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I he-rd 'c-pper' -nd 'b--m': Gilmore Girls Hangman

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A: S-  h-w  was  -t  s---ng  Ma-  last  n-ght?

B:  W-ll.....

A:  N-  g-ry  d-ta-ls

B. L---  -'--  ---r  shar-d  that  part  -f my  r-lat--nsh-p  w-th  y--.

A.  Y--'--  all-d-d,  y--'--  -ns---at-d,  y--  ha--  t-pt--d  t-  th-  -r-n-  -f  -mpr-pr--ty.

B:  Hm,  that  -h-lt-n  has  ta-ght  y--  s-m-  --g  w-rds.

A.:  That's  --nd  -f  th-  p--nt.

Friday!!!!!: A D F G H L M N P R S T W Y

Have to clean this weekend :) :

So how was it seeing Max last night?


No gory details.

Like I've ever shared that part of my relationship with you.

You've alluded, you've insinuated, you have tiptoed to the brink of impropriety.

Hm, that Chilton has taught you some big words.

That's kind of the point.

-’-- ---- -------- -- --- -----, -----------. ---, - ---- ----- --- - ---- ----. - ------- --- ---- --. --- ---- - -------- ---. - ----, --- -------- ---. --- -- -- ---------- ------, - ----- ------- ---- -- ---. - ----- ---’-.

---. ----’- ----- -- --- -- ---- -- --- ----- ---- ---- --.

-’-- ---- -t-----t t- t-- ----t, -----t-----. ---, - ---- ----- --- - ---- t---. - --t---d --- ---- --. --- ---- - -------- ---. - ----, --t -------- ---. --d t- -- ------t--- -----t, - ----- t-----t ---- -- ---. - -t--- d--’t.

---. T--t’- ----t -- --- t- ---- -- --d ----- t--t --t- --.


Everybody's home:  TD

Everybody's tired and cranky:

-’-- ---- -t---g-t t- t-- ----t, -----t-----. ---, - ---- ----- --- - ---g t---. - --t---d --- g--- --. --- ---- - -------g ---. - ----, --t -------g ---. --d t- -- ------t--- -----t, - ----- t---g-t ---- -- ---. - -t--- d--’t.

---. T--t’- g---t -- --- t- ---- -- --d ----- t--t --t- --.


Everybody's home:  TDG

Everybody's tired and cranky:

-’-- ---- -t---ght t- th- ----t, -h---t--h--. ---, - h--- ----- --- - ---g t---. - --t-h-d --- g--- --. --- ---- - -h-----g ---. - ----, --t -h-----g ---. --d t- -- ------t--- h----t, - ----- th--ght ---h -- ---. - -t--- d--’t.

---. Th-t’- g---t -- --- t- ---- -- --d -h--- th-t --th --.


Everybody's home:  TDGH

Everybody's tired and cranky:

-’-- ---- -t---ght t- th- p---t, -h---t-ph--. ---, - h--- ----- --- - ---g t---. - --t-h-d --- g--- -p. --- ---- - -h-----g ---. - ----, --t -h-----g ---. --d t- -- ---p--t--- h----t, - ----- th--ght ---h -- ---. - -t--- d--’t.

---. Th-t’- g---t -- --- t- ---- -- --d -h--- th-t --th --.


Everybody's home:  TDGHP

Everybody's tired and cranky:

-’-- c--- -t---ght t- th- p--nt, Ch---t-ph--. N--, - h--- -n--n --- - --ng t---. - --tch-d --- g--- -p. --- ---- - ch----ng ---. - ----, --t ch----ng ---. -nd t- -- c--p--t--- h-n--t, - n---- th--ght --ch -- ---. - -t--- d-n’t.

---. Th-t’- g---t -- --- t- c--- -- -nd -h--- th-t --th --.


Everybody's home:  TDGHPCN

Everybody's tired and cranky:


All right. I’ll come straight to the point, Christopher. Now, I have known you a long time. I watched you grow up. You were a charming boy. A weak, but charming boy. And to be completely honest, I never thought much of you. I still don’t.
Wow. That’s great of you to come by and share that with me.

One of my all time most shocking moments (the first time around).  I was so mad at Emily!  And when she was so dismissive of Gigi I could have smacked her although, honestly, I was never a Gigi fan.

Edited by Kohola3
  • Love 1


--, - ---- - --- ---- ----.  --- - ----‘- --- -- ----- --- ----- -----, ‘----- - ---- --- ---- ----, --- - ---- ---- -- ----‘- ----- --- -----, ‘----- ---- ----- -- ------, --- - ----‘- ----- --- ---- ------ -- ------- ---- -- --- --- -- ----.

- ----.

--, --- --- --- ------- ---- --- ------ ------- -- --?

- ----‘- -------.  - --- -------.  - ----‘- -------.  - --- -------.

--, ---- --- --- ---?


--, ---.

--- --- - --- -- ----.

24 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

One of my all time most shocking moments (the first time around).  I was so mad at Emily!  And when she was so dismissive of Gigi I could have smacked her although, honestly, I was never a Gigi fan.

Right?  I couldn't believe Emily would just come right out and do that, especially since she always fawned over Christopher "in public".  And I promise you if anyone ever referred to my child as "this" I would smack them a good one.

I admit Christopher's response makes me giggle though.



Yes, his comeback was quite dryly spoken.


--, - l--- - --- ---- ----.  --- - ----‘- --- -- ----- --- ----- -l---, ‘----- - ---- --- ---- ----, --- - ---- ---- -- ----‘- ----- --- -----, ‘----- ---- ----- -- ------, --- - ----‘- l---- --- l--- --ll-- -- ------- ---- -- --- --- -- ----.

- ----.

--, --- --- --- ------- ---- --- ------ --ll--- -- --?

- ----‘- -------.  - --- --l----.  - ----‘- --ll---.  - --- --l----.

--, ---- --- --- ---?


--, ---.

--- --- - l-- -- ----.


--, - l--- - --- ---s ----.  --- - ----‘- --- -- ----- --- ----- -l-ss, ‘---s- - ---- --- ---- ----, --- - ---- s--- -- ----‘- ----- --- s----, ‘---s- ---- ----s -- s-----, --- - ----‘- l---- --- l-s- --ll-- -- ------s ---- -- --- --- -- ----.

- ----.

S-, --- --- --- ------- ---- --- s----- --ll--- -- --?

- --s-‘- -------.  - --s --l----.  - --s-‘- --ll---.  - --s --l----.

--, ---- --- --- s--?


--, ---.

--- --- - l-- -- ----.


-h, - l--t - t-- th-s t---.  --- - ----‘t --t -t ----- th- --t-- -l-ss, ‘---s- - ---- --- h-t- th--, --- - ---- s--- -t ----‘t t---- th- s----, ‘---s- th-- ----s -t st----, --- - ----‘t l---- th- l-st --ll-- -- ------s ---t t- --t --- -- th--.

- ----.

S-, -h- --- --- ------- ---- th- st---t --ll--- -t --?

- --s-‘t -------.  - --s --l----.  - --s-‘t --ll---.  - --s t-l----.

-h, -h-- --- --- s--?


--, h--.

--- --- - l-t -- ----.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTH

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 

(Yeah, I know they are equally awful at times but mostly I thought Trix was a hoot.) 

  • Love 1


-h, - l--t - t-p th-s t---.  --- - ----‘t p-t -t ----- th- --t-- -l-ss, ‘---s- - ---- y-- h-t- th-t, --- - ---- s--- -t ----‘t t---- th- sy--p, ‘---s- th-t ----s -t st---y, --- - ----‘t l---- th- l-st --ll-- -- p-----s ---t t- --t --- -- th--.

- ----.

S-, -hy --- --- ------- ---- th- st---t y-ll--- -t --?

- --s-‘t -------.  - --s --l----.  - --s-‘t y-ll---.  - --s t-l----.

-h, -h-t --- --- s-y?


-h, h-y.

Y-- --- - l-t -- ----.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTHYP

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 

Edited by Kohola3
Too fast for me!


-h, - l--t - t-p th-s t---.  --- - ----‘t p-t -t ----r th- --t-r -l-ss, ‘---s- - ---- y-- h-t- th-t, --- - ---- s-r- -t ----‘t t---- th- syr-p, ‘---s- th-t ----s -t st---y, --- - ----‘t l---- th- l-st --ll-r -- p-----s ---t t- --t r-- -- th--.

- ----.

S-, -hy -r- --- r------ ---- th- str--t y-ll--- -t --?

- --s-‘t r------.  - --s --l----.  - --s-‘t y-ll---.  - --s t-l----.

-h, -h-t --- --- s-y?


-h, h-y.

Y-- -r- - l-t -- --r-.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTHYPR

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 


-h, - l--t - t-p th-s t---.  -n- - ---n‘t p-t -t -n--r th- w-t-r -l-ss, ‘---s- - ---w y-- h-t- th-t, -n- - ---- s-r- -t ---n‘t t---- th- syr-p, ‘---s- th-t ----s -t st---y, -n- - ---n‘t l---- th- l-st --ll-r -n p-nn--s ---t t- --t r-- -- th--.

- ---w.

S-, why -r- --- r-nn-n- --w- th- str--t y-ll-n- -t --?

- --sn‘t r-nn-n-.  - w-s w-l--n-.  - w-s-‘t y-ll-n-.  - w-s t-l--n-.

-h, wh-t --- --- s-y?


-h, h-y.

Y-- -r- - l-t -- w-r-.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTHYPRNW

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 


-h, - l--t - t-p th-s t---.  -nd - d-dn‘t p-t -t -nd-r th- w-t-r -l-ss, ‘---s- - ---w y-- h-t- th-t, -nd - --d- s-r- -t d-dn‘t t---- th- syr-p, ‘---s- th-t ----s -t st---y, -nd - d-dn‘t l---- th- l-st d-ll-r -n p-nn--s ---t t- --t r-d -- th--.

- ---w.

S-, why -r- --- r-nn-n- d-w- th- str--t y-ll-n- -t --?

- --sn‘t r-nn-n-.  - w-s w-l--n-.  - w-s-‘t y-ll-n-.  - w-s t-l--n-.

-h, wh-t d-d --- s-y?


-h, h-y.

Y-- -r- - l-t -- w-r-.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTHYPRNWD

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 


-h, - l--t - t-p th-s t-m-.  -nd - d-dn‘t p-t -t -nd-r th- w-t-r -l-ss, ‘---s- - ---w y-- h-t- th-t, -nd - m-d- s-r- -t d-dn‘t t---- th- syr-p, ‘---s- th-t m---s -t st---y, -nd - d-dn‘t l---- th- l-st d-ll-r -n p-nn--s ---t t- --t r-d -- th-m.

- ---w.

S-, why -r- --- r-nn-n- d-w- th- str--t y-ll-n- -t --?

- --sn‘t r-nn-n-.  - w-s w-l--n-.  - w-s-‘t y-ll-n-.  - w-s t-l--n-.

-h, wh-t d-d --- s-y?


-h, h-y.

Y-- -r- - l-t -- w-r-.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTHYPRNWM


-h, - l--t - t-p th-s t-m-.  -nd - d-dn‘t p-t -t -nd-r th- w-t-r gl-ss, ‘---s- - ---w y-- h-t- th-t, -nd - m-d- s-r- -t d-dn‘t t---h th- syr-p, ‘---s- th-t m---s -t st---y, -nd - d-dn‘t l---- th- l-st d-ll-r -n p-nn--s ---t t- g-t r-d -- th-m.

- ---w.

S-, why -r- --- r-nn-ng d-w- th- str--t y-ll-ng -t --?

- w-sn‘t r-nn-ng.  - w-s w-l--ng.  - w-s-‘t y-ll-ng.  - w-s t-l--ng.

-h, wh-t d-d y-- s-y?


-h, h-y.

Y-- -r- - l-t -- w-r-.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTHYPRNWMG

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 


-h, - l--t - t-p th-s t-m-.  -nd - d-dn‘t p-t -t -nd-r th- w-t-r gl-ss, ‘---s- - k--w y-- h-t- th-t, -nd - m-d- s-r- -t d-dn‘t t---h th- syr-p, ‘---s- th-t m-k-s -t st--ky, -nd - d-dn‘t l---- th- l-st d-ll-r -n p-nn--s ---t t- g-t r-d -- th-m.

- ---w.

S-, why -r- --- r-nn-ng d-w- th- str--t y-ll-ng -t --?

- w-sn‘t r-nn-ng.  - w-s w-lk-ng.  - w-s-‘t y-ll-ng.  - w-s t-lk-ng.

-h, wh-t d-d y-- s-y?


-h, h-y.

Y-- -r- - l-t -- w-rk.

Trix as Snidely Whiplash:  SLTHYPRNWMGK

Emily as Snidely Whiplash: 

Luke: Hey.

Lorelai: Oh, I left a tip this time and I didn't put it under the water glass cause I know you hate that and I made sure it didn't touch the syrup cause that makes it sticky, and I didn't leave the last dollar in pennies just to get rid of them.

Luke: I know.

Lorelai: So why are you running down the street yelling at me?

Luke: I wasn't running I was walking, I wasnt yelling I was talking.

Lorelai: Oh, what'd you say?

Luke: Hey.

Lorelai: Oh hey.

Luke: You are a lot of work.

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