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The alluring island of Okinawa, which endures tragic memories from World War II battles, is explored by Bourdain from historical, political, cultural and culinary perspectives. The tour includes a bloodless bullfight over a bowl of Yakisoba, a retrospective meal of Tundabun with the city’s former governor, and a demonstration of open-hand karate experienced first-hand by Bourdain.

I get that the U.S. presence is something that has influenced some of Okinawan culture (ha, like taco rice) but I agree that he spent too much time asking EVERY SINGLE PERSON he encountered how they felt about the military bases and the American presence. It's obvious he was fishing for someone to say they hated the bases and wanted the Americans to GTFO. And that's precious time that he could have spent showing us some more delicious food!


I liked most of the other stuff though (the role of Okinawa during WW2, the food, the scenery, etc) which is why I got especially annoyed that he could have spent more time on that stuff if he hadn't insisted on asking everyone about the bases. I dislike when he clearly has an agenda for certain episodes.

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