but has a list of previous tenants suing her, including larceny charges.  Landlady seems to focus on recent immigrants to prey on.  Watch the audience reaction to the bizarre demands of the landlady.   Case 2-Car deal with sex involved. )

p. 128.  https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5087341


19 February-You Burned Down my House” 2/28/2019, Season 22 / Episode 94. Cases-Torching The Place - A Roommate Ruckus - Napping & Tapping (Case 1-Woman suing her brother and father's girlfriend for burning her house down.  Plaintiff wins, but still $6,000 isn't going to do much to help her.      Case 2 another rent deposit case Case 3-Suing for damages from a rear end collision for damages that aren't from the accident)

p. 128, https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/6835-the-peoples-court-general-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=5091190


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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