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Neighbours (AU) - General Discussion

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They probably hired Josh because it's a cheaper to hire him than someone older and more qualified, and they're going to train him up anyway (and also, as they said, they think that because he was semi-famous he might attract more customers). I guess he does have lots of experience in the gym as well, so he'd know how to use all the machines and stuff (although obviously managing the gym involves a lot more than that). Maybe they also thought that he'd be a good manager because Terese manages Lassiter's? I dunno.


Nate is Alex Kinski's nephew. (Not sure if you need more backstory than that; Alex was Susan's husband but he died not long after he and Susan got married. Alex was also Zeke and Rachel's dad.)

Edited by neutron

They probably hired Josh because it's a cheaper to hire him than someone older and more qualified, and they're going to train him up anyway (and also, as they said, they think that because he was semi-famous he might attract more customers). I guess he does have lots of experience in the gym as well, so he'd know how to use all the machines and stuff (although obviously managing the gym involves a lot more than that). Maybe they also thought that he'd be a good manager because Terese manages Lassiter's? I dunno.





IMO it's a plot point.  Creating fissures in the Willis family.  They are setting Therese up to be the bad gal in the Paige drama.  I remember Paige handing her DNA sample to Therese.  Not smart.  If it does not match, it will be because Therese tampered with it.  


I kind of get Imogene because who would expect to be friends after a thing like that?  Josh seems over it now, but even so.  And Imogene having a crush on Daniel is nice if that's the reason, but they have not set that up too well, as she also has a crush on Mark.  

I don't think Imogen likes Brennan anymore (not since he said he wasn't interested and she was all humiliated and stuff), but I also don't think she really likes Daniel either, she's probably just jealous because when Daniel first arrived it seemed like he was into Imogen, and then when he met Amber he immediately forgot all about her. And I don't think Imogen cared too much at the time because she was into Brennan back then, but now with everything else that's happened (Amber cheating on Josh, Amber "stealing" the school captaincy from Imogen, Paige-related issues, etc), it's like she just can't help being jealous of and angry at Amber so she's finding any reason to be like that. I'd like to see Daniel cheating on Amber with Imogen though, but I don't see it happening.

You know I could see that happening.  It's been put out there.  Paul talked to Daniel about how he'd heard (I guess from Daniel's mother) that he gets himself too deeply involved too fast.  And remember Daniel wanting Amber to move in already.  A little foreshadowing, and maybe he'll be into Imogene next all of a sudden.

That list had been creepy, but it turns out he was visiting each person on it.  I thought he was killing them, lol.  


Having Imogene in to babysit Naomi, lol.  Since Sonya runs her own business, she'd actually be just as busy as Toadie and would not have time to pop in to make sure Naomi is not coming on to him.  


The guy Sheila dated seems pretty nice.   Hope they don't go down the road they so often do with older women and he's not a scammer.

Sheesh Imogen can be so full on.  The actress plays her well though imo.


Oh yeah please not a scammer, have already had that with Sheila.


Lol @ all those people going out into that storm.


I'm all for being spontaneous but I agree with Paul that Daniel is being irresponsible and reckless.

Edited by Nozycat

I agree there's something wrong with Daniel if he can't just go to work.  Going to work is not failing to put your girlfriend first.  Daniel should get together with Phoebe of Summer Bay.  They'd be perfect for each other.  


Paul is sure busy trying to wreck others' relationships.  


Yes, soap characters must go to save others, regardless of the danger!  



Yeah and walking out in the middle of your shift is just rude imo.  Hahaha, yes to Daniel and Phoebe.


Not just to save each other, Amber and Daniel were out in it just for fun, Brennan and Paige went on a date, Susan was at a meeting etc - ridiculous.  Bailey, the youngest, was the only one smart enough to stay inside.

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lol so true.  They surely didn't listen to the weather warnings.  Bailey's the one who is into science so he got it.


Now that The Kiss is out they've got that trauma to deal with too.  Not sure the kids needed to know - maybe they do if they see tension between their parents.  But then they could just say it's an issue between us, we both love you of course, etc.   

I don't think they were planning to tell the kids, it's just that Imogen happened to overhear Brad and Terese arguing about it, and obviously she was going to tell Josh, and so it would've been silly for Matt and Lauren to try to prevent Bailey and Amber from finding out. I bet Paige will go back to her old manipulative self trying to get Brad and Lauren back together. Not that I'm complaining – that would probably be good to watch.


The baby wombat was so cute!


What was with that scene when that random dude dropped some rubbish and Paul told him to pick it up because he's the mayor, and then after the guy put it in the bin the camera zoomed in on Paul as he made that weird face? Haha.

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Oh my goodness, that baby wombat was so adorable.


I think that was Paul getting his mojo back.  He didn't want to be mayor again and in that moment he got back to liking the feeling of power.


Yeah I thought they over involved the kids too, but not sure how they could have handled it differently once Imogen had overheard.

Oh, yeah I realised it was Paul getting his mojo back, I just found it weird. :P


I thought the kids all handled it pretty well. All of them seemed to immediately forgive Brad and Lauren.


I LOLed when Imogen was like, "Daniel was so scared of the wombat; you should've seen him, he's such an idiot." Looks like they might even be going down the route I mentioned a few weeks ago, where Daniel and Imogen eventually cheat on Amber.

It seems like Paul has been replaced.  Don't know the constitution of Erinsborough, lol, but does the other lady have the job until the council votes Paul gets it back.  Doesn't matter, I bet she's his next love interest.  


Eww, I hope not – I hate her! I want Paul and Terese to cheat on Brad so he can run off with Lauren. :P

They sure got Paul his mayorship back quickly and easily.


Paul and Terese could actually make a good couple I think but I don't want the 2 marriages to break up.


Really Brad and Lauren, you think it's appropriate to keep meeting up under the circumstances?  And what was up with Lauren running straight to Brad in the restaurant?  No wonder Terese and Matt are having difficulties dealing with it.

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Naomi was funny this episode.  Of course there is an issue with Alan.  Old people romances never go too well, lol.  


Is Lauren really in love with Brad all along?  Interesting question.  It's been so long, she's probably over it and was only thinking about him because of Paige.  


I liked the Imogene - Naomi friendship cropping up.  





I'll be bummed if Alan turns out to be another dud.  I wish they'd let Sheila have a good relationship.


I hate the way Brad and Lauren keep meeting up.  I find that totally disrespectful of their partners and like they are throwing it in their face.


Of course Daniel thinks it's ok to try and break up someone else's relationship for 'luuurve', but I bet he wouldn't like it so much if it was done to him.

I think it's a little hard for them to avoid meeting up, and it's kind of unfair on Paige if they can't meet up, considering she's never been able to spend any time with her parents before. But the way they regularly discuss how things are going at home and with their respective spouses is a bit unnecessary, I agree.


So the Blue Box has made a comeback! ;)

They don't have to meet in the street and spend ages talking to each other, they could just wave, say hi and keep going.  Brad doesn't deliberately have to go into Harold's to talk to Lauren.  They could just give it some time before both meeting up with Paige and Brad could have at least let Terese know what he was going to do.  I just think they are deliberately inflaming the situation.


Oh ewww, I don't want to know about the blue box and what is in it, lol.

By the way they were going on about it, sounds like there's a lot more than that in there now, haha, but I think there used to only be the cheerleading stuff.


That bit with Josh in the spa was kind of dumb – as if you could expect to go in someone else's spa naked and not get caught. Although Naomi didn't think as quickly as she normally does, e.g. she could have yelled "What is THAT?!" and pointed in the other direction and given Josh a chance to breathe while Sheila looked the other way, and then she could've run inside and Sheila would've followed her. But obviously it was just a plot thing and they wanted Sheila to find out.

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That lady who is trying to scam Paul is going to lose - don't scam a scammer!


Daniel is really dumb.  How do you make that announcement at someone else's wedding, without having cleared it with your fiancee, and not have lighting strike you down?  Those two have no business being engaged and it's really unlikely they will get married any time soon.  Daniel probably thinks it is going to be soon.  


Looks like Nate is bad news.  And he brushes Chris off, like he's the one who is a problem for wanting to talk about it.  

I like Josh turning over a new leaf.  Naomi may do that too though I see from the previews there is a diversion.  Move on, Naomi.  Stop with the married men.  


I'm having some issues over a punch being able to cause so much of a trauma.  Josh was an athlete, I guess.  A concussion maybe, but one that it is possible to recover from.  Carl calling it TBI may indicate some future anger issues for Chris.  With Nate already having those issues, it could be bad.


Toadie's stance is absurd.  It is unethical to represent either side on this as he knows both personally.  It's not the "ethics card" it is actually what is ethical.  Representing Josh is not the "right" thing to do.  

I'm having some issues over a punch being able to cause so much of a trauma.  Josh was an athlete, I guess.  A concussion maybe, but one that it is possible to recover from.  Carl calling it TBI may indicate some future anger issues for Chris.  With Nate already having those issues, it could be bad.


It wasn't just the punch, Kim; didn't Chris hit his head when he fell? And anyway, haven't people died in real life from being punched in the head?


I'm really liking Josh and his storylines at the moment. Some people hate Josh but I reckon he has had the best and most interesting storylines and character development over the past year. Before he went out with Amber he was arrogant and annoying, but he got much nicer when he was with Amber, and then there was the whole Hudson/drugs thing, and then getting into the Commonwealth games and dealing with all the fame and attention, and then the shoulder injury that meant he couldn't swim anymore, and then he got into drugs a bit, and somewhere along the way he forgave Mason for convincing him to go abseiling, then there was going back to school and having to repeat Year 11, then ending up in hospital and finding out he was allergic to alcohol, then realising Daniel was interested in Amber and making a huge effort to be a good boyfriend, then being fined by the police for skateboarding illegally, then finding out that Amber was cheating on him, then finding out Paige was his sister, then getting the job at the gym that he wasn't qualified for, and getting together with Naomi, then finding out that Brad kissed Lauren, then breaking up with Naomi and finding out about Daniel and Amber getting engaged, and now the whole Chris situation. He's handling it all much better than he would've when he first moved into Ramsay Street.

Yes it was Chris hitting his head when he fell that did the damage.  It happens a lot and why we now have the coward punch laws, one punch and the person falls and hits their head on the concrete.


Heh, yes Josh has been through a lot hasn't he.


I agree Toadie should not be working for his friends, especially when other friends are involved on the other side.

Dakota is so obvious, how does Paul not see it?  At least Brennan saw it straight away, but now he is being stupid too, flirting with her in Harold's and not telling Paige what he is doing.  


Yes looked like a mug shot, not sure what the point of that was.


Wow and lol @ Amber, what a teenage thing to do, using all the facilities of home while asserting her independence.

Edited by Nozycat

I don't think Amber and Daniel were necessarily trying to show that they could be independent, because they said they wanted Matt, Lauren, and Paul's support but would do things their own way if they couldn't get it. So if Lauren is willing to let Amber use the house, but won't let her and Daniel live together, then living in the car but coming back home doesn't seem to be going against what they said they were going to do. But anyway, if they can't even afford to live together in a unit then maybe it's not the smartest move to be getting married just yet, lol. And they should definitely wait until Amber has finished school before moving out.


How old was Alice's grandma?! She didn't look much older than Lauren! I thought she was supposed to be Alice's mum at first, haha. Lol at the scene with her and Lou. :P

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Yes I enjoyed that ep too, it gave a good overview of their time I think although much of it was before my time with Neighbours.


I enjoyed the wedding, thought it was lovely and glad Chris made it.  Really Georgia, you couldn't simply ring Honga?  Did he make it there after all that, I didn't hear them say.


I makes no sense to me that Brennan would be so stupid as to not tell Paige what he is up to and parade around in the open with Dakota, who is also stupid and so easily caught out.

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So Susan and Carl are not leaving?  


Malcolm, and Nell were cute.  I remember the Jade issues - is this the same actor playing Malcolm?  Kind of amazing what they can do with baby actors.  I wonder how long it takes to get her on film doing what they want her to do.


I'm actually feeling bad for Josh.  He wouldn't have thought it could end up this bad.  





Yep, looks like Susan and Karl are going to stick around. And yes, Mal has always been played by Benji McNair (whenever he has been on the show in the past 20 years).


I assume they just play with Nell a lot and film it all and then work her storylines around funny things she does. But I guess she's at an age now where she can understand some things, so maybe they can also tell her to do stuff and then she does it.


Yeah, poor Josh. That was so nice of Daniel to buy all of Josh's trophies and then give them back to him.

Nell is absolutely gorgeous.


Yes very nice of Daniel.


I also liked how Matt looked after Daniel in the face of Amber being so angry with him and that they then found out quickly what he did.


Great mothering Terese - not.  I have been really annoyed at how she keeps trying to stop Josh from doing the right thing and seems to be angry at him for it instead of proud and supportive that he is being so responsible.  And she didn't even go for the talk.  I know she is trying to protect him but she is not seeing the bigger picture imo.


Wow Terese, I thought that was awful that she kicked Paige out again.  And Brad is so whipped, he just accepted it and even did her dirty work for her.


How stupid were Sonya and Toadie sitting around their house naked when people just wander in and out of each others' houses in that street. And who just walks into a complete strangers' home?  Must be catching in Ramsey St.  And of course she would be a naturist and they aren't assertive enough to tell her the truth.

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Yes, that was strange.  I suppose she did that for Paige, but it didn't seem like the relationship was that close even when they conceived Paige.  


The story with Chris and Josh is really pretty good.  


Amber and Daniel actually live in the car?  LOL.  That's got to be uncomfortable.  Though attacks on her are not Daniel's fault.  She's a big girl and decided to stay there.  You can tell she wants to go back home, though.  The emphasis on Paige being there, drawing like Lauren, and then being in on the Skype with Lou was less than subtle!


How dumb of Kyle not to realize you still have deleted emails in the trash and have to delete them from there too.  Worst hacker ever.  LOL.  

I was originally thinking that Lauren just accidentally slipped up when she mentioned Brad's cooking, because I've always thought she still liked him a bit but just liked Matt more. I guess I was wrong though; I doubt she would have lied in her journal. Also, I don't get why she was so angry at Matt for reading her journal. I get that journals are private, but when she started writing in it she told him she was only writing in it because she couldn't talk to him about the things she was writing because he didn't want her to. So shouldn't that mean that there's nothing in there that she wouldn't be willing to say to his face anyway?


That fight scene between Brad and Terese in tonight's episode was kind of weird. It seemed like Brad was talking disproportionately louder than Terese so he just sounded silly and over the top.


Couldn't they have given Paige a better injury than a burnt hand? As if she needs to rest for days and days just because of that. Also, lol at her awkward conversation with Brennan.


How dumb of Kyle not to realize you still have deleted emails in the trash and have to delete them from there too.  Worst hacker ever.  LOL.


Yeah, Kyle and Georgia: biggest noobs.

Edited by neutron

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