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Season 17 Discussion

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1. Tanisha really looks great -- I dont always like her, but I appreciate the amount of effort and time she has put into herself and I admire her hustle.  Not sure what she will do now that BGC is cancelled, but I'm sure she'll land somewhere

2. Erica Mena - boo!  but I appreciated her transparently getting these girls to work against their own interest by going back on stage

3. Deshayla -- I agree its a punk move not to show up at the reunion, but she most certainly would have gotten her ass beat by someone

4. Kiki -- she is losing weight, but she really should have taken some boxing classes before showing up to the reunion.  Its clear that Seven did, this should have been Kiki's redemption.  But I do admire the fact that she is willing to get her ass beat for her beliefs, because she always ends up on the ground, she must have some funky center of gravity, because that seems to be when she loses the fight.  Its about even until someone pulls her to the ground by her hair and then its a wrap.

5. Key -- girl, I appreciate you trying to do better.  You were a little bit of a bully, or maybe the word is just super controlling.  She really needs to stop controlling people around her.  The tears over deshayla felt fake to me.

6. Susan -- I just don't much care for Susan and I don't think I ever did.  There is something too smug about her and it rubs me wrong.  You know you're not a true bad girl when production is looking for any reason to kick you out the house.  I mean, they booted you for holding a rattail comb....and they didn't boot Kiki after she straight up smacked Sayyora in the face without provocation.

7. Seven -- just not a fan, and I think she does have an issue with big girls.  Seven is pretty, but she is not the most gorgeous girl to hit the scene, so I don't think her implication that big girls are jealous and want to fight her really stands.  I don't particularly think big girls want to fight any more than small girls.  So if you keep getting in fights with big girls...maybe youre the problem...not the big girls.  Ultimately, though she will never admit to it, she ended up being Key's sidekick.

8. Fran -- I still love Fran, but I didn't care to watch whatever hype girl stuff she was doing.

9. Looks like shit goes down next week, and everyones Windsor prom dress fashions gets turned to tatters.

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2 hours ago, RealReality said:

1. Tanisha really looks great -- I dont always like her, but I appreciate the amount of effort and time she has put into herself and I admire her hustle.  Not sure what she will do now that BGC is cancelled, but I'm sure she'll land somewhere

2. Erica Mena - boo!  but I appreciated her transparently getting these girls to work against their own interest by going back on stage

3. Deshayla -- I agree its a punk move not to show up at the reunion, but she most certainly would have gotten her ass beat by someone

4. Kiki -- she is losing weight, but she really should have taken some boxing classes before showing up to the reunion.  Its clear that Seven did, this should have been Kiki's redemption.  But I do admire the fact that she is willing to get her ass beat for her beliefs, because she always ends up on the ground, she must have some funky center of gravity, because that seems to be when she loses the fight.  Its about even until someone pulls her to the ground by her hair and then its a wrap.

5. Key -- girl, I appreciate you trying to do better.  You were a little bit of a bully, or maybe the word is just super controlling.  She really needs to stop controlling people around her.  The tears over deshayla felt fake to me.

6. Susan -- I just don't much care for Susan and I don't think I ever did.  There is something too smug about her and it rubs me wrong.  You know you're not a true bad girl when production is looking for any reason to kick you out the house.  I mean, they booted you for holding a rattail comb....and they didn't boot Kiki after she straight up smacked Sayyora in the face without provocation.

7. Seven -- just not a fan, and I think she does have an issue with big girls.  Seven is pretty, but she is not the most gorgeous girl to hit the scene, so I don't think her implication that big girls are jealous and want to fight her really stands.  I don't particularly think big girls want to fight any more than small girls.  So if you keep getting in fights with big girls...maybe youre the problem...not the big girls.  Ultimately, though she will never admit to it, she ended up being Key's sidekick.

8. Fran -- I still love Fran, but I didn't care to watch whatever hype girl stuff she was doing.

9. Looks like shit goes down next week, and everyones Windsor prom dress fashions gets turned to tatters.

Agree w/ EVERYTHING that you said, especially #7!! That's all I keep hearing sevens so pretty, to the point where she was giving a pass. Deshayla and Seven were both followers in the house, from beginning to end. That's why I didn't like either of them. Hell, half the time Seven got mad had nothing to do with her and Key was just ridiculous on top of annoying. Confrontational  or CONSTANTLY inserting herself. Tbh I don't know what's getting worse bgc or "real housewives" franchise!????

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Tanisha does look wonderful…she was always pretty with that smile, now that she’s lost weight she is downright gorgeous.  Disappointed at her being okay with Key’s toxic behavior though.

Who in the bluedilly hell is Erica Mena?  She’s like the low rent Laura, only with huge tits and equally annoying.

DeShayla – Weak sauce to the end!  I could not give two cat anuses at her not appearing at the reunion, but the fact that she turned on the other girls, who by the way should have ostracized her ass when her leaders were kicked out of the house was a straight up loser move.


Agree w/ EVERYTHING that you said, especially #7!! That's all I keep hearing sevens so pretty, to the point where she was giving a pass. Deshayla and Seven were both followers in the house, from beginning to end. That's why I didn't like either of them. Hell, half the time Seven got mad had nothing to do with her and Key was just ridiculous on top of annoying. Confrontational  or CONSTANTLY inserting herself. 

Precisely why my early love for Seven died…at first I thought she’d be cool but she quickly became one of Key’s minions; she may speak up for herself unnecessarily and can throw a punch, but that aside she followed Key.  Also, her fights with Kiki were unnecessary and only boosted her ego.

Key – You can have an ‘A-ha’/Come to Jesus, etc. moment all you want but at the end of the day you still remain a hateful, controlling bully!  From DeShayla to Sayyora to Brianna, anyone that disagreed with you or didn’t follow your lead was weak….nukka please!  Good luck getting your ‘rap’ career off the ground with that attitude, in a year you’ll be right where you belong, still in Compton and still picking fights with skanks over 40 ounces at the corner deli.

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1 hour ago, Vixenstud said:

Tanisha does look wonderful…she was always pretty with that smile, now that she’s lost weight she is downright gorgeous.  Disappointed at her being okay with Key’s toxic behavior though.

Who in the bluedilly hell is Erica Mena?  She’s like the low rent Laura, only with huge tits and equally annoying.

DeShayla – Weak sauce to the end!  I could not give two cat anuses at her not appearing at the reunion, but the fact that she turned on the other girls, who by the way should have ostracized her ass when her leaders were kicked out of the house was a straight up loser move.

Precisely why my early love for Seven died…at first I thought she’d be cool but she quickly became one of Key’s minions; she may speak up for herself unnecessarily and can throw a punch, but that aside she followed Key.  Also, her fights with Kiki were unnecessary and only boosted her ego.

Key – You can have an ‘A-ha’/Come to Jesus, etc. moment all you want but at the end of the day you still remain a hateful, controlling bully!  From DeShayla to Sayyora to Brianna, anyone that disagreed with you or didn’t follow your lead was weak….nukka please!  Good luck getting your ‘rap’ career off the ground with that attitude, in a year you’ll be right where you belong, still in Compton and still picking fights with skanks over 40 ounces at the corner deli.

 I Iove it!!???

Edited by Yolo
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I'm fine with Tanisha, but it gets real old when she picks sides and it doesn't make any sense.  Bri can fight, or not fight whoever she wants to, this is BGC and the "reasoning" these girls have never makes sense.  

For example, Key and Seven who are all "anti ganging up" on someone were ready to jump in when Bri was going after Susan.  If the bitch wants to fight Susan, let her do it and stay out of it, because thats what you kept yelling at Kiki about all season.

And Susan came off looking real weak IMO.  She had no trouble coming for Fran, who doesn't know how to fight....over nothing.  And not just willing to fight, Susan came up off the couch and flew at her.  But when Bri comes out suddenly she doesn't want to fight, and why would she fight, and she doesn't even know who she is, and she is up on a couch trying to hide.  Girl, bye.  You knew that Bri would tear your ass right up.  Next time, don't talk shit on Twitter if you know you're gonna see a bitch onstage!

And Key almost had me....she almost had me....right up until she kept trying to claim that Bri "sneak attacked her" and that she didn't sneak attack Bri because Bri "looked her in the eyes"  WTF kind of reasoning is that?  YOU put hands on Bri first, after backing her into a wall you decided to throw a punch....and then Bri handed you an EPIC asswhopping....a mollywhopping if you will.  What you decided to do to retaliate was sit and wait until these bitches were tired after a drive from Vegas, and as Bri was rolling her luggage back to her room, you came up and attacked her.  She turned around for a brief second.  How you can claim thats "face to face" and somehow a fair fight, and the same as when you attacked her first and got your ass handed to you is confusing.  Like wut?

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I didn't even watch to the end.  I actually stopped and deleted the episode because they kicked Kiki out and didn't kick out Seven who was straight out threatening to beat ass if she is put back out there with Kiki and Fran.  I am no Kiki fan but that was some messed up unfair bs.  I am glad this is the end since I couldn't stop watching this train wreck of a show.  Damn I wanted to see Bri too.  

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30 minutes ago, lasandi said:

I didn't even watch to the end.  I actually stopped and deleted the episode because they kicked Kiki out and didn't kick out Seven who was straight out threatening to beat ass if she is put back out there with Kiki and Fran.  I am no Kiki fan but that was some messed up unfair bs.  I am glad this is the end since I couldn't stop watching this train wreck of a show.  Damn I wanted to see Bri too.  

She didn't do anything except scare the snot out the other side of the couch.

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I can't imagine MTV would. All their shows are feeder shows for the challenge. I don't know they'd create a girls only real world(cuz that's what it is) filled with people they'd have to kick out of the house for fighting almost immediately 

Edited by Watermelon
almost aint oatmeal. And I shouldnt type half asleep
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This show ran 17 seasons.  I love it, but it has its problems and has basically turned into Survivor for strippers who want to get their nails done.  Which is fine by me.  The production budget/value has also gone WAY, WAY, WAY down.  The girls appeared to live in a converted warehouse in the middle of the garment district this season.  They didn't do a trip, it was just low budget.

I don't need Laura the lame back, but I would like a little more backstory so I'm invested in the girls.  

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