Guest May 14, 2017 Share May 14, 2017 S Link to comment
Kohola3 May 14, 2017 Share May 14, 2017 ----s--, ---t --- --- -----? St-- s----- -- ----. ----, S-----‘s --t ----- ---- -------s, --- - ---‘t -- -- t- “----- --------t--s“. T---‘-- -- --- ---- -- -- t-- s-----s ---t. S----t--- --- -s-‘t --tt--- --- --s---, ---? --, -t‘s --tt--- ---s-. ---- --st ----…--- ----------- ----s t- --, ----t? S-- ---ts t- --t - s---s ---t --ts--- t-- -------- --s--- s------ ------t------ --- ----s --- “--st - --- ---------s.” ----, --- t--- S---- -------- ----s ----- t--t, --- s-- ---ts t- s--- --- ---- ------ s----ts --t -- ----t -- t-- ------. ----, --t t--- ---- ----s t- -- -- -- --t---- -----s- --‘s -------- t- --- ---- s---t-- t----s, --- --- ----- - --t ---- t---? --- ---tt- s---, -‘- --t---- --t -- ---t- s--t -- ----s-- s---. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TS Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
tarotx May 14, 2017 Share May 14, 2017 n Link to comment
Kohola3 May 14, 2017 Share May 14, 2017 ----s-n, ---t --- --- ---n-? St-- s---n- -- n---. ----, S-----‘s --t ----- ---- -----n-s, -n- - --n‘t -- -n t- “----- --------t--s“. T---‘-- -- --- ---- -- -- t-- s---n-s ---t. S----t--n --- -sn‘t --tt-n- -n- --s---, ---? N-, -t‘s --tt-n- ---s-. ---- --st ----…-nn --nn------- ----s t- --, ----t? S-- --nts t- --t - s---s ---t --ts--- t-- ----n--- --s--- s----n- ------t--n--- --- ----s -n- “--st - --- ---------s.” --n-, --- t--n S---- --nn---- ----s ----- t--t, -n- s-- --nts t- s--- --- --n- n----- s----ts --t -n ---nt -- t-- ------. --n-, --t t--n ---- ----s t- -- -n -n --t---- -----s- --‘s -------- t- --- --n- s--nt-- t--n-s, --- --- ----- - n-t ---- t---? -n- ---tt- s--n, -‘- n-t---- --t -n ---t- s--t -- ----s-n s--n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSN Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 14, 2017 Author Share May 14, 2017 K Link to comment
Kohola3 May 14, 2017 Share May 14, 2017 ---ks-n, ---t --- --- ---n-? St-- s---n- -- n---. ----, S--k--‘s --t ----- ---- -----n-s, -n- - --n‘t -- -n t- “----- --------t--s“. T---‘-- -- --- ---- -- -- t-- s---n-s ---t. S----t--n --- -sn‘t --tt-n- -n- --s---, ---? N-, -t‘s --tt-n- ---s-. --k- --st ---k…-nn --nn------- ----s t- --, ----t? S-- --nts t- --t - s---s ---t --ts--- t-- ----n--- --s--- s----n- ------t--n--- --- ---ks -n- “--st - --- ---------s.” --n-, --- t--n S---- --nn---- ----s ----- t--t, -n- s-- --nts t- s--- --- --n- n----- s----ts --t -n ---nt -- t-- ------. --n-, --t t--n K--k ----s t- -- -n -n --t---- -----s- --‘s -------- t- --- --n- s--nt-- t--n-s, --- --- ----- - n-t k--- t---? -n- ---tt- s--n, -‘- n-t---- --t -n ---t- s--t -- ---ks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNK Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Guest May 14, 2017 Share May 14, 2017 L Link to comment
Kohola3 May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 ---ks-n, ---t --- --- ---n-? St-- s---n- -- n---. L--k, S--k--‘s --t ----- ---- -----n-s, -n- - --n‘t -- -n t- “L---- --------t--s“. T---‘ll -- -ll ---- -- -- t-- s---n-s -l-t. S-l--t--n --- -sn‘t --tt-n- -n- --s---, ---? N-, -t‘s --tt-n- ---s-. L-k- l-st ---k…-nn --nn------- ----s t- --, ----t? S-- --nts t- --t - s-l-s ---t --ts--- t-- --l-n--l --s--- s-ll-n- ----l-t--n--- --- ---ks -n- “--st - --- ---------s.” --n-, --t t--n S-ll- L-nn---- ----s ----t t--t, -n- s-- --nts t- s-ll --- --n- n---l- s----ts --t -n ---nt -- t-- ------. --n-, --t t--n K--k ----s t- -- -n -n --t---- -----s- --‘s -ll----- t- -ll --n- s--nt-- t--n-s, --- --- ---l- - n-t k--- t--s? -n- ---tt- s--n, -‘- n-t---- --t -n ---t- s--t -- ---ks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKL Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Guest May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 G Link to comment
Kohola3 May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 ---ks-n, ---t --- --- ---ng? St-- s---ng -- n---. L--k, S--k--‘s g-t ----- ---- -----ngs, -n- - --n‘t g- -n t- “L---- --------t--s“. T---‘ll -- -ll ---- -- -- t-- s---n-s -l-t. S-l--t--n --- -sn‘t g-tt-ng -n- --s---, ---? N-, -t‘s g-tt-ng ---s-. L-k- l-st ---k…-nn --nn-ng---- ----s t- --, --g-t? S-- --nts t- --t - s-l-s ---t --ts--- t-- --l-n--l --s--- s-ll-ng ----l-t--n--- --- ---ks -n- “--st - --- ---------s.” --n-, --t t--n S-ll- L-nn-g-- ----s ----t t--t, -n- s-- --nts t- s-ll --- --n- n---l- s----ts --t -n ---nt -- t-- g-----. --n-, --t t--n K--k ----s t- -- -n -n --t--g- -----s- --‘s -ll--g-- t- -ll --n- s--nt-- t--ngs, --- --- ---l- - n-t k--- t--s? -n- ---tt- s--n, -‘- n-t---- --t -n ---t- s--t -- ---ks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLG Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 15, 2017 Author Share May 15, 2017 H Link to comment
Kohola3 May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 ---ks-n, -h-t --- --- ---ng? St-- s---ng -- n---. L--k, S--k--‘s g-t ----- ---- -----ngs, -n- - --n‘t g- -n t- “L---h H-------t--s“. Th--‘ll -- -ll ---- -- -- t-- s---n-s -l-t. S-l--t--n --- -sn‘t g-tt-ng -n- --s---, h-h? N-, -t‘s g-tt-ng ---s-. L-k- l-st ---k…-nn --nn-ngh--- ----s t- --, --ght? S-- --nts t- --t - s-l-s ---t --ts--- t-- --l-n--l --s--- s-ll-ng ----l-t--n--- --- ---ks -n- “--st - --- -----h---s.” --n-, --t th-n S-ll- L-nn-g-- h---s ----t th-t, -n- sh- --nts t- s-ll h-- --n- n---l- s--h-ts --t -n ---nt -- t-- g-----. --n-, --t th-n K--k ----s t- -- -n -n --t--g- -----s- --‘s -ll--g-- t- -ll --n- s--nt-- th-ngs, --- h-- ---l- - n-t k--- th-s? -n- ---tt- s--n, -‘- n-th--- --t -n ---t- s--t -- ---ks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGH Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 15, 2017 Author Share May 15, 2017 W Link to comment
Kohola3 May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 ---ks-n, wh-t --- --- ---ng? St-- s---ng -- n---. L--k, S--k--‘s g-t ----- ---- -----ngs, -n- - --n‘t g- -n t- “L---h H-------t--s“. Th--‘ll -- -ll ---- -- -- tw- s---n-s -l-t. S-l--t--n --- -sn‘t g-tt-ng -n- --s---, h-h? N-, -t‘s g-tt-ng w--s-. L-k- l-st w--k…-nn --nn-ngh--- ----s t- --, --ght? S-- w-nts t- --t - s-l-s ---t --ts--- t-- --l-n--l --s--- s-ll-ng ----l-t--n--- w-- ---ks -n- “--st - --w ----wh---s.” --n-, --t th-n S-ll- L-nn-g-- h---s ----t th-t, -n- sh- w-nts t- s-ll h-- --n- n---l- s--h-ts --t -n ---nt -- t-- g-----. --n-, --t th-n K--k ----s t- -- -n -n --t--g- -----s- --‘s -ll--g-- t- -ll --n- s--nt-- th-ngs, --- h-w ---l- - n-t k--w th-s? -n- ---tt- s--n, -‘- n-th--- --t -n ---t- s--t -- ---ks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHW Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Guest May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 E Link to comment
Taryn74 May 15, 2017 Author Share May 15, 2017 C Link to comment
Kohola3 May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 --cks-n, wh-t --e --- ---ng? St-- s---ng -- n--e. L--k, S--k-e‘s g-t ----- ---- c----ngs, -n- - c-n‘t g- -n t- “Leech He------tr-s“. The-‘ll -e -ll --e- -e -- tw- se--n-s -l-t. Select--n --- -sn‘t gett-ng -n- e-s-e-, h-h? N-, -t‘s gett-ng w--se. L-ke l-st week…nn -enn-ngh--- c--es t- -e, --ght? S-e w-nts t- --t - s-les c--t --ts--e t-e c-l-n--l --se-- sell-ng -e--l-t--n--- w-- ---ks -n- “--st - -ew ----whe--s.” --ne, --t then S-ll- L-nn-g-- he--s ----t th-t, -n- she w-nts t- sell he- --ne nee-l- s-chets --t -n ---nt -- t-e g--e--. --ne, --t then K--k ---es t- -e -n -n --t--ge -e---se -e‘s -lle-g-- t- -ll --ne scente- th-ngs, --- h-w c--l- - n-t k--w th-s? -n- --ett- s--n, -‘- n-th--- --t -n e--t- s--t -- --cks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHWCE Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 15, 2017 Author Share May 15, 2017 A Link to comment
Kohola3 May 15, 2017 Share May 15, 2017 -acks-n, what a-e --- ---ng? St-- sa--ng -- na-e. L--k, S--k-e‘s g-t -a--- ---- c-a--ngs, an- - can‘t g- -n t- “Leech Hea---a-tr-s“. The-‘ll -e all --e- -e -- tw- se--n-s -lat. Select-an --- -sn‘t gett-ng an- eas-e-, h-h? N-, -t‘s gett-ng w--se. L-ke last week…Ann -enn-ngh--- c--es t- -e, --ght? S-e wants t- --t a sales ca-t --ts--e t-e c-l-n-al --se-- sell-ng -e--l-t--na-- wa- ---ks an- “--st a -ew a---whea-s.” --ne, --t then Sall- Lann-gan hea-s a---t that, an- she wants t- sell he- --ne nee-l- sachets --t -n ---nt -- t-e ga-e--. --ne, --t then K--k ---es t- -e -n -n --t-age -e-a-se -e‘s alle-g-- t- all --ne scente- th-ngs, a-- h-w c--l- - n-t k--w th-s? An- --ett- s--n, -‘- n-th--- --t an e--t- s--t -- -acks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHWCEA Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Guest May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 Oh, I almost have it! :) D Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 -acks-n, what a-e --- d--ng? St-- sa--ng -- na-e. L--k, S--k-e‘s g-t -a--- ---d c-a--ngs, and - can‘t g- -n t- “Leech Head--a-tr-s“. The-‘ll -e all --e- -e -- tw- se--n-s -lat. Select-an --- -sn‘t gett-ng an- eas-e-, h-h? N-, -t‘s gett-ng w--se. L-ke last week…Ann -enn-ngh--- c--es t- -e, --ght? S-e wants t- --t a sales ca-t --ts-de t-e c-l-n-al --se-- sell-ng -e--l-t--na-- wa- ---ks an- “--st a -ew a---wheads.” --ne, --t then Sall- Lann-gan hea-s a---t that, an- she wants t- sell he- --ne needle sachets --t -n ---nt -- t-e ga-e--. --ne, --t then K--k ---es t- -e -n -n --t-age -e-a-se -e‘s alle-g-- t- all --ne scente- th-ngs, a-- h-w c--ld - n-t k--w th-s? An- --ett- s--n, -‘- n-th--- --t an e--t- s--t -- -acks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHWCEAD Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 P Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 -acks-n, what a-e --- d--ng? St-p sa--ng -- na-e. L--k, S--k-e‘s g-t -a--- ---d c-a--ngs, and - can‘t g- -n t- “Leech Head--a-tr-s“. The-‘ll -e all --e- -e -- tw- se--n-s -lat. Select-an --- -sn‘t gett-ng an- eas-e-, h-h? N-, -t‘s gett-ng w--se. L-ke last week…Ann -enn-ngh--- c--es t- -e, --ght? S-e wants t- p-t a sales ca-t --ts-de t-e c-l-n-al --se-- sell-ng -e--l-t--na-- wa- ---ks an- “--st a -ew a---wheads.” --ne, --t then Sall- Lann-gan hea-s a---t that, an- she wants t- sell he- p-ne needle sachets --t -n ---nt -- t-e ga-e--. --ne, --t then K--k ---es t- -e -n -n --t-age -e-a-se -e‘s alle-g-- t- all p-ne scente- th-ngs, a-- h-w c--ld - n-t k--w th-s? An- p-ett- s--n, -‘- n-th--- --t an e-pt- s--t -- -acks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHWCEADP Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 R Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 -acks-n, what are --- d--ng? St-p sa--ng -- na-e. L--k, S--k-e‘s g-t -a--r ---d cra--ngs, and - can‘t g- -n t- “Leech Head--arters“. The-‘ll -e all --er -e -- tw- se--n-s -lat. Select-an --- -sn‘t gett-ng an- eas-er, h-h? N-, -t‘s gett-ng w-rse. L-ke last week…Ann -enn-ngh--- c--es t- -e, r-ght? S-e wants t- p-t a sales cart --ts-de t-e c-l-n-al --se-- sell-ng re--l-t--nar- war ---ks an- “--st a -ew arr-wheads.” --ne, --t then Sall- Lann-gan hears a---t that, an- she wants t- sell her p-ne needle sachets --t -n -r-nt -- t-e ga-e--. --ne, --t then K-rk ---es t- -e -n -n --trage -e-a-se -e‘s allerg-- t- all p-ne scente- th-ngs, a-- h-w c--ld - n-t k--w th-s? An- prett- s--n, -‘- n-th--- --t an e-pt- s--t -- -acks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHWCEADPR Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 M Link to comment
tarotx May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 Y Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 -acks-n, what are --- d--ng? St-p say-ng my name. L--k, S--k-e‘s g-t ma--r ---d cra--ngs, and - can‘t g- -n t- “Leech Head--arters“. They‘ll -e all --er me -- tw- se--n-s -lat. Selectman --- -sn‘t gett-ng any eas-er, h-h? N-, -t‘s gett-ng w-rse. L-ke last week…Ann -enn-ngh--- c-mes t- me, r-ght? S-e wants t- p-t a sales cart --ts-de the c-l-n-al m-se-m sell-ng re--l-t--nary war ---ks and “--st a -ew arr-wheads.” --ne, --t then Sally Lann-gan hears a---t that, and she wants t- sell her p-ne needle sachets --t -n -r-nt -- the ga-e--. --ne, --t then K-rk c-mes t- me -n -n --trage -eca-se -e‘s allerg-- t- all p-ne scented th-ngs, and h-w c--ld - n-t k--w th-s? And pretty s--n, -‘m n-th-n- --t an empty s--t -- -acks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHWCEADPRMY Michel’s egg white omelet: Good lord, I must have been half asleep. I missed a bunch! So sorry! Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 Still just a couple of words I can't put together. Ugh! B? Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 -acks-n, what are y-- d--ng? St-p say-ng my name. L--k, S--k-e‘s g-t ma--r ---d cra--ngs, and - can‘t g- -n t- “Leech Head--arters“. They‘ll be all --er me -- tw- sec-n-s -lat. Selectman --b -sn‘t gett-ng any eas-er, h-h? N-, -t‘s gett-ng w-rse. L-ke last week…Ann Benn-ngh--- c-mes t- me, r-ght? She wants t- p-t a sales cart --ts-de the c-l-n-al m-se-m sell-ng re--l-t--nary war b--ks and “--st a -ew arr-wheads.” --ne, b-t then Sally Lann-gan hears ab--t that, and she wants t- sell her p-ne needle sachets --t -n -r-nt -- the ga-eb-. --ne, b-t then K-rk c-mes t- me -n -n --trage beca-se he‘s allerg-- t- all p-ne scented th-ngs, and h-w c--ld - n-t kn-w th-s? And pretty s--n, -‘m n-th-ng b-t an empty s--t -- -acks-n sk-n. Sookie’s chocolate chunk salted caramel cookies: TSNKLGHWCEADPRMYB Michel’s egg white omelet: Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 Okay I had everything but Ann Benninghoff's last name so I cheated. Ann Benninghoff can go die in a hole, btw. Jackson, what are you doing? Stop saying my name. Look, Sookie's got major food cravings, and I can't go in to "Leech Headquarters". They'll be all over me in two seconds flat. Selectman job isn't getting any easier, huh? No, it's getting worse. Like last week -- Ann Benninghoff comes to me, right? She wants to put a sales cart outside the colonial museum selling revolutionary war books and "just a few arrowheads." Fine, but then Sally Lannigan hears about that, and she wants to sell her pine-needle sachets out in front of the gazebo. Fine, but then Kirk comes to me in an outrage because he's allergic to all pine-scented things, and how could I not know this? And pretty soon, I'm nothing but an empty suit of Jackson skin. 1 Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 ----? -------. --- --! -'-- ------ ------ - ------ -------. -- ------ ----- --- ----- -----! --- ---- ----- ----- -- -------- ----? - ---! --'- ------- - ------ -------, --- ---- --- -------- --- ----- --- ----- ---- -----. -- ------'-- ---- ------- - --(-)-- --- - -------- --- ------- - ------ ---- - --------- -- --. --'- -- --- --------. -- ---- ---- ---- - ---- ---- --- -- ------- ---- - ----- ---. - --- ---- --- --- ---- - ----. ----'- --- -------- -- -- ---- ----? Link to comment
Guest May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 T Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 (edited) ---t? --t----. --- -t! -'-- ------ ---t-- - --tt-- ---t---. -- ------ ----- t-- -t--- ----t! --- ---- ----- ----- -- -------- ----? - --t! --'- ------- - --tt-- -------, --- t--- t-- -------- --- ----- t-- ----- ---- t----. -- ------'-- ---- ------- - --(-)-- --- - -------- --- ------- - ------ --t- - --------- -- -t. --'- -- --- t---t---. -- ---t ---- ---- - ---- ---- --- t- ------- ---- - ----- ---. - --t t--- --t --- ---- - ----. ----'t --- -------- t- -- ---- ----? Hour long naps: T Still feeling like I need a nap: Edited May 16, 2017 by Taryn74 Link to comment
elang4 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 H Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 -h-t? --th---. --- -t! -'-- ------ ---t-- - --tt-- ---th--. H- ------ ----- th- -th-- ---ht! h-- ---h ----- ----- h- -------- ----? - --t! H-'- ------- - --tt-- -------, --- th-- th- -------- --- h---- th- ----- h--- th---. H- -h----'-- ---- h------ - --(-)-- --- - -------- --- ------- - ------ --th - --------- -- -t. H-'- -- h-- t---t---. H- ---t h--- ---- - ---- ---- --- t- ------- ---h - h---- ---. - --t th-- --t h-- ---- - ----. ----'t --- -------- t- -- h--- ----? Hour long naps: TH Still feeling like I need a nap: Link to comment
elang4 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 R Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 (edited) M And thank you for cheating. That dragged on forever! Edited May 16, 2017 by Kohola3 1 Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 -h-t? --th---. --- -t! -'-- ------ ---t-- - --tt-- -r-th-r. H- ------ ----r th- -th-r ---ht! H-- m--h ----r ----- h- -------- ----? - --t! H-'- ------- - --tt-- --r----, --- th-- th- -------- --- h---- th- ----- h--r th---. H- -h----'-- ---- h------ - --(-)-- --- - -------- --- ---r--- - ------ --th - -r------r -- -t. H-'- -- h-- t---t---. H- m--t h--- ---- - --r- ---- --- t- ----r-- ---h - h---- ---. - --t th-- --t h-m r--- - ----. -r--'t --- -------- t- -- h--- ----? Hour long naps: THRM Still feeling like I need a nap: 20 minutes ago, Kohola3 said: And thank you for cheating. That dragged on forever! It's the names, I tell ya. They'll get you every time! LOL Link to comment
tarotx May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 N Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 -h-t? N-th-n-. --- -t! -'-- ------ --nt-- - --tt-- -r-th-r. H- ------ ----r th- -th-r n--ht! H-- m--h ----r ----- h- -------- ----? - --t! H-'- ------- - --tt-- --r----, -n- th-n th- -------- --- h---- th- --n-- h--r th-n-. H- -h----'-- ---n h----n- - --(-)-- -n- - -------- -n- ---r-n- - ---n-- --th - -r------r -n -t. H-'- -n h-- t--nt---. H- m--t h--- ---n - --r- ---- --- t- ----r-- ---h - h---- ---. - --t th-- --t h-m r--- - --n-. -r-n't --- -------- t- -- h--- --n-? Hour long naps: THRMN Still feeling like I need a nap: Link to comment
elang4 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 W? Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 Wh-t? N-th-n-. --- -t! -'-- --w--- w-nt-- - --tt-- -r-th-r. H- ------ ----r th- -th-r n--ht! H-- m--h ----r ----- h- -------- ----? - --t! H-'- ------- - --tt-- --r----, -n- th-n th- -------- --- h---- th- --n-- h--r th-n-. H- -h----'-- ---n h----n- - --(-)-- -n- - -------- -n- w--r-n- - ---n-- --th - -r------r -n -t. H-'- -n h-- tw-nt---. H- m--t h--- ---n - --r- ---- --- t- ----r-- ---h - h---- ---. - --t th-- --t h-m r--- - --n-. -r-n't --- -------- t- -- h--- --n-? Hour long naps: THRMNW Still feeling like I need a nap: Link to comment
Guest May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 I love this scene! Lorelai: What? Rory: Nothing. Lorelai: Say it! Rory: I've always wanted a little brother. Lorelai: He looked older the other night! Rory: How much older could he possibly look? Lorelai: A lot! He's usually a little scruffy, and then the baseball cap hides the funky hair thing. Rory: He should've been holding a yo-yo and a lollipop and wearing a beanie with a propeller on it. Lorelai: He's in his twenties. Rory: He must have been a very good boy to deserve such a happy day. I bet they let him ride a pony. Lorelai: Aren't you supposed to go help Lane? Link to comment
Guest May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 A: --- --- -- ----- --- -:-- -.-. B. - ----, --- - --- -- --- ------ --------- -------. A. ----- ---? B. -- ----- -- ---- --- -- -------- ---- ------. A. --- ---- ---. B. ----'- ----, -----. --- ------? (Three spaces above are numerals, FYI) Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 Uh-oh. Tricky! M Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 I love the whole "Lorelai went out with a kid" storyline. Cracks me up!! T and 7? Link to comment
Guest May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 A: --- --t m- ----m --- -:-- -.m. B. - ----, --- - --- -t --- ------ ----t---- -------. A. ----- ---? B. M- ----m -- ---t --t -- -------- -- ---- -----m. A. --- ---- ---. B. T--t'- ----, -----. --- ------? Getting a book deal: M T Arguing about whether someone is a mouse, elephant, or other assorted animal: 7 Link to comment
Kohola3 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 Y 8 Link to comment
Taryn74 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 L 6? Link to comment
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