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Jon Snow is dead.

Yes, but just in case anybody forgot, the title reminds us all that Melisandre is both coincidentally nearby and, with Stannis off correcting grammar for the angels, in sudden dire need of a new meal ticket. We know that clerics of her deity can reanimate the dead. So I figure her choices are:

Go find the hacked up corpse of Stannis, dust him off, and enjoy his absolutely no army, or

Team up with Davos and have a zany boating adventure, preferably on a pirate ship, in which they look for Gendry, assuming they even still remember him, or

Figure that even if Jon Snow isn't a secret Targaryan, he still may well be the key to the north.

As they say in Ashai: Sansa Schmansa!


Daenerys meets a strong man.

Didn't she already do this in Season 1 ? Poor Danaerys. They do like to run her in circles and call it a motif. I hope that this time, the strong man gets up in her grill and the dragon just immediately eats him. I'd also like it if she could somehow steal all the Dothraki horses, but let's be serious here. If every single one of those horses doesn't just flee for its life the second a flying dinosaur rears up and starts killing, I'm gonna have to just assume that they're blind or brain damaged or something, because no way are they trained not to be terrified of dragons.


Cersei sees her daughter again.

Blah! Who cares? Unless the family reunion involves Cersei on a pile of dead peasants playing Twister with FrankenMountain, I would much rather see Myrcella stuck on a zany violent road adventure with Jaime, or Bron. Or even a nice scene with Myrcella and Tommen together, while Ser Pounce gives a lecture on how, sometimes, in times of overpopulation, one must work to keep the ecosystem balanced by hunting sparrows.


Meanwhile, somewhere in Braavos: 

Arya: I don't see anything about my story arc in that synopsis.

A Man: Well, duh!

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Her body is currently traveling on a boat headed back to KL...so I guess it's funny haha that Cersei will "meet" her again.

Yeah, HBO has always been cute with the episode descriptions. The episode when Sam killed the Whitewalker said, "Sam and Gilly meet an older gentlemen." and when Jaime lost his hand it was, "Jaime makes a bad deal."

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