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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - General Discussion

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Well, this is Golden Wind. I'm not sure why the name was changed from the manga’s Vento Auero. Also, "Golden Wind" is the Legal English Name of Giorno Giovanna's Stand; the actual name being "Gold Experience."

Funny that Giorno carries a picture of his father in his wallet, and it's the same picture with his bare back to the camera and Joestar star-mark on his shoulder. Of course Giorno looks like a full-on adult at the age of 15. I'm guessing Koichi is 16-17 by comparison . . . and if he didn't have Echoes for backup, no way would he have stepped up to Giorno. I hope there's a reason he made the trip instead of Jotaro . . . though if "Call for me in the next volume" is the reason, I'd be okay with that.

I know GE's ability, but it's nicely kept vague here. I didn't expect the "rebound" effect that nailed Lucca and Koichi But now he has to deal with Bruno . . . sweat-tasting Bruno. Because this is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and the majority of the people we meet have to be freaks. And he threatened to put stuff into Giorno's mouth. Thanks for that mental image, Bruno!

Edited by Lantern7

Apparently Koichi is 18 year old.  So that puts this part about 3 years after Part 4 which is about 15 years after Part 3.  Also Giorno is Joseph's Uncle, Josuke's great uncle and Jotaro's great great uncle (Josuke is Jotaro's Uncle). The Joestar family tree is kind of messed up.   

I'm curious where they're going with Giorno since he's a bit of a dick right now.  On the plus side he seems like a decently fun protagonist (closer to Josuke than Jotaro).  

20 hours ago, Matt K said:

Apparently Koichi is 18 year old.  So that puts this part about 3 years after Part 4 which is about 15 years after Part 3.  Also Giorno is Joseph's Uncle, Josuke's great uncle and Jotaro's great great uncle (Josuke is Jotaro's Uncle). The Joestar family tree is kind of messed up.   

Acording to Wikipedia, this is set in 2001. And yeah, Giorno's conception sounds like something a fanfic writer would have come up with. "Okay, so Jotaro is the eldest active Jojo, but Josuke is his uncle because Joseph had an affair. What if DIO conceived while he possessed Jonathan's body? Would that make the kid a Jojo as well?!?" Cut to folks building a Joestar family tree ripping the paper into shreds.

Seriously, poor Koichi. He's eighteen, but he probably needs binoculars to look other males in the eye. And I don't know if Echoes would always support him. "Master, the blond guy hosed you. You are in S-H-I-T."

I think it’s safe to say that of the five Jojos (Jojoes?) we have met so far, Giorno had the toughest childhood. When the fact that your biological father wanting to become a god isn’t at the very top of your list of woes? Then you are fucked.

After the flashbacks, Giorno and Bruno throw down. In addition to bringing life to inanimate objects (such as turning Bruno’s knocked-out tooth into a housefly), Gold Experience can also hyper-charge an opponent’s mind, leaving him open to attack. In the end, Giorno decides that Bruno deserves to live because he has a good soul. Apparently, Giorno’s years of observation allow him to make those decisions. On the bright side, he doesn’t have to lick another guy’s sweat to make those decisions.

I can’t seem to find subtitled credits. I’ll post that when I find it. For anyone unfamiliar with the series . . . which character in those credits looks the most interesting to you?

Edited by Lantern7
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This week: Bruno decides to help Giorno with his quest to take over the local Mafia. This leads Giorno to a prison to meet one of the capos of Passione: The Allfather. Wait, no, that's Preacher. Polpo is also unbelievably big, and he basically stays in prison out of necessity. He gives Giorno a lit lighter, and he orders the would-be mafioso to keep it lit for 24 hours. And Giorno manages to do just that, without any incidents.

Just kidding. Basic tropes go into effect, and everyone and everything unknowing threatens to put out the fire. Prison guard patting him down, the wind, Koichi (searching through Giorno's room to find his passport), etc. Eventually, a street sweeper accidentally douses the flame, and he manages to get the lighter working . . . but that apparently summons a death parade-looking Stand (that's the best example I could think up) with a Deus ex Arrow in its mouth, and it separates the sweeper's soul from his body . . . and Giorno is next.

I know that Araki probably never meant his stories to be exclusively for kids, but I think Gold Experience matches the mindset. "Good thing I turned the lighter into a flower, with the flame underneath the petals!" "I managed to turn the chandelier into a snake!" It feels very playground.

Toonami shortened the credits. Here they are in full, in case you missed it last week:

Edited by Lantern7

This week: Giorno and Koichi successfully thwart Polpo's Stand, Shadow Black Sabbath. An unknowing Polpo welcomes Giorno to La Famiglia. And then Polpo accidentally blows his own brains out, because he put a gun in his mouth that Giorno turned into a banana. So, yeah, plot is advancing nicely.

I knew how Polpo was going to die, but it was still fun to watch dubbed. And Koichi is digging Girono . . . though I'm not sure how he could voiceover about seeing three generations of Joestars in action, given OlderJo was out of it for most of DiU.

Next week: Passione!!! And I saw a LOT of Jojo cosplay at Anime NYC this past weekend, especially "Golden Wind." I'll have to share some of it soon.

Anyone catch last week's episode? Bruno introduces Giorno to his friends, all of whom are men with dubious fashion sense. Also: Fugo might be the worst tutor in anime since that one guy whipping Gohan while he studied. In his defense, Narancia does come off as eight kinds of dumb. Mista has a thing against the number 4 (probably in line with Japanese superstition about that number representing bad luck and/or death), and Abbacchio's idea of welcoming Giorno is pissing in a cup and passing it off as tea. Luckily, Giorno turned one of his teeth into a moisture-sucking jellyfish.

We're not going to find out the menace that nabbed most of the group until next Saturday (Food Wars! marathon). Ditto for Abbacchio's secret weapon.

This week: after we get Abbacchio's sad origin, we see him and Bruno search for the Stand user that nabbed their friends. Abbacchio breaks out his Stand, Moody Blues. It ain't much in a fight as opposed to the other Stands we'll be seeing, but its ability to mimic a person's past actions is pretty unique on its own.  I'll have to rewatch the episode, because it was hard to decipher what was going on. Something about the enemy making another boat and merging it with the first one, and Sticky Fingers kept making zippers. No clue.

Next week: one of the highlights of Golden Wind.


The torture dance! And the debut of Mista's quirky Stand: Sex Pistols!

Edited by Lantern7

Yeah that was confusing - apparently the zippers went into the wrong boat when originally looking for the enemy stand.  (Which turned out to be one of the forgettable thugs in the car from last ep, that was a surprise.)

I enjoyed how the stand personified the fly, even though really it was the one guys shoe really.  

1 hour ago, lathspel said:

Yeah that was confusing - apparently the zippers went into the wrong boat when originally looking for the enemy stand.  (Which turned out to be one of the forgettable thugs in the car from last ep, that was a surprise.)

I enjoyed how the stand personified the fly, even though really it was the one guys shoe really.  

No, that was Gold Experience turning the shoe into a fly (intentional joke?) Moody Blues just changed itself to Narancia. I think. I need to watch again.

2 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

In this episode we are treated to a tortuous dance number of which Great Saiyaman would approve. Seriously, they did it to torture a guy.

No, using Sticky Fingers’ powers, a fishing line, hook and a lens was the torture part. The dance? Yeah, I think “Because Araki” is the best excuse for that. It’s like those three had rehearsed that for months.

Any thoughts on Sex Pistols? I’m going to need to get them and Mista sketched one day. I just have to indicate to the artist that each “Pistol” has its own personality, and there’s no “4” because Mista links that number to death.

 🎶”Vocal percussion on a whole other level, comin’ from my miiiiiinnnnd . . .” 🎶 Good luck getting THAT out of your head. 😜

Edited by Lantern7

This week: Trish Una! And as someone with a math degree, I like her basic arithmetic signs pattern on her skirt and choker. Also: Ghirga uses his Stand . . . the toy plane with the big artillery known as Aerosmith. Of course, it has to be "Li'l Bomber" in the dub for legal reasons. It's still fun to see a non-humanoid Stand, one slightly more destructive than Ghirga's kicks to the car.

And since Aerosmith has been unveiled, I can show you two female cosplayers as Ghirga and Abbacchio, with an actual Aerosmith. Funny thing . . . I took a lot of pics at Anime NYC in November, but I didn't see many Stands. I'll have to share them sometime.


6 hours ago, Terrafamilia said:

Does it make me a bad person that I'm rooting for Formaggio?

I can understand that sentiment, but I like Narancia, even if he's too aggro. Also, it's kinda cute that he feels the need to spread his arms out to make a strip of "land" for Aerosmith.

Godfather Mafia: Horse's head in your bed

Golden Wind Mafia: Your snooping comrade cut into pieces, stuffed in clear tanks (full of formaldehyde?), and sent to you and the rest of your crew

ETA for @Terrafamilia . . . Formaggio also has no problems shoving a cat into a regular-sized bottle. Do you still prefer him to Narancia? 😜

Edited by Lantern7

Narancia's fight with Formaggio concludes with a LOT of collateral damage. As per the anime, Narancia nearly dies a few times, including getting trapped in a glass bottle with a spider, but he gets the win. Also, we get his backstory. Apparently, he's always been a bit of a dummy. "You know, little bro, you should dye your hair blonde like me! Now I gotta go to go all A Clockwork Orange on an old lady. That's not related to you dying your hair . . . which you do because you love me and need validation!"

Also, I went to a small comic show, and I got Narancia and Aerosmith sketched. That's half of the gang; I'll have to get Fugo, Abbachio and Mista. And I got a Trish reference ready because I like her math-themed outift.


Edited by Lantern7
1 hour ago, lathspel said:

“Purple Smoke” is a nice reference to Smoke on the Water, by Deep Purple. 

Actually, that's the "localized" name. The Stand's original name is Purple Haze.

The other Stand is Man in the Mirror. I dunno if any other Michael Jackson songs have been "covered" by Araki. At least it differs from J. Geil's Hanged Man from "Stardust Crusaders" . . . though Illuso looks like one or two past nemeses. Steely Dan, maybe?

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Latest episode: Illuso and Man in the Mirror is defeated by Fugo/Abbacchio/Giorno . . . and Purple Haze gets to him, so his death is REALLY painful.

I need to watch the episode again, because I didn't get half of what was going on. Basically, Giorno wins the respect of his peers. Also: bricksnake. Because Araki, I guess.

Oh, and I got two sketches this past weekend. One of them is a bit of a spoiler. For now, here's Mista and Sex Pistols by Janet Sung.

ETA: Now I gotta check the file later, because there wasn’t blank space over Mista’s head.


Edited by Lantern7

This week: the boys board a train to Florence, with a-holes Prosciutto and Pesci in hot pursuit. Since this is "Jojo," the team hides out inside of a turtle. Apparently, it is a Stand user, and it can transport people to a nice resting spot inside of the shell. Or something. With this series, you just gotta let the weirdness envelope you.

Speaking of enveloping, Prosciutto decides to use his Stand -- Grateful Dead ("Thankful Dead" in the dub) -- to age everyone on the train based on their body temperatures. Or something. There's also Giorno talking about how Trish is safer because women age slower than men, and I'd like to see the documentation on that. After we get several minutes of Narancia turning into a geezer in a rather horrific manner, a slightly-less withered Giorno figures things out, and Mista pops out of the turtle to check things out. Unfortunately, he fails prey to mutant-looking Pesci and his Stand: Beach Boy. It's called "Fisherman" in the dub because it's basically a fishing rod that can "hook" victims through walls.

Apologies for not chiming in last week. The train arc is over, with Prosciutto and Pesci both dead . . . the latter getting zippered, then pull apart to death. The stars in the story were Mista and Bucciarati, as they dealt with enemy Stand users in interesting ways. Apparently, not only can one of the Sex Pistols take bullets shot at Mista's head, they can also guide others to targets, like with #6 being on Bucciarati's shoulder most of the last episode. And Pesci goes from dumbass to badass and back in a believable manner, with Beach Boys being a far deadlier Stand than it appeared to be.

1 hour ago, lathspel said:

I’m pretty sure that at one point in this ep, Abacchio calls Narancia “Fugo”, but whatever. 

I'll have to rewatch. Thinking about it, an anime with insane plots can get away with discrepancies. "I think Abacchio referred to Narancia as 'Fugo'." "Uh huh. There's Bucciarati creating an outhouse for Trish by laying a zipper on the ground, while Giant Giorno looks on overhead."

You have to like Giorno's thinking. "If we rip off a car, we'll be spotted. BOOM. Gold Experience just turned all of the cars into frogs, and it'll take weeks to find them all." Cut to Narancia and Mista nodding, accepting the insanity of the plan without question.

Edited by Lantern7

Anyone else keeping up? I think "Diamond is Unbreakable" is On Demand on Spectrum, if you want to soothe yourself in the fucked-up world of Jojo.

I'll have to rewatch the last episode. Here's a line from the Crowning Moment of Funny page on TVTropes.com: "Mista and Giorno driving away at full speed down the highway, desperately fleeing from the world's angriest ice skater. That is all." Yeah, that sums up Ghiaccio and White Album nicely.

Thank goodness for Facebook groups. Nothing makes you smile like someone posting a weird link or picture. In this case, it's an artist drawing the heroes of "Golden Wind" and Squadra Esecuzioni (the team of assassins from the past several episodes) as dogs:

ETA: . . . .and the pictures aren't embedded. Of course not. The link should still work.

ETA2: . . . and I just found this:


Edited by Lantern7

Anyone else keeping up? The latest episode was the game changer: Bucciarati escorts Trish to her father, with the notion of exposing him. It turns out he shares Giorno's disdain for the drug trade, since his father was brutally assaulted after witnessing a deal. Naturally, things go horrifically wrong, and Bucciarati winds up assaulting a future (or past) version of himself because of the enemy Stand: King Crimson . .  . which is a step down from Killer Queen in terms of appearance. Oh, and Trish winds up getting snatched in an eyeblink, leaving behind a hand and a bit of arm. I'm thinking Araki decided to lean hard into "another Kira." Oh, and Bucciarati uses a zipper to reattach Trish's hand, so there's that.

I'm not sure when we get "Requiem for a Traitor." Here's a take of "Fighting Gold," with the lyrics matching the images.

Edited by Lantern7

We enter the second half of the story, indicated by the new set of credits. After that, we have Gharncia's Very Bad Day. The youngest Gang-Star spills wine on an asshole's expensive white suit, gets attacked by a shark (the stand Clash), gets his tongue ripped out, and after Giorno fixes the damage, he's forced to lie by another Stand, Talking Head. About the only good thing to happen is that he winds up cutting the asshole in white, and then he kicks the shit out of him, with Mista and Abacchio joining in. It's not a Torture Dance, but you take what you can get.

Anyone here got a strong opinion over Fugo quitting the group? From what I understand, the mangaka felt that his Stand (Purple Haze) was too powerful, and that led to him not joining Bucciarati's quest to foil his boss.

On 4/5/2020 at 10:12 PM, lathspel said:

So is Bucciarati possibly a zombie now?  JoJo brought him back just a moment too late, and he will now wreak Pet Sematery chaos upon them all. 

Yeah, Giorno brought that up this week.  Side effect of King Crimson's destruction of time? Did Giorno botch the healing? Remember, Gold Experience is not like Crazy Diamond. It can heal, but it's not automatic, and Giorno needs material to work with. Speaking of which, great job with the emergency tracheotomy on Gharancia.

Here are the new credits, and here are the English lyrics of the full song. You can stop at the end of the chorus and add "Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!!" Some guy did a "lyrics based on the images" thing. I'm not sharing that due to spoilers, but you would love the first line, as a hand is being kissed: "Kiiiiiiira is sexually aroused right now."


Edited by Lantern7

Just saw the latest episode. I haven't felt too compelled to comment, even if the anime is still delightfully bizarre. Now, I can share the sketch I got at Anime NYC of Trish and her Stand, Spice Girl. Sure, the name gets localized, but the "WANNABE!!!!" cry remains. Also, Trish calls Notorious BIG "bitch-meat." Honestly, that should be a thing.

I'm wondering if Toonami viewers new to the current content are shipping Trish with Gentle Criminal over on My Hero Academia. With those two, any house becomes a bouncy house.


Edited by Lantern7

Checking to see who else watched the Doppio two-parter. Lovely to see that the Big Bads of Jojo are always going to be mentally fucked up. Split personalities is one thing. One of them having to turn anything into an imaginary phone to hear from the other is something else. On the bright side, the future visions laying out in Doppio's hair was a nice visual touch.



Thanks to COVID-19, Golden Wind is experiencing dub delays. Looks like we’ll be stuck on Abacchio‘s death for some time.

ETA: I forgot that this popped up on Toonami last Saturday . . . "I'm a JoeStar" by Open Mike Eagle.

. . . and here's the announcement on the delay from Toonami.

I'm really not getting why they don't just play a past season in the interim.

Edited by Lantern7
2 hours ago, lathspel said:

Is it back on Toonami with new eps?  My DVR didn’t catch it. 

Yes. Just two, though. Toonami is doing Batman stuff the next two weekends, so there won't be anything "new" until August 29. Both episodes ("Verso Il Colosseo Di Roma" and "Green Tea and Sanctuary Part 1") are on Adult Swim's site.

As far as nemeses for the gang go, Cioccolata and Secco carry their weight. We got a sadistic doctor and someone that I can only call a "gimp." Their Stands are tight as well; "Green Tea" (Green Day) generates lethal mold based off downward movement, while "Sanctuary" (Oasis) allows Secco to liquefy and travel through the ground. In other news, Bruno is basically dead, and he's at peace with it. Because Jojo.

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