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S01.E19: Modus Vivendi

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Stephen’s hard work as a double agent seems to be paying off with a potential truce between the Tomorrow People and Ultra. Still untrusting, Cara sends Russell to meet with The Founder. Jedikiah is now on the run and is desperate to keep Ultra from discovering his secret. Meanwhile, with the help of Hillary, Stephen tries to contact his dad once again.


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I spent the majority of this episode saying to myself "w.t.f.?" 

So Stephen sets up a romantic date presumably to end in bed with his girlfriend at his mom's home? Where was she? And was his brother upstairs listening?

Oh and my weekly question: how is Stephen doing in school?

And why on earth are three women fighting over Stephen? He's a high school kid! I'd rather John!

I just love how the founder is everyone's best friend when two episodes ago they wanted him dead! Continuity much?

And I still don't get what bringing Stephens father back from the dead will do.

Oh and thanks for bringing ultra agents to your underground hideout! 

So Stephen sets up a romantic date presumably to end in bed with his girlfriend at his mom's home? Where was she? And was his brother upstairs listening?

His mom was working and Luca had something with soccer. 

What irks me are the high school students drinking with no trouble. I believe that was Astrid doing shots with Russel. If they had only made Stephen and Astrid college students it wouldn't bother me, but as it is, it does. 

Hated the first half, but loved the second. OMG! I have no words for what John must have been going through this episode, but Luke sold me on every moment of it. Still and always will be the best thing about this show are John and his scenes with Jedikiah. Wonder if John can have scenes as good as those with Roger?

Russell continues to be the main reason I watch this show. I love that he taught Tim to say "suck it!" I can't remember if he said it in reference to Jed or the founder, but I approve of either. I was worried when Cara decided to end Russell up to Ultra though. She can suck it too. Russell is too awesome to be risked! Send in a red shirt!


I was also worried when Russell started eating the caviar and drinking the booze. Even before the founder made his not so funny joke, I was already thinking dude, he could be poisoning you or giving you something so they can track you or SOMETHING! And then he handed over his watch and I was like damn it, Russell, what if that's a tracking device or a watch that will suppress your powers? Don't be seduced by the watch! And why does getting expensive snacks mean that the truce is legit and not a trap? Oh, Russell.


The one good thing about this episode was that stuff actually happened. Ultra found Jed's hiding place, Stephen brought his dad back, Nina knows about the underground lair, everyone knows Stephen is hooking up with Hillary, and we know that Hillary is a two faced traitor. Why am I not surprised that she is playing Stupid Stephen? Another good thing this week: very little Cara, which definitely made the episode better.


And why aren't the Tomorrow People a little more selective about who they allow into their lair? How does teleporting work? Is it like the floo network in Harry Potter where you just have to know where you want to go? Because if that's the case, then it seems like half of Ultra can get to the lair now.

Cara really didn't have anyone else besides Russell to be the emissary for the TPs?  I mean, compared to most of these characters, Russell is in the top half, but I'm not sure I would trust that guy with a whole lot of responsibility, especially negotiating with The Founder.  Thankfully for them, it seems that The Founder has bigger plans, and would probably go with the truce no matter what, for now.

Astrid's presence tonight just reminds me of how problematic Stephen/Hilary is, after their past.  It was just so weird that they were pretty much playing Hilary trying to kill Astrid for laughs and like it was no biggie.  Did Stephen even actually talk to Astrid about it?  Then again, knowing him, he'd just be "Sorry, Astrid!  I know she tried to kill you, but have you seen her in her underwear/naked?  Totally worth it!"  Of course, it now looks like Hilary is working for The Founder, but judging from her face at the very end, I'm guessing she's having second thoughts.

John and Jed together are always great.  Luke Mitchell and Mark Pellegrino continue to rise about the material.  Glad that it looks like Roger is finally coming back, because this is what the show probably needs.  I do think it's been getting better, but it still has a way to go.

The show is finally picking up for me and like thuganomics says it is because things are starting to happen.  I agree Jed and John are still the best things about the show.  From the beginning they have pretty much risen above the material given to them and now that they are being given even more...well I am very happy.

But for the first time I was pissed as hell at Astrid!  She finds out Stephen is sleeping with the enemy (Hillary) and all she does is give him sad puppy dog eyes.  I wanted her to confront him and chew him out; what the hell kind of friend is he?  She almost got killed, saved John, overcame her very reasonable fears (with John's help).  She is awesome!  Don't let Stephen get away with his crap.

And I had to laugh at Stephen's staging of his house for the big seduction scene with Hillary.  He had some no doubt expensive wine (champagne?) chilling in an ice bucket!  WTF?  He is supposed to be a teenager.  He has a 6 pack of some cheap beer in the fridge.  The show runners drive me up the wall with their inconsistencies.

After having some time to process this episode, I have a few somewhat more coherent thoughts about it.

Actually really like John's reaction to Jedikiah telling him he's absolved ... that it kind of hinges on whether or not Roger actually wakes up and is able to walk out of there. Really want to see a scene with just Roger and John, want to know if it would be as powerful as John and Jedikiah's scenes. Another thing I love about the episode is the visuals. Luke's acting (staying back and just looking lost or sick or anxious or all of the above) and the directing or shot set up ... such as John standing behind those bars. Loved that John refused to kill the Ultra agent. Thinking about it, I wonder if he would have been more likely to shoot the agent if Cassie had not just been killed recently.

I wish the scene with John and Stephen's mom on the subway was longer or had some more dialogue. The way he was acting was killing me, but I wanted a bit more to that scene. Kind of understand why he was acting that way, but wanted more interaction between the two. John seemed like he was on edge. I'm sure it's because all of this happened so fast and that was not how it was supposed to be, so it was even more unlikely that they would save him. Poor, John! He's been through so much on this show already and I don't think it's going to get any easier for him in these last few episodes.

I'll be watching but very tempted not to just so the show doesn't undo what it's done with Jedikiah since he left Ultra. He seemed to be truly dedicated to protecting his brother and I don't want it to just be because he wants his powers, which will probably be the case. Except for attacking Luca (really stupid but he was desperate), his scenes with Stephen (him telling Stephen to figure out who he is and that his humanity will save them all and I think there was another one, but can't think of it right now), he really came across as family being very important to him. Again, I don't want it to turn out to be all about him getting powers. He seemed truly sincere in wanting John's forgiveness and to me that indicates he really does care for and/or, dare I say it, love John like a son.

One last thing, the scene of Jedikiah and Marla operating on Roger was not the time to have so many of the nameless/usually faceless TPs of the lair hanging around. If they hadn't had such a big group there, maybe there could have been more with John ... but I'm biased that way. lol Plus, it's not the most sanitary conditions to be operating in the first place, but  pretty sure all those people hanging around didn't help either.

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