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I he-rd 'c-pper' -nd 'b--m': Gilmore Girls Hangman

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-------’- ------.

-- -- ----- --------- -----?

--’- ------ -- ------.

--! --, ----’- -- ----.

----, -- --. -- ------ --, --’- -----. -’- ---- (--) -- --- ---- ---------?

---- ----?

---- ------- ----- --- ----- ---- --- -- ----- --- ------ --.

--, ------- ---- ----.

----, ----, ----- -’- ------- ------.

(Dashes in parentheses used as punctuation.)


Daughter's finished with high school:

Daughter's finished with high school:

1 hour ago, Taryn74 said:

Anybody else still wonder what the point of this absurd scene was?  LOL

The girls were fighting.

I told you not to serve spaghetti and meatballs.  They always fight when we serve spaghetti and meatballs.

I felt that way about a lot of the opening scenes. They just had what they thought were funny ideas that they plugged in whenever they didn't have an episode-specific idea (see also "the roomba" "apple down" etc.).



-------’s --s---.

-s -- ----- s---t---- ---t-?

--’s ------ -- ------.

--! --, t--t’s s- ----.

----, -t -s. -t ------ -s, -t’s s---t. -’- --st (--) -- --- ---- s---t----?

---- ---t?

---- s------ -s--- t-- ----- s--- --- t- s---t t-- -----s --.

--, --t---- ---- t--t.

----, ----, ----- -’- ------- t----s.

(Dashes in parentheses used as punctuation.)


Daughter's finished with high school: TS

Daughter's finished with high school:

-------’s --s---.

-s -- ----- s---t---- --rt-?

--’s ------ -- -----r.

--! --, t--t’s s- ----.

----, -t -s. -t r----- -s, -t’s s---t. -’- --st (--) -- --- ---r s---t----?

---- ---t?

---- s------ -s--- t-- -r--- s--- --- t- s---t t-- -----s --.

--, --t---- ---- t--t.

----, ----, ----- -’- ---r--- t----s.

(Dashes in parentheses used as punctuation.)


Daughter's finished with high school: TSR

Daughter's finished with high school:

------n’s -ns---.

-s -- ---n- s---t--n- --rt-?

--’s ----n- -- --nn-r.

--! --, t--t’s s- n---.

----, -t -s. -t r----- -s, -t’s s---t. -’- --st (--) -- --- ---r s---t--n-?

---- ---t?

---- s----n- -s-n- t-- -r-n- s--- --n t- s---t t-- -n--ns -n.

N-, n-t--n- ---- t--t.

----, ----, ----- -’- ---r-n- t--n-s.

(Dashes in parentheses used as punctuation.)


Daughter's finished with high school: TSRN

Daughter's finished with high school:

------n’s -ns---.

-s h- ---n- s---th-n- --rt-?

H-’s ----n- -- --nn-r.

-h! -h, th-t’s s- n---.

---h, -t -s. -t r----- -s, -t’s s---t. -’- --st (--) -- --- h--r s---th-n-?

---- -h-t?

---- s----n- -s-n- th- -r-n- s--- --n t- s---t th- -n--ns -n.

N-, n-th-n- ---- th-t.

----, ----, ----- -’- h--r-n- th-n-s.

(Dashes in parentheses used as punctuation.)


Daughter's finished with high school: TSRNH

Daughter's finished with high school:

------n’s -ns---.

-s h- ---n- s---th-ng --rt-?

H-’s ----ng -- --nn-r.

-h! -h, th-t’s s- n---.

---h, -t -s. -t r----- -s, -t’s s---t. -’- --st (--) -- --- h--r s---th-ng?

---- -h-t?

---- s----n- -s-ng th- -r-ng s--- --n t- s---t th- -n--ns -n.

N-, n-th-ng ---- th-t.

----, ----, ----- -’- h--r-ng th-ngs.

(Dashes in parentheses used as punctuation.)


Daughter's finished with high school: TSRNHG

Daughter's finished with high school:

------n’s -ns-d-.

-s h- d--n- s-m-th-ng d-rt-?

H-’s ----ng -- d-nn-r.

-h! -h, th-t’s s- n---.

---h, -t -s. -t r--ll- -s, -t’s s---t. -’m --st (--) d- --- h--r s-m-th-ng?

L--- -h-t?

L--- s-m--n- -s-ng th- -r-ng s--- --n t- s---t th- -n--ns -n.

N-, n-th-ng l--- th-t.

----, --ll, m---- -’m h--r-ng th-ngs.

(Dashes in parentheses used as punctuation.)


Daughter's finished with high school: TSRNHGDML

Daughter's finished with high school:


Sookie: Jackson's inside.

Lorelai: is he doing something dirty?

S: He's making me dinner.

L: oh! Oh that's so nice!

S: Yeah, it is. It really is. It's sweet. I'm just- do you hear something?

L: Like what?

S: like someone using the wrong pan to sweat the onions in?

L: No, nothing like that.

S: Yeah, well I guess I'm hearing things

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