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Season Four: Goren and Eames...And Hi, Mike Logan!

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Season 4 was on BBC America yesterday - Death Roe is a pretty grim episode, Tommy is one of the most evil villains on CI IMO, committed two brutal murders just to get his son in law out of the way so he could keep on raping his daughter - what an absolute piece of human scum. As Goren said, he was an ogre. It’s a great episode and I loved Goren/Eames getting the upper hand on Tommy at the end and Goren getting under Tommy’s skin in the kitchen at the end was vintage Goren. Very compelling case and investigation, I liked seeing Goren/Eames go to the fish market and the restaurants. I did think Tommy did a lot in one night - committing the two murders, putting Josh’s body through the meat grinder, and ditching the motorcycle - they did address that plot point with Carver but it was still a lot, surprised no one saw Tommy somewhere.     
And did Tommy kill Beatrice’s mother also? They never said under what circumstances she died, but it wouldn’t shock me if he did.    
It’s a great episode with a memorable villain.

Ex Stasis was next, another strong episode with a compelling villain with the organ donor killing someone he deemed “unworthy” of having his organ and arranging it so someone he thought was more deserving got it. He was a fucked up perp as well, I liked how they were able to nail him. 

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2 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Season 4 was on BBC America yesterday - Death Roe is a pretty grim episode, Tommy is one of the most evil villains on CI IMO, committed two brutal murders just to get his son in law out of the way so he could keep on raping his daughter - what an absolute piece of human scum. As Goren said, he was an ogre. It’s a great episode and I loved Goren/Eames getting the upper hand on Tommy at the end and Goren getting under Tommy’s skin in the kitchen at the end was vintage Goren. Very compelling case and investigation, I liked seeing Goren/Eames go to the fish market and the restaurants. I did think Tommy did a lot in one night - committing the two murders, putting Josh’s body through the meat grinder, and ditching the motorcycle - they did address that plot point with Carver but it was still a lot, surprised no one saw Tommy somewhere.     
And did Tommy kill Beatrice’s mother also? They never said under what circumstances she died, but it wouldn’t shock me if he did.    
It’s a great episode with a memorable villain.

Ex Stasis was next, another strong episode with a compelling villain with the organ donor killing someone he deemed “unworthy” of having his organ and arranging it so someone he thought was more deserving got it. He was a fucked up perp as well, I liked how they were able to nail him. 

What I didn't get was why the friend's wife let Tommy get away with raping her. I would have screamed bloody murder if that creep tried that shit with me and even though her husband was a useless milquetoast, she should have called the cops. I loved the part where they pretended that the serial number for the SIL's metal rod was lost and then..oops! Here it is!

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11 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

What I didn't get was why the friend's wife let Tommy get away with raping her. I would have screamed bloody murder if that creep tried that shit with me and even though her husband was a useless milquetoast, she should have called the cops. I loved the part where they pretended that the serial number for the SIL's metal rod was lost and then..oops! Here it is!

I agree I couldn’t get a good read on Duke or his wife - how did Duke not see what a sociopathic piece of crap Tommy was? And why did his wife not report Tommy for rape? It seemed like they should’ve done more to protect Beatrice from Tommy, I think the wife at least had to have an idea of what was going on, she knew Tommy was a predator, I guess the wife just didn’t want to deal with Tommy or Beatrice and so she moved out of the city, but she should’ve reported Tommy and maybe she could’ve prevented him from continue to molest his daughter. 
I loved the final confrontation between Goren/Eames and Tommy, Tommy became instantly smug and Beatrice became fearful when they pretended they couldn’t prove the metal had been in Josh’s leg, it was the only way to expose what had happened and then they produced the actual serial number and nailed Tommy. Tommy was truly one of CI’s worst villains. I doubt Beatrice would ever be okay after all she had been put through. 

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2 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

I agree I couldn’t get a good read on Duke or his wife - how did Duke not see what a sociopathic piece of crap Tommy was? And why did his wife not report Tommy for rape? It seemed like they should’ve done more to protect Beatrice from Tommy, I think the wife at least had to have an idea of what was going on, she knew Tommy was a predator, I guess the wife just didn’t want to deal with Tommy or Beatrice and so she moved out of the city, but she should’ve reported Tommy and maybe she could’ve prevented him from continue to molest his daughter. 
I loved the final confrontation between Goren/Eames and Tommy, Tommy became instantly smug and Beatrice became fearful when they pretended they couldn’t prove the metal had been in Josh’s leg, it was the only way to expose what had happened and then they produced the actual serial number and nailed Tommy. Tommy was truly one of CI’s worst villains. I doubt Beatrice would ever be okay after all she had been put through. 

Yeah, I think Beatrice would need extensive therapy, you could tell she was never really going to be able to handle life on her own after what Tommy did to her. It kind of freaked me out when she was applying lemon juice to his cut. She said something like "Do you remember the first time you did this to me?" How sick is that?

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12 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Yeah, I think Beatrice would need extensive therapy, you could tell she was never really going to be able to handle life on her own after what Tommy did to her. It kind of freaked me out when she was applying lemon juice to his cut. She said something like "Do you remember the first time you did this to me?" How sick is that?

That was a creepy scene, I think she said “this won’t hurt at all. Do you remember the first time you told me that?” I guess referring to when Tommy first molested her. Very creepy. And yeah Beatrice was so screwed up from all that Tommy had done I don’t know if she would ever be okay. Tommy was just pure evil. I wonder if Tommy had more victims he assaulted besides Beatrice and Duke’s wife, it wouldn’t shock me. 

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2 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

That was a creepy scene, I think she said “this won’t hurt at all. Do you remember the first time you told me that?” I guess referring to when Tommy first molested her. Very creepy. And yeah Beatrice was so screwed up from all that Tommy had done I don’t know if she would ever be okay. Tommy was just pure evil. I wonder if Tommy had more victims he assaulted besides Beatrice and Duke’s wife, it wouldn’t shock me. 

It wouldn't shock me either. I bet the turnover of waitresses at his restaurant was something for the record books.

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Season 4 is on rotation on Charge tonight 

Collective is a really strange episode, but Goren playing with the “7 weapons in one” toy gun in the Philly vintage toy shop makes the episode worth watching - one of the very best Goren scenes, downright hilarious. Other than that it was a weird episode that was kind of hard to get into - the first half about the search for the woman who set up the toy collector to be killed was interesting, but once they found her dead the episode fizzled and the whole vampire group plot just wasn’t that interesting to me.

Stress Position is a strong episode, with the return of Logan, it was interesting to see him work with Goren/Eames and the case about the secret prisoners was unique and pretty chilling. Loved Logan’s line about reading the Patriot Act under its original title - 1984. I liked that Deakins spoke with Van Buren on the phone and mentioned that Van Buren had been trying to get Logan back to her squad - it corrected the crap from the awful movie where it seemed like Van Buren disliked Logan. It was odd though that they didn’t state who exactly killed the victim at the start, we know that the lead guard had him killed but did he get a criminal affiliate to do it or did he do it himself? That was unclear and very weird how it wasn’t stated.

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