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S01.E22: From a Cradle to a Grave

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Season finale!

As the baby’s due date draws near, Klaus and Elijah embark on a search for Hayley, while Hayley herself is determined to do whatever it takes to keep her unborn baby safe and away from the witches. Francesca takes a meeting with Oliver and Jackson to determine the future of the werewolves in New Orleans. In the aftermath of a surprising attack on Marcel and his vampires at the compound, Davina and Cami join resources to take down Klaus. Finally, in a desperate move to protect those most important to him, Klaus makes a heartbreaking decision.


I am always awestruck that Klaus can be written as the most giant dick in the world one episode and the next seem totally adorable. Well played Plec.


I spent the first 15 mins pissed for Elijah to lose AGAIN, then worried at the end that he was going to leave town with Hope, while Hayley and Klaus stayed.


Much as I loathe the thought of Mikael at least he has a leash. Well played Davena.


I'm happy that Hayley is a hybrid now, maybe it will keep Jackson of the banjo clan away from her.


Elijah managed to look sexy even in his bloodied suit.


Love that Rebekah gets to keep the baby safe. Anyone else wish she'd take her to MF and live with Matt? I can't imagine they will leave her off both shows all next season.


That was well done. I didn't have to sit through much of Cami or Francesca and Monique DIED! wooh!

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The witches just get more and more evil with every action they take. Trying to kill a baby "because the ancestors said so" is probably the most evil that the witches of New Orleans have gotten yet. Davina seems to be the only one who actually uses her powers with anything resembling intelligence and responsibility.


I should have known Ester was behind this. She is just as psychotic as her husband and even more arrogant. She allows her husband to torture her children for his own sadistic amusement and does nothing, makes her children immortal, and then is willing to kill potentially thousands if not millions just to off them.


Great episode. I can't really think of anything bad to say about it. I'm definitely liking Originals better overall than TVD so far, though who knows how long that will last.

Klaus's passive aggressive dickishness never fails to annoy me. First he asks Hayley if she's writing a love letter. Then he asks if it's for Jackson or Elijah.. As he exits, he says he will leave her to her secret letter. What's with all the nosy assumptions? She could be writing in her journal, doodling, writing knock knock jokes, hell, writing to Rebekah. But no, Klaus has to insist that it's a secret love letter. Whatever she's writing, it's none of his damn business.


Even Hayley's death was still All About Klaus. When Elijah asked how it happened, Klaus said, "I was bested." For fuck's sake. First of all, the witches had this planned for a while. And even though Klaus is immortal, four witches channeling their ancestors' magic putting the whammy on him is a no brainer. Of course he wouldn't be able to beat them. It's not like he put up much of a fight either. They slammed him to the wall and held him there. But yes, he was bested because not even Hayley's death can be about anyone other than Klaus.


I have never been a Hayley fan, even when she was on TVD, but when Monique slit her throat I was like BITCH, I WILL CUT YOU! Later when Hayley was beating up Genevieve, I wanted her to let her go and kick the shit out of Monique instead.


I didn't like Hayley with Klaus or Elijah and I hated them butting heads over her, but seeing Klaus hold her body in the church as Elijah approached them was just heartbreaking. Their shared loss and pain was done really well, as was Elijah's outburst later when he said, "I needed her and you broke me." I love BAMF Elijah, but seeing that mask slip enough to show very deep painful emotions was great. Of all the Mikaelson siblings, he is the one who is always calm with a poker face and his emotions in check.

I was unclear as to why Hayley needed to drink the baby's blood to become a hybrid. Couldn't she just drink Klaus's blood since he's a hybrid too? Honestly, I don't remember all the rules about how Klaus creates his hybrids because I always hated that entire storyline.


I was kind of cracking up that everywhere the Mikaelsons went, they just walked through masses of dead bodies. I also loved that none of them bothered to change their clothes so they were just wandering around with blood on their shirts and collars.


So a big old beer cup full of Klaus's blood was only enough to save one vampire, but then Marcel only needed to sip Klaus's wrist for a few seconds to be cured? And Hayley only needed ONE DROP of the baby's blood to fully turn into a hybrid?


I didn't want Elijah and Hayley to have to go on the run, but part of me loved that Klaus was finally ready to run, just as he used to run from Mikael, just as he forced his siblings to run from him.


I love that Davina is totally screwing with Mikael. All of the originals are so used to getting their way simply because they are stronger than other vampires and unkillable. It's always nice to see any of them get a taste of what it's like to be on the other side. Mikael thought he was going to have free reign to screw with Klaus again so I'm glad that Davina has him on a very short leash.

Getting rid of the baby ties things up for everyone. We can move on to next season's storyline, we don't have to deal with the wacky hijinks of a vampire/hybrid family trying to raise a baby, and Rebekah finally gets her own little family like she's always wanted. Heh, I loved that faking the baby's death not only gets her out of town but also gets that jerky werewolf guy who set up the explosion back in line. Very in character for the Mikaelsons to circle the wagons and exclude everyone else from their plan. Cami doesn't know, Marcel has been compelled to forget the truth, and that leaves only Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, and Rebekah who know about the baby's existence.


One thing I don't understand is how the cloaking spell will do any good if the baby is with Rebekah. It's common knowledge in the supernatural world that she is a Mikaelson and one of the originals, so isn't it a bit too coincidental that she's going to have a baby the same age as Klaus and Hayley's baby? Won't word get back to the New Orleans witches? Heh and I want to know who this witch Rebekah trusts enough to do the cloaking spell is.


When and why did the show suddenly decide that witches doing magic now requires weird blurry orange special effects?


I'm assuming that was Finn with Esther at the end since Kol is still stuck in Mystic Falls. He was always the obedient momma's boy. Or do you think that they decided to go with a clean slate and bring in Henrik or Aaron?

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Other than Hayley still being alive and not understanding the logic of just why she suddenly became a hybrid I can't complain much about the finale.


What I loved: Rebekah! Mikael's return; Davina putting him on a leash (ha!); Monique's death; Elijah's mask of composure slipping when he thought he lost Hayley; Marcel giving Josh Klaus' blood that Davina smartly gathered from the street; Marcel NOT dying from Klaus' bite.


What I hated: Hayley still alive.


And YES, Esther returns and she done brought one of her boys with her. She and Mikael may be a-hole parents but I love the drama they inflict on poor widdle Klaus. I'm assuming the son that came back is Finn, he seemed like a Momma's Boy on TVD. I'm assuming it couldn't be one of the younger sons that died as boys since they were human when they died and thus would not be in the Other Side? (scratches head).

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It was established mid season that the baby's blood would act as Elena's blood did before she became a vampire. That was when Klaus and Elijah had their big fight b/c Elijah assumed Klaus would use the baby to make "a new family" instead of just loving her as his child. That was when Klaus bit Elijah and left him in the shack to suffer with Hayley. So like before when a werewolf dies with vampire blood in her system she becomes a vampire but unless she drinks the blood of the doppelganger(previously) now Hope within the day she would go crazy, bleed out and die. I just don't understand how the baby's blood would be both vampire and replace the doppelganger. It would have been more realistic if Hayley had been hurt earlier that day and healed by say Marcel so Klaus and Elijah wouldn't have known.


I also didn't understand how Mikael killed all the vampires by feeding on them. Even though he is a vampire slayer, he was always shown to have to kill them by regular methods of stake or heart ripping. Maybe draining their blood weakened them enough the werewolf venom worked faster?


I'm not sure who the guy with Esther was. It was clear Esther took over the last sacrficed girl's body, but she was a witch. Finn was a vampire like Mikael, so I don't see how he could come back in someone else's body. If Esther had him hitch a ride when Mikael was reborn then I would think he'd be in his own body like Mikael was. I'll be interested to see if Esther had some witch child she never told Mikael about either. Also if we are to believe Esther came back because the other three died who is the third person since the three died not just two. Of course knowing Esther she took the power of two witches for herself.


It's no wonder the Mikaelsons are so screwed up with parents like theirs. sheesh.

Edited by Cattitude

Does anyone else think that maybe Mikael and Esther (and Finn, too, but let's face he barely counts) have been conspiring together on the Other Side? As we learned the last time Matt died, the Other Side has been disintegrating enough to allow the souls over there to communicate with one another. It could be that they've been planning their big return / take down of their remaining children for a while now.

On the whole that was a good finale.  The best part was when it seemed Hayley was gone for good. .I can't stand Hayley since she engineered the deaths of all those hybrids in Vampire Diaries.The lying, back-stabbing so and so, but now she's an entitled, hybrid  lying, back-stabbing so and so.


So the babies blood can make hybrids all by itself. No need for doppelganger blood. Hayley could have got the blood from the cord instead of the babies finger. Strange they didn't think of that.


 I think the last harvest girl is back now Genevieve is gone, but she is inhabited by Esther. These harvest girls have gotten a terrible deal so far. Also, one of Ester's other sons is back in someone else's body. Surely, it must be one of the two son's who died as humans. They would be witches or warlocks, not Col or Finn who died as vampires. I can't see why the New Orleans ancestors would bring back a vampire as part of the harvest ritual.


This part of the story is pretty strange. None of Ester's 4 dead sons died in New Orleans or were consecrated there. Can't see how or why any of them would be brought back.

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