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Pentatonix: Season 3 Champs

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Just did a quick search looking for additional details and interesting tidbits...

RCA is behind the Ghostbusters soundtrack, so putting PTX on it was probably an easy sell. I'm happy the label continues to not forget PTX is on their artist roster. Also, the soundtrack drops July 15--the movie's debut.

I haven't come across anything regarding PTX's contribution--do they have a song all to themselves? Will it be a cover or one of their originals?

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I would NOT want to be the person, or group, having to redo the Ray Parker Jr. song. Hopefully that's not the job they get, because even though it will have the most exposure of any song off that, it will also get the most criticism/hate. 

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2 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:


An interesting panel about live streaming for musicians with Jonathan Kalter, PTX's manager, a lawyer, and hosted by a tech expert. Kalter points out that PTX is an unusual group since they still have 40% of their sales being physical copies of their albums. 

Can someone translate this article into stupid for me?  How do people even begin to find out how to avail themselves of the streaming services?  My only context for this is that I know PTX has done Livestream and YouNow.  Basically, the only parts of the panel discussion I understood were the words "Johnathan Kalter" and Pentatonix.  Everything else sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher.

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2 hours ago, Geeze said:

Can someone translate this article into stupid for me?  How do people even begin to find out how to avail themselves of the streaming services?  My only context for this is that I know PTX has done Livestream and YouNow.  Basically, the only parts of the panel discussion I understood were the words "Johnathan Kalter" and Pentatonix.  Everything else sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher.

No huge mystery. It's like any event--it gets announced and then people watch. It gets publicized via twitter, instagram, facebook etc. and that's new compared to the olden days when there were just P.R. press releases, printed articles, calling up ticketmaster, and going to see someone live.

The "how" is that these different streaming services are typically their own dedicated "apps" you have to download individually. So you'd find out via an artists twitter or instagram feed that a streaming service is going to stream something, get that app, then tune in at the right time. It's basically live TV, minus the TV, but adding in a stupid little chat feature in many cases where the artists might see thousands of questions pop up, cherry pick a few to answer live during the broadcast, giving, if we're being frank, an illusion of interactivity (it IS spontaneous, but it's of course only interactive due to random chance with the few people they respond to). 

Interesting that Yahoo and it's streaming got left out that piece, when PTX has actually done a major live concert stream via that (they were on stage doing an actual concert, so I suppose there wasn't even any chat portion involving them). Most often I think the livestreams are just used to sit, face the camera, and answer questions though, no singing. Or the way morons like the Kardashians use it is to "stream" some "insider" view of an event that's going on already around them (like how tonight as I type this, when Kanye basically shut down New York City with his moronic 2am concert stunt, Kim was livestreaming stuff from their limo to her "Kim Kardashian app"--so it was just her and Kanye riding around the edge of the crowd Kanye caused. 

Periscope seems to be the big player now (although it's annoying because it's hard to watch because it's a big long skinny box). 

I can't say I understand all of the talk about how the monetization is happening. As far as I know all of the major streaming services are free.  The Kim Kardhashian app is actually the one big exception, because you pay for the app. But I guess there are banner ads involved, and maybe you get streamed video ads tossed at you with some of them. Plus, they're being used to sell stuff indirectly, like Pentatonix albums and concert tickets (via getting them press), so there's that. Most of the point of that article seems to be that it's basically close to zero cost to produce content.  Although the flip side is that short of someone actually doing something like singing on a stream, they're really terribly boring. I mean I guess if it's Q&A you can fool yourself into thinking it's more interactive and interesting, but... mostly it's not.

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Eternally late to the party but I was doing a Pentatonix live performance pub crawl and came across the following.  You kind of  get used to the beauty and wonder that are Avi and Kevin and Mitch......oy, but Scott Hoying is a freaking BEAST!  His voice is just so versatile.  They all just make it look so efforless.

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More tour dates announced! This September there will be new stops in Adelaide (Australia), Auckland (New Zealand), Bangkok (Thailand), Taipei (Taiwan), Hong Kong--as well as return visits to Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane (Australia), Singapore, Manila (Philippines) and Seoul (South Korea).

Edited by SrPab
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TBH, I think Pentatonix dodged a bullet with the Ghostbusters theme song getting covered by FOB and Missy Elliott (who I didn't even know still had a career) instead because I just finished listening to their version and Jesus fuck my eye Christ, that may just be one of the worst movie theme song covers I've ever heard. FOB, who I usually like, tried too hard to modernize it and the instruments sound like something you'd hear in hell. Also, PTX's (hopefully better) version won't even be in the movie.

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If you're talking about the upload to the FallOutBoyVEVO channel on YT, I just listened to it once all the way through...and that's all I have to say about it for now. The Like/Dislike ratio for it is not encouraging--but some of it could be a by-product of the general vitriol aimed at the movie.

Personally, I think I'd like PTX's version to be more of an a cappella homage to the original theme song--with a few drops of that PTX special sauce for added flavor.

2 hours ago, septicptx0104 said:

TBH, I think Pentatonix dodged a bullet with the Ghostbusters theme song getting covered by FOB and Missy Elliott (who I didn't even know still had a career) instead because I just finished listening to their version and Jesus fuck my eye Christ, that may just be one of the worst movie theme song covers I've ever heard. FOB, who I usually like, tried too hard to modernize it and the instruments sound like something you'd hear in hell. Also, PTX's (hopefully better) version won't even be in the movie.

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On 6/24/2016 at 4:56 AM, septicptx0104 said:

TBH, I think Pentatonix dodged a bullet with the Ghostbusters theme song getting covered by FOB and Missy Elliott (who I didn't even know still had a career) instead because I just finished listening to their version and Jesus fuck my eye Christ, that may just be one of the worst movie theme song covers I've ever heard. FOB, who I usually like, tried too hard to modernize it and the instruments sound like something you'd hear in hell. Also, PTX's (hopefully better) version won't even be in the movie.

There are 3 songs that don't appear in the movie and it includes PTX's take on "Ghostbusters." (Zayn + Wolf Alice)

On 6/10/2016 at 11:18 PM, SrPab said:

More tour dates announced! This September there will be new stops in Adelaide (Australia), Auckland (New Zealand), Bangkok (Thailand), Taipei (Taiwan), Hong Kong--as well as return visits to Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane (Australia), Singapore, Manila (Philippines) and Seoul (South Korea).

Demand is crazy! Syd/Melb/Bris all sold out in less than 3 hrs once it when on sale to the general public. Seems like they won't be adding shows like last time. With all the logistics it would be difficult to change venues as well. Know a lot of people who missed out.

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An exclusive to Japan's "Super Edition" PTX takes on Japan's Pop/Techno/Dance girl group 'Perfume.'

4 Song medley - Polyrhythm, Chocolate Disco, Spending all my time & Pick Me Up

It's been posted on their VEVO channel. However, some Jap fans have posted it on Twitter.

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They've sung in phonetic Korean, phonetic French...and now phonetic Japanese. Oh, there was a bit of La Bamba in Evolution Of Music. And some Latin (Christus Factus Est). Any other languages?

ETA: How could I forget...Kirstin's vocals are *prominent* in the Perfume Medley mix. I think her voice is suited to J-Pop.

Edited by SrPab
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On 7/12/2016 at 1:23 PM, septicptx0104 said:

Mitch and Scott are featured in this tribute to the Orlando shooting victims called Hands.


"Hands" - A Song for Orlando (Lyric Video)

Although I think it should be noted they are in the video but not singing.  They're bunched in there as "YouTube contributors".

The line in the song about a million hands building a wall seems like a real direct shot, by the way, at the Trumpnation.

I will say this, this progression of We Are The World type songs for Orlando is filling me with lukewarmness. It no longer seems enough to make nice songs about how sad we are about tragedies vs. actually doing something about them (aka - forcing congress to pass gun legislation). 

Edited by Kromm
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Now, there's a sponsorship that makes perfect sense! Getting a corporate sponsor is important when they gave as big a stage show as they do now. (And for anyone who wants to say that they're selling out, I just saw a Rice Krispies commercial from the 1960s with the Rolling Stones singing in it, and "selling out" is as old as pop music itself.)

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Ricola is clearly a brilliant sponsorship for a singing group.

Fisherman's Friend might be even better (less sugar I believe), but I'm supposing the bird in hand is better than the one who's not flying anywhere near you.

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<sarcasm>But wouldn't PTX shilling cat litter or adult diapers be the bee's knees?</sarcasm>

It would surely be meme-worthy as Tumblr would have a field day.

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Mitch and Scott have a new music video out, a cover of Katy Perry's "Rise," sung with Mario Jose, Mary Lambert, and Brian Justin Crum (currently on America's Got Talent, which I don't watch but just might start, because this guy has an amazing voice!). 

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That sounds good.  It's ironic that even when they allow instrumentation and do an independent project, they wind up with a five person group though!  Although I have to say that whole thing of collabing virtually (because it's all one-shots) is not my favorite thing. To me it puts it all on editing and I never personally feel the heart (especially on the harmonies).

Mitch really is committed to that Cancer Patient look, isn't he? I probably shouldn't even joke about that though. But man I can't say I totally get the aesthetic.

Mary Lambert (who I sometimes confuse with Miranda through the name but only for a second) is a great choice for this, but argh. Someone needs to tell her that ombre hair is doing her no favors. I'm not even sure it worked for most people when it WAS in style 8 years ago, but now it's just a combination of both looking out of style but ALSO bad on it's own aside from that. 

Clearly they were in the same room as at least ONE of those other three though. I mean they made this:

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1 hour ago, SrPab said:

The PTX Librarian twitter account (via Pentatonix Serbia) comes through again! But, it seems the release date for Jolene could now be Sep. 16.

Jolene seems a strange match for them (although they ARE from Texas) until you get to the "singing with Dolly Parton" part. I guess that CMA appearance really did leave a permanent stamp on their career. 

Probably a pretty good career rule: If Dolly Parton wants to sing with you, you answer "when, please?"

Amazon pre-order link: https://www.amazon.com/Jolene-Pentatonix-feat-Dolly-Parton/dp/B01LRZ4UH0

Which yes, also confirms the date as the 16th.

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Simple, but effective artwork:


I hope they actually were able to record in the same room as Dolly. It would really suck if it was just collab-via-editing/mixing.

Edited by Kromm
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Of course it's Cracker Barrel (slapping myself upside the head for not knowing that).

It's not bad (certainly Dolly singing is never going to be bad), but I'd be lying if I said I loved the arrangement. I know it would be a mistake to break the song up into too many different solos, so I'm glad that didn't happen, but they went too far the other way. It takes 1:20 before we can really hear any other voice besides Dolly, and Dolly's voice in the background behind a different lead is actually one of the best parts of the song. They needed to break down the song a bit more, a lot earlier on and rely a lot less on "ahhh oohhhhs" being the bulk of the PTX part. It's such a simple song though, I know it's a challenge to rearrange. 

And I keep saying it... Mitch looking like a cross between a cancer patient and an alien? One of these days I might get it... but I don't yet. 



BTW: how did THIS never get posted here last month?

See... THAT'S a good arrangement. It's kissing up a bit to their humongous Japanese fan base, but it sounds so good it totally transcends that.

Edited by Kromm
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I agree that the best part of the song for me, the PTX fan, is when Scott takes the lead. However, I think that the timing of this release means that it is targeted more for the Dolly fan than the PTX one, since she has a new studio album out now. The hit totals so far for the video bear that out, since it's already pushing 900K in just over 12 hours. The last time a PTX video had that many hits that quickly was for their Xmas album in 2014. 

It is a smart collab for PTX, especially with the new Xmas album coming out next month. 

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This collab has a head of steam: more than 2.1 million views in less than 24 hrs; roughly a 99% like-to-dislike ratio. Also, there are some tweets about Country radio getting wind of it. If it ends up getting more (Country format) radio play than anything they've done outside of Christmas music...

Network effects/halo effect shouldn't be discounted. Between this collab, A Pentatonix Christmas, and whatever tv appearances they make during the holiday season--it will all mutually reinforce one another. Although, I did read some online chatter that A Pentatonix Christmas will be released the same day as Lady Gaga's album. I'm optimistic PTX's new Christmas album will sell well--especially from mid-November onward--but it may not peak at #1 on the Billboard 200 album chart (even though it could top the Billboard Holiday Chart). I think it breaks into the top 10 on the Billboard 200, if it's week-to-week drop-off rate is slight.

Regarding the Perfume Medley, it makes sense to me that they'd eventually do something like that for the world's #2 music market. I wonder *when* they'll release a Spanish-language song--perhaps just before they tour Latin America?

Edited by SrPab
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"The album will feature a combination of classic holiday tracks, modern favorites and some original music penned by the group." - Press Release

It does release the same week as Gaga and Buble but it's an Xmas album. Will do well deep into the holiday season which could see it end up as #1 on Billboard 200.

Dolly collab is doing very well on the iTunes chart. May we see another appearance by PTX at the CMA's? Their schedule is free... Sad to some people and a former member of SNC bagging Dolly about collabing with PTX. It's a business. Artists collab with each other all the time. She's promoting her new album, PTX has their tour and its Cracker Barrels 2 spotlight artists. Its not like the arrangements are identical.

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I just listened to the SNC/Dolly version...and their arrangement is markedly different from the PTX/Dolly version. I think Dolly can collab with whomever she wants to. On the flip side, it would not have been wise for PTX to pass up an opportunity like this. Was it insinuated that Dolly was an opportunist for doing this? <rhetorical_whisper>What was her reason for collaborating with SNC back in the day? Did Atlantic bring them together?</rhetorical_whisper>

I've been meaning to ask: Did Cracker Barrel pay for the video? If so, Patreons won't have their credit cards charged for it.

Edited by SrPab
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12 hours ago, SrPab said:

Regarding the Perfume Medley, it makes sense to me that they'd eventually do something like that for the world's #2 music market. 

Well it also doesn't hurt that Perfume is really leagues ahead of most J-Pop. I know they were formed in a blender pretty much the way all J-Pop bands are, and technopop is something that just inherently chaps some people's asses (I mean it's inherently about synthesizers, purposeful use of autotune, and a lot of stuff that's diametrically opposed to a capella), but there's an awful lot of content/innovation in their music, so I see why PTX likes them. In fact, I was just amused to watch a video of theirs which just casually has OK Go in the background playing mannequins in a store window. I wonder if PTX will appear randomly in some Perfume video now. 

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