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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)


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I'd been drawn to this one since I saw the trailer. But along with Triple 9, it seems to be an early 2016 film that wastes its cast turning in an adequate movie over a good or great one.


There's no shortage of heavy hitters between Fey, Freeman, Thorton, and Molina. And Margot Robbie is obviously a star on the rise. It just felt like it couldn't quite figure out the plot to support the character piece. A little more time to let the audience figure out Kim's motivations for leaving would have gone a long way instead of the allusion, and later expositional reveal.


The best character who's motivations we saw flushed out was probably actually Fahim.

I saw this film last night and came out think it was alright but that the latter half was a lot better than the first. I suspect that it's because of what Traveller519 says because we finally get to understand why Kim is there. I could have done without so many Liz Lemon moments . All the gags about Kim's looks sounded like the 30 Rock crew had relocated to Kabul. Which was funny because I couldn't help but notice that she had really great hair in the movie.

However I did enjoy that ending.

I really like that Tina Fey has been slowly stretching herself as an actress since finishing 30 Rock. I thought she did a really good job in this movie and would love to see her continue to try out new things. Ideally it would be great to see her do something in the vein of Lily Tomlin's role in Grandma, which I only mention specifically because I think the tone would work really well for Fey; something super funny that contains some good drama. Although Fey did work with the director and Tomlin in Admission.  

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I just watched this movie. Unfortunately, I was seriously preoccupied with some real life matters and I couldn't make a serious effort to concentrate on it.

But from what I did get, it seemed to be kind of bland. It just plodded along. It wasn't very entertaining - not to me anyway.

I kept expecting Tina Fey to do something comedic but she never did. I recall someone in this thread said they didn't think she was a very strong dramatic actor and her real talent was in comedy. I would have to agree with that.

The reason I'm making this post is to say that several people seemed to be outraged or angered by this movie. It's probably my own fault for failing to make a serious or concentrated effort to focus on the film. But I just don't understand what it is that people object to.

Was it all the Muslim restrictions and the nastiness that was related to the clash of the religions?

I'm thinking I should watch it again. But I'd really appreciate if someone could tell me just why people seem to be so upset about this movie. I'd really like to have some idea of just what I should watch for if I do watch it a second time.

Edited by LauraAnders

I just watched a movie (I think it was a very recent movie) that played the Harry Nilsson song (Can't Live) "Without You".

When I heard it, I was just blown away. I know that I heard it before but I never realized how powerful and hauntingly beautiful it was.

But I can't remember which movie it was from. I thought it was "Collateral Beauty" (starring Will Smith). But I searched through it and I guess I was mistaken.

Does anyone know which film it was from? I'd really like to watch that movie again.

Thank you ever so much.

This was making me crazy.  I spent an hour using Google to no avail.

The song was amazing. It prompted me to read about Harry Nilsson's life. I was so sad to learn that he had a business manager or agent who cheated him out of all his money and left him penniless just as his career was ending. He suffered a massive heart attack and died at age 52 after that. She got two years in prison and never repaid a cent.

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