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S19.E01: We Are Orlando

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Content Note: Story from Pulse shooting

A friend's cousin was shot at Pulse. He survived. He only told his cousin where he was when it happened. The rest of his family thinks he was mugged (strong denial and homophobia let his family believe that odd coincidence). He is alive because someone stayed with him and put pressure on his wounds, at one point using a body to help them because he had been shot in the leg and chest. At his request I carried the picture of his colleague who died in the shooting at our local Pride Parade. So I'll watch, and I'll fall apart, and I'll pick up the pieces again and keep going. Because that's what we, as a community, do again and again and again and . . . .

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I wept all the way through watching this. So important to hear these stories, but it was so hard. So much pain. When the Philly cousin talked about how she remembered something she wanted to tell her cousin & called her phone, I lost it. (I'm glad they didn't film the therapy session.)

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It was good meeting some survivors and hearing their stories. However, the staged/produced meetings and other aspects made this feel more like a reality tv show then a documentary, which took me out of it. I also quickly tired of all the trite phrases handed out, about how 'it'll take time' and 'stay positive' and "god...." as if those words mean shit when you're going through traumatic greif. Just interviewing the survivors and getting their stories would have been better. I'm hoping the gaycation episode on the Orlando massacre will be better.

Edited by Glade
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